Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 63 New Discovery

Chapter 63 New Discovery

While waiting for the ambulance, Song Ren roughly touched Lin Fan's bones and found no obvious signs of fractures.

After a while, the ambulance arrived.

The doctor on board the car knew that it was a fall injury, so he carefully checked it and found nothing wrong. After confirming that there were no fractures or obvious trauma, Lin Fan was quickly pulled into the ambulance.

Song Ren and Li Chunhua squeezed into the ambulance together and followed closely.

Downstairs in the office building, Dr. Xiao and others were already looking forward to seeing the ambulance roaring towards them, and hurried to greet it.

As soon as the back door opened, Jin Sichen was the first to pounce.

When the stretcher was pulled out, it was not as tragic as everyone imagined.

Lin Fan seemed to be sleeping quietly, and nothing else could be seen except that his face was pale.

Jin Sichen held Lin Fan's hand tightly, and after confirming that his pulse was steady and strong, he felt relieved and let out a deep breath.

Dr. Xiao asked the doctor on board the car about the situation, carefully transferred Lin Fan to his stretcher, and prepared to go back for closer inspection.

A group of people tacitly said nothing outside, and did not speak until they entered Gate 623.

"What's going on? What happened to you in the past?" Jin Sichen was more anxious than anyone else.

"She was in a coma when I arrived. I checked her, her breathing was stable, and there was no obvious trauma." Song Ren replied.

"Aren't you watching Pangu test machine in the activity room? How did Lin Fan get there?" Zhang Zhaojie asked next.

"I don't know how it happened. Pangu fell in an accident just now. Then she was there. After pulling Pangu to stand upright, she fell down." Song Ren was succinct.

Li Chunhua was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand. What does it mean to pull Pangu to stand up straight? Is Lin Fan the bird he saw before? Can she fly?

"How high?" Dr. Xiao asked seriously.

"More than seventy meters, the position of Pangu's head." Song Ren said.

Everyone gasped.

"Smashed down directly? No power buffer?" Ke Wenbin frowned.

"Yes, there is no buffer. It just fell in free fall. There is a shallow pit at Pangu's feet, surrounded by cracks. It should have been hit by her." Song Ren replied.

Everyone frowned in unison.

"Falling injuries from high altitudes usually result in impact to the bones and organs, which require a X-ray examination." Dr. Xiao pulled Lin Fan into the imaging room, and several people carefully moved her to the machine.

Lin Fan had no open trauma and no obvious signs of internal bleeding. Dr. Xiao decided to perform an MRI scan on her from head to toe.

"Why are her clothes torn?" Wu Yi saw a hole in the back of Lin Fan's T-shirt.

"Let me take a look!" Jin Sichen went over to check.

"I checked and found that the skin inside was not injured. It may have been torn somewhere where the clothes were hung." Song Ren explained.

"If you have anything to do, go out and talk slowly. Don't block the room and delay the examination." Dr. Xiao rudely kicked everyone out of the examination room.

A group of people waited quietly outside, and the door opened after about ten minutes.

"There are no fractures and no internal injuries." Dr. Xiao's conclusion made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he pulled Lin Fan to a separate ward prepared for her next to the infirmary.

Dr. Xiao checked various possible items, but in the end he was confused.

Let's say Lin Fan is sleeping. She has no reaction to external stimulation. Let's say she is comatose. Except for her heart rate being a little slow, all other indicators are normal.

The experienced Dr. Xiao was also unsure. After hesitating for a long time, he finally determined that Lin Fan was in a state of drowsiness between deep sleep and light coma.

There doesn't seem to be any danger at the moment, but it's hard to say when he will wake up.

Then we can only wait?

A group of people find it tricky. Jin Sichen, on the other hand, was thoughtful.

"What do you know?" Song Ren asked after seeing Jin Sichen's expression.

Yes, the people in the special office must know, after all, they have encountered it before.

"I heard from John Woo that Lin Fan also fainted on the spot after the last truck incident." Jin Sichen recalled.

"So, she always falls into coma after she transforms?" Song Ren raised his eyebrows.

Transform? Can Lin Fan transform? Li Chunhua's heart was pounding. Seeing that the current atmosphere was not suitable for asking, I could only listen silently with my ears open.

"So is she in a regular coma now?" Ke Wenbin asked.

"I don't know." Jin Sichen shook his head, "If you fell from such a high height, although there is nothing wrong with it, there is still a possibility that you fainted, right?"

