Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 681 Complete Self-Growth

Finally, based on the discussion between Dr. Xiao and Jin Sicheng, the reason for the appearance of the dark room was roughly deduced.

It's because Xingchen's chest cannon is so powerful that it instantly extracts energy and empties the body, causing the body to start a self-protection program. While it is comatose and dormant, its consciousness is not synchronized.

So while her body was shut down and her consciousness was still awake, it was like being locked up in a dark room. Until John Woo and other ambulance personnel arrived.

As for what Lin Fan said, it seemed like decades had passed in the small dark room, long enough for her to review her not-so-short life over and over again, but in reality it only took about ten minutes.

When it is attributed to ideology, it is in a different dimensional space, and the passage of time is different from reality.

Of course, this is all speculation and there is currently no way to verify it.

In short, the emergence of the dark room has not caused any substantial damage to Lin Fan yet. As for the benefits or other things, you may have to look for another opportunity to investigate, and don't rush for a while.

Lin Fan listened for a moment, but it was almost as if he hadn't heard anything.

She can accept that her human flesh has been transformed into a mecha, as if being locked up in a dark room for her ideology is not a big deal.

As one of the most well-informed women on Blue Star, she said it was nothing and concentrated on eating.

"Speaking of which..." As she was eating, she suddenly remembered, "I thought that if I were fully intact, I would be like Antonio and wouldn't need to keep replenishing energy..."

She looked at the food on the table and in the hands of Gao Fei and Ji Yu next to her.

After the last upgrade, I fired a series of shots and hollowed myself out. After waking up, I ate a lot, and today I emptied myself with another shot, and then I ate it here again.

"I don't know if it has changed now..." Lin Fan opened his mouth, looking at the fried rice in front of him and thinking.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter if he has changed or not, let’s talk about it after eating.

As his body was crying for food, Lin Fan picked up the spoon and continued to replenish energy.

"Then it's impossible for you to know for the time being." Jin Sicheng crossed his legs and said sarcastically. "According to 800's plan, although the chest cannon is temporarily prohibited from firing, you still need to test the shoulder cannon a few more times."

The measurement of firepower cannot be confirmed and completed in one go. Multiple tests are inevitable. This was planned long ago after Xingchen upgraded. It's just that after the chest cannon was fired today, this test project was temporarily canceled.

Lin Fan hummed without raising his head, indicating that he understood.

Jin Sicheng originally planned to follow two more test launches. If there were no problems, he would withdraw first and go to the female ugly side to implement the new plan.

But today, there was a special situation in Lin Fan's consciousness dark room, which made him feel uneasy again. He temporarily canceled his travel plan and decided to stay with Lin Fan until the test was completed.

This process of repeatedly emptying out and then forcibly filling it up would be fine if it were ordinary guns and ammunition. However, there is a living person inside the star. It is inevitable for a person to have various emotions, not to mention the sensitive Lin Fan.

Originally, Lin Fan's recent performance made him feel reassured by the girl's strength, but the sudden appearance of the little black room sounded the alarm for him again.

No matter how powerful she is, there are areas she cannot touch and is beyond her power. Especially in this situation where the limit is repeatedly tested, accidents or breakdowns are most likely to occur.

So Jin Sicheng decided to minimize the risk and he had to stay.

The days that followed were dull and boring.

Just like Jin thought, replenishing, repairing, firing with all your strength until nearly exhausted, replenishing again...and this process repeats itself.

The gap is also shortened from a cycle of five days to a cycle of three days.

The power of the shoulder cannon is steadily presented to everyone time and time again, and as time goes by, the limit seems to be increasing.

Using the data, everyone in 623 speculated that the last final evolution of the stars had not been completely completed, so they conducted another comprehensive measurement.

"What? Have you grown taller?" When Lin Fan learned the news, he was watching the newly recruited mecha pilot training on the playground.

This batch of newcomers were so many and young, and they were running around the playground in large numbers. Lin Fan looked at the youthful bodies and felt that he was getting younger.

But the intensity is still not as good as when Song Ren was here.

