Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 564 Earth Core Energy

"It's the geocentric energy!"

After Country H said that spider silk can absorb energy, Country P did not doubt the origin of this statement.

It must have been Xingxing who said it, could there be anyone else?

Ovi also asked Antonio specifically, and he said he didn't feel anything.

As a result, Ove's desire for the stars deepened.

In short, after some news was synchronized, country P also launched a heated discussion.

They don't know the existence of the World Tree, so naturally they won't directly make this choice, but have a broader idea.

"Earth's core resources?" Antonio narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the core resources of the earth. The spider silk sneaks into the ground so actively. If, as Fang H said, it does have the function of absorbing energy, then isn't the largest energy in the underground the energy of the core of the earth?"

The reason why people on Lanxing can live happily is because there are abundant sources of energy.

Water, electricity, coal, wind and photovoltaic, anyway, a lot of various resources have been developed over the years.

All of this is to make life more convenient and beautiful.

But most people don’t know that energy is not just the oil and gas that we see in daily life. There are also many types of energy.

The electricity, cooking gas, gasoline, and kerosene that we are most likely to come into contact with every day are all processed and efficient energy sources that can be directly used in our lives.

Going up a level, we are not familiar with it in daily life, but everyone knows that there are coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, etc.

These are far away from our lives and must be processed before they can become efficient energy sources that we use daily, so they are indirect energy sources.

Further up, there is direct energy.

After they are absorbed and processed, they become the indirect energy just mentioned.

For example, we often see in the news, photovoltaic power generation, solar thermal power generation, geothermal energy, wind energy, ocean energy, nuclear materials...

Don’t forget, there is also the most daily water resource.

Of course, there are also unknown ones, such as biomass energy, hot dry rock, mantle energy (ocean hydrothermal fluid), hydraulic potential energy, light energy, silicon energy, etc.

The magma that was under the female ugly shuttle before was also a direct energy source.

These energy sources are non-renewable resources.

However, apart from water, other things are out of reach of ordinary people.

The source of all this is solar energy, geocentric energy, and zero-point energy.

As we all know, solar energy reaches the earth from the distant sun through a long distance of 149 kilometers.

Sunlight shining above the earth's surface is how it is transmitted.

After reaching the blue star, almost half of the energy will be absorbed by the surface, one-fifth by the atmosphere, and the rest will be scattered or reflected by the surface and atmosphere.

Although solar energy contains light and heat, what we usually refer to is the "light energy" it converts in the form of radiation.

As for the center of the earth, it is the core of the planet Lanxing.

It is estimated that its maximum temperature can reach 6000 degrees Celsius, which is much higher than the surface temperature of the sun.

It passes through the core, mantle, and crust to reach the surface, traveling an average of 6372 kilometers.

The thermal energy from the earth's core is transmitted to the surface layer by layer in this way, so Lanxing can provide continuous "heat energy" to humans on the surface for a long time.

All plants absorb energy from the earth, that is, heat energy, through their roots buried deep in the ground.

Then through the photosynthesis of leaves, solar energy is absorbed.

Through this plant-specific method, two different energies are converted into biomass energy.

These biomass can undergo hundreds of millions of years of changes to form coal, oil, natural gas, etc.

Humans and animals are the same, they also absorb light energy and heat energy to survive.

Therefore, it is not polite to say that the reason why Lanxing can flourish is inseparable from the light of the sun and the heat of the earth's core.

As for the other major energy source, zero-point energy, it is not covered here for the time being, so I will not discuss it for now.

According to scientific estimates, the geocentric energy per square meter per unit area is approximately 19 times higher than the solar energy per year.

Such a huge multiple is enough to show that geocentric energy is one of the important energy sources that Lanxing relies on for its survival.

Once the earth's core energy is absorbed by aliens, let alone whether the planet itself can continue to exist, even if it can, the creatures on the ground will probably not survive.

Lanxing has experienced more than 20 mass destruction events. Among various conjectures, the main ones are volcanic eruptions, sudden drops in temperature, sudden rise or fall in sea levels, earthquakes, hypoxia and other natural disasters.

But no matter how severe the disaster is, Lanxing's earth core continues to burn and fission, providing energy.

And if Groo had set its target on the earth's core energy, it would have suffered much more than if it had occupied Lanxing.

Because once there is no energy output from the earth's core, the movement of the earth's crust will stop, because the magnetic field of the blue star formed by the high temperature of the earth's core will also cease to exist.

The magnetic field can not only point us in the direction, but more importantly, can isolate harmful cosmic rays.

A magnetic field is a basic and necessary condition for the birth of life on a planet, at least for carbon-based organisms.

If Gro really went for the earth's core energy, then Lanxing would definitely become a Death Star.

After everyone in country P figured it out, they were stunned on the spot.

On the screen, only Xingchen and Apollo were still working hard.

But if the speculation is true, no matter how powerful the two of them are, what's the use?

Gro's huge hull was still hanging in space, and the two mechas were extremely small compared to it.

Although they have means beyond Lan Xing, they can...

But after all, two fists are no match for four hands. If Gro really has the ability to plunder the earth's core energy, they may not be able to resist it no matter what.

At this moment, everyone was filled with despair.

They didn't even understand why it suddenly became like this.

Obviously a few days ago, they were drinking red wine, cutting steaks, and enjoying the treatment of top civil servants.

How could it become such a situation in the blink of an eye?

If we were still immersed in the fruits of victory brought by Apollo and the stars before, we would think that aliens are nothing special.

Now, they are more confused and afraid, and truly feel the threat of alien technology.

No matter how powerful the mecha man is, his abilities are limited.

And even if they fight hard and reduce their losses, the damage is still there.

Just like Washington, so many people died in the last attack.

Although it is much better than being wiped out, the damage is still there.

They are not mechas, they do not have hard shells and powerful methods.

Who can guarantee that the next person to die will not be him?

In the strategy room of country P, the overall atmosphere became gloomy.

Even Ovi squeezed the armrest tightly, feeling that the matter was difficult.

The technological gap is an insurmountable chasm, and Lanxing's battle cannot be fought solely on Apollo and Xingchen.

But if they guessed correctly, Grotto really had that idea, and it was inevitable...

How many rounds of attacks can they withstand?

Let me see if anyone can guess it.

My head was spinning when I looked up this information. I am a bad student. I am a bad student. I have never taken the college entrance examination so seriously.

Why do I write science fiction? cry

Yesterday, a long-awaited comment finally appeared, asking if my description could be more streamlined. I saw it and worked hard to adjust it.

You guys, please tell me if you think it's not good. Otherwise, if you don't say anything, I'll think that your writing is good, and the more you write, the happier you will be, and you may not know where you went.

You are all the beacons on my way to progress, I love you! Compare your heart!

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