Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 819 Lin Fan has changed

Time is like water.

It had been several months since John Woo saw Lin Fan again, and he was ordered to pick him up at the airport.

As the leader who has not yet resigned, John Woo watched Lin Fan's training diary. The densely packed courses are frightening.

What's even more shocking is that at the beginning of the plan, there was a proposal that pointed out that Lin Fan's body was centered on energy. As long as she ensured adequate intake, she could theoretically not need to sleep.

Horrifyingly, this outrageous proposal proved feasible and ran smoothly for several months. They vigorously reduced Lin Fan's sleeping time in exchange for more study time...

But Lin Fan actually persisted...

John Woo was distressed, and Zhu Cunjun was worried that such a high-intensity special training life, which could even be considered torture or even abuse, would cause Lin Fan to suffer from serious psychological problems?

No matter how normal a person is, it would be difficult for him to bear such an airtight pressure, right? This is also the reason why Jin Sichen was asked to accompany him.

However, judging from Jin Sichen's feedback report, although Lin Fan's mood fluctuated slightly, it was far from the bad situation he had imagined...

Jin Sichen said that Lin Fan had changed. She is surprisingly resilient now, and she is no longer the Lin Fan she was before.

John Woo laughed at Jin Sichen for not understanding Lin Fan.

He knew all kinds of Lin Fans, whether they were former ones, current ones, vigorous ones, or sluggish ones... What kind of Lin Fan is not Lin Fan?

Jin Sichen smiled mysteriously and did not argue. He only said that you will know when the time comes.

John Woo didn't take it seriously, saying that it was a good thing that Lin Fan became stronger. Although he felt sorry for her hard work, he was also happy for her. Until I see her in person again.

Lin Fan was indeed different.

In the past, even if Lin Fan had no expression, the corners of his mouth were curved, making people look kind. She always has a relaxed and leisurely attitude, being casual about everything, careless, and even lazy to a certain extent, like a wealthy idler.

And now Lin Fan...

The corners of her mouth, which were naturally slightly upturned, were straightened by her. She looked extremely serious when her face was expressionless, and the distance created by that strong sense of repulsion made people dare not approach easily.

Her posture is upright, her movements are neat, and her eyes are firm. Like a treasure that has been tempered and reborn, it cannot conceal its edge even if it is hidden in a sheath.

This is a powerful elite. Her overflowing strong self-confidence can easily make people feel convinced. No matter how low-key she is, she can't hide her elegance.

John Woo suddenly thought of himself when he was in the special forces team, and then of Song Ren...

He thought that Lin Fan had become stronger, but he never expected that he would be so strong.

With a height of 1.7 meters and an aura of 3.8 meters, passers-by around him did not dare to approach.

In the bustling airport, a large natural vacuum zone formed around Lin Fan. Coupled with her good appearance, it was difficult not to attract attention.

But she had a cold face and a coldness that kept strangers away, which made people who wanted to strike up a conversation not dare to approach easily, until a handsome guy who was not afraid of death walked over...

As soon as Lin Fan saw John Woo, the corners of his mouth naturally turned up, and his coldness melted instantly. The old Lin Fan was back.

Wu Yusen looked at Lin Fan from head to toe, paused for a while on the green shadow under her eyes, and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Serve the people." Lin Fan smiled.

John Woo reached out to take her duffel bag. Lin Fan hesitated and let go. Immediately afterwards, he was hugged by John Woo.

John Woo's hug was a little tight, and Lin Fan didn't know if he should let go of him for a moment, when he heard his voice ringing behind his ears.

"Welcome home."

Lin Fan felt warm in his heart, and felt a sense of solidity after the dust had settled. He suppressed the sour feeling at the bottom of his nose and hugged him back with a grin.

She heard that her voice was a little hoarse, and she replied softly but happily. "Well, I'm back."

"F*ck!" someone in the crowd watching from a distance exclaimed in low voice, "The beauty of the iceberg can melt with just a hug... If I had known, I would have gone up. My arms are like the vast sea and the hot sun..."

The friend next to him gave him an unceremonious slap on the back of the head. "Stop talking nonsense, you obviously know me. If you want to die, don't do it in front of me..."

In the car back to the special office, Lin Fan seemed to be back to the past, complaining to John Woo about being speechless for the past few months.

