Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 709 Prepare for war again

In the history of Lanxing, there have been many literary creations and film and television works about the visit of aliens.

Most of those friendly and amiable aliens were wearing protective suits. They either slowly descended from the light beam shot from the center of the flying saucer, or walked out of the doorway filled with high light after the spacecraft landed on the ground.

These aliens basically appear in human form, carrying the creator's beautiful vision, as well as various good things that can promote the development of Lanxing technology.

But since the last Gro invasion, the people on Lan Planet's filter for aliens has been completely broken. Forget about gifts, it would be nice if it didn’t come with guns.

The news of the alien's visit was not announced to the public until they observed the other party sending out a small spacecraft heading towards Lanxing.

It won't work if we don't announce it. The other party is probably going to land. Once it penetrates into the barrier, it is hard to say whether it will cause any harm to the ordinary people on Lanxing.

Therefore, in accordance with the latest defense draft, all units entered the first level of combat readiness, notifying the people to take shelter in bunkers, and all weapons and J-fire were mobilized.

In such a situation where troops and people are mobilized, the news cannot be concealed.

In the early stage, Country H exchanged information with the public and enjoyed a wave of interactive benefits. This time, they also directly informed them.

With Gro's lessons learned, no one failed to cooperate.

Country P and other forces did not want to tell the truth, but Country H had already announced it, and it would be useless for them to stop it. After all, they were not ignorant of the speed of the Internet.

Just pretend to be aggrieved and ask for benefits from Country H.

What are the benefits? Of course the choice of landing site.

As we all know, landing an alien spacecraft is risky. No one knows what will come out of it or what the mechanism of the spacecraft is. Therefore, its flight route and landing location are particular.

No one wants such a dangerous thing to land on their own territory, so of course they want to push it to Country H.

If there is a real trouble, let the H countrymen take the lead first. Anyway, they have many people and will not consume much in the Gro war.

On the H country side, the old man agreed without much hesitation.

Risks are also opportunities. I hope country P will not regret it afterwards.

All the superpowers from the special agency quickly took orders and walked around the country with the enchantments and magic weapons that the weapon refining team had worked overtime to refine.

In the last battle with Gro, the special agency's reserve of magic weapons was almost exhausted.

Knowing that there was another threat lurking in the sky, the weapon refining team changed their usual idle working attitude. They were either refining or on the way to refining every day. They wanted to seize the logistics reserves so that their colleagues could have enough ammunition when they needed it.

You can not use it, but you can't live without it.

Now take a look around the place. As long as they are unkempt, their clothes are wrinkled and smell like dried pickles, and they walk in a hurry. No need to ask, he must be from the weapon refining team.

Lin Fan had met Quan Yingdong several times in the cafeteria, and he knew where Quan Yingdong's sloppy image came from.

This time, because he was fully prepared, Zhu Cunjun saved a hand early, licked his old face, and asked for some gadgets from Le Zheng Yuanqing and the disembodied Chitose-sama, so the defense range was much larger than last time.

More than 70% of the places where people from Country H gather are covered by barriers. What's left is the vast natural ecological environment and the land specially set aside for the spacecraft to land.

In this way, with the big enchantment of Nv Chou outside and the small enchantment of superpowers inside, the safety of the lives and property of the people of Country H can be basically guaranteed, and the upper management can basically rest assured.

As for the other G families... I'm sorry, their H country has already brought danger to their own homes, and they don't care about the others anymore.

Now, let’s see what the arrival of 03’s visiting small spaceship means.

Country P couldn't get what it wanted, so it simply watched the excitement and started a real-time broadcast, releasing all the news about 03 that it knew about on the surface.

When Country H asked questions, they used the people's right to know as an excuse, and accused Country H of being the first to reveal the information. They were so messy that the top brass of the Blue Alliance were in chaos again at this critical moment.

But the matter has come to this, and it is too late for Country H to intercept it.

World Tree accelerates the integration of global networks.

There were regional restrictions in the past, but after the Gro War, only Country H was left as the "only one left".

In order to show the strength and prestige of country H to people in other regions, and to speed up the integration process of the Blue Alliance, the "wall" on the Internet has basically become a decoration that can be climbed directly without a ladder. It seems that a loophole was deliberately left for If you are interested, come in and visit.

People who are curious about Country H can easily check information about Country H, and people in Country H can naturally see the tragic situation of past great powers. Putting aside their respective psychological states, more importantly, such information exchange has had a very positive and far-reaching impact on promoting country H to become the main party to the Blue Alliance.

