Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 712 Preparations

In fact, as long as Antonio goes on escort missions, he will definitely go to the J Engineering Research Institute. Because in the plan, one of the reception items is to visit the J Engineering Research Institute.

It is a demonstration and a test. The display of force and ready reserves of firepower in the J Engineering Research Institute are the focus.

Of course, this is all based on the premise that everything goes well.

Since it was something that would be known sooner or later, Zhu Cunjun might as well tell it in advance to sell it better.

But it’s not just country P that wants the stars, they also want to drag Apollo into their pot.

What Zhu Cunjun is best at is to moisturize things and win people's hearts silently. As for the effect...he glanced at Anthony, who had his eyes downcast.

He is in no hurry.

South Island landing site.

The regular Yingbin Avenue has been laid.

In front of the special hardened floor, a large red carpet was spread out straight, with bright flower decorations on both sides.

It has not yet been decided whether the ceremony band will appear at the top. But behind the flowers, armored vehicles of various colors were neatly arranged, with their muzzles raised high, in sharp contrast to the fresh flowers.

In the sky, fighter jets shuttle back and forth from time to time.

Looking down from the sky, on both sides of the red carpet, countless armored phalanxes were lined up in darkness, and the cold and solemn feeling could not be hidden no matter how hard it was.

On the sea, two giant H carriers were moored, and carrier-based aircraft moved slowly on the deck. In the offshore area, numerous cruise ships are lined up densely, and speedboats shuttle back and forth between the various ships.

The mecha team was already in place and walking along the red carpet to the landing location. The commander-in-chief of the armored phalanx was talking to them, communicating how to cooperate with the armored vehicles.

In places that cannot be seen, the anti-air missiles have all set coordinates and must reach them.

Ovi couldn't help but feel itchy when he saw the green lights indicating that each launch tower was ready, and then looked at the busy but orderly scene at the landing site.

"Give me this firepower, and I can take down ten orchid stars."

Although the location is set in country H, other G families have also sent representatives over, saying that they are assisting, actually monitoring, and even grabbing the opportunity when it is beneficial. The person sent by country P is naturally the experienced Ovi.

Someone snorted slightly, and Ovi turned around to look for it, but found no one.

At the conference table, several people were still hesitant.

"How about a band ceremony? This scene doesn't look very friendly."

In addition to the red carpet and flowers, there were tons of weapons on the side, and the guns were pointed at the visitors. It didn't look like a welcome.

"In this kind of situation, don't let people go out naked. You can't bear the fart, and you will leave your face later." The slightly grumpy representative of Country E replied. "The aliens may not understand whether they are welcome or not. It is not up to us to decide."

Ovi felt that this was quite what he wanted to say, so he interjected. "With so many weapons on display, does it really make sense for the band to go up and play a few songs? Who are you trying to deceive?"

The opposing parties raised their eyebrows, and this kid finally said something humane.

Most of the people who want to join the band think that people from country H can join the band and have no worries about what they say. They are still there, right? Will this leave a bad impression on the aliens? They may even use this as an excuse to fall out.

"Okay, that's it." The decision-maker decided. "We will wait until we confirm the opponent's route first. We don't want to risk the lives of soldiers."

If the other party really wants to fight, no matter how friendly they are, they can't stop it. Strength is the last word.

If you are tough, show force on your face. If you want to come and play, we welcome you. If you want to do it, we will accompany you.

Ove applauded at first. "It's not easy, it's not easy."

Country H has always believed in benevolence and loves others, and often practices the golden mean. From the perspective of Country P, they are always hesitant, procrastinating, and clumsy... I never expected that they would be so decisive.

The people of the H country didn't care at all about Ovi's strange aura, and hurriedly launched into the execution of the next wave of operations.

In the special clinic, Lin Fan pulled Antonio to the cafeteria again.

I can't stay in the information room, and Zhu Cunjun's office is not suitable either. As for my own's better to use the cafeteria, which can also replenish energy.

Zhu Cunjun specially asked the information room to cut the signal for a TV in the cafeteria to broadcast live the news of the visit to the ship.

Lin Fan ate, Antonio sat opposite and drank, and John Woo was responsible for loading the goods.

A few people looked at the screen, ate, drank, and chatted, and time passed very quickly.

