Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 53 Physical Scumbag

Chapter 53 Physical Scumbag

The boulevard was quite cool at noon, there was no sun, and there were gusts of wind from time to time, so the four of us walked very comfortably.

Jin Sichen walked in front, Lin Fan was half a step behind him, Song Ren and Li Chunhua followed Lin Fan, keeping a safe distance.

The forest path was deserted, with no one around, but Lin Fan felt extremely comfortable. She still liked the environment without people. She didn't walk fast, Jin Sichen walked slowly in line with her pace, and no one said anything.

When he walked more than 300 meters, Song Ren noticed that Lin Fan in front of him began to breathe heavier and his steps slowed down. When she was more than 400 meters away, her breathing began to become rapid and her feet were obviously dragging. Before 500 meters, she was out of breath.

"Lin Fan!" Song Ren stopped, "Let's go back here today."

Jin Sichen turned around and realized that she was breathing rapidly. Unexpectedly, it was only a few hundred meters, and Lin Fan couldn't bear it.

"Are you okay?" Jin Sichen asked worriedly.

Lin Fan didn't want to do any extra moves, she was too tired. Why go out for a walk? Isn't it good to sleep in the room?

"She's fine, but her physical fitness can't keep up." Song Ren walked closer to observe, confirmed that Lin Fan was fine, and decided directly: "Let's go back. Can you still walk? Do you want to carry you?"

Lin Fan couldn't walk anymore, but he didn't want to be carried by a stranger, so he walked back without saying a word.

Jin Sichen hurriedly followed her. Although he was surprised by Lin Fan's poor physical fitness, he still put her body first.

"It's only less than 500 meters, and I'm out of breath. This physical condition..." Li Chunhua complained to Song Ren in a low voice.

Song Ren gave Li Chunhua a warning look, said nothing, and walked away.

Li Chunhua stood there, his heart fluttering twice, and then he came to his senses. He shouldn't gossip about people behind their backs, not to mention that Lin Fan is still in front and hasn't gone far. This is his fault.

He clenched his fists. He had clearly decided to be more open-minded, but why was he still staring at Lin Fan looking for trouble? He slapped himself twice and chased after him.

When Lin Fan returned to the dormitory, he was out of breath and couldn't even lift his feet. Jin Sichen was on guard all the way, fearing that she would collapse halfway. Lin Fan was also stubborn. He reached the bedroom in one breath, lay down on the bed, and never moved again.

The three people following him breathed a sigh of relief. On a hot day, there is no need to cover her with a quilt to prevent her from catching a cold. Several people quietly exited Lin Fan's dormitory, closed the door, and let her have a good rest.

"Her physical ability..." Jin Sichen hesitated to speak. He knew that Lin Fan's physique was not good, but he never thought that the feeling of being run out of a marathon by her in just one thousand meters could not be described by the word "poor".

He didn't know that Wu Yusen had taken Lin Fan everywhere for check-ups before, and he would always ask her to sit down and rest whenever possible. He would never walk such a long distance at once. Because of this, Lin Fan did not show such obvious fatigue in front of others.

He didn't make any special explanation before leaving because he knew that everyone knew about Lin Fan's poor physical condition, but forgot that no one else was familiar with Lin Fan, and Lin Fan himself was unwilling to speak, which led to the current result.

"I know, leave it to me." Song Ren had never seen anyone with such a poor physique. But since he had agreed to the exercise plan, he was naturally fully responsible for Lin Fan's physical recovery.

Jin Sichen and Song Ren looked at each other, said nothing, and went back to their rooms. Song Renye and Li Chunhua turned back to the house.

"Captain Song," Li Chunhua admitted his mistake to Song Ren as soon as he entered the room, "I was wrong just now, and I won't do it again in the future."

"Li Chunhua, you have to remember that Lin Fan has never been our enemy." Song Ren said meaningfully, "She is someone we must protect with all our heart. She is a very important national asset."

"I remember." Li Chunhua lowered his head and admitted his mistake. He understands the truth, but sometimes he can't control his emotions. The leader said he was impulsive, which was absolutely correct.

Song Ren didn't dwell on his mistakes and asked, "Do you want to take a lunch break?"

The mecha reserve team has a relatively regular schedule, and they also have a lunch break at noon. If possible, Song Ren tries not to destroy the original biological clock.

"I'd better check the surveillance camera first. Captain Song, you rest first." Li Chunhua wanted to make meritorious deeds.

Song Ren didn't like him either, so he went directly to bed and started taking a lunch break. He wasn't worried at all that Li Chunhua wouldn't get any rest. Lin Fan probably wouldn't be able to get up until the evening. It would be no problem for him to take an hour or two to replace Li Chunhua.

As expected by Song Ren, Lin Fan slept until past 5 o'clock. If she hadn't been afraid of being unable to sleep at night, she wouldn't have thought of it.

After collecting all the clothes and bedding that had been dried outside, Lin Fan threw the dirty cow sheets into the washing machine and put them on the daisy sheets.

After all, cow sheets are portable travel products. They are not large enough and are not particularly convenient for getting in and out of bed.

She didn't like the white set very much, so she folded it and put it in the closet for storage.

Jin Sichen knocked on Lin Fan's door. It's been an afternoon, and I don't know how she is doing. I was completely relieved when I saw that apart from Lin Fan's movements being slower, his fatigue had not completely disappeared, and there was nothing abnormal in other aspects.

"Lin Fan, do you still have dinner?" Jin Sichen asked, "If you are not hungry, you can eat less fruit and try to develop the habit of three normal meals."

Lin Fan thought for a moment and asked for an apple. Jin Sichen went next door to find Song Ren.

