Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 720 The first alien meeting

The addition of an old lady in the reception group seemed inconspicuous, and at least the three octopus men didn't show any sign of it.

One night is not enough time, but it is enough to make some changes.

For example, the large flatbed truck that was temporarily called yesterday showed up again with decorations and thick carpets and mats on the flatbed, turning it into a slightly weird float.

Lin Fan guessed that they had dismantled these decorations from some wedding organization and assembled them in the car. They piled them up in such a vulgar way that no normal person would even notice.

It's just that the octopus people seemed very happy about this, and asked several questions about the shiny, sincere new means of transportation.

After the three big octopuses got on board, the car started to drive. The rotating windmills and twinkling lanterns, coupled with the huge octopus in the car, really made it look like a parade.

Fortunately, the landing point was chosen in the South Island, where it is like spring all year round, so a convertible is not a problem.

If they choose to drive live octopuses in a convertible in the north, Lin Fan is not sure whether they will freeze into lumps of ice on the road.

The specially prepared meeting place was not far from the landing point. The door openings that had been enlarged overnight and the large sofa seats all showed the speed of Country H.

It didn't seem to be much different from the symposium Lin Fan had seen when he visited P with the old man. The comfortable sofas in the spacious room are arranged in a ring. On one side is an oversized sofa specially set up for the octopus man, and on the other side are the normal seats for the Lanxing reception group. A huge screen at the top of the conference room was playing a welcome animation.

Star and Apollo have been following the octopus man.

When everyone was seated, Xingchen took two steps forward and stood behind Als, leaning towards Cen Fangyuan. Apollo stood between Ayi and Ibutu, leaning towards Ayi's position.

Four people from the bionic armor team stood on both sides of the conference room door, guarding the only entrance and exit, while the remaining five people guarded behind the reception group.

Old Mrs. Mijiao sat at the end of the reception group, facing Ibutu.

Cen Fangyuan sat in the main seat, holding Als's hand all the way, and soon began a cordial and friendly formal exchange after he was seated.

After returning yesterday, he received the latest appointment from Lan Meng and temporarily became the head of the Department of External Affairs.

This external world is no longer a foreign country in the past concept, but an alien planet.

Lanmeng has been established for so long, and although there are still quarrels and quarrels every day, the model has become stable. Although each country still exists, the concept of domain has been gradually weakened administratively due to various subjective and objective reasons. Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was almost abandoned at one time, but now it has a new home.

When the two forces communicate, there is always a lot of nonsense.

The difference is that after Cen Fangyuan speaks, there is always a period of silence, and then he repeats what Als said again, like a one-man show.

After the greetings, Cen Fangyuan began to introduce the history of Lanxing to the three Oktebos people who came from afar. The octopuses held hands and listened quietly. Als asked questions from time to time, like a very good listener.

If it weren't for the special guest, Lin Fan would have dozed off during this boring conversation.

I don’t know if there is a time buffer, or maybe the other party’s friendly attitude has added a filter, but the big octopus that looked particularly disgusting the day before does not seem so invasive now.

When Lin Fan was so bored, he even stared at the pattern on the back of Als's head. At first glance they are all the same, but upon closer inspection they are all different...

After watching for a long time, Lin Fan still felt a little dizzy, so he turned his attention to the smooth tentacles held by Cen Fangyuan.

It's a pity that in the octopus state, the bright lines and star points of the energy body cannot be seen, and I don't know if Cen Fangyuan's words have been transmitted along yesterday's route...

Lin Fan was bored and could only try to concentrate and listen to what Cen Fangyuan said.

Everyone in Lanxing has learned the history of Lanxing. Although Lin Fan has been away from school for many years and has returned almost everything he learned to the teacher, he still probably has an idea. So I was not interested in what Cen Fangyuan said at first.

But as I listened, I could tell something was wrong.

Cen Fangyuan's words were 70% true and 30% false. The truth was mixed with lies. At first, Lin Fan suspected that he had not studied history well, or had remembered it wrongly. It took several times before I was sure he did it on purpose.

After thinking about it, the truth is very clear.

