Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 827 Notification

Thanks to Lin Fan's special status, the two elders of the Lin family received the benefit of visiting the shuttle nearby. But the person who took them there was replaced by John Woo.

"I'm busy every day, and I don't see anyone every day. I just don't have enough time..." Lin's mother followed beside Wu Yusen and couldn't help mumbling.

"Stop talking." Father Lin gave Mother Lin a tug and warned her in a low voice, "Don't even look at where this place is."

John Woo didn't want Lin Fan to be complained about so much, so he opened his mouth to defend himself.

"The Forest Department is now rushing to do the last safety inspection before takeoff. There are many inspection items and it takes a long time. We can only go now to finish it before midnight. If it is later, I am afraid it will delay the process tomorrow. After all, the medal ceremony It starts early tomorrow morning.”

"I know, I know." Father Lin replied with a guilty conscience, and then complained to Mother Lin, "Our girl has such a great ability that she needs to be commended by the G family. She must be as busy as she is. Do you think she is the same as you..."

Mother Lin glared at Father Lin, then smiled at John Woo. "I understand, Auntie just... doesn't talk about this, doesn't talk about this."

The shuttle stopped in the open space outside the launch base, some distance away from the rocket on the launch tower.

John Woo specially found a small commuter tram and took his two elders out from the gate of the base. After driving for less than five minutes, he saw a vague shadow in the night ahead.

Further forward, the unstarted shuttle was like a dormant behemoth, dormant low-key in the darkness.

Seeing the two old men coming in, everyone tacitly put down the unpacked equipment and walked out silently.

She was wearing a tight-fitting jumpsuit and some high-tech stuff on her head. She didn't look like she was dressed like a scientific researcher.

"Dad, Mom." Lin Fan pulled down Mother Lin's hand, "I have something to tell you."

John Woo took them on a tour of the shuttle. It was like a tour, introducing the main control room, captain's room, canteen, activity room, etc., where Lin Fan would live and work in the future.

"Xiao Fan..." Mother Lin walked a few steps quickly and stopped when she saw Lin Fan coming closer. "What are you dressing up like?!"

When Lin's father and Lin's mother arrived, they had just finished their work. The inspector was pulling down the wires on her battle suit.

There were only three members of the Lin family and John Woo left in the room. Of course, this is only on the surface.

Under Lin's father's worried eyes, Lin Fan briefly explained everything that happened to her, leaving aside the serious injuries, and finally talked about leaving Lanxing tomorrow.

The old couple saw Lin Fan who was dressed in a different way at a glance.

"Don't worry about health and medical care. These are now taken over by the G family. No matter what discomfort you have, you don't have to pay for it yourself. If you have a headache or fever, just go to John Woo... Anyway, if anything happens, just go to him, Song Ren. There are a few of them, I’ve said hello to them all.”

John Woo watched Father Lin gradually become sluggish, clenching his fists and trembling all over. Mother Lin's face turned pale from confusion, then turned red, trembling and speechless.

Seeing Lin Fan's slippery combat uniform, Lin's mother reached out and couldn't help but touch it, "This clothes is too tight and doesn't look good."

When they finally got inside, Lin's father and Lin's mother were so cautious that they didn't know where to put their hands. They also stepped lightly, fearing that they would accidentally damage something.

Father Lin looked at the pile of white coats passing by, and there was a vague consciousness in his heart that said something was wrong.

"Did my girl develop this thing?" Father Lin still believed it before he saw it with his own eyes, but now that it has come out, he thinks why is this so outrageous?

Mother Lin's mind was already in a ball, she just pinched the corner of Father Lin's clothes and couldn't speak.

This doesn't look like a developer, it looks like...

John Woo didn't explain much and took people into the base to find Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was doing the last physical examination and data recording before departure from the star in the testing room specially set aside for Xingchen. All the members of Xingchen’s exclusive team from the special laboratory were here, and they were all familiar with the steps. One process took two or three hours. ,everything is normal.

The two elders kept their mouths open and never had a chance to close them. As they got closer and closer, the shock and pressure of the shuttle in person was completely different from watching it on TV.

"I won't be with you from now on, so you should take good care of your health and don't be reluctant to give up money. I earn a lot of money, which will be transferred to your card in proportion every month. It is enough for you to live a prosperous life. The rest is on my card. When you have major needs, tell John Woo and he will help me pay as long as it is reasonable.”

Didn't the old couple feel relieved until they got out of the shuttle?

"Yes, uncle and aunt," Wu Yusen answered with a smile, "just treat me as your own son..."

"I don't believe it!" Lin Ma covered her face and took a few steps back. "Why are you the star? Why are you leaving Lanxing? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Mother Lin understood, but she refused to believe it.

Lin Fan said nothing and directly transformed into a star.

The sudden change made both Lin's parents and Lin's eyes widen.