Song Ren had long seen through surveillance that Jin Sichen was looking for Lin Fan, but he couldn't show up immediately because the suspicion was too heavy. When Jin Sichen came out of Lin Fan's room, he immediately turned off the monitor and called Li Chunhua. When he opened the door, he happened to encounter Jin Sichen outside, about to knock on the door.

"Captain Song, Lin Fan just bring her an apple for dinner. She will be full at noon. An apple will be enough for her at night." Jin Sichen said straight to the point.

Li Chunhua always prepares meals according to their own appetites, and the portions are particularly large for people like Lin Fan who eat less.

When she got the rice, she felt it was a lot, but she couldn't share it with others because it wasn't cooked enough yet. She also didn't have the habit of leaving food, so she forced herself to finish it, so she could hold on.

"Okay, I'll let Li Chunhua go. What would Dr. Jin want to eat?" Song Ren agreed and walked towards Lin Fan's dormitory.

"Just the same as you guys, the quantity is a little less than at noon." Jin Sichen was not picky.

He could also see that the 800-yuan food was no worse than usual, and the taste wouldn't be much different if he just ordered it with his eyes closed. It's just that he can't compare to Song Ren and others in terms of appetite. After all, they are combatants and their caloric needs are different.

"Okay," Song Ren turned to Li Chunhua and said, "Go and come back quickly."

Li Chunhua trotted away. He was Song Ren's assistant, and running errands was his main job. Song Ren and Jin Sichen walked into Lin Fan's room, and she was lying on the sofa in a daze.

After getting enough sleep, Lin Fan began to feel like he had nothing to do.

Once she feels bored at home, she will go online to find some novels or TV series to kill time, so as to avoid having too much free time to think about things.

Later, he was taken to the special clinic by John Woo. He was busy doing examinations for several days. He was also physically tired and had little free time. On the contrary, now that I have settled down in 800, I don’t know what to do anymore.

Originally, it wasn't impossible to watch TV, but Jin Sichen and the others would come, and she couldn't leave them alone and watch TV in bed.

Once there are people in the room, she will be in a tense state and will unconsciously take care of others, unlike when she is alone, she can be very relaxed...

So it’s better to be alone!

But having said that, after arriving at the institute, the accommodation and food were pretty good, and the people were very polite and did not follow the worst direction in her mind.

Even Song Ren, whom she felt was dangerous, didn't show any aggression. If life continues like this, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But you still need to find something to do!

"Lin Fan, what are you thinking about?" Jin Sichen walked over and instead of sitting on the sofa, he dragged a chair to sit opposite Lin Fan.

Song Ren sat at the table and watched them chat.

Lin Fan didn't want to pay attention to him. There have been people hanging around her for the past two days. She was a little annoyed, but she couldn't say it out loud.

"You think there are too many people, don't you?" Jin Sichen, who studies psychology, guessed it right away, and said with a smile, "It's been like this for the past few days, because you just came here to prevent you from getting used to the life here, so It’s coming a little more frequently.”

"In two days, we will make sure that you are not used to anything, and we won't come to your place so often." Jin Sichen glanced at Song Ren at the table, and saw that he didn't express anything, and continued. "Wait until next Monday and then you can resume your normal routine."

"We go to 623 together just like we go to work. You go to your lounge and do what you want. I go to my studio. I only have one treatment time a week to see you. Of course it's just the beginning I still have to accompany you for the examination."

"If someone from 623 wants to test you, you can cooperate if you can, and refuse if you feel uncomfortable. When we get off work in the evening, we will ride back together in the car. If you want us to have dinner with you, just say it. If you don't tell us, we will I just know that you want to be alone, and I won’t come over to disturb you at will. Do you think this arrangement makes you more comfortable? "

Lin Fan thought about it, it would be nice if she could be alone the rest of the time except during working hours.

"It's just that once you leave the dormitory, Captain Song and the others will follow you to protect you. Just treat them as colleagues in the same office."

Jin Sichen knew that Lin Fan's biggest discomfort still came from these two people. "After a day of contact, how do you feel about Captain Song and the others? If you don't like them, I can apply to Deputy Xie for a replacement."

forget it! Who else would it be or two people staring at her?

Lin Fan is not stupid and knows that so-called protection is equivalent to surveillance, which is one of the necessary conditions for living a stable life here.

Although Song Ren is dangerous, his current attitude towards her is still peaceful and his work is straightforward. Comparing Li Chunhua, you will know that this person is actually good. Coupled with John Woo's guarantee, I feel that he is relatively credible.

Jin Sichen looked at her with a smile, and Lin Fan could tell that he was serious - as long as he dared to say it, he would really dare to apply. Not wanting to dwell too much on this issue, she spoke under Song Ren's concerned gaze: "I'm looking for something to do to pass the time."

Jin Sichen raised his eyebrows. This was to answer his initial question. This Lin Fan is still a habitual evader! However, he was not in a hurry and followed Lin Fan's words and continued to ask: "Then have you figured it out?"

Lin Fan shook his head.

Jin Sichen seemed to be very interested and took Song Ren to discuss how to help Lin Fan spend his free time. Both of them came up with a lot of ideas, and unknowingly, Lin Fan slowly joined in, chatting from time to time.

When Li Chunhua came back, he saw three people gathered around talking animatedly, mainly Jin Sichen and Song Ren, and Lin Fan listened, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Li Chunhua scratched his head, didn't he just go out to have a meal? Why are these three people already so close?

The day after the recommendation, I still couldn’t find where my recommendation was. Please collect, recommend, and vote monthly. There will be another update in the afternoon.

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