The octopus man needs to know Lan Xing's situation, but he can't reveal the truth completely. After all, it seems that Lan Xing is the weak side at the moment.

<divclass="contentadv">Since they cannot be sure whether what the octopus people say is true or false, then the octopus people should also be unable to confirm whether what they say is true or false.

The objective scientific and technological reality cannot be changed, but it is always possible to mix some nonsense into history and package the weak Lanxing into something stronger, right?

Not only did the people from Lanxing not listen to it, but the non-H country attendees did, not showing it on their faces but secretly complaining in their hearts.

This H countryman is also very good at talking about myths, legends, legends, and miscellaneous history, all told as if they were true. If everyone hadn't been born and raised on Lan Planet and heard some familiar fragments, they would have thought he was talking about the history of other planets.

Lin Fan also thought it was awesome. Seeing Cen Fangyuan smiling and talking endlessly, he suddenly wanted to learn the art of speaking from him.

The three octopus men on Octobos have been listening quietly, looking at the content displayed on the big screen from time to time. Represented by Als, questions were raised.

The content of their questions was mostly related to mythology, and they seemed not to be very interested in the normal historical process and technological development.

However, Cen Fangyuan had a good grasp of the situation. He spoke clearly but with reservations. He could arouse the interest of the octopus people but also make them fearful.

"It seems that they are not interested in our history or technology, but are interested in the story." The people from Lanmeng kept watching the live broadcast of the meeting, and finally were basically sure when the Octopus Man asked another question about myth-related content.

"I should think that those are all true. The battle of the gods and the ceremony of conferring gods. I believe it when I hear it." Someone touched his palm, "But that's fine. Creatures always have a more cautious attitude towards unknown things. They The more we don’t know, the more we have concerns. Regardless of the original intention, it’s always good for us.”

It is a fact that Lanxing's technology is weak. Even if there are mechas that far exceed the local technology level, the overall level is there. As long as the octopus people are not mentally retarded, they will soon be able to detect the true technological level of Lanxing. Will their purpose still be a peaceful and friendly visit? That's hard to say.

So make the pie bigger and fool people into believing it is true or false.

To be blunt, if you want to play tricks and tell lies, the octopus people who have only known about spiritual sharing are afraid that they will call the man with the lotus flower in front of them an ancestor. They probably never thought that there is such a way of communication.

Everyone agreed with the speaker and continued to focus on the big screen.

The person in charge of Party H winked at his subordinates. After a while, Zhu Cunjun received an order to mobilize as many combatants as possible.

All the combatants from the Special Branch have been dispersed across the country to guard the barriers. Now that they suddenly have to be removed, it cannot be done in a few words.

Zhu Cun's army was as big as a bucket, and he didn't care about the live broadcast of the meeting. He asked the technician next to him to open the duty schedule to see how to squeeze out some mobile personnel.

It would be great if there were more people with superpowers! He sighed in his heart.

In the conference room, it was naturally not Cen Fangyuan who was talking all the time. He will also take the opportunity to ask the octopus people for relevant information.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, Lan Xing also obtained a lot of fresh first-hand information.

For example, the people of Octobos have no gender distinction, and there is no distinction between men and women.

For example, the Octobos people use spiritual reproduction to reproduce. In a specific nurturing chamber, the global spirit gathers here to infuse a newborn baby.

Perhaps it is some kind of conservation law. Every birth of a newborn on the planet will be accompanied by the death of an Octobosian.

Newborns can share with the global spirit right after birth, so although the body is not yet mature, the brain can quickly carry enough information to become mature.

In a sense, such newborns are not much different from dead mature Orks, except for their infant bodies and less mature ways of thinking.

Therefore, the reproductive rate of the Octobers is very low. It is more to maintain the stability of the population. After the death of the Octobers, newborns will be produced at the same time at the same time.

Lin Fan had never heard of such a thing, and his focused thoughts finally returned.

Cen Fangyuan took the opportunity to ask about their lifespans, and took the initiative to tell Lanxing people the average lifespan.

Als hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Our way of keeping time is different from yours. According to your time, the Octobos usually live between nine hundred and one thousand years."

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