Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 74 Staying Overnight

Chapter 74 Staying Overnight

John Woo is still wearing a black suit and red tie. He bared his big white teeth and walked towards Lin Fan with a friendly smile.

Lin Fan seemed to instantly return to the grove where they first met, and he suddenly appeared in front of her like this.

In the blink of an eye, almost two months have passed.

John Woo is still the same Woo Woo as he was back then, but Lin Fan is no longer the Lin Fan he was before.

John Woo approached Lin Fan step by step, stopped in front of Lin Fan, and looked up and down: "Lose weight!"

"Is there any?" Lin Fan lowered his head and looked around.

She had indeed lost weight, but she just didn't notice it.

After such a long time, after diet and exercise, her dough-like swelling has long since subsided. Of course, I didn't lose weight that quickly. I'm still fat, but I don't look so bloated.

"You look better too." John Woo finally felt relieved after seeing Lin Fan's condition with his own eyes. Looks like she's having a good time at 800.

"Why are you here?" Lin Fan was very surprised by John Woo's visit, "Jin Sichen didn't even say anything."

"He doesn't know either," John Woo said with a smile, "How about it, are you surprised?"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

John Woo serves as the guide who helps her open the door to a new world. Psychologically, Lin Fan has a closeness to him similar to that of a nestling bird.

"Is this the surprise?" Jin Sichen crossed his arms across his chest, leaned against the door frame of the conference room, and said angrily.

Straight men are straight men, so what surprises are there when you have nothing but white teeth? "found it?"

"Found it! No, it will be sent over immediately and non-stop." John Woo has been busy for so long, and now he is finally relieved, "Now we are waiting for the results."

Because 800's technological capabilities were powerful and Lin Fan was here, after reporting it to the superiors, he received the order as expected.

It just so happened that he hadn't seen Lin Fan for a long time, so he wanted to surprise her quietly, but Jin Sichen complained about it.

"Where are the things?" Jin Sichen looked around and saw nothing.

"The 623 gang took him away." After the group knew what he had brought, they immediately became arrogant. He grabbed his things and left, and a group of people swarmed away, completely forgetting about him. Otherwise, why would he stay here alone?

"What is it?" Jin Sichen asked.

"It's hard to say, it looks like stone, but not different. It sounds like metal when knocked, but it's not very heavy. Anyway, I haven't seen it before." John Woo admitted that he was a well-informed person, but he really had no clue about that thing.

"There are so many things you haven't seen before!" Jin Sichen guessed that Ke Wenbin should know what they are. After all, he specializes in studying materials and is familiar with them.

"Just leave you to sit here alone?" Song Ren saw that there was only Wu Yusen in the conference room, and he didn't know how long he had been there. He was all alone with no one to greet him, and he was a little pitiful.

These researchers really couldn't care less about anything when they were so focused! At least leave someone to accompany you! Li Chunhua complained to himself silently.

"There's nothing I can do. They ran away in a hurry just as I was about to hand over the formalities," John Woo said helplessly, "I didn't dare to stop them. Seeing them all entering the same room, I didn't dare to knock on the door and go in. It would be bad if it interferes with any research."

"As a visitor, I couldn't wander around, so I had to come back and sit and wait to see if anyone would remember me. But it turned out that I waited for Lin Fan first." John Woo laughed, very happy.

"Don't stay here. They won't be able to come out for a while. Do you want to go to my place..." Jin Sichen invited Wu Yusen. When he thought that Lin Fan would not go to his office, he changed his mind and said, "Go to Lin Fan's activity room and stay for a while." ?”

Of course Lin Fan would not object, and the group happily arrived at the activity room.

John Woo looked around carefully. The decoration and furnishings inside proved that 800 had indeed put a lot of thought into it and treated Lin Fan really well.

Several people sat around the long table. Wu Yusen asked Lin Fan in detail about his current situation. Jin Sichen answered one by one. Song Ren added from time to time, and Li Chunhua listened.

Lin Fan ignored them and already lay down on the sofa. She was exhausted from swimming, so she needed to rest for a while.

"When are you leaving?" Jin Sichen asked.

"Theoretically, you can leave after completing the handover procedures, but I was thinking, if it's later, can I stay for one night?" John Woo chuckled, "It's so busy on the road this time, it's not safe to drive late."

Jin Sichen asked Song Ren: "Can he stay overnight in this condition?"

"It should be no problem." Song Ren knew that the guest house in 800 Mile was used for such moments. "Go back and apply with team leader Yu. He can just report it to Deputy Xie. The rooms in the guest house are ready."

"No, I'll just squeeze in with Jin Sichen." John Woo refused with a smile, "I actually want to see Lin Fan more, there's no point in living too far away."

Jin Sichen didn't want John Woo to live in his house, but after hearing what he said, he didn't speak.

If you want to get up close to Lin Fan, the only place where they live is the closest.

Forget it, let him sleep on the sofa at worst.

"Have you reported to the Security Department?" Li Chunhua suddenly remembered that visitors need to report.

"Reported." John Woo took out the visitor badge from his pocket, showed it to Li Chunhua, and pinned it directly to his handkerchief bag. "The communication equipment and guns are all stored in the security department. We'll pick them up when we leave."

"Why is it pressed there?" Jin Sichen thought to himself. No wonder John Woo didn't wear his glasses. His glasses have a camera function.

"If you stay for a long time, you have to put things in it. I don't stay here often. It's troublesome to dismantle and assemble, so I just keep it there and pick it up when I leave." Wu Yusen is not like Jin Sichen and others who stay for a long time. At 800, monitoring must be installed.

Just monitor your own unit, can you install other units' monitoring at will?

