Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 747 Price

The principle of this treatment method is actually very simple. It is to let the nerve fibers in the Octopus creature enter along the broken nerve of Song Ren and connect it to the brain. It is equivalent to a prosthetic limb in a certain sense, or it may be more accurately called a prosthetic nerve. some.

But where is the uncomfortable thing about foreign objects entering the body?

Go to the endoscopy department of the hospital. Most people who undergo gastroscopy and colonoscopy must take anesthesia, otherwise it will be difficult to endure the nausea, pain and other discomforts caused by foreign objects entering the body.

The endoscope tube can be much thinner than the throat, but the body will still reflexively reject foreign objects, not to mention the delicate and sensitive nerves.

Lanxing people have many and complex nerves. From the anatomical diagram, they are a tree-like structure from the spine downward. Different skeletal and joint parts are divided into many different branches, which are integrated into the human nervous system.

Generally speaking, the human body is composed of two basic nerves.

One is the sensory nerves that can convey the senses on the surface of the skin. These nerve fibers are lined with blood vessels and have receptors at their ends. The other end is connected to the brain or spinal cord. After the receptors are stimulated by the outside world, they react and convert them into nerve impulses, which are then transmitted to the center through the nerves, causing feelings or reflexes.

The sensory nerves are further subdivided, including the olfactory nerve, optic nerve, and auditory nerve, which are purely sensory nerve fibers. There are also mixed nerve fibers that are mixed with motor fibers, such as the trigeminal nerve, spinal nerve, vagus nerve, etc.

People usually feel the intensity of light, loudness of sound, distance, smell, temperature, pain, vibration, etc. These are all sensory nerves working hard.

When a person gradually becomes less sensitive to these sensations, the result of medical treatment must be a diagnosis of hypoesthesia, that is, a problem with the sensory nerves.

The other is the motor nerve. Instructions are sent from the brain or spinal cord, causing internal organs, muscles, glands, etc. to respond accordingly. Among them, somatic nerves and visceral nerves can be subdivided... I will not go into details about the specific working principles.

Each nerve is composed of countless nerve fibers and is wrapped with multiple layers of perineurium to form a nerve bundle.

People usually think that the nerves are one by one: one that controls the thumb and one that controls the index finger. But in fact, there are far more than one nerve bundle that controls a finger, and each nerve bundle contains Many nerve fibers.

This also caused the organism to want to take over the nerves in Song Ren's body and to insert them into different nerve fibers over and over again to replace them.

Not only the blocked motor nerves, but also the sensory nerves that have always been functional must also be taken over, completely replacing his damaged Lanxing nervous system, so as to achieve the result of synchronized neural responses in the later stage.

Song Ren's sensory nerves had been repaired by living water before, and they were basically in good condition. This also resulted in him feeling pain all the time after the replacement started.

This feeling will continue to superimpose as the nerve fiber replacement deepens and the motor nerves gradually recover. The body will naturally start reflexive actions as the mobility gradually recovers.

In extreme pain, no matter how strong your perseverance is and how long you can endure it, your body's reaction cannot be hidden.

Song Ren's body was shaking like chaff. This was the recovery of motor nerves in response to the pain reflex in the brain.

Everyone understands that this is a good thing, but watching the scene, they still can't help but feel distressed.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand how painful the pain that acts on the nerves is.

Some people can scream when the tip of a needle pricks their fingers; in medical treatment, when a slightly larger wound is sutured, anesthesia is also given - the pain of raw stitches is unbearable to most people. Not to mention that major operations require general anesthesia...

This is still pain at the end of superficial reflex nerves. What Song Ren is experiencing now is from the inside of the nerve, from the entire length to the end... The pain and suffering is terrifying to think about.

No foreign body transformation process in mature organisms is easy.

Nuwa originally combined multiple genes to create countless grotesque species, which can be seen from the records in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

But after evolution, various high-performance genes were eventually suppressed and iterated by ordinary genes, eventually forming the Lanxing people today, surviving stably and mediocrely.

Within the genetic structure, stable form is the basis of everything. The addition of any foreign objects is by default destroying this stable structure.

This also leads to the occurrence of ingredients that the genes themselves do not recognize. In order not to destroy the structural stability and ensure safety, the body will frantically send out all warnings to stop subsequent processes.

This kind of warning is most intuitively reflected in pain, which will cause people to stop actions that hurt themselves.

Others will manifest as dizziness, nausea and other feelings, which act on the brain to warn you that you are in danger, pay attention... If you don't take measures in time, the most serious consequences will be burping.

In short, forcibly integrating other gene products in mature people is a dangerous and very uncomfortable thing, and most people simply cannot bear it.

In Nuwa's hands, there are countless petri dishes that failed to kill each other during the cell fusion stage. Even in the civilized class of Octobos, gene fusion with high interstellar technology must start from cells.

Forced? Using the body as a battlefield for genes to fight and rob each other is simply a means of torture.

Of course, it is not that no one can survive this brutal process, but the number is too small. Moreover, the body after fighting will have various genetic defects to some extent, and it may not be perfected after many generations of reproduction. So it’s hard to say how much quality this “living” has…

But if you can survive, maintain your previous quality of life, and be stronger than before, calling you "pervert" is a sincere compliment.

