Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 848 The beginning is difficult

Because it was an unprecedented large-scale and high-risk clearance operation, Lu Yuhao assembled more than a dozen teams, with a total of 70 or 80 people.

When the long motorcade passed through the city gate, even the poor people huddled in the shacks came out of the darkness and stopped to watch.

Lin Fan couldn't bear to see their skinny bodies and numb and desperate eyes, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep in the back seat.

Their car ranked fifth and was a very good off-road vehicle. Lu Yuhao drove the car himself, and there were only three of them in the car.

In the middle of the convoy is a fully enclosed armored vehicle, which contains the materials needed for this operation, all provided by the Lincheng base. An empty truck followed, said to be used to load supplies that might be collected on the road.

Lu Yuhao was very well prepared. Send people in advance to clear away the less dense mutant creatures along the road to maintain sufficient physical strength for the team. Even the team's cars, although they are all different and not uniform, are mostly high-terrain, high-performance C-resistant models.

Perhaps because they are on an alien planet, their sense of belonging is not very strong; or perhaps it is because they have seen the power of mutated creatures and are confident enough in their own strength. Lin Fan sat in the back seat, looking at the winding motorcade and listening to the chat between the two people in front. It felt like going on an outing.

During Lu Yuhao's introduction, they finally learned the official name of the planet - Tiandu Star. Taken from the meaning of Sky City.

Country H also has a term for Tiandu Star, but it refers to one of the seven stars in the south. Obviously, it is different from what it refers to here.

Tiandu Star has a recorded history of more than three thousand years since the establishment of civilization.

The amazing coincidence forced the two Lanxing people to add a few more points to Jin Sichen's guess about the Nuwa test site.

Lu Yuhao also asked a lot of questions.

I know that there is a blue star in the distant solar system, and I know that Noah’s search for the Tiandu star was guided by the Octobos people...

Because of the alien spacecraft and holographic projection, Lu Yuhao took Lanxing's technological progress too far for granted.

Especially when he heard from Antonio that everyone in Lanxing had a "touch-screen microcomputer personal terminal device" and that AI artificial intelligence had been popularized in daily life, the second-generation official who had just used a color-screen button mobile phone showed a look of yearning.

Lin Fan suppressed his laughter as he watched Antonio fool him and apply all the things from science fiction movies to Lan Xing. Lu Yuhao was so stunned that he became more and more solemn in his actions.

Although someone cleared the road in advance, as the route became more and more remote and deep into uninhabited woodland, the complex road conditions still made the convoy's journey extremely slow.

The convoy stopped and went, constantly clearing the road blocked by various things.

Relying on the attributes of Sheniu and his brave performance, Antonio quickly became friends with the superpowers in Lincheng, and they all thought he was a new high-level superpower. Even Lu Yuhao was deeply impressed by his familiar appearance.

At night, in front of the fire in the resting place.

Lin Fan quietly watched Antonio dancing not far away, happily took the bottle handed to him and drank it happily.

They really collected a lot of supplies along the way. They filled the truck that had been specially vacated and couldn't fit it in, so they stuffed it into the armored vehicle. This trip, even if the satellite path was not cleared, the supplies obtained were worth it.

Lu Yuhao walked to her and sat down next to her with two plates of exquisite-looking food. He handed a plate to her: "Ms. Lin, let's have something to eat."

Lin Fan thanked him and took it, eating slowly, watching Antonio as a short video.

"We will enter the forest area tomorrow," Lu Yuhao asked, "Will Miss Lin take action?"

After a few days, he discovered that while the entire group was killing mutant plants, Miss Lin was just standing quietly not far from the battlefield, holding her sword and watching without any intention of taking action. On the contrary, Antonio, whom he always thought was the leader, charged forward every time.

Although it has something to do with his own personality, after observing these days, Lu Yuhao felt that Lin Fan's status was probably higher than Antonio's, or that her force value was higher than Antonio's.

Therefore, expecting Lin Fan to take action every day and wanting to see what her weapons and strength are like have become his most recent wish.

"Yes." Lin Fan replied lazily, "When the time comes, I will naturally take action."

Lin Fan found that he could achieve the purpose of pretending to be sophisticated by talking less.