<divclass="contentadv"> "Speaking of which, do you drink to replenish energy? Can't you eat?" Lin Fan looked at the dozen or so wine bottles in Antonio's hand, including Niulanshan, Erguotou, white, and beer. I have everything, and I'm a little worried that he might be suffering from alcohol poisoning.

"It's okay. Everything you take in can be converted into energy, whether it's what you eat by mouth or infusion. It's just that I prefer drinking to eating."

Antonio opened another can of beer that he had not drank before and smiled with John Woo. "To drink, I still have to come to your Country H. There are so many varieties, many of which I have never drunk before."

Usually in country P, he drinks beer, red wine, and whiskey.

Last time I came to celebrate the New Year, I didn't want to give Lin Fan the impression of being an alcoholic, and it was unnecessary, so I didn't drink.

Now that Lin Fan was eating non-stop, he felt that he needed to replenish his food, so he went to get some wine with John Woo. As soon as he went there, he discovered Paradise.

"Like drinking?" Lin Fan really thought of alcoholism, and the expression on his face was hard to describe.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't drink like this on weekdays." Antonio raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "It's good to have a drink and enjoy yourself. This is a rare opportunity. Try a few more flavors. Alcohol won't have any impact on me anyway."

"You mean you won't get drunk?" Lin Fan envied, "I can't. If I drink a little bit, even pineapple beer, I'll get dizzy."

So she had to rely on food.

"Huh? Are you allergic to alcohol?" Antonio raised the can in his hand to Lin Fan and said regretfully, "Then you will be in trouble. I respect you!"

He took a sip and continued. "I used to have a pretty good drinking capacity. I also like to taste different flavors when drinking, which is no different from enjoying food. After transforming into a mecha... it is true that I won't get drunk, but if I drink too much, I will feel dizzy for a short time, but it does not affect me. You will be sane and will be sober soon. It should be because the alcohol content has been broken down by the body."

Lin Fan looked at the dozen wine bottles on the table and asked, "Isn't that too much?"

Antonio chuckled, "No, the alcohol content is different. If the alcohol content is light, it will be the same as a drink after it enters the body. If you drink too much alcohol, it will have some effects."

"Then you won't get drunk after a thousand cups?" Lin Fan admired him.

"Forget it." Antonio smiled brightly, "It's just like your big eater, it's all converted into energy anyway. Do you want to try drinking?"

Lin Fan's body, like his, must be able to adapt to and digest alcohol. Antonio felt that holding a wine glass was more elegant than eating non-stop, although Lin Fan's eating was not ugly.

"No, no, no." Lin Fan quickly waved his hand and shook his head, "As long as one method works, I don't want to ask for trouble."

She knew that alcohol sickness, like motion sickness, could be overcome through exercise. But why bother? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Antonio shrugged, not forcing her, and discussed wine with John Woo.

Lin Fan did not join in their conversation, just ate his own food and watched TV from time to time.

As the visiting ship got closer and closer, she looked up and watched TV more and more frequently. At the end, she almost had to watch TV for a while after taking two bites.

Seeing that she was not in the mood to eat, John Woo stopped serving food.

"Nervous?" Antonio's cheeks were a little red, and he asked with a smile when he saw Lin Fan starting to rub his hands together.

Lin Fan nodded, then shook his head, "I can't explain the feeling. I just feel unsure and a little uneasy. Aren't you a little drunk?"

"Where are you going?" Antonio waved his hand, "It's okay, I don't know for sure. But I'm going with you, don't be afraid."

Lin Fan looked at Antonio's flushed face and really didn't know if he should feel relieved. But because of his comfort, my heart felt strangely calmer.

"Don't worry, we are all here." John Woo also consoled him.

Although his comfort seemed superficial to Antonio who was going with him, Lin Fan was still happy.

She smiled, thought about it again, and warned John Woo. "If I can't come back, my parents..."

Before John Woo had time to react, he heard a "dinging bell" from Antonio opposite him.

"Bah, bah, bah, it's childish words," he spat and rubbed the soles of his shoes back and forth a few times, then turned to look at Lin Fan, "The expedition is about to begin, can you say something auspicious?"

Without waiting for Lin Fan to reply, he clasped his hands together and bowed upward, mumbling incessantly. "Ami Tofu, Guanyin Bodhisattva, what she just said doesn't count. Bless us that everything will go smoothly..."

Lin Fan's originally somewhat sad mood ran away when he was interrupted like this, and he felt that this red-haired devil was becoming more and more H-national.

"Don't you... believe in God?"

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