<divclass="contentadv">The Devil Instructor is well-deserved, and Li Chunhua and the others together cannot be as ruthless as Song Ren alone.

Another day of missing Song Ren, and I don’t know how he is recovering...

As soon as his thoughts began to wander, John Woo came with new news.

Lin Fan couldn't care about Song Ren anymore and pulled his tablet to look at the data. She was dizzy when she saw the numbers on the screen.

"Forget it, just say it." She pushed away the tablet and waved her hands in disgust, trying to hide her incompetence.

John Woo took back the tablet with a smile, looked at it himself and said. "The latest measurement shows that the highest point of the star is 20 centimeters longer than before."

After the stars finally evolved, they seemed to be the same as before, so no measurements were taken of their appearance.

As a result, there was a problem with this test.

The height of 20cm is not conspicuous on the Xingchen, and the last few tests have been long-range shooting. When he was transforming, there was no one around him. After he finished shooting, Xingchen lost his power and turned back into Lin Fan. When people came to pick him up, he couldn't see anything. So no one has ever discovered this.

Yu Guangli is already writing a review: Just because the appearance has not changed, we should not stop taking rigorous measurements. As a result, it is uncertain whether the height of Xingxing has changed since it was fully evolved, or whether it has changed recently.

"What's the difference?" Lin Fan scratched his chin, "It's not as important as the cannon on the shoulders or the cannon on the chest whether it's tall or not. In the past, every time I evolved, I was a little taller, and it changed a lot, but this time it's gone up. Pointing at your height doesn’t matter.”

"The difference here is huge." John Woo patiently explained with a smile. "If you grow taller when you absorb 818 for the last time to evolve, that might be okay. Like you said, before evolving the energy cannon, height growth doesn't seem to make much sense."

Lin Fan nodded.

"But if you think about it carefully, if the height did not increase during evolution, did these 20 centimeters grow in the recent period?"

"How is this possible?" Lin Fan retorted without thinking. "Xingchen has been here for so long, except for the few times he evolved, he has never seen anyone grow taller."

"What if this is possible?" John Woo bared his teeth and refused to give in at all, "Let's not talk about the height. When firing the shoulder cannon, you can feel the increase in Xingchen's physical strength, right?"

Lin Fan choked. This is true.

In the past, Yu Guangli had lost face because of his first firing of the shoulder cannon, and his second false alarm caused him to strictly control Lin Fan's exhaustion level with every subsequent firing.

Make sure that the shoulder cannon is fired to the limit, but Lin Fan himself still has enough energy to prevent him from falling unconscious.

It was under such strict control that they discovered that the maximum limit of Xingchen's energy cannon was increasing.

From firing the same number of cannonballs over and over again, Lin Fan was so arrogant, and now she still has some energy left after firing a little more each time...

After several times, they finally determined that the upper limit of Xingchen's physical strength seemed to be gradually increasing, and the firing limit of the energy cannon also expanded with the expansion of Xingchen's energy value...

So when the height increases, this is really important.

It is another favorable data, an important evidence supporting whether the stars themselves will begin to evolve in a self-cyclical manner after they have completely evolved.

"What should we do now? I didn't know how to measure it at first." Lin Fan seemed to see the bonus that Yu Guangli had managed to keep spreading its wings to fly again.

Although sympathetic, Yu Guangli, as the team leader, does have responsibilities in this matter.

"They are now reviewing the previous drone videos, trying to restore the height data of Xingchen after his last evolution." When John Woo came out, the technicians in 623 were typing the keyboards loudly.

"Can it be restored?" Lin Fan thought of the 3D star statue that Xia Jing had made at the entrance of the laboratory, and felt that it would not be difficult.

"Yes, but I can't tell you whether." John Woo shrugged. "The angle of the drone, reference objects, etc., seem to be very important. I don't know much about this aspect. I can only say that it is better than nothing."

"Hmm..." Lin Fan saw Li Chunhua standing on the edge of the playground with his waist in his arms and yelling at the newcomers, and suddenly an idea flashed, "How about asking Antonio?"

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