Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 542 Stars PK Apollo

After actually having a close encounter with the spider monsters, Lin Fan found that they were not as difficult to deal with as he had imagined.

Although it is huge in size and powerful in destructive power, it also has additional skills.

But because he was not in human form, Lin Fan wouldn't even feel the same mental burden as he did with the Fly Man when he attacked.

Aside from having to overcome her nausea and ignore the mucus splattering everywhere, she felt quite comfortable doing it.

Speaking of which, which class of civilization are the stars? It was effortless to deal with these alien bugs.

Lin Fan used the tip of his spear to cut open the transparent mucus. The man inside, who was so suffocated that his face began to turn purple, suddenly breathed air and choked vigorously.

Not caring about helping, she immediately raised her hands, moved her spear horizontally, pressed against the spider's pointed legs, and pushed towards the spider with great force.

The spider monster was pushed back by Xingchen's brute force, and its remaining four legs were useless in scraping the ground, leaving only deep grooves.

Lin Fan saw from the corner of his eye that the person he had just rescued was dragged away by others and he was finally able to concentrate on fending off the enemy.

Speaking of which, the people of country P are really not as obedient and cooperative as the people of country H. Wherever the spider monster passes, you can see all kinds of corpses.

At this moment, she spent more time saving people than killing monster flowers.

Because there were ordinary people in the venue, she had to be cautious and somewhat unable to perform.

Spider-Man had no such worries, so Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a little irritated after saving one person after another.

But what can be done? She couldn't help but die.

Lin Fan was complaining in his mind, while he rushed forward and pushed the spider out. At the same time, he jumped up high, flipped over on its belly, and struck out with a spear the next moment as he scratched around with his six feet.

The sharp gun shadow split open the transparent mucus sprayed in mid-air, splitting the spider monster in half from head to tail.

Looking at the large pool of noodle-thick spider silk slipping out of the spider's belly, Lin Fan endured his nausea and went up to it and pulled it twice.

Seeing them twisting and curling, they still furrowed their brows very unbearably, and an electric shock sent them to death.

The first time she opened the spider's belly, it almost slipped on her feet.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and avoided it quietly.

Before I could see what the pile of white was, they moved in the next second!

It's moving! ! !

A bunch of white elongated things kept twisting.

Lin Fan thought he saw enlarged maggots and almost jumped to his feet and screamed.

Fortunately, she still remembered the communication with country P. She couldn't embarrass country H. Her voice reached her throat and she had to hold it back.

After calming down for a while, I felt that it shouldn't be the case, and I immediately doubted whether it was the thing that got into the ground and interfered with the World Tree as I said before.

But after watching for a while, they started rolling and entangled on the ground instead of going underground.

Lin Fan was not sure, so after being reminded by the chief controller, he held the farthest end of the gun and pulled it from a distance.

Although the gun had no feeling, Lin Fan still felt the sticky and slippery touch the moment he penetrated it.

Her gun is dirty!

Although the previous bugs were equally disgusting, really, they were not the most disgusting, only more disgusting.

Pulling and pulling, there are no traces on the ground, and the number of white bugs has not decreased.

Lin Fan comforted himself in his mind, thinking of them as snakes, earthworms, loaches...

I have tried various approximations, but they are not much better at all.

Finally, after the general controller spoke, he released the electricity to them, which also gave him closure.

If it weren't for the mecha shell covering her body, someone would have noticed the goosebumps all over her body.

Later, Party H finally found an opportunity and asked Ovi what the white thing was.

It was finally determined that this was the thing that was drilling underground.

But why didn't the spider thread in Xingchen's hand go down?

After the two countries discussed it, they agreed that the needle on the spider's butt played a decisive role.

It should spit out mucus when it feels threatened. When it is about to die, it pricks the ground with its tail needle and transports the spider silk to the ground without anyone noticing.

After knowing the problem, Lin Fan simply hit the spider with electricity.

When she was working on the No. 1 ship, she didn't have enough power due to the first market discharge, which resulted in excessive power and damaged the power supply facilities in Sijiu City, resulting in hundreds of millions of losses.

No one held Lin Fan accountable, but after she found out, she reflected again and again, thinking that in the future she must practice more precise and small-amount current control that targets individuals and does not harm innocent people.

No, the target just happened to be in front of her, and she was not polite.

But after electrocuting several spiders one after another, she discovered another problem.

The spider was lying down in its nest, but its abdomen was intact. It was difficult to determine whether the spider silk inside was also dead.

The more Lin Fan thought about it, the more inappropriate it became, so he immediately went back and cut open his belly.

Sure enough, most of the spider silk inside survived.

She quickly recharged the battery to eliminate any further trouble. Then he thoughtfully tapped the hard shell on the spider monster's abdomen, and sure enough, it made a "ding-dang" sound.

Does this part of the shell have a certain insulation function? The hardness is also unusual, making it a good material for making mechas.

Without any time to think, Lin Fan jumped into the next wave of battle.

But after this incident, she changed her attack method - first chop and then electrocute.

As long as the spider monster is not dying, the World Tree is not in danger.

Although it absorbed a lot of electricity before, I don't know how many times it can be used. The moves are easy to use, so save them if you can.

Ovi saw that the stars were succeeding one after another, and the spider silk had no chance to fall to the ground. He was inspired and quickly connected to Apollo to describe it.

After Antonio tried it, he found that it was indeed more efficient than poking the hole little by little with his sword. Several times in a row, the movements became coherent.

Although Lin Fan was still nauseous, the more nausea he felt, the more numb he became, and his movements naturally sped up.

The two worked together to reduce the number of spiders in Washington.

All the people on the street who should have been evacuated were evacuated, and those who were not evacuated basically died.

Naturally, the two of them no longer need to have any scruples and kill the enemy boldly.

The large screens in the strategic department of country P, the general control room of country H, and the information room of the special office are all synchronizing the live images in real time.

The images of Star and Apollo were side by side. The two looked similar, had the same attack power, and were dealing with the same enemy. Which one is better or worse will soon become apparent.

"The stars are faster." Zhu Cunjun smiled proudly.

Perhaps because of the special training he received from his senior brother, Lin Fan's moves were more consistent and faster.

Just like they asked, strive to clear the threat in the shortest possible time.

Apollo, on the other hand, has a wide range of slashing moves and is merciless in his attacks. It should be a certain amount of training, but nothing more.

Everyone around the world knows that in a competition of skills, who can beat Country H?

Country P likes to compare it with Country H in everything they do. Let’s see how proud they are this time.

Ovi's face did not look good.

Anyone with eyes can see that Apollo was overwhelmed by the power of the stars, okay? What's more, Xingxing is still a woman!

But the more this happens, the deeper his desire for the stars becomes.

Everyone has desires, especially women.

How can this star be lured into the bowl of country P?

Well, there are always people who care about good things.

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