Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 739 The answer

Chapter 739 The answer

Once trust is established, many things will fall into place naturally.

When Als arrived at Forty-Nine City, Lan Xing's attitude towards them could be considered very friendly.

Of course, Lin Fan, Antonio and the staff of the special agency are still on hand around the clock, but the members of the mecha team have not been in mechas for a long time. They followed at a distance behind the armored vehicle equipped with their own mecha.

Lin Fan's attitude towards the two of them also became much more relaxed. Just like how he was with the ugly girl back then, although he was still on guard, he was no longer so tense all the time.

Anyway, if there is any situation, the three of them can take action to control the situation immediately.

The Lanxing people were not simply waiting and watching during this period of changing attitudes. They didn't want to disturb Ha Yi's exploration work, but they didn't leave the remaining two people idle.

LAMUN first used previous video resource analysis to create corresponding translation kits for H and Oktebos.

Since we are all good friends, it is not a problem to always have Lin Fan and Antonio translate.

These two people have seriously exceeded their standards in speaking recently, and there is nothing they can do about it until their throats are filled with smoke. Who said that only the two of them can understand?

Fortunately, they have special physiques, so if they take more supplements during rest, they can basically recover to a full extent the next day.

But even so, the non-stop beeping for more than a month really strained the human body's limits. Lin Fan felt like he was vomiting when he spoke, and even Antonio, the cow, couldn't bear it.

Although the purpose of communication can be achieved by pulling on the tentacles, not everyone can pull on their tentacles.

Besides, if you can keep your distance, try to keep it as little as possible. It’s safer, right?

I don’t know how long we will have to date Octopus Man in the future. From a long-term perspective, we can’t just keep an eye on Cen Fangyuan and the three of them, right? What if they have other things to do in the future?

Therefore, in order to better establish communication, Lanmeng technicians used AI technology to analyze the frequency and length of whale calls to correspond to the content of Lanxing language.

Naturally, the Lanxing people couldn't make the whale call, but it was probably good to be able to understand it. In the later stage, it may be possible to arrange and combine them electronically and then feed them back to the Octopus Man, which should also be able to achieve a basic level of communication.

Everyone in the Information Office of the Special Affairs Office has been implementing this translation project recently and has been extremely busy.

There are so many mainstream languages ​​on Lanxing that it is impossible to translate them at the same time. We can only use one as the standard first and then translate it into other languages ​​later.

The final language of the first version is of course H.

Ove objected strongly.

He said that P text is the most common language in the world, and for better international circulation, P text should be used to correspond.

Party H glanced at him lightly, but his objection was ineffective.

Not to mention that everyone is standing on the territory of country H, of the three people responsible for communication, two use H script, and Antonio uses a mixture of P script and H script.

After the Gro War, Country H barely suffered much damage, its population was far ahead of other forces, and it was far away from the second place. In terms of the number of users, the number of H text users ranks first in the world.

The representatives of various forces participating in the roundtable meeting are more or less able to read H-text, and even if they don't know it originally, they also bring translators with them. Moreover, during the long trip, most of what they heard behind the big screen was translated in H, and they were basically used to it.

Again and again, people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Several other forces looked at Ovi's indignant look helplessly and contemptuously, laughing secretly in their hearts.

Who else in Lanxing can challenge Country H now? Old P is really careless about life and death. He still thinks it's before the war. He always blows off his beard and glares at Party H, and doesn't even look at what their base camp is like?

It is estimated that if there was not Apollo standing in front of him, H would not even give old P a chance to speak.

Isn’t it good that those who understand current affairs like them are heroes? Following the thigh saves time and effort, takes no risks, and can also share some benefits.

This is what he thought in his heart, but he also showed his dissatisfaction on the face, and protested with Ovi.

Fight! The more chaos there is, the more benefits it will bring! Anyway, they just flirt with each other and act according to the situation. The muddier the water, the easier it is to reap benefits...