He is not afraid that the things stored there may be secretly installed with monitoring equipment. The big research institute still has this bottom line.

Besides, the communicators are all installed in storage instruments, and even 800 people can’t get them, so they can be used as secrets!

right! When special agents of the Special Branch go out in the field, they will receive many needed supplies from the equipment department, and storage magic weapons are one of them.

The internal space of the storage magic weapon produced by the weapon refining group is not large, but it can still be used as a substitute for a suitcase.

Why not Jin Sichen?

It is not easy to refine the storage magic weapon, and the special office does not have enough people to have one. Most of them are used by special agents for special field trips, and they have to be returned when they are not on field duty. If there were no special items to be shipped this time, John Woo wouldn't be able to apply.

Jin Sichen and Lin Fan have to live in 800 permanently. Although there is a lot of luggage, it is not convenient to carry around, so there is no allotment.

"Then how long can you stay tomorrow?" Jin Sichen understood what John Woo meant and changed the topic.

"It's no problem to finish lunch." John Woo smiled and said, "I didn't have time to eat last time I came here. I wonder how the food is here?"

"The food here is very good." Li Chunhua suddenly became enthusiastic after hearing the food. Maybe it's because he eats too much, and he's been more sensitive to this recently.

"Then you have enough to eat, dinner, breakfast, lunch, three meals a day." Jin Sichen teased, knowing in his heart that he wanted to spend a whole day with Lin Fan.

John Woo was the person who wanted to accompany Lin Fan the most, but unfortunately for various reasons, the person who accompanied him ended up being him.

The work arrangement must be understandable, but he must be uneasy in his heart. This time he must see it with his own eyes in order to feel completely at ease.

Song Ren listened to their conversation and found that Lin Fan had been lying on the sofa for a long time without moving, probably falling asleep. He got up and went over to take a look, and sure enough his eyes were closed. He picked up the small blanket on the side and was about to cover her when there was a knock on the door. Lin Fan opened his eyes instantly.

Song Ren had never seen Lin Fan with such sober and sharp eyes, as if he was a different person. He was stunned and saw that Qingming's calm eyes became sticky and listless, and he became the Lin Fan he often saw.

"Come in." Li Chunhua didn't know why Captain Song was suddenly in a daze, so he had to answer the door.

Yu Guangli poked his head in from behind the door and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw John Woo sitting at the table.

Apologizing with embarrassment, he stretched out his hands and stepped forward: "I'm so sorry for leaving Wu Teqin alone. It really shouldn't, shouldn't!"

While he was doing research, he suddenly remembered that there was a delivery person named Wu Yusen, and hurried out to look for him.

There was no one in the conference room, so he went to Jin Sichen's studio. No one was there, and finally came to Lin Fan's activity room. Sure enough, I saw someone.

John Woo stood up, held his hands, and smiled nonchalantly: "It's okay, it's okay, your research is important, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry."

The two held hands and sat on the chairs. Yu Guangli was afraid that he would forget it again, so he quickly said: "Where is the handover procedure? I'll sign it first. Don't look back and forget it, which will delay the business."

John Woo took out the document from his inner pocket, asked Yu Guang to sign it, and then folded it up and put it away. This document is made in triplicate. Tomorrow, one copy will be submitted to the Security Department. The remaining two copies will be returned to the Special Office work order and one will be added to Lin Fan's database.

"Team Leader Yu, have you found out what that thing is?" Li Chunhua asked curiously.

"Not yet. Ke Wenbin couldn't find similar elements. He said it might be a new species." Yu Guangli said with a smile.

New species! A new species will be born in their hands! It makes me excited just thinking about it! What would be a good name for a new species? Yu Guangli smiled so hard that his teeth couldn't even see his eyes.

Although Ke Wenbin is the only one who specializes in materials science, he alone can't handle the task. The current research progress has not reached the point where additional manpower is necessary.

As for other people, although they are not so proficient in the material, they know something about it. Being urgent, everyone stopped what they were doing to help study the new gadget that was shipped today.

"New species..." Li Chunhua was happy at first and then worried. New species are difficult to handle, and he doesn't know when the results will be available.

Jin Sichen and John Woo are thinking more, but there is no need to say anything now.

"Team leader Yu, can Wu Teqin stay overnight tonight? He is in a hurry and has not had enough rest. If he goes back directly now, there may be risks on the way." Jin Sichen interrupted with a smile, "Can I let him rest for one night and leave tomorrow? ?”

"Oh, there shouldn't be any problem. I'll inform Deputy Director Xie." Yu Guangli said and sent a message to the communicator. "Wu Teqin should have stayed last time. It was really dangerous to drive late at night."

John Woo responded with a smile.

Xie Bisheng was probably not busy. He quickly replied and said it was no problem. At the same time, he was concerned about the progress of the shipment. After learning that it might be a new species, he remained silent.

Yu Guangli didn't stay long. The way he was sitting on pins and needles with the guests made John Woo feel uncomfortable, so he directly asked him to go back and continue his research.

After Yu Guangli pushed him half-seriously a few times, he left quickly.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Li Chunhua suddenly realized that Song Ren hadn't said anything for a long time, even though he was still talking and laughing just now.

Song Ren ignored him.

Lin Fan was slumped on the sofa playing games, no different from before. He couldn't help but wonder if he had seen it wrong just now.



Song Ren was very sure that there was definitely something wrong with Lin Fan the moment he opened his eyes.

Last night I dozed off while typing, I was very tired. This chapter has been finished, and the chapter in the afternoon was also coded to 2900. I thought it was almost done, so I went to bed. It was just after 9 o'clock. I'm so tired. Two days left, hold on. I want a vote, I want a vote!

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