Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 638 Father’s love is like a mountain

The 800 shuttle bus is very similar to the tram in the living area of ​​the special agency.

It's just that the 800 car is driven outside. In this cold weather, the outside is covered with a transparent plastic film to block the wind, so it won't be too cold when people sit inside.

Wait until it's not that cold before taking off the plastic wrap.

Let’s not talk about summer. When the breeze blows in spring and autumn, it is not very comfortable.

Such a small car is definitely not suitable for driving on the road, but for internal use, the price is favorable, energy saving and emission reduction, and the main focus is environmental protection.

Lin Fan observed carefully and guessed that these cars might be purchased from the same supplier.

This supply will definitely exceed 800 and special offices. Just the purchase quantity and level will be distributed.

"What are you thinking about?" Wu Yusen asked aloud as he watched Lin Fan get into the car, touch here and there, and then start to be in a daze.

"Oh, it's nothing." Lin Fan didn't know why he suddenly thought of this. Could it be because he was extremely poor?

I was embarrassed to say it, so I quickly gave John Woo directions to change the topic. "Turn this way."

It was impossible to let Lin Fan drive with John Woo around.

Lin Fan was also used to sitting in his passenger seat. Knowing that he didn't know the way to the canteen, he took the initiative to give instructions.

Seeing her relaxed expression, John Woo guessed that it was not a big deal and did not ask further questions.

As he was turning the steering wheel, Lin Fan suddenly came over and sniffed at his shoulder.

He didn't need to lower his head, he could see the pompom on the woolen hat swaying from the corner of his eye.

I don’t know what this girl is doing, she’s so cute.

He didn't avoid or dodge, letting her move.

Lin Fan was also suddenly curious, moved faster than his head, and leaned over to smell the smell of cigarette smoke on his body.

In fact, it was very fast, only a second or two, and nothing was actually touched.

"Weird." She sat back in her seat and turned her head to ask the serious driver. "You don't smell like smoke?"

People who smoke will always leave more or less cigarette smell on their bodies.

Like Father Lin, you can smell it from a long distance away. Even the bed he slept on, the cup he drank from, and the clothes he washed still had a strong smell.

I didn't notice John Woo smoking before, but today, oh no, I saw him smoking yesterday, and suddenly she was a little curious about whether John Woo had always smelled of cigarettes, but she had never noticed it.

John Woo chuckled, "I smoke less than I drink, so what's the taste?"

"I don't really see you drinking." Lin Fan thought for a while and replied.

"So, I smoke occasionally, but I'm not addicted. The smell you mentioned has to be smoked every day, right?"

He always carries fireworks on his person for occasional courtesy greetings.

After all, the contact between adult men, passing cigarettes and drinking alcohol are necessary ways to quickly enhance feelings.

However, as a senior special agent, he rarely needs to take out a cigarette to socialize. But as a matter of habit, I always have it in my pocket.

They also belong to the category of people who can smoke, but can't smoke without any trouble, and have no special needs for cigarettes.

Lin Fan nodded heavily, "It's better not to smoke. Smoking is harmful to health."

John Woo remembered that this girl had asked him for a cigarette before, and he didn't know how naturally he smoked. Now this is okay to say...

"I know." He responded with a smile, "Actually, I think you should tell the director that he smokes a lot!"

Zhu Cunjun is really the kind of person who smells like smoke.

"Don't tell me." Lin Fan shook his head.

"What, are you still engaging in differential treatment?" John Woo glanced at her.

"You don't understand. At the director's age, there is basically no chance of life or death. There is no way for external forces to make him quit." Lin Fan waved his hand.

"Oh? It looks like you have experience."

"Well." Lin Fan turned sideways slightly, "My dad, you know, is an old smoker. He has tried to quit smoking several times but failed."

"At the beginning, my family ran out of money. Everything was reduced, and his cigarettes were naturally reduced, but the price was reduced, and the quantity remained the same."

"Later, for a period of time, he secretly gave me pocket money, saying that he was afraid that I would suffer hardship. I was always touched. He smoked and drank before I was born, but he said that he secretly quit smoking in order to save money for me..."

Father Lin was depressed for a long time when he went bankrupt.

He stayed at home for a long time and accidentally discovered that Lin's mother hardly gave Lin Fan any pocket money.

