Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 762 Use offense as defense

Interstellar voyage? !

Everyone was astonished.

Although everyone has had such a dream in their hearts, Lanxing has just achieved the goal of sending a manned spacecraft to heaven...

Is this step too much?

"Sir, interstellar navigation... we're afraid we're not ready yet." The old man hesitated and replied.

"Why aren't you ready?" Ah Yi didn't understand. "If you need a boat, you need people. Isn't that enough?"

"Where did the boat come from? Are you going to give us one?" someone muttered in a sinister tone.

"Don't you have your own? It's right here." Ha Yi took out the small black box from his mouth and projected it, "It's not worse than our ship, what else is there to shout about."

People from the H country knew at a glance that he was talking about the shuttle.

Unexpectedly, the shuttle was also discovered by them. I thought...

That's right, advanced civilization...

"Is this country H?" Ovi's face became more and more gloomy. He still remembered asking the old man with a smile, but the smile was sarcastic and ugly.

"Okay! Not to mention hiding a companion stone, there is such a big guy!" Someone stood up and was about to criticize, but found that everyone was looking at him.

Thinking about the current situation again, I felt short of breath for a moment, cleared my throat, and stopped talking.

"Sir," the old man said with a warm smile, "to be honest, this shuttle was left by Nuwa. We also discovered it accidentally recently. We didn't mean to hide it deliberately, but we couldn't control it at all. technology."

No matter how advanced an artifact is that cannot be mastered, it is still a dead thing. Everyone here understands this. They also knew that the old man did not lie to them, and the anger in his heart eased a lot.

"Although we yearn for space, we know that our current capabilities are insufficient and we dare not get involved easily, especially after our experience with Gro." The old man added. "Our strength is almost equal to our courage. We are indeed ashamed in front of you."

Ha Yi was used to being direct and was not used to speaking so tactfully, so he let Als speak.

"Old sir," Als said in a gentle tone, probably because he was concerned about the old man's identity. "We don't want to forcibly interfere with the development process of your planet. But one thing you may have overlooked is that the arrival of Gro has forcibly pulled you into the interstellar age."

The old man paused and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"Actually, in your history, there have been traces of the emergence of many alien civilizations, including us Octobos people. However, most of the visits from these civilizations were friendly, so they came and went silently, and most of them had a short-term impact on the development of Lan Star. Efficient promotion.”

Als's voice was much gentler than Ah Yi's, allowing everyone to slowly calm down and think carefully about what he said.

"Yes, we are very grateful for the help and support of our extraterrestrial friends. We also ask you to go back and send us your most sincere greetings when you meet the people of the Atlantis civilization." The old man said it naturally. It slipped away.

"Okay." Als agreed first, then continued, "Although most alien civilizations have come and gone for various purposes or reasons, maybe you are too weak, maybe you are too far away, but Lan Star has been around for such a long time. None of them have been invaded by alien forces, which is also the result of them not exposing you. But Gro has come and gone, do you think Lan Xing can maintain its previous stability?"

"Are you saying that Gro will take revenge?" the old man asked with a frown. "But we have assessed before that the damage to his ship was too great. In a short period of time..."

The words stopped abruptly, followed by a dead silence that lasted for five or six seconds.

The old man suddenly thought of something, and it was difficult to maintain his warm expression for a while.

"You have thought about it. In advanced civilizations, time is not a downward line. It can jump." Als nodded, "So your protection is almost nothing."

How to jump back and forth across the limitations of time and space is still a problem for the current Octobos people. However, if their kind can travel to the Lanxing thousands of years ago, other life forms may not be able to do so.

There are so many holes and storm clouds in the stars, and so many opportunities.

"Ignoring the consequences of Gro traveling through the timeline and coming back, even according to the normal timeline, your development will not be faster than theirs. It is very likely that when their ship is repaired and they fly over again, you will still develop slowly. , unable to resist.”

"What will you rely on then? Are all your mechas still alive? Is the barrier energy still enough?"