Tears welled up in Father Lin's eyes as he carefully looked at every piece of Xingchen's armor.

Mother Lin shook her body, walked tremblingly to the star, and touched the cold shell.

They all like Xingchen and have watched countless short videos of Xingchen killing Gro. They always talk about Xingchen at home and bought a lot of dolls and figures...

Lin's mother often compares Xingchen with Lin Fan. The girl in her thirties is so powerful, but Lin Fan is so disobedient, which always worries her.

But I didn't expect...who would have thought of it? The star they longed for turned out to be their own Lin Fan.

If they only knew about this change, Lin's father and Lin's mother might be shocked and only be proud.

But before the couple had time to digest this emotion, news broke that she would leave Blue Star the next day, with an unknown journey and an uncertain return date...

The only information currently received by Father and Mother Lin is that the child will never return, and the impact can be imagined...

That is a mission to explore the universe!

No matter how advanced the shuttle is, no matter how powerful the stars are, how can anyone feel at ease when entering a place that no one knows about? What's more, they are biological parents?

Mother Lin suddenly slapped herself and started crying.

"Blame me, blame me, blame me!..."

Everyone was caught off guard, so she was slapped several times, and her face immediately turned red.

Xingchen raised his hands but was afraid of hurting Lin's mother, so it was John Woo who held Lin's hands, and Lin's father came over to hug the old woman.

"If it hadn't been for me, Xiaofan wouldn't have gotten sick! He wouldn't have jumped into the river! He wouldn't have turned into Lao Shizi's star! It's my fault!..."

Mother Lin cried and looked at Yingbai in front of her. She could not see anything clearly through the blur of tears, only full of regret.

She used to always think about being better and better than others, and always urged Lin Fan to work hard and make progress...

Lin Fan became a supervisor in Gaohe, and she thought it could be better.

Lin Fan became the minister of Ririhong, and she felt that Xingchen was even more powerful...

But now, when the Star Mecha was right in front of her, telling her that this was the daughter she had always felt was not good enough, she had no time to rejoice, and was only filled with sadness.

Because Xingchen is about to embark on a dangerous journey of unknown life and death, and as a biological mother, she can do nothing, nothing...

As parents, they never want their children to stray too far from their side. But for life, ideals or other things, things always backfire.

But in the past, no matter how far the distance was, it was still in Lanxing. We were on the same land and could see each other even after driving for three or four hours.

Where are you now? universe! Space! Even if Mother Lin doesn't understand anything, she still knows that that kind of place is not a place where you can just go and go back whenever you want.

Not to mention the risks involved, just like a person entering the sea, it is difficult to control once in.

They are all over sixty years old, can they wait until the day Lin Fan comes back?

Mother Lin thought pessimistically, don't be afraid this will last forever, right?

She suddenly began to hate herself at this moment, if only she hadn't been like that.

Lan Xing's glory is none of her business, and she doesn't care how many people die or live. When she truly realized that she was about to lose it, she just wanted her daughter to be alive and kicking by her side, instead of living and dying for the so-called glory...

Lin's mother's longing for her daughter exploded to the extreme at this moment, but everything was too late...

Xingchen squatted down on one leg, watching the usually arrogant and arrogant Mother Lin crying so hard, her heart was extremely complicated, and she also shed tears silently in the mecha.

Father Lin's eyes were red, and he held Mother Lin who was in an emotional breakdown, looking at the strange yet familiar mecha. "you……"

"Since you are doing it for the G family and the have to do it well and don't let down the trust of the G family and the organization...take care of your health when you are alone outside..."

"Be safe... don't miss your family... your parents are waiting for you to come back..."

Father Lin choked with sobs, his fat face full of tears, and he managed to sort out these few words from his chaotic thoughts and speak out.

"What nonsense are you talking about! What nonsense are you talking about!" Mother Lin screamed, turning around and slapping Father Lin, "What nonsense are you talking about! My daughter is going to be gone..."

"Go crazy and go out! Don't affect the girl here! Let's go!" Father Lin sobbed and tried hard to pull Lin's mother but she didn't. "Xiao Wu, help me take your aunt away, don't affect Xiaofan's mood."

John Woo glanced at the stars that seemed to have turned into sculptures, and silently helped Father Lin and Mother Lin walk out.

In the quiet room, Xingchen still squatted motionless. After a long time, a long sigh came...

People always have to wait until they lose something before they regret it.

When Lin Fan jumped into the river, no one could find him, and Lin's mother also regretted it. But later, Lin Fan survived, and this regret disappeared.

Now that Lin Fan is really leaving, Lin's mother regrets it again, but it's no use. This time it was force majeure.

I was originally prepared to be more emotional in this area, but after thinking about it, I decided not to. What kind of emotion, let’s go with the plot! (I definitely don’t admit that I can’t write it)  ̄□ ̄||

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