Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 80 X0-818

Chapter 80X0-818

No one spoke for a while, and the 800 people felt extremely embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, they... just think like this." Xia Jing came out and apologized.

It’s impossible to get Dr. Xiao and Wu Yi to speak, right? It has nothing to do with them. Kuang Li? Forget it. Although Xia Jing is a programmer, he is also a researcher.

"It's okay, I understand!" Although Jin Sichen said he didn't care in an empathetic way, Xia Jing still felt that the smile on his face was a bit malicious.

"What happened next? Did you feel nothing anymore?" Wu Yi asked Lin Fan.


Lin Fan thought of the hazy scenes in his memories, the dazzling lights and shadows, and the faint sounds.

"I thought I heard someone calling me..." she said hesitantly. The sound seemed real and illusory, vague and unclear. She suspected that it was her own imagination, but there was no such sound.

Jin Sichen and Song Ren looked at her at the same time. They both spoke. Whose voice did she hear?

"Yes, yes!" Wu Yi was extremely happy. Lin Fan could hear external sounds. Did that prove that she was conscious at the time?

"Whose voice did you hear?" Xia Jing asked.

"I don't know. I didn't hear it clearly. Are there many people calling me?" Lin Fan couldn't tell whose voice it was.

The voice had completely changed its tone, now far away and now close, as if it were an illusion.

"Did you feel anything at the time?" Dr. Xiao asked.

"I felt uncomfortable. I couldn't see anything clearly, it was blurry, and my ears were noisy." Lin Fan recalled.

"So you shook your head because you felt uncomfortable. You had feelings at that time." Jin Sichen said affirmatively.

When the mecha's eyes lit up, Lin Fan was already conscious, but felt very uncomfortable, so she shook her head.

"I shook my head?" Lin Fan didn't remember much. She was just following her body's instinct. "I just felt like my head was spinning."

"What happened next?" Xia Jing asked again.

"Later, I seemed to vaguely hear someone calling me, so I tried to wake up a little, followed the voice and lowered my head, and saw a blurry face." After Lin Fan transformed, he became taller, and he could only see the face when he lowered his head.

"At first it was just a patch of white with black color. I couldn't tell what it was. Later, as it became clearer, I realized it was a face." Lin Fan recalled carefully. "I didn't realize who it was at the time. It took me a while to remember that it was Jin Sichen."

"Did you only see me?" Jin Sichen asked.

"Well, except for your face, the surrounding light images were shaking as if they were distorted, and even your face was not very clear. I just suddenly realized who you were, rather than really seeing clearly."

Jin Sichen has fair skin, a red mouth, and a pair of large sunglasses on his eyes. This feature is very easy to recognize even after it is blurred. If it were someone else, after blurring, they would still have two eyes and one nose, and it might not be that easy to distinguish.

"As soon as I realized it was Jin Sichen, my head hurt so much, and I didn't know anything after that." Lin Fan's intuitive feelings had been very vague, and the time was very short, and there didn't seem to be much useful information.

After she lost consciousness, the mecha automatically returned to her human form. Everyone knows what happened next.

"Then do you feel uncomfortable now? Or is there something different about your body than before?" Dr. Xiao couldn't find anything abnormal. He wanted to know if she was feeling unwell, so it would be easiest to ask directly.

Lin Fan felt it carefully and didn't seem to notice any obvious difference from before.

"You..." Xia Jing originally wanted to tell Lin Fan that the unknown object had shrunk in size after she transformed, but after thinking about it, he decided not to say it yet. He was not sure how well Lin Fan would accept this matter. With Jin Sichen here, it's better not to let him speak.

"Did you have any special feelings about that thing?" Xia Jing changed the question, trying to find a connection between the foreign object in her head and the thing outside.

Lin Fan thought for a while and shook his head. For a moment, there was indeed a vague attraction, but she felt that it was her illusion and could not be counted.

Everyone looked at each other, knowing that nothing could be asked.

Lin Fan seems to be normal and everything is fine now. Others may not be known until she recovers for a period of time and tries to transform again.

"The meal is here!" Li Chunhua walked in quickly carrying a porridge bucket.

Jin Sichen and Song Ren were busy feeding Lin Fan, and the others couldn't wait too long, so they had to leave first.

"Why do I feel they are so weird?" Lin Fan thought of Xia Jing's hesitation, obviously changing the question.

"Maybe it's because you've been asleep for too long this time!" Li Chunhua replied quickly.

"How long?" Lin Fan already knew from the previous meeting that his coma lasted between 7 and 9 hours. Will this take longer?

She looked out the window and it was dark. It was obviously night. She remembered that she went to the laboratory shortly after going to work in the afternoon. Isn't it normal to wake up at night?

Seeing that Li Chunhua had already said it, Jin Sichen did not continue to hide it: "It's been a day. You transformed yesterday afternoon."

ah? Lin Fan was surprised.

She believed in Jin Sichen, but she still had doubts at the first moment.

How could he be in a coma for more than a day? She was conscious for only a few moments. Did she do something terrible later without her knowing? Or is it that generating consciousness in a mecha is extremely physically demanding?

No one else thought of this. They all thought that Lin Fan's long-term coma was due to evolution.

Lin Fan didn't need anyone to feed him the porridge this time. He held the bowl and drank "snoringly".

Perhaps her empty body was replenished by food. The moment she put down the bowl, she seemed to feel a little bit satisfied.

When she vaguely discovered it, there was nothing there.