"Even if Gro abandons you, he will maliciously spread your coordinates as long as he is willing. In our level of civilization, there are many planets that like to occupy planets and plunder resources. How many waves can you resist?"

<divclass="contentadv">Every time Als said something, the old man's heart sank a little.

They had never thought about it from this perspective, but now that they thought about it, they felt that Lanxing was always in crisis.

"What should we do?" Ovi asked.

No one wants to experience an attack like Gro's again.

"The optimal solution is for Gro to disintegrate and disappear before encountering any evil forces, but this is unlikely. The space fortress of advanced civilization has a complex structure. Even if half of it is destroyed, it will not affect the functions of other parts, but the power consumption and volume will be reduced. That’s all.”

Lan Xing's heart felt cold again and again.

"It's not that easy for higher civilization groups to disappear unless the same civilization or a higher civilization takes action. I think that instead of counting on that, you should pray that all Gero encounters are non-evil forces during his journey."

"Won't non-evil forces cause damage to Lanxing?" Ovi asked next.

"You can understand it this way. But you must know that the planet has attributes, and so do people. Non-evil forces can only guarantee that they will not attack you with the power of the planet, but they cannot guarantee that independent creatures with malicious tendencies will come on their own. It's just that They are all small spaceships, and compared to the whole clan's pressure like Gro's, the damage is almost negligible."

In other words, if Groo tells a wave of bad guys about Lan Xing, then the bad guys are likely to come to Lan Xing to steal something. The specific results will depend on the opponent's strength and Lan Xing's defense.

This is when the forces or planets behind this person have no aggressive tendencies. If you happen to encounter a planet or force that needs to grab territory, it will be a direct Gameover.

There is no need to consider the issue of strength.

If the other party can get the news about Lan Xing from Gro, they are at least evenly matched, or even better. No matter what, it is impossible to be too weak, otherwise Grona's temperament would not be able to fight with the opponent, and he would be unable to win.

Lin Fan had the feeling that a bad guy would pop up outside Lanxing at any time and start a new round of nightmares.

Is this still possible?

"But you don't have to worry so much," Als added, probably after noticing that the Lanxing people were silent. "Based on Gro's injury, there is a high probability that he will not return to the civilized dimension characterized by plunder, which would be a devastating blow to him."

"We estimate that it will be repaired on the way to middle and lower civilizations, and it will also have to avoid unknown forces from all sides, and wait for the opportunity to wait until the situation stabilizes. If they find a more suitable planet along the way, they may also plunder it directly. Even if they want to take revenge You guys, it may be a long time later. After all, the distance between the stars is too far, and if the civilization level is too low, the energy source is also tight, so it is not easy to come."

The Lanxing man's heart dropped to his stomach.

"So what we are mainly wary of is unexpected visitors caused by Gro spreading information on the way?" The old man quickly clarified the basic idea.

"Absolutely. Excluding some extreme situations in time and space, you are most likely to face a small surprise arranged by Glo for you. The specific situation and time are difficult to predict, but those who can sail to Lanxing are stronger than You are much taller."

"Then our spaceship can't leave even more!" Ovi didn't understand. "Wouldn't it be better to protect it if our best strength and weapons stay on Lanxing?"

Als seemed to sigh.

"You are right, but you are talking about defensive methods, but what I am talking about is..."

"Offense is the best defense!" The old man said loudly and forcefully.

"Yes, that's right." Als agreed, "Although it doesn't allow you to actually attack, the meaning is correct. Use offense as defense, and at the same time absorb the advancement of the same civilization to break through the development barriers of Lanxing. What can be better than What about this better strategy?”

Yesterday, the release of the chapter was unexpectedly blocked. After changing a few words, it was fine. I was speechless.

It's okay, I won't write this anymore. I'm going to develop in the interstellar world. You can't say anything about me.


It's been raining here for the past few days and it's very wet. But the temperature has risen a lot. The cold is getting better too, I love you all.

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