Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 690 Death of Feng Chuang

Feng Chuang died.

Died in a vacant property that was not owned by him.

In March, when the weather gradually got hotter, the neighbors smelled an unusual smell and felt something was wrong. Once they figured it out, they called the police.

The police broke in and found human-like tissue lying on the ground. After laboratory tests and comparisons, they determined that it was Feng Chuang and sent a message to the Special Investigation Office.

Xue Ping took people over to confirm and compared the DNA with the biological samples left by Feng Chuang's family again. After confirming that they were consistent, the first-level wanted order that had been hanging online for nearly three months was revoked.

Feng Chuang's household registration was also canceled.

"Are you sure it's Feng Chuang?"

It’s still the same people in the cafeteria. Lin Fan asked while holding the thermos cup and staring at Xue Ping who looked tired.

He had been busy dealing with Feng Chuang's matter for the past few days, and had to clean up the aftermath. He was so busy that he didn't touch the ground until the matter was over and the report was submitted, and he was pulled out to eat by John Woo.

"Are you suspicious?" Xue Ping raised his eyes.

Lin Fan glanced at John Woo's encouraging eyes and continued. "Is this possible?"


"I just feel that it would be too... easy to die for a person that so many of you couldn't catch?" Lin Fan thought for a while, but couldn't find a suitable adjective, so he just said it.

She didn't know that she didn't feel this way before when Feng Chuang was not caught. Knowing that he was still hiding tightly despite being so densely covered in eyes, and that he hadn't been caught for several months, she felt that this person was really not a simple person.

But he turned around and said that this man was dead, and had been dead for a long time. Quietly in an unknown house, Lin Fan couldn't help but start thinking about conspiracy.

"What if, what if the Feng Chuang you identify as is a puzzle he deliberately set up?" Lin Fan continued to speculate.

Xue Ping glanced at John Woo, who was smiling and saying nothing, and smiled at Lin Fan. "Go on."

Lin Fan was encouraged and spoke more easily.

"Aren't you comparing DNA with the biological samples from Feng Chuang's home? As far as I know, he has no father or mother. He has been alone for so many years. If he deliberately hides, is it possible that the biological samples in his home are the same? Start getting ready, is this Feng Chuang not the Feng Chuang we are looking for?"

Lin Fan actually didn't remember much about Feng Chuang's appearance, so he had to look at the photos in the database to deepen his impression. But his extraordinary skills are still fresh in his memory.

At that time, she had not yet received training from Le Zheng Yuanqing, but only received basic combat training from Song Ren, which was not strict.

Although it is only the basics, it is Song Ren's subordinate after all, and it is far higher than ordinary basic fighting.

And watching Song Ren and the four of them fight with real swords and guns every day, Lin Fan was somewhat discerning.

Feng Chuang's skills are definitely not something that can be explained by excuses such as ordinary hobbies or having practiced martial arts when he was young.

You know, any skill will soon become useless once it cannot be repeated periodically.

Especially now, when Lin Fan, who was quite proficient in cold weapons, recalled Feng Chuang's skill back then, he felt that it was not simple.

Such an extraordinary person died simply. Can you blame Lin Fan for conspiracy theories?

"Wu Yusen, you can do it." Xue Ping smiled, but he was not praising Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was a little confused as a monk. Did she miss something?

John Woo smiled and did not answer the conversation, and started talking to Lin Fan. "You're right. We have the same idea."

Lin Fan's eyes lit up.

If the answer is correct, does that mean her business ability has improved again?

"But as you said, if Feng Chuang had prepared the biological samples in advance and deliberately guided us, with the materials we currently have on hand, there is indeed no way to find him." What Lin Fan thought of, the old secret agent had naturally already thought of. I got it.

What is the relationship between Feng Chuang and Gro?

How did he get in touch with Gro?

How did you accept Gro's information and send intelligence to Gro?

These are all things I want to know from him, but with Feng Chuang's death, all these questions have been raised and they are all unknown.

"So we can only confirm the death of Feng Chuang, but we can't confirm whether Feng Chuang is dead." Xue Ping spoke like a tongue twister, but everyone understood it. "I also have the idea that this guy will not die easily, but for the time being, there is really no way."

On the surface, Feng Chuang has canceled his account.