"What else does Dr. Jin know? If you don't want to say it, let's work together." Yu Guangli said.

"I don't know more than you do. After all, I wasn't the one who followed Lin Fan in the first place." Seeing that Lin Fan was fine, Jin Sichen regained his composure and dragged a stool to sit beside Lin Fan's bed.

"You all know the first plane incident. There is no evidence and it is all speculation. The second time was experienced by John Woo himself, but he has told you everything he told us. There are very few clues, otherwise how could it be possible? How about transferring 800?" Jin Sichen thought to himself, if we didn't have nowhere to start, we wouldn't be able to send people here. "But I woke up in about 7 hours the first two times. I don't know if it will be the same this time."

Then it depends on 7 hours later...

Yu Guangli and Dr. Xiao also sat on the small sofa in the room. The two of them are quite old. They were scared and nervous just now, but now they are relaxed and suddenly tired.

"It's not a matter of coma or sleeping. How could Lin Fan not be injured at all when he fell from such a height?" Wu Yi asked.

Yes, everyone finds it strange. It’s not that Lin Fan was hurt, but the laws of nature can’t be violated, right?

"If it is a free fall, even if it is protected by a mecha, there will be no injuries at all, right?" This is what Dr. Xiao finds strange.

Mecha? What mecha? Li Chunhua opened his eyes wide.

"Maybe the mecha has its own shock-absorbing effect?" Zhang Zhaojie speculated.

"It's impossible," Ke Wenbin immediately denied. "There is no such material and there would be no such structure."

"Is it possible that she was injured and then quickly repaired it on her own?" Wu Yi raised the idea.

"That means her cell metabolism is faster? Then ask Kuang Li, where are the others?" Zhang Zhaojie didn't see anyone, and then he remembered that Kuang Li was checking the newly extracted samples in the laboratory and hadn't come over yet.

"I'll go take a look." Although he knew there was no need to urge him, Wu Yi still decided to make a trip.

"Actually, there's another thing I'm more concerned about." Jin Sichen spoke again.

"What?" Song Ren asked.

"She had a tattered dress before." Jin Sichen recalled the day he first entered 800, when he took out his luggage for inspection at the sentry post security check, he saw Lin Fan had a tattered dress, and complained that John Woo was too rough at work.

"What's wrong with the clothes?" Ke Wenbin didn't know why.

Others also didn't understand and were waiting for Jin Sichen's follow-up.

Li Chunhua, on the other hand, pricked up his ears in confusion, for fear of missing something.

"I didn't pay attention at first, but it seemed that... the places where the pieces were torn were all the same." Jin Sichen recalled carefully and determined that the two pieces of clothing were indeed torn in the same places.

"...How should I say it?" Song Ren seemed to be thinking of something, but he wasn't very clear.

"The first time Lin Fan transformed was on a plane, and she fell into a coma after that. According to John Woo's investigation, there were holes in the back of her clothes when she woke up." Jin Sichen recalled the previous information.

I thought that the damage to the clothes had nothing to do with the transformation, it was just a trivial matter, so I didn't write it down in the information and send it over.

"Lin Fan also fell into a coma after transforming for the second time. The clothes... might be the tattered clothes she brought in." Jin Sichen added.

He actually couldn't remember what clothes Lin Fan was wearing that day. But she only had 3 pieces of clothing in total, one of which had a torn back, so that was probably the one.

"The clothes she is wearing today are new T-shirts given by Team Song. The fabrics of the reserve team's clothes are very strong and not as fragile as her old clothes. I just looked carefully and the edges of the tear are smooth, like a knife or scissor. It's open..." Jin Sichen muttered the organizational language.

"You mean... every time Lin Fan transforms, the back of his clothes will be torn?" Zhang Zhaojie understood.

"Is there something that pierces clothes every time?" Yu Guangli frowned.

"It's a mecha!" Ke Wenbin said, "If the mecha comes out of Lin Fan's body, it will naturally penetrate his clothes every time he transforms!"

No one spoke.

Only Li Chunhua fell into brainstorming as if struck by lightning.

Why did the mecha come out of Lin Fan's body? Is it the Lin Fan he knows? …

Assuming Ke Wenbin's inference is correct, the mecha that came out of the body was as sharp as a knife and pierced through the clothes.

How did such a sharp thing come out of Lin Fan's body?

Lin Fan... was he really not injured?

