Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 51 Level

Chapter 51 Level

Jin Sichen looked at Song Ren's chest. There was a red badge on the left chest of his uniform.

The appearance is not much different from the one in Jin Sichen's hand, except that there are only two four-pointed star patterns on the planet that are raised high, without sapphire decoration, and the star ring is just two simple projections, full of three-dimensionality but without inlays, and the upper right corner is also No little tail.

Looking at Li Chunhua's badge again, it is also a red badge. The pattern is similar to Song Ren's. There are also two three-dimensional four-pointed stars, but there is only one star ring.

Jin Sichen thought of John Woo's gray badge last night. It seemed that there was neither a four-pointed star nor a star ring, only a small planet with a tail. I mentally guessed that the pattern on the badge should be used to distinguish the levels within the institute, with different colors representing different departments.

Seeing him looking at the badge thoughtfully, Song Ren took the initiative to explain: "In our research institute, we use the color and pattern on the ID to distinguish positions. The gold on your hand represents a distinguished guest; the gray that Wu Yusen wore yesterday is Temporary visitors; red are combat personnel, which is our mecha reserve team; blue are scientific researchers; and purple are administrative staff. The darker the color, the higher the level."

"The small tail in the upper right corner is used to distinguish internal and external personnel. None of the staff have small tails, only visitors who come to 800 from the outside have them. The planet pattern inside is distinguished by a protruding four-pointed star and a star ring. The position is equal to the military rank."

"Is your research institute still doing the same thing as the military?" Jin Sichen asked strangely.

"Our institute is originally affiliated with the military, and many employees are still in active service. However, the organizational structure and development direction of the institute are very different from those of the military, so badges are used instead of epaulettes to distinguish the relationship between superiors and subordinates."

The institute is affiliated with the military? Jin Sichen was surprised, but did not show it on his face, and continued to ask: "Then what level is mine equivalent to? This is too eye-catching!"

Song Ren also frowned when he saw the golden badge inlaid with many fine sapphires. He couldn't help but said with a smile: "Your pattern has four stars and two rings, which corresponds to the rank of colonel. The VIP badges I know are all Golden yellow, I’ve never seen such light golden color as yours.”

"Inlaying gems is a treatment only for senior personnel. At the deputy director level and above of the research institute, the four-pointed stars on the work permit are replaced by gems. There are only a few small ones, which are not so conspicuous. The star ring is inlaid with broken gems, and I am the same. This is the first time I’ve seen it. And…usually VIP passes don’t have a star ring…”

The badge of foreign visitors specifically uses a comet with a tail, which means passing by. Only the staff are stars with rings. Jin Sichen has both a tail and a star ring, which is actually unreasonable.

But there are indeed no examples of outsiders staying in the institute for a long time. The Security Department thought about it for a long time yesterday before deciding to use this pattern, which has the tail of the visitor and the star ring stationed for a long time.

In order to highlight the unusual identity of the holder, the star ring was specially set with broken gems. Both in terms of craftsmanship and aesthetic level, we strive to be the best and show the highest level of the institute to the holder. It is these two circles of broken gemstones that enhance the value and brilliance of the entire badge to an unprecedented degree.

"This... probably reflects the importance our research institute attaches to Dr. Jin." Song Ren didn't know what was going on, so he could only find a good reason and quickly switch to other topics. "The chip inside has entered all of Dr. Jin's information and access keys. In the future, Dr. Jin can carry this VIP card and walk freely in the living building, medical building, canteen, office building public areas, etc. But the research site is currently Only limited to Group 623 locations.”

Jin Sichen nodded to express his understanding and pinned the badge on his shirt pocket in the right position. He turned around and asked Lin Fan, "Does it look good?"

It must look good! Lin Fan nodded.

The color matching and craftsmanship are flawless. It's a bit exaggerated to call it a work of art, but I always feel that the window of a jewelry store is where it should be.

"Come and take a look at yours too!" Jin Sichen stepped aside and let Lin Fan get the remaining box on the table.

Lin Fan walked over slowly, picked up the box and opened it. Inside was a red badge.

"Huh? Why does she have a red badge?" Jin Sichen asked, "Didn't you just say that red is a combatant? Even if Lin Fan is not a VIP, he can't be a combatant, right? She doesn't even have a little tail!"

Lin Fan's badge is very similar to Li Chunhua's, but with two more stars. When you take it out of the box, you can see that the material of the badge is also different. There is a faint flow of gold in the red, but you can't find it without looking closely at the light.

"Originally, we were supposed to get VIP passes just like you. But the finished product of your badge is too eye-catching. Lin Fan needs to keep a low profile now and cannot wear such a badge at all. In addition, the two of us have been following her all the time. , it will inevitably attract attention over time. It is better to make it into a combatant's work permit and disguise it as a member of the mecha reserve team, so that it will not be easily discovered." Song Ren explained.

He knew at the Security Department yesterday that Deputy Xie had arranged a combatant badge for Song Ren. He guessed that Deputy Xie also had the idea of ​​keeping Lin Fan. When Lin Fan officially joins the institute, he won't even need to change his badge, once and for all. But I couldn't say this to Jin Sichen, I could only tell the underlying reasons.

Jin Sichen looked at the shining badge on his chest and wondered if this group of people did it on purpose.

They were all obviously from the Special Affairs Office, one was issued a visitor's pass and the other was issued a work pass. He couldn't believe that his badge had to be so eye-catching. Do you really think he doesn't know what they are paying attention to?