If he was not dead and could use some tricks to change the situation, as long as his appearance was different from the Feng Chuang they knew, he would be able to blend in among the people of Country H without even having to hide too much and just come out and walk around openly.

"Do you suspect that his face is not his real face?" This question was something Lin Fan had not thought of.

"If he had originally planned to attract Gro, wouldn't it be strange to use a fake face?" Xue Ping shrugged.

<divclass="contentadv">Lin Fan nodded silently.

"We checked all the plastic surgery institutions in G. No one like Feng Chuang has appeared in the past few months, so either Feng Chuang is really dead, or there is something wrong with his previous face and it is fake. .” John Woo added.

"Human skin mask?" Lin Fan suddenly thought.

"What are you thinking about..." Xue Ping laughed unceremoniously, "Have you watched too many TV series?"

Lin Fan was a little shy and smiled awkwardly. "There's none?"

"Actually, there is." John Woo glanced at Xueping and explained patiently, "But it's like a layer of silicone skin. It's okay from a distance, but it can't be seen up close."

"A person like Feng Chuang who can make vivid expressions and even we can't see the flaws at a close distance is not a human skin mask like those on TV. It should be a relatively advanced makeup technique."

"Huh?" Lin Fan's eyes widened, "Makeup?"

"Yeah, you don't know yet, right? The three major evil arts in Asia." Xue Ping picked up the bowl, blew on the chopped green onion, and took a sip of the soup.

"It seems like PS, plastic surgery, and..." Lin Fan thought for a while, but couldn't think of anything, and looked at John Woo for help.

"Well, if PS is also included, it is the four major evil arts." John Woo smiled, "There is also Ah T's transformation and makeup."

"Oh." Lin Fan seemed to understand but said he benefited a lot.

"This makeup technique is not just about you girls putting on powder and lipstick every day." Xue Ping added, "You know the special effects makeup in Hollywood, right?"

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded, "I know this, the Lord of the Rings, zombies and so on."

"Yes, that's what I'm talking about. There are also people on the Internet who specialize in this kind of face-changing special effects makeup, imitating various celebrities and so on. We suspect that Feng Chuang has such high-end makeup skills and has maintained such a disguise in the early stage."

The dead Feng Chuang might be a stranger, or maybe he was the real Feng Chuang, and this Feng Chuang who was playing hide-and-seek with them had tricked him into taking his appearance and used his identity to act outside.

Lin Fan remembered that Feng Chuang's identity as a photographer seemed to be good at makeup, which was not too strange.

"Then what should I do? What if he is really not dead? Once the makeup is removed, he is a complete stranger. What if he does evil again? Should we just let it go?"

The dead Feng Chuang's DNA was from the Lanxing people, and no strange gene chains were detected.

But they seriously suspected that Feng Chuang, who sent the message to Gro, might not be from Lanxing.

But everything can only be determined after catching Feng Chuang.

And Feng Chuang, can he still be caught?

There is another treasure to reward, okay?

The hot water angle valve under my kitchen sink was broken. I only found out when the first floor called me and said there was water leakage in her house.

I opened the cabinet and saw that there was no problem. I moved the things away and reached out to touch. Wow, there was a lot of water.

But I can't see the water dripping down. I shine a flashlight and see, okay, a wisp of water as thin as a hair is dripping out. I decisively turn off the valve.

Fortunately, the toilet angle valve broke last time, so I bought two faucets, and now I have spare parts.

As a result, the faucet was of inferior quality and it broke. It broke. . . .

Then it took a long time to remove the broken ones. Put on new ones.

It was approaching lunch and I was in a hurry, but I woke up with water leakage. . .

I took it apart again and found a new pack of raw material tape to wrap it up again. It seems to be ok so far.

By the way, I replaced the core in the water purifier, but it was not screwed in properly. When I turned on the water valve, water sprayed everywhere. . . .

It was past 4 pm when I finished it. It took me all morning and all afternoon to finish it, and my knees were also useless.

I suggest you to use good hardware for your home, especially for concealed projects, angle valves, floor drains, etc. Do not use galvanized alloy materials. They have a short lifespan and are easy to break. You will have to worry about it later.

I’m tired and don’t want to move anymore. Don’t miss it. Amen.

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