Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 506 The fight begins

A bunch of people had already come out to investigate the situation.

The unlucky car was less than fifty meters in front of them. The entire roof of the car was smashed flat, and a dark gray metal ball was pressed on it.

The ball is quite large, perhaps one and a half meters in diameter, and has vague radioactive lines on it, which are vaguely visible under the bright street lights.

Not a street lamp? The man hesitated and subconsciously stopped moving forward.

"What exactly is this?"

"Did you hit 120? This..."

"It's useless to fight, the car is flattened, there's no way to save it..."

"What bad luck! It's even more congested now!"

Other car owners talked about it and said anything.