Didn’t Ove know there was no protest?

Of course he knew that he was protesting not for the results, but to show his attitude and exchange for other benefits by giving in. It seems like they lost, but they actually achieved what they wanted. This time, they played a lot more.

Qian Muda's ship found two companion stones on the seabed. I don't know if the octopus man missed them or left them on purpose, but I can't hide this.

<divclass="contentadv">Ovi’s reason for making this fuss is to target these two companion stones.

He wanted to take both, but looking at the current situation, it would be nice to keep one.

So he slapped the table and called him a bench, almost crying at the Great Wall. He showed his grievances and concessions so vividly that he even missed an Oscar...

In addition to the language translation issue, there is another thing, or several things, that have also attracted everyone's attention.

After the mystery of Atlantis was settled, everyone broke away from the wonder and couldn't help but think of the Xingdui Civilization, Mama Civilization, Triangular Pyramid Civilization and the Giant Array, which are also unsolved mysteries in the world, because A magical civilization phenomenon that is far higher than the productivity of the time and difficult to explain.

Many people have proposed the theory of alien civilization before, but at that time, aliens were just legends. After all, no one has seen it, so how can it be proved that it is an alien civilization? Why couldn't it be that the Lanxing civilization had a small outbreak?

And now, two consecutive visits to extraterrestrial civilizations, coupled with the decryption of the Atlantis civilization, have pushed other waves of "mysterious civilizations are the legacy of aliens" to a climax - living aliens Humans appear on TV every day, and they also came to Lanxing thousands of years ago to participate in its construction. How come it is impossible for other aliens to pass by?

All over Lanxing, curiosity about these unknown civilizations became more and more intense. Netizens quickly created their own posts on Chaohao, arguing and wanting to fight.

In the end, Lan Meng came forward, compiled various information, and sent it to Cen Fangyuan, asking him to ask the octopus man if he looked familiar.

Als look at this.

Yes, I've seen it.

Look at that again.

Yeah. I know.

A lot of unsolved mysteries passed before his eyes, and it was clear that each one had traces of alien civilization.

Combined with the times... My dear, behind every explosive and brilliant civilization in Lanxing there is the shadow of aliens participating in the construction.

It's just that those aliens back then were relatively friendly. After visiting Lanxing, they left some "visit here" marks, or left after experiencing life for a period of time.

The people of Lanxing, who had low cognitive abilities at that time, saw them flying over with a "whoosh" and then flying away with a "whoosh", and they all worshiped them as gods.

There are many differences in myths and legends around the world, especially in Western Europe. In the early days, the gods were relatively unified, but later they were divided. There were many different stories about the gods, and there were even several versions. They were not like a mythological system.

Scholars used to think that it was a matter of turf war. Because rulers separated their powers, culture would also begin to change based on the claims of the superiors.

But now that we know that aliens are involved, all kinds of unreasonable mythical characters can be matched again.

The earliest batch were the divine sons of Nuwa, who rushed to settle in the mountains. Those gods who felt strange in the later period were probably aliens who came later...

In short, before everyone knew it, Lan Xing had already been pierced through a sieve by aliens.

I don’t know why they came, and I don’t know why they didn’t occupy Lanxing.

According to Als, it is still too far away from their main star, and there are no high-end resources. There is no point in occupying it. It is also a waste of carrying resources, so it is better to just travel...

There is only one living star in the solar system, the Blue Star.

When studying astronomy in the past, everyone always thought that it would be great if there were other living stars. Now think about it, being alone may not be a bad thing.

look! Even though there were so many aliens who were friendly, only one Gro almost destroyed Lanxing's thousands of years of civilization.

You still have to get stronger!

Rather than the heated discussion among the public, the upper echelons of the Lanmen League set their sights on their new friend.

We have to let them leave something behind!

Participate in the construction of Blue Star, everyone has a responsibility to be a good alien!

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