<divclass="contentadv">Lin Fan was in high school at that time and could be considered a big girl.

It's not that Lin's mother didn't give her money. She went home to eat lunch, and she also gave her one yuan for breakfast and three yuan for dinner every day.

Although money at that time was not as valuable as it is now, one yuan was enough to buy a rice cake, a bowl of soy milk, and two fried dough sticks in the morning.

Dinner in the cafeteria costs thirty cents and two taels, a chicken drumstick costs one dollar and a half, and a vegetable costs seventy cents.

The cafeteria also has a small window selling noodles, wontons, and egg noodles for two yuan a bowl.

Regardless of whether it tastes good or not, if Lin Fan wants to save some money, he can only deduct it from the meal money.

After all, I am a student, so I always need to buy some pen refills, erasers and the like.

In order to save money, she rode a bicycle as soon as school was over in the afternoon. After half an hour's drive, she went up the bridge and crossed the river, where there was cold noodles for one yuan a piece. When I came back, I had just caught the bell for evening self-study.

But it is always difficult for children in the developmental stage to eat enough. A small bowl of cold noodles will make her hungry after evening study.

It’s not good to be hungry all the time, so it’s not always easy to save money.

But Lin's mother seemed to have automatically ignored this, and Lin Fan was in the rebellious stage, making troubles but not speaking.

She still remembers that for a while, the school’s canteen had a sausage roaster, and every time she passed by it, the delicious smell made her feel like she really had a glutton in her stomach.

The small pink sausages were tumbling on the clean and bright machine. Every time she stood by and looked at them while checking out, she felt as if she had already eaten them...

Who would believe that Lin Fan, whose family used to be so rich, was in such a state of embarrassment that he was almost as poor as a poor student when he was in high school.

It’s not that I look down on poor students, it’s that the gap in life is too great.

Lin Fan was just stubborn and didn't want to bow to Mother Lin.

Then Father Lin, who was being decadent at home, accidentally discovered that his daughter didn’t even have money to buy sanitary napkins.

At that time, he was also experiencing the double blow of entrepreneurial failure and heavy financial losses. His whole body was like mud and he couldn't help it.

He didn't have extra money in his hands, all the money was in Lin's mother's hands, and he was given some money for cigarettes and alcohol every month, and the money was paid in proportion to the economic contraction.

According to what Lin Ma said. Don't think about good cigarettes and good drinks. If you smoke some and drink some, it's fine.

At that time, Lin's mother was not in a good mood, and Lin's father smoked and drank as if he was punishing himself. There was a kind of paralysis in which he was drunk and didn't want to ask questions.

Lin Fan once felt that if this situation continued, this family would definitely come to an end.

Who knew that suddenly one day, Lin's father would stand up.

It's not that he suddenly did something, it's just that the person lying on the bed got up, the smell of cigarette smoke on his body was no longer so strong, and he drank less wine...

At least, he looks like a human being.

Father Lin also contracted to make lunch.

Lunch during that period was really hard to describe. It was cooked, which made people less willing to eat it if they had a choice.

A month passed like this. Lin Fan went to study at night and saw Lin's father waiting at the gate of the community downstairs.

At that time, he was not as fat as he is now. He stopped his daughter with a smile and took her to a hidden corner of the unit building next to her.

If this was not his biological father, Lin Fan would have suspected that he wanted to do something bad.

Father Lin untied his leather belt, opened the hidden zipper inside, pulled out a flat wad of paper, and handed it to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't know why he took it, but the tentacles were warm and contained Father Lin's body temperature.

Looking through the light, I saw it was a hundred banknotes. Slowly unfolding, there are two.

"Dad knows you are short of money." Dad Lin smiled awkwardly, "Dad, it's useless. I don't have any money. I wanted to quit smoking and drinking to save money for you... but... I didn't quit. I saved so much, you can use it first. , Dad will think of another way."

Father Lin's eyes were filled with guilt, and his words had a trembling tone, as if he was about to cry.

But it was Lin Fan who shed tears in the end.

Her nose felt sour, and Jin Doudou hit the money in her hand.

Father as a mountain.

At that moment, Lin Fan felt it deeply.

A new month has begun again. Is everyone still there?

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