After a long time, Song Ren broke the silence and concluded: "There are two valid information obtained so far: first, Lin Fan will fall into a coma every time she transforms, and the reason is not yet clear; second, every time she transforms, the back of her clothes will be torn. The hole is suspected to have been scratched by the mecha when it transformed."

Everyone nodded silently.

Things seem to have made new progress, but everyone still feels unable to start.

Suddenly Zhang Zhaojie spoke up: "So, what exactly does Lin Fan's mecha look like?"

No one responded.

"Didn't you see it?" Ke Wenbin looked at Jin Sichen and Song Ren strangely.

Li Chunhua looked dumb, and everyone excluded him from the conversation.

"No! When we found out, Lin Fan had already flown to Pangu. From the balcony, there was only a small black dot, which was not clearly visible at all." Song Ren said with a bitter smile.

Pangu happened to have an accident at that time, which affected all of their attention, so they didn't notice when Lin Fan disappeared.

The office building is nearly one kilometer away from the Pangu test site. Lin Fan's mecha is said to be only over 2 meters high. After some calculations, they realized that they really couldn't see anything from such a long distance.

"Is there surveillance outside the terrace?" Dr. Xiao asked.

"Yes. But Dr. Jin said before that the terrace is a high-risk area, and Lin Fan can't go there for the time being, so it has never been activated. I didn't know they were on the terrace today..." Yu Guangli saw Jin Sichen looking over and said hurriedly: "Dr. Jin's studio is not equipped with surveillance cameras."

After all, Jin Sichen was a top expert with international status, and Lin Fan didn't even enter his office. In order not to cause unnecessary conflicts, his office is the only room in 623 that is not equipped with surveillance cameras.

But Jin Sichen was not very happy. He also knew that Lin Fan was always under surveillance and had almost no privacy, but there was nothing he could do until her transformation was stable.

And in order to capture image information in a timely manner, John Woo also proposed multi-device surveillance.

No! The balcony monitor missed the real-time status of Lin Fan's transformation without opening it. Once again, the need for monitoring is demonstrated.

Alas~ I just hope that Lin Fan's transformation can be stabilized quickly.

"The report is out!" Kuang Li entered the ward with the report, and Wu Yi walked behind him.

Dr. Xiao took the report and looked through it carefully.

"How is it?" Yu Guangli asked from the side.

"There is no problem, the data is all normal." Dr. Xiao shook his head slowly.

This means that there are no more clues, and everyone will inevitably be disappointed.

"Hey! Cheer up." Jin Sichen said with a smile, "Isn't there already progress compared to the morning?"


Only then did everyone realize that they had gained something.

Although there were not many clues, new discoveries were made.

And Lin Fan also transformed again.

It had only been more than half a month, and they originally thought they would have to wait longer.

It's all a surprise!

"That's right! Xia Jing is in Pangu's control room, he must have seen it!" Zhang Zhaojie suddenly thought.

Of course Xie Bisheng was there, but the deputy director was busy with his affairs, and they couldn't interrupt him at will.

Several people became excited on the spot and wanted to contact Xia Jing immediately.

"I say everyone, why don't you go out and talk first and give Lin Fan some space?" Jin Sichen began to drive people away.

It's not that he isn't interested in Lin Fan's mecha form, it's just that he pays more attention to Lin Fan himself.

At this time, he couldn't leave Lin Fan!

"Yes, yes! Don't have so many people in the ward, disturbing the patient's rest. Let's go out first!" Dr. Xiao also remembered that there should not be too many people waiting in the ward.

She carefully confirmed that Lin Fan's monitors were working normally, and wondered whether she should stay with him.

"You can rest assured that I will accompany Lin Fan." Jin Sichen smiled and rejected Dr. Xiao and Wu Yi's wish to take care of him.

If Lin Fan is just unconscious or sleeping, he does not need a doctor or nurse to be by his side.

"Yes, it's enough for Dr. Jin to stay." Yu Guangli saw that it was impossible for Jin Sichen to leave, so he also helped drive them away. "Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Jin."

"You're welcome, I should." Jin Sichen watched everyone leave with a smile. Unexpectedly, he saw Song Ren and Li Chunhua also exiting the ward. He thought they would continue to guard.

He stared intently at Lin Fan, who was unaware of who was on the hospital bed. After a while, he stopped smiling, took out his cell phone, and sent a text message.

[Director, Lin Fan has transformed! 】

I was taken away from downstairs and quarantined. !!!∑(Дノ)ノ is here to count the votes and appease the author’s fearful heart.

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