"Let me drive a car, a motorcycle, or a tank. I'm also asked to drive a speedboat, a ship, and even an airplane..."

"Learning to drive is enough, you also need to learn to repair. Now I can directly open a repair shop, and the advertisement says 'can repair everything in the world', which is not an exaggeration at all..."

"Various gun/weapon training requires not only accurate shooting, but also disassembly and assembly...that's all. I also need to understand the firing principle, and even asked me to make earthen bullets and 'boom~'..."

"Boom?" John Woo suddenly heard something strange and turned around to express doubts.

"It's an evolved version of the double kick. I not only learned how to make small fireworks, but also learned how to make big ones." Lin Fan opened his hands and made a big circle, "Boom!"

Hey, isn't it...Wu Yusen understood, "Just say it and it's over. Are you still afraid of not being able to go to trial?"

"You don't understand," Lin Fan slumped down on the passenger seat and slid down, "It's been a long time for me these past few months. I just need to learn these practical operations, and I also need to learn cultural knowledge."

"I didn't even work so hard in the college entrance examination!"

It is true that the knowledge range of college entrance examination is not so broad. John Woo silently supported him in his heart.

"Fortunately, I only need to know the basics for practical operations, and most of the knowledge needs to be memorized. I don't ask for understanding or extension. Otherwise, I would really be grateful," Lin Fan lamented, "Thank you very much."

Learning a skill is never something that can be done quickly. It is impossible to become sophisticated without years of training and accumulation.

Fortunately, Lan Meng's requirement for Lin Fan is that he must know everything and be able to operate it, but it does not require him to be very good.

Such as flying a plane. Lin Fan needs to master the driving methods of various airplanes, how to start, how to land, how to fly directly, and some emergency plans, focusing on one that can fly and knows how to fly.

But if she were to compare her skills with professional fighter pilots like Ji Yu and Gao Fei, she would definitely not be able to compare. But she can take off and land successfully, and she can basically aim and fire, so that's enough.

Typically too many but not perfect, but enough.

These are actually preparations for the unknown journey into space. The more Lin Fan knows, the greater his survival rate will be when facing crises and difficulties.

It just so happened that the octopus gene in her body could indeed be squeezed to the extreme by this extreme development, so it became such a terrifying situation. If it weren't for the powerful genetic support of Octopus Man, it would be impossible to kill a hundred Einsteins.

Lin Fan understood this truth. No matter what Lan Meng has in mind, the benefits of the outcome will indeed fall on her.

For her own life, she had to swallow it whether she wanted to or not. Because I understand that although the process is tiring, there is almost no psychological resistance.

"You don't know, those books also include "Postpartum Care of Sows"." Lin Fan continued to read casually, "Just learn human first aid. At least it can be used. Why is there animal medicine?"

John Woo turned his head and looked at Lin Fan, with a grimace on his face and numb eyes, looking like he had been squeezed dry. "Then have you learned it?"

"...Learned." She sighed helplessly, "I suspect they wanted to make me a living encyclopedia. Thanks to the Octopus Man, they seem to have succeeded."

Lin Fan didn't have much time to understand the memory as if he was swallowing it all. He would vomit just by remembering it. But at the same time, I also deeply realized the unlimited limits of the brain.

It seems that as the ugly woman said, as long as she works hard, she can develop deeper and wider functions...

Seeing that she was not very interested, John Woo's expression became silent again, and he quickly changed the subject. "I heard that you had a fight with Song Ren?"

Lin Fan's eyes lit up and he became energetic.

"So well-informed?"

"It's not that well-informed," John Woo laughed. "I still don't know who lost and who won. I want to ask you, the person involved, what was the outcome of the battle?"

Lin Fan licked his lower lip and smiled playfully. "you guess."

Surprised or not, a procrastinator like me actually saved several months of the process, hahahaha. Great, right?

I have considered that this training process has little to do with the main plot, so there is no need to expand on it. Anyway, Lin Fan has become stronger in the past few months and knows more things. Being so powerful also depends on the genes of the previous octopus people. Their brains are very developed...are they all connected? I'm great.

So during the interstellar journey, Lin Fan's abilities and personality will become very powerful, Wahaha. There can be cool articles at the back.

Not easy, not easy. applaud.

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