<divclass="contentadv">Because of this premise, if people in country P see it, it is basically equivalent to everyone around the world seeing it. Hiding it from the people of country H will easily cause counter-effects.

So soon, country H also built a new space channel and started live broadcasting. At least its people could not be led by the public opinion of the P side.

After the people in the underground bunker saw the live broadcast, their mood was not as bad as they imagined.

People in the Peace Zone feel that it was fine last time and it will definitely be fine this time. The result of the last successful evacuation gave everyone the awareness that "as long as they hide underground well, they will be able to escape safely in a few days," so their cooperation was relatively high.

And people in war zones are used to fighting back and forth, who comes and who goes. Anyway, the worst case scenario is death and numbness.

The upper management saw that the mood of the online discussion was quite good, so they did not ban the Internet. After all, many times, the means of restriction also reflect the current situation in some aspects.

The Blue League feels pretty good at the moment and wants to make people feel confident, so its propaganda is all about friendly exchanges. At this time, cutting off the Internet and banning people from talking can easily disturb people's hearts.

After receiving the notice, Father Lin and Mother Lin rushed to their previous hiding place by familiar routes.

The sudden evacuation last time gave Mother Lin a sense of urgency. After returning home, I bought a small trailer with two bags on it. One holds clothes and daily necessities, and the other holds food. Every now and then I have to take out the contents of my bag and change them.

The carry-on bag containing valuables is always at hand.

Father Lin lets her do whatever she wants, and as long as she doesn't quarrel or ruin the family, she can say anything.

As the seasons changed and months passed, her old dancing sisters laughed at her for being too careful. Mother Lin ignored her and continued to go her own way.

I never thought it would come in handy so quickly. Mother Lin was overjoyed. When they went out, no one in the community came down. Everyone was cleaning up. What is this called? Call it vision!

She chatted impassionedly with Father Lin, and wanted to call her dance partners who had laughed at her before, but Father Lin stopped her.

"Please calm down, they must be busy cleaning up." Lin's father pressed her cell phone, "Let's leave quickly. We are older and walk slower than others. It will be difficult to leave when there are many people on the road. .”

"Yes, don't let someone else take that spot last time." After hearing this, Mother Lin stopped talking on the phone and walked forward faster.

Father Lin looked at his wife dragging the car majestically with steps that she didn't recognize, and he touched the phone in his pocket and put it down.

Forget it, let's get to the place first and then call Xiaofan. She must be busy packing her things too, so don't waste time.

Half an hour later, the old couple finally arrived at the last location ahead of others. There were already many people walking around inside. The bed and chair furnishings were still the same as when they left, but the weather had warmed up and no one was wearing cotton clothes.

Mother Lin pulled out a rag and began to wipe the two people's beds. Father Lin sat down on the chair next to him and took a breath. After his breathing stabilized, he took out his phone.

Another series of routine greetings: Have you eaten, are you okay, have you reached the evacuation point?

Lin Fan answered them one by one, and also told the old couple to take care of themselves.

The crisp voice made Father Lin feel happy and sad at the same time, and Mother Lin also grabbed the phone and said a few words. There was no quarrel this time, but I still couldn't help asking John Woo and Antonio how they were doing with Lin Fan recently.

Lin Fan just smiled and said nothing.

"Why are you laughing? You're just talking." Lin's mother's temper became a little fierce again.

"Well, I'll tell you when I get back." Lin Fan paused, "You and my dad take care of your health and don't be reluctant to spend money. Stop arguing and everything will be fine."

"Why did I make such a fuss and you just said that to me..." Mother Lin really couldn't stand others talking about her.

"Okay, okay." Father Lin quickly grabbed the phone and said, "You said you won't make any noise. If you don't make a phone call, just say a few words less."

Mother Lin wanted to laugh, but she pursed her lips, endured it, and continued to wipe the bed, making ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong effort.

When Lin Fan heard the voice over there, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously. "Dad, I'm going to go do some work. You must take care of yourself."

"Hey, go get busy and be safe." Dad Lin hung up the phone and put it away happily.

And Lin Fan, in the huge information room, signaled the technician to cut off the communication.

She had already been equipped with a combat uniform, and her eyes were fixed on the picture of Father Lin and Mother Lin on the big screen.

I don’t know if I can come back if I go out this time...

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