The less she talks, the more Lu Yuhao feels that she has secrets, and he always looks for opportunities to find out about her. On the contrary, Antonio, who "knew everything", was no longer good after being "emptied out".

"Speaking of which," Lu Yuhao indeed took Lin Fan's perfunctory gesture as a master's gesture and continued nonchalantly, "I don't know what your powers are yet. Although Mr. Antonio's weapons are gold-based, He may not be a metal superpower, right?"

That's true. Lin Fan thought to himself that, strictly speaking, neither of them were considered superpowers. Without the magic weapon, nothing can be done.

Oh, she has a thunder-type external bag, so she can barely be considered a thunder-type?

"He's not." Lin Fan replied politely.

Lu Yuhao waited for a while, but did not wait for the follow-up. He wanted to ask again, but was afraid of making Lin Fan unhappy. Just as he was hesitating, Antonio came and pulled him away.

Lin Fan calmly turned his back and flicked his earrings. A small three-dimensional map was projected on the ground where no one could see it.

"The life forms in this area are very dense," Cen Fangyuan's voice sounded, "It's almost a dense mass. You must be careful tomorrow."

Although Lin Fan and Antonio have strong repair abilities, they are not immortal after all. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and mutant plants have never been seen before. Who knows what bad situation they will face, whether they will be injured or not.

"I know." Lin Fan wrote down the map, said a few words to Cen Fangyuan, and cut off the call.

The weather was not good the next day. The sky was gloomy. Tiandu Star's golden wheel, which Lin Fan and the others were accustomed to calling the sun, was hidden in the gray clouds and could not come out. Even the putrid smell in the air was much heavier.

"This is not a good sign." Antonio set up an arbor with his hands and curled his lips as he looked at the forest that seemed to be shrouded in mist.

"Are you paying attention to this now?" Lin Fan looked at the red hair on his head, still having trouble getting used to it.

"Why don't you pay attention to what the School of Supernatural Powers taught you? Time, location, and harmony are all indispensable!" Antonio didn't learn anything useful about superpowers, but he learned a lot about these miscellaneous things.

School of supernatural powers? Lu Yuhao's ears twitched. Lanxing also had an academy dedicated to learning supernatural powers. He was even more certain about the identities of the two high-level superpowers.

People from the Lincheng Superpower Association don't pay attention to Antonio's ideas. They just think that mutated plants shrouded in fog are more troublesome - water vapor will increase the humidity in the air, which is not so friendly to the nemesis of plants - fire superpowers. .

Sure enough, soon after entering the forest, dense plants rolled up.

Possibly due to a relationship that has never been cleaned up, they are larger and denser than the mutated plants seen before.

The superpowers only felt that these yellowing green plants were coming towards them like landslides and tsunamis, while the leaves with jagged edges turned into sharp arrows, shooting at them quickly. The huge sense of oppression made these experienced high-level superpowers feel suffocated.

"Fake!" Antonio was the first to rush forward with his sword, and the first to run back with his head in his hands. "How the hell do you fight?"

A huge earth wall instantly stood up from the ground, blocking the dense blade attacks. But the soil brought out more vines and roots, climbing on the walls to attack everyone.

Fire superpowers try their best to launch various large and small fire walls, fireballs, and rockets. The metal superpower controlled various transformed sharp blades to cut the roots of plants against the ground.

Lu Yuhao, the only one who didn't take action along the way, couldn't stand anymore. He stretched out his arms, and dense fire chains crisscrossed to form a wall, quickly crushing him forward.

He made plans before coming. There is no need to clear the entire forest area, just clear a road leading to the satellite pot, and then clear the circle around the satellite pot.

The journey went quite smoothly. Unexpectedly, the first step towards facing the forest area was almost impossible to get in.

As the president of the Superpower Association and the initiator of the action, Lu Yuhao naturally could not give up easily, but he had already felt the pressure, and a heavy sweat slipped from his forehead.

If they continue to advance like this, their abilities are simply not enough to support them...

He was constantly weighing the gains and losses in his mind, but in the corner of his eye he saw a figure passing by from behind. As fast as the wind, the bodies of the people in front jumped into the air, and there was a metallic sound...

Lin Fan drew her sword in the air...

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