Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 562 Gro’s layout

When Lin Fan destroyed these iron knots, he didn't take a close look at them.

She knew that there were three claws on the bottom three feet of this thing that were scratching the ground and holding it firmly.

For logistical convenience, she even dug out the place where her claws were deeply buried, but the bottom... she really didn't pay attention to it.

After Lin Fan arrived at the next point, the first thing he did when he landed was to turn the communicator upside down.

As expected, there was a circular hole at the bottom of the iron lump lying crooked to the side. Lin Fan was trying to retract the pointed cone-shaped structure when Lin Fan blocked it with one shot.

"Is this the case over there?" she asked.

The person in charge enlarged the screen and synchronized it to the person in charge of armaments.

Feedback came quickly from the other party.

"As expected!" The person in charge of armaments looked very happy, "The ones I received here are all closed, so I guess the ones that were not destroyed are in a different state, and that's true!"

"What does this mean?" Lin Fan asked without understanding.

"If it's like I guessed, this is a transmission port..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fan immediately looked at the ground where the transmitter was originally located.

A round hole was left in the solid rock.

Lin Fan frowned and twisted the spear apart with one hand.

Just now it was a combination of spears, now it becomes two long swords.

The upper half was held by Lin Fan in his hand, while the lower half remained stuck in the hole in the launcher.

"The idea of ​​disassembling and assembling weapons like the stars is very good..." When the person in charge of armaments saw it, his eyes lit up.

Lin Fan held the sword in one hand and pressed on the eye on the rock ground.

After digging nearly five meters deep, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the hole was just a hole in the surface of the ground and nothing had actually been put into the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay!" The person in charge of Sijiucheng's infrastructure patted his chest, "It's just a false alarm. If this thing really buries something down, it will be even more difficult for us."

There are so many of those launchers that the two mecha men would have to work for a long time just to destroy them.

If they bury something underground won't be as tempting as those spider silks...

"Can the female ugly side confirm it?" the chief asked.

The ugly woman was watching next to the underground tree. If something invaded the underground again, she would undoubtedly be the first to know.

Zhu Cunjun quickly contacted Jin Sichen.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Fan destroyed the next transmitter, there was a reply from the other side, saying that no abnormality was found underground.

Lin Fan picked over a dozen more transmitters, some in the woods, some on high ground, some by the river... He found that without exception, they all drilled holes that were not deep, expressing doubts.

"What's the purpose of drilling holes?"

It can't be just to grab the ground more firmly, right?

Yes, what is the purpose of drilling holes? The people in front of the screen couldn't understand either.

"We have checked the inside of the transmitter and there is no material that can be transmitted outwards," the armament chief reported again.

In other words, even if their guess is true, this hole has a transmission function, but the medium is not included in the transmitter itself.

Could it be that they guessed wrong?

This hole has nothing to do with transmission? Is it really just to increase the firmness of the grip?

In the information room of the Special Branch, everyone was also talking about it.

"Spider silk!" Wang Fengfeng shouted and slapped the table. "Have you never thought about the purpose of those spider silks?"

"You know, doesn't that absorb the energy of the World Tree?" the person next to him replied.

"Yes, haven't they been wiped out by the stars? Why did you suddenly mention this?" The speaker was confused, but he still fluttered his index finger and quickly called up the relevant picture.

Wang Fengfeng switched to the outskirts of Hua Province. The picture of the moment when the spider silk bundle was pulled out from the ground by Lin Fan was enlarged, and he pointed at it and asked everyone.

"Have you ever thought about it, if the spider silk is not destroyed and it absorbs energy underground, what will happen next?"

"Then..." Everyone looked at each other, as if they vaguely understood what Wang Fengfeng meant.

The function of spider silk is to absorb energy, and after the energy is absorbed, it must be recycled into something.

Because the spider silk had been removed before, they felt that the wave of attacks was over.

Although it seems strange that the spider monster has to throw out a wave of spider silk before dying, it doesn't seem too strange for aliens to have weird moves.

Later, the stars wiped them out in one fell swoop, so they didn't think deeply about how to send these spider silks back if they successfully absorbed the energy.

"You mean, these are not only transmitters, but also energy transfer devices?" Someone asked with squinting eyes.

"It makes sense." The person next to him replied, "With such a dense distribution, no matter where the spider silk goes, it has a stronghold, and it can be connected to the bottom of the transmitter nearby."

"Spider silk docking transmitter?" Someone frowned, "How to locate it?"

"I don't know, but pigeons all have GPS systems. Isn't it strange that there are alien things?" Wang Fengfeng shrugged, "I'm just thinking divergently, the truth or falsehood is undecided."

"Even if the spider silk can locate the location, can they drill everywhere? It only requires low-hardness ground. If they encounter high hills like granite, can they get up?" Someone else asked.

"Since it can go down, it should also be able to come up." Wang Fengfeng replied, shaking Erlang's legs.

"Hey, don't tell me!" Someone else brought up the picture of the corpse of the spider monster in Washington. "Look, this monster spun silk before it died. The needle puncture on its butt is very similar to the one on the bottom of the launcher. Why."

The picture is zoomed in and out, and compared with the transmitter.

Everyone came up to take a closer look. I can't say it's exactly the same, but it's not much different.

"If the spider's butt is stabbed into the ground, the hole made in theory will not be much deeper than the launcher." Zhu Cunjun rubbed his chin and said slowly, "If this is the case, then the penetrating power of the spider silk should not be weak."

Everyone nodded, basically agreeing with this point of view.

The information was quickly fed back to the general control, causing an uproar.

"What?! Was the last attack a preparation for this one?"

Groh attacked three times in total.

The three in country H are counted as one because they are close in time.

Once in Washington.

Now is the third time.

Because each attack has different time intervals and methods, they are treated as separate attacks.

Only now do I begin to associate the second and third times together. So will there be a hidden hand in the first time?

Are those bugs so smart?

It's not that they don't know how powerful Gro is. To be able to drive such a spaceship, the aliens can't be stupid.

But maybe because the creatures it sent several times before were all insects, people unknowingly had errors in their estimation of their intelligence.

On the one hand, I know that the aliens on Gro are powerful, but on the other hand, they don’t seem to be that powerful.

When did they start to have such contradictory contempt? Obviously they were worried about the sudden attack before...

So, was this the purpose of the first wave of attacks?

Let them win, implicitly despising the other party?

They underestimated the enemy!

Even the commander was speechless for a long time. He clenched his fists and asked the technician to play back the previous battle on two screens with a very sad look on his face.

They want to check if there is anything that has been overlooked.

Now, it should be too late.

Didn't you expect that? I didn’t expect that, hehe. My brain is empty

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