Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 658 Antonio’s Gift

The hotel is not far from the gate of the community, and it is the same hotel where Song Ren and the others live.

The facilities and decoration inside have not changed, but the price has doubled.

Lin Fan readily paid with public funds and experienced the happiness of the rich again.

After checking in, there is nothing to do.

Lin Fan, who was feeling sad, didn't want to face Mother Lin so soon, so he took Antonio directly to the city center mall for a walk.

Gaoshi is a fourth- and fifth-tier small city, and foreigners are more rare than giant pandas.

What's more, Antonio is taller and more handsome.

On the top of a large piece of black hair, you can see a modeling face with red hair. It's so sudden that people around you will notice it as long as they're not blind.

Antonio is a bit of a social guy, and at first he smiled and let everyone look at him.

But when the number of sights gradually increased, hundreds of people were staring at him like monkeys, even Antonio felt terrified.

"Okay." Antonio smiled, "Then let's go buy you a hat quickly. I think the one from before suits you very well. Let's go!"

Because of the cold weather, most people were hunching their necks, putting their hands in their pockets, and looking down.

As soon as he saw Lin Fan covering his head, Antonio wanted to take off his hat.

When she was stunned, Antonio had already put the hat on her head.

Lin Fan was focused on showing Antonio the men's hats, and had no memory of what kind of hat would suit her, until he was pulled to the first boutique, a girly hat with a blue and purple thick line hemp pattern and an oversized yarn ball. .

"It's good for me to just wear this hat, or are you reluctant to give it to me?" Seeing Lin Fan's frustration, Antonio took the initiative to ask.

After Antonio disguised himself with a hat, almost no one noticed him except a few young girls.

Lin Fan thought for a while, "I don't know. In the early years, there were some accidents because there were too many people, so the lantern festival has not been held for a long time. I will ask if there will be one this year."

No matter how young her body is, it can't change the heart of an old aunt with many vicissitudes of life inside.

He pulled the man down, took off the woolen hat from his head, and put it on Antonio's head, hiding the eye-catching red hair.

"..." Lin Fan choked. Is this a question of whether he dislikes it or not?

After resting for a while to dissipate the heat, Lin Fan felt that his head was starting to feel cold.

For the first time, he felt that it felt so good to be ignored by everyone.

At the age of thirty-eight or nineteen, I would say that it is a bit inappropriate for women, but I am definitely not compatible with young girls.

Lin Fan's face now is young, beautiful, and fair-skinned. Wearing a big woolen hat, the whole person looks tender and girlish.

She was of a decent height, and when she stood on tiptoe and looked around, she knew where the trouble lay.

Lin Fan had no choice but to take him around the mall, looking for men's hats everywhere.

There is air conditioning in the mall, so it's not cold at all.

<divclass="contentadv">The two went in search of hats with purpose, and soon found their target in a boutique.

"Then...okay." Lin Fan relaxed.

I originally had the impression that there were quite a lot of woolen hats, but this time it was particularly difficult to find them. Until Mother Lin called to urge her to go home for dinner, she still didn't buy Antonio a hat that he wanted.

"What's inappropriate?" Antonio looked confused, "I don't dislike you."

Damn it, I feel like a scumbag.

But looking at the situation, today's plan to buy Anton a new hat probably won't come true.

Actually, it's quite nice.

Immediately, the people who were moving in the distance could not see the excitement and quickly dispersed.

"It's okay. I'll buy you a new one later and we can exchange it for you." Lin Fan smiled and patted his pockets, "Sister, I have a lot of money!"

"Let's go," Antonio saw Lin Fan's hesitant liking and pulled her arm to the cashier without any explanation, "I'll give it to you."

The New Year is approaching, and although there are many people on the street, they are all walking in a hurry.

Just now I was in a hurry and couldn't take care of so much. Now that I have the conditions, of course I can't give someone else's old one and buy a new one myself.

Lin Fan felt that the crowd around him was getting denser and denser, and the gaps around him were getting smaller and smaller, making him feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't!" Lin Fan stopped him, "If you don't want to repeat the scene just now, you'd better not pick it outside."

Mother Lin must know if there is a large-scale event like the Lantern Festival.

Lin Fan bit his lip, turned his head to the side in confusion, and glanced to the side pretending to be casual.

Although Lin Fan's hairstyle is highly likely to turn heads, you have to get closer to see it.

Lin Fan suddenly didn't know what to do.

In fact, if you think about it, there is really no need to push things around for dozens of dollars less. You can just look for opportunities to make up for them later.

It doesn't matter if it's summer. During these nine cold days, the humidity and coldness in the south are really getting to your head.

"That's not too much." Lin Fan didn't expect that he would actually run away on a relatively familiar land, and wiped the hot sweat from his forehead. "When I was a kid, there was a lantern festival during the Chinese New Year, and there were so many people there. Really, you couldn't even see the buttons on your chest when you lowered your head... There weren't even enough people to see today."

Lin Fan originally wanted to buy a new hat for Antonio to replace his old hat.

"It's not that I'm reluctant to part with it. I've worn this hat before. It's old and it's not appropriate to give it to you." Lin Fan said helplessly.

But it does look a little nice.

"Didn't you give me a hat? Why don't you accept it when I give it to you?" Antonio stopped suddenly with a hurt expression on his face.

If you don't go back in half an hour, Lin's mother's phone bombardment will begin.

Her hair had just been trimmed, and although it was no longer bald and looked pretty good, the back of her head was still short and green skin could be seen.

"You, Country H, have so many people!" Antonio exclaimed in a funny tone.

But Lin Fan wasn't used to it.

Antonio knew that she was entertaining with public funds this time, so he didn't argue with her and urged him to go to the mall.

"Hey~" Lin Fan didn't care about the hat and quickly refused, "No, no, I have money."

The hat that John Woo gave her was a basic black hat, short and small, without woolen balls or fancy decorations. It fit snugly on her head and looked like hair from a distance.

Their group of old sisters are very knowledgeable about life news. They can give you an itinerary based on the dates of any supermarkets holding events or new openings giving gifts.

You can't force someone if they don't like it, right? Giving gifts is not intended to cause displeasure.

Antonio was unwilling to do so. He picked over the hats in the store and said that he didn't like the hats in the store. He just liked Lin Fan's monk hat.

Besides, they are still friends, so it is not good to have too clear a distinction between them.


"Okay, since you don't mind it, I'll take it back tonight and wash it before giving it to you." Lin Fan decided not to resist or cause trouble for himself.

"Then what should you do?" Antonio couldn't bear to see Lin Fan's extremely cool hair, which was shorter than his.

I’ve always known that Country H has a large population, but digital concepts and immersive experiences are really two different things.

Lin Fan took advantage of the loosening of the guards, grabbed Antonio and ran away, twisting and turning into an alley she didn't recognize.

"Oh?" Antonio immediately became interested, "Is it still available now? Can you still see it?"

There is no need to investigate this matter, just ask Mother Lin directly.

After Antonio puts on the hat, although his head still protrudes, if you don't look at it from the front up close, he is just a tall man with no attractive qualities.

Antonio changed his mood and smiled as if nothing had happened.

Lin Fan saw him happily taking out his mobile phone to pay the bill, and began to recall the scenes of their previous interactions. Couldn't it be all about acting?

But after much deliberation, I can't tell the difference.

never mind! Destroy it!

I feel like this year’s Chinese New Year...may be even more tiring...

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