But to be clear, one cannot simply say that social interaction for adults is so troublesome.

"Then what level is Lin Fan?" Jin Sichen saw that Lin Fan's pattern was different from everyone else's. Li Chunhua was still a little angry and asked Song Ren: "What level are you all at?"

"Lin Fan's badge is equivalent to that of a captain. I am a lieutenant general and Li Chunhua is a lieutenant." Song Ren lightly kicked Li Chunhua while speaking.

In other words, in terms of ranking, Jin Sichen is the highest, then Song Ren, then Lin Fan, and finally Li Chunhua.

Li Chunhua felt uncomfortable again when he saw the pattern on Lin Fan's badge clearly. It took him so many years of hard work to become a lieutenant, because in peacetime, it was difficult to achieve military success and he never had the chance to be promoted.

The second day after Lin Fan entered the research institute, he was promoted to captain without having to do anything. He knew that this was a cover-up identity and had no practical significance, but he couldn't help but be jealous and showed it without paying attention to his emotions.

Lin Fan glanced at Li Chunhua and saw his unbearable resentment. He withdrew his eyes and did not waste energy on unnecessary people. She held the badge and saw that there was no suitable place on the chest of the T-shirt, so she clipped the badge to the cuff.

Seeing this, Song Ren took out the clothes for Lin Fan, put them on the table in front of her and said, "This is a change of clothes. It is similar to the style you are wearing. There is a place for identification on the chest of the top. Take a look. Size, if the size doesn’t fit, we’ll exchange it.”

Lin Fan obediently opened the packaging bag, shook off his clothes and made signs on his body.

The T-shirt is dark blue and made of cotton. There is nothing special except for an extra button tab on the chest. Song Ren saw that Lin Fan's clothes were loose, so he deliberately asked for a large size, just not too small, so there was no problem of not being able to fit it.

The pants are black shorts. Because they are large in size, they reach Lin Fan's knees. They have drawstrings on the waistband so they are not afraid of falling off.

"These are the regular uniforms of our reserve team, as well as the work uniforms of the logistics and other departments, but the styles are not very different and they are not very good-looking. If you don't like these, you can also shop online." Song Ren felt that Lin Fan was a girl, although If you are fat, but wearing black without pants all day long may affect your mood, I suggest.

"You can still shop online here?" Jin Sichen was surprised. With all these layers of security, where can express delivery be delivered?

"Of course!" Song Ren said with a smile: "It's just that you can't write the address here. I'll give you an address later. Write that address when you shop online. Remember to mark the name of Group 623. The institute has a special transport vehicle that goes here twice a day. When transporting things, I will bring the express delivery with me. It is no different from online shopping at home, except that everything coming in must go through security inspection."

"That's a good relationship!" Jin Sichen was a little happy. He thought that the institute would be completely closed when he entered it, so he specially brought two large boxes of luggage. If he had known better, he would have brought less. "Lin Fan, remember to buy something you want later. Your luggage... ugh! It's all the fault of John Woo's unreliability!"

Lin Fan nodded, she actually didn't want anything. But agreeing is easier than explaining, and agreeing is the best way to end the topic.

"By the way, your living allowance will also be sent to the chip, which can be used directly at the consumption places in the institute." Song Ren added.

"Is there any living allowance?" Jin Sichen knew that the director had obtained a salary for him, but he did not expect that there would be another allowance.

"That's for sure." Song Ren smiled, "I know that while Dr. Jin is working here, our office will pay him a separate salary, and of course the benefits will be comprehensive. The living allowance is mainly used for food and water. Buy some daily necessities."

"Lin Fan doesn't have a salary at our institute for the time being, but considering that it's very hard for her to cooperate with research and her health is not good, we can't leave her penniless and have to find someone to ask for something. So I specially applied for her. A living allowance.”

The living subsidy for Lin Fan was something Song Ren thought of last night. He didn't know how good the salary package at the special office was, but Lin Fan was so poor now that even his clothes were in tatters.

Didn’t Cui Suo want to rob someone? Only by starting with the details of life can we better understand it in a subtle way.

He wrote an application overnight and sent it to Cui Suo's mailbox, and it was quickly approved.

"How many?" Jin Sichen was curious.

"Because there are no additional costs for accommodation and transportation, the subsidy is only for meals and living expenses. Because Dr. Jin is a world-renowned expert and has a higher level, the monthly subsidy is 12,000 yuan."

"Lin Fan is lower, six thousand a month. Although it is not much, it is definitely enough for eating and buying some daily necessities."

Six thousand? Not much. It's far worse than their special skills, Jin Sichen thought to himself. The money offensive was won by their special skills.

Song Ren added: "It's just that at this stage, Lin Fan's condition is unknown and he is not suitable for going out to public places. So for the time being, he can only live in the villa area and the 623 research site. We will bring you meals and daily necessities, and you can It’s also very convenient when ordering takeout.”

Jin Sichen knew that there was nothing he could do about it, but he was still a little worried that it would arouse Lin Fan's rebellious mentality. After all, no one likes a life that restricts freedom. But seeing Lin Fan's indifferent expression, he knew that he was overthinking it again.

I heard that I had a new book recommendation on Qidian today. I searched for a long time but couldn't find it. If you don’t have a collection, please do so. If you have a recommendation ticket, don’t hesitate to throw it over. There will be another update in the afternoon.

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