Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 785: The Advantages of the Post-celestial Body

The flames were actually not that big.

Small and round, a bit like the remaining flame squeezed out of a lighter when it is almost out of gas.

But no matter what, there was a flame on the person's fingertips, and it stayed there for a while. It did not go out, and there was no sign of burning the fingers... Everyone who saw the supernatural power for the first time was shocked.

"Wow~" Lin Fan clapped his hands, "Are you actually a fire?"

As we all know, fire-based abilities are very aggressive.

Although from an objective point of view, each element has its own advantages and disadvantages, it cannot be said that one is definitely better than the other.

Just like Mi Jiao can use the water element that seems to be the most healing to penetrate the steel plate into a rotten sieve, but after all, that can only be done by the boss level.

From the perspective of the same level or entry-level, the attack capabilities and moves of the fire power are definitely among the best among all powers.

John Woo's acquisition of fire powers means that his attack power will be greatly increased.

Several of them are mecha warriors with offensive attributes. Even Lin Fan is now accustomed to using offense as defense, so it is not surprising that he prefers power attributes of strong attacks more than others.

John Woo stopped, "I also compared the characteristics of various abilities horizontally and felt that the effect of fire-based abilities would be easier to achieve short-term benefits."

"How can I still choose?" Ji Yu discovered Hua Dian.

"Didn't I say before that I don't have superpowers, but I can just sense them?" Wu Yusen explained, "I also felt a little regretful at first. After all, if the talent has its own superpowers, it can save a lot of time in the early stage."

Those who carry supernatural powers only need to learn to control and grow them, while those who don't have to learn how to absorb spiritual energy and gather them inside their bodies to prevent them from spilling out.

This process sounds simple, but it is a long process. And because of various limitations such as everyone's sensitivity, learning ability, and physical conditions, the levels they can achieve vary.

John Woo is already considered one of the more talented and hard-working people among the acquired crowd. Don't underestimate the flames he showed just now. Only he and another genius can create this power academy.

Most of the others are still in the process of trying to absorb external spiritual energy into their bodies. Xue Ping is still hesitating on the path of induction.

I don’t know how long it will take and how much effort it will take to practice acquired skills to reach the spiritual energy reserves that are innately gifted at birth. How many people can't endure this long road that is not easy, or give up in despair with no end in sight...

But things in this world always have two sides, some good and some bad.

It is true that acquired cultivation requires more time and energy than innate bodies, but they have an advantage that innate bodies would envy and hate - they can learn multiple powers at the same time without being restricted by supernatural attributes.

Because the innate body is born with superpowers, it is automatically insulated from other superpowers.

Let’s take Mi Jiao as an example. She has water-based powers. Big bosses like her can only use water-based powers now. Even with a little cleverness, she can transform into the form of ice and bring out some hurricane damage, but she is still essentially water-based. It's impossible for her to spark a flame, even at John Woo's level.

Looking at John Woo again, after absorbing auras of various attributes, he can learn not only the fire element, the water element, but also the metal element and the earth element.

He could even become a Five Elements Warrior if he wanted to. Of course, the time spent is also doubled.

It's just that compared to Mi Jiao, an innate body whose abilities are restricted since birth, they have more choices and room for matching.

When the special agency carries out some special tasks, the team members usually need to be matched with several people with different abilities to take full care of them.

But with the emergence of practitioners like Houtianti, the same person can practice different powers. When the ability reaches a certain level, theoretically, he can completely replace a team and perform independently.

From the perspective of manpower distribution, it is an improvement in productivity.

Of course, all this will take time to verify. At present, the Superpower Academy has just opened. Whether anyone can achieve this level, or how long it will take to become such a single five-element warrior, still needs to be seen in practice.

And as more and more people are able to practice, the increase in combat effectiveness will lead to an increase in security, and the increase in life happiness will promote economic development and population growth, and the growing population will also have more newborns with supernatural attributes, and then Entering a new round of civilization development...

Maybe one day in the future, it is no longer a dream for all people to practice immortality. But no matter what, Lan Xing, who is now full of spiritual energy, has more possibilities and an unlimited future, and John Woo is full of confidence in this.

"Ah?" Li Chunhua was so excited that he didn't even care about his respect for Song Ren. He put his arms directly on his legs, bent over and squeezed his head through the middle of the front seat.

"Angkor Angkor, look at me," he said with excitement, "do you think I can also become an immortal? The fortune teller told me when I was a child that my bones are very clear..."

"He won't sell you a book, right?" Lin Fan couldn't help but asked, remembering the popular memes on the Internet many years ago.

"That's not true." Li Chunhua was pulled back to his seat by Song Renyi and sat down. He didn't forget to answer Lin Fan, "He said a lot of good things. When I was happy, I thought I couldn't let people leak the secret in vain, so I gave him the money my mother gave me to buy soy sauce.”

Li's mother was busy cooking and couldn't leave, and she happened to have no change in her hand, so she took a fifty sheet and asked Li Chunhua to buy soy sauce. As a result, the soy sauce was not bought back and there was no money left. Li Chunhua showed off his heavenly appearance to Ma Li without knowing what he was talking about. In the end, Ma Li chased him all over the yard with a broom and whipped him.

It's like something Li Chunhua can do. Everyone smiled.

But when it comes to superpowers, who can’t be heartbroken?

Even Song Ren who has biological armor and Ji Yu from Kochi are not exempt from this. Who would dislike them for being stronger?

"Oh, don't make trouble," Li Chunhua saw that the topic had strayed, and quickly asked John Woo, "Brother Ang, you are my brother, please take me to the Academy of Supernatural Powers to see what I have. What if I have that talent? "

"If you really have that talent, you will have to be transferred to our special clinic." John Woo threatened him with a grin.

"Uh..." Li Chunhua took it seriously and really started to think about this issue seriously.

"We'll wait until we're sure. If you assume the future now, what if it's all in vain?" Ji Yu couldn't bear it and reminded him loudly.

Li Chunhua crossed Song Ren and gave him a hand, "I must be the destined one, just wait."

But after that, I didn’t think about it anymore.

"Okay, it's not a problem to go to the Superpower Academy. I go there almost every day. It won't be troublesome to take you to take a test. But if something happens after the test, you should consider it yourself whether you want to learn it and negotiate with the unit." John Woo smiled He said, "Anyway, this period is impossible. If you want to learn, you have to wait for the next period."

"Okay, okay!" Li Chunhua was gearing up, as if he had already seen the majestic scene of his Jin Gang being filled with lust.

"By the way, don't you have to go to the Superpower Academy today?" Lin Fan suddenly asked, "Aren't you also a manager? Wang Fengfeng said that you are too busy every day to meet people, so why are you free to pick us up today? Let the logistics send a car That’s all.”

"There is always time to pick you up," John Woo smiled. "Besides, today is Sunday, and the college does not go to school on weekends. Moreover, what Wang Fengfeng said is unreliable. He is obviously busier than me, but he still has the nerve to criticize me?"

"What has he been busy with recently?" Lin Fan asked.

"It's still a translator." John Woo replied, "Didn't the aliens come up with an interpreter last time? There are also many other alien languages ​​left behind. The entire information department is busy inputting all these languages ​​into the latest chips. In the future, If you encounter something, you can translate it literally, and you won’t have the trouble of not understanding the language at the beginning.”

"That's really great!" Lin Fan happily clapped his hands.

Subconsciously, he glanced at Li Chunhua in the back seat, who was immersed in his fantasy, with the corners of his mouth raised to his ears.

I always feel that his personality might be compatible with Wang Fengfeng...

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