It’s an illusion! Lin Fan felt a little regretful.

After eating, Song Ren was responsible for clearing away the tableware. Jin Sichen told Lin Fan what happened.

Just now, she was afraid that it would affect her ability to eat well, so she didn't say anything immediately.

There is nothing to hide about this matter. If we don’t talk about it now, we will have to talk about it later in the meeting.

"Are you saying that I absorbed that strange thing, so I fell asleep for so long because my body was evolving?" Lin Fan understood easily, but he didn't quite understand. Is she still a human being? Still?

"This is what we speculated, otherwise there is no way to explain why the thing became smaller." Jin Sichen knew that all speculations must be confirmed after final verification, "And if you can transform when you touch the thing, you may be able to find it. He got the key to transformation. So when you get better, they should let you touch that thing again."

"Yeah...I know." Lin Fan was prepared for this and suddenly complained: "Don't you have a name for that thing? It's always the one who takes things and calls it. It's too difficult to pronounce."

"Pfft!" Li Chunhua couldn't help laughing and laughed out loud. He also felt that it was difficult to speak, but he had no place to protest.

"Originally it was supposed to be named after the research results, but they never produced results, so the name was delayed. Maybe they were busy and didn't think of it for a while." Song Ren probably knew the reason and explained to several people.

"Having said that, I think they may not be able to name them after their research results for a long time." Jin Sichen was a little gloating, "Why don't you suggest that they give them a code name first? They always keep calling it that thing, that's true. It’s very strange.”

Song Ren nodded, and Li Chunhua said positively: "I'll tell them, I'll tell them." He took the porridge bucket and ran out quickly.

Lin Fan felt fine after waking up and did not stay in the hospital bed for too long.

She wanted to watch the transformation video, but Jin Sichen and Song Ren did not have playback equipment, so after conveying it to the scientific research trio, everyone saw that everyone in 623 was there, so they simply held another meeting.

Lin Fan feels that 623 is a team that does not do its job properly. I didn’t see them working much, but they seemed to have frequent meetings.

Do all public servants like to hold meetings?

With this question in mind, she sat firmly on the second chair and waited quietly for the meeting to begin.

"The theme of this meeting is to discuss Lin Fan's transformation yesterday and the projects to be carried out next. Please speak up." Yu Guangli was still the first to speak.

"Let's first talk about the progress in the laboratory just now." Ke Wenbin spoke first, "We have repeatedly tested the special reaction Lin Fan mentioned, but we have found nothing. At present, it is determined to be Lin Fan's individual phenomenon. Whether it is accidental or not remains to be seen. observe."

The three of them were not tested enough, and they also pulled in all the others. Even Jin Sichen tried it, and the final result is self-evident.

"The second thing. For the convenience of reference, I thought of a good temporary code name for 'that thing'." Zhang Zhaojie said, ran to the whiteboard and started writing.

"X... circle..." Li Chunhua continued to read, but Zhang Zhaojie turned around and glared.

"What's the cross circle? It's Ax Zero!" Why are you so uneducated! He corrected him harshly and then went back to writing.

It turned out to be Ax Zero, and everyone who had been paying attention breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They just said, what's the name for this, and they accidentally made an association...

However, Ax Zero is also a very strange name! Everyone continued to watch without saying anything.

Zhang Chunhua wrote the words X0-818 gracefully on the whiteboard and looked back at everyone with pride. "X represents the unknown, 0 represents infinite possibilities, and 818 is the date of Lin Fan's transformation yesterday. How about it? Doesn't it have a particularly good meaning?"

Everyone really couldn't agree with it against their will, but seeing the smug and proud look on his face, they really couldn't speak and cruelly told him that the name was terrible. The only option is collective silence.

The person with this name is more talented than the director! Jin Sichen scratched his forehead speechlessly.

Li Chunhua wanted to speak, but Song Ren held him down and winked: Don't talk too much unless you can think of a better name. Li Chunhua instantly withered.

Everyone thought it was ugly, but they couldn't think of a better alternative. They all showed the virtue of silence being golden and decided to only report the code name in the future without saying the strange letters in front of it.

"Okay, since everyone thinks it's good, let's move on to the next subject. Please show Xia Jing a comparison picture of the transformation video." Seeing no one objected, Zhang Zhaojie happily pressed the switch to lower the curtain and returned to his seat. .

The white curtain slowly lowered, finally covering the eye-sore words X0-818. Xia Jing quickly played the video.

He first played it again at normal speed, and then put up a comparison chart of the differences he discovered yesterday.

"So our theory is that 818 is the key to triggering Lin Fan's transformation." Xia Jing said loudly, "As for whether 818 is related to the needle-like object on her head, it is currently uncertain."

When the needle cannot be removed, no one can determine the connection between the two. After all, at present, there is no obvious connection.

"Why don't we give it a code name for that needle-like object? It's hard to pronounce." Zhang Zhaojie rubbed his chin and suggested with interest.

"Don't!" Many people stopped, and everyone looked at each other. Finally, Jin Sichen said, "Your time is precious, so it's better to use it in scientific research. The word "needle" is actually quite easy to pronounce. Let’s just say this for now, there’s no need to change it!”

"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone agreed. They were afraid that Zhang Zhaojie would come up with another weird code name, so they might as well just say needle-like objects.

Lin Fan looked at this scene and suddenly found it interesting and laughed out loud.

"Lin Fan, you laughed!" Wu Yi shouted happily.

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