Just talking about Lin Fan and the others, the process of fusing the companion stone was also a coincidence of narrow escape.

Lin Fan wanted to die. When he jumped into the river, he was hit in the head by 818 floating in the river. His increasingly weak body functions caused his genes to gradually lose vitality.

Originally hidden behind, the inconspicuous octopus gene spontaneously began to activate its meager repair ability. The blood flowing out happened to merge with 818, which only reacted to this gene...

The rest will fall into place naturally. It's just that the fusion process was interrupted by external forces, the body's repair was not completed, and the associated stones were not fully absorbed, resulting in poor circulation.

The meager octopus man's gene repair function was interrupted and could no longer repair physical defects. Because the mecha was not a complete body, it needed to continuously absorb Lin Fan's body's energy to support basic power consumption.

<divclass="contentadv">When she is sucked out and her body is no longer good, the repair gene will come out again to save her life, and then the energy will be exhausted and she will continue to shrink back into the corner...

This was the truth behind why Lin Fan was always sick and had no strength.

But at that time, she happened to suffer from depression, so she always thought it was due to her psychology. She was not good at aging, and it was not good at all...

Until later, with the absorption of 818, after evolving again and again, the octopus man's genes became more and more complete as the mecha body became more and more complete, gradually showing stronger genetic characteristics, including but not limited to the unnatural attribute of self-repair.

The strengthened Octobos gene also began to feed back, repairing other parts of the gene chain, further optimizing it, strengthening Lin Fan's original genetic makeup, keeping her in a youthful and plump state, and also achieving beauty and skin resurfacing...

So does Antonio. When I fell down the mountain while climbing, not to mention that I was shattered to pieces. Anyway, under normal circumstances, a dead person cannot escape.

It's just that the piece under him happens to be a companion stone, and no one can stop him from fully absorbing it. So when he woke up, he had no idea what had happened until he accidentally transformed into a mecha...

The process of fusion is full of coincidences and is a process of living toward death. There must be more than two people on Lanxing with repair genes, and Green Bastard is also a successful case.

Speaking of Green Bastard, he was also an unfinished body and was too arrogant at the beginning, otherwise Xingchen wouldn't be able to kill him back then.

All I can say is that it is God's will to die on the companion stone by chance and still have a breath left to wait for the successful fusion...

But even if they are like Lin Fan, they will definitely suffer from the fusion. It's just that they were unconscious at the time and couldn't feel anything.

I won’t talk about the unbearable physical pain during Lin Fan’s several upgrading processes. Nowadays, she has already adapted to the mecha body, but she still has to bear the pain of body disintegration every time she transforms. Although the body repairs quickly, the pain remains.

This is also the price to bear for forced integration.

Let’s talk about Song Ren’s current experience.

Of course, the octopus man's external organism does not participate in the work of the Lanxing gene, but is used as a pure tool similar to titanium alloy bone replacement. But its location of action is on the nerves, which results in the already strong feeling being maximized.

This dense and endless pain constantly impacts the brain through the nerves, like a landslide or a tsunami.

Song Ren's world seems to be exploding constantly, repeating the process of reconstruction and destruction over and over again. Leaving aside the pain, the psychological feeling is also very devastating.

Fortunately, Mi Jiao took action and the treatment never stopped.

Although it cannot directly act on pain nerves, it can also have a certain effect by soothing other nerves.

Just like when you give an intramuscular injection, if you scratch the side with your fingers, it will feel less painful; when you are injured, blowing close to it will also reduce the pain.

Mi Jiao used this method to continuously relieve the pain and replenish Song Ren's strength. No matter how great the damage is, the health bar can still be fully maintained without any hindrance.

But this kind of marginal cure is ultimately a drop in the bucket.

So when Song Ren's motor nerves were gradually replaced, the range of his reflex movements also began to become larger and larger.

Lin Fan felt as if her hand was about to be crushed. She was hesitating whether to take it out or let him hold it. If it broke, it would break. She could repair it anyway...

At this time, Song Ren suddenly began to struggle.

He opened his hands to the extreme, waved his arms vigorously, disconnected all the wires connected to the electrocardiograph on his body, and began to kick his feet, and his body kept bouncing upwards, like a stranded fish.

Before anyone could react, they saw his mouth wide open and the towel falling aside.


The hoarse howl tore through everyone's periosteum with pain and despair.

"Hold him down!"

This chapter is almost all popular science. Also explained some of the previous foreshadowings. I didn’t see anyone noticing, so I just blew myself up. Hey.

Lin Fan's fusion was interrupted because someone jumped into the river to catch her.

Why she was not repaired before, but was repaired later, including becoming more beautiful, are all explained here.

Our beauty is not the kind of peerless beauty. It’s just her original facial features that have been optimized a little bit to make her look beautiful, haha. In addition, the cells are young and the body is in good shape.

Who is not a beautiful woman at the age of 18, right? We don’t write about peerless beauties, but about the best version of ourselves.

Regarding Song Ren's nerves, I went to check it out. Because the plot will be related to this later, I will simply write it in detail here, otherwise I will have to write it later. This way you can just mention it later.

I will try my best not to write about popular science in the future. The plot will move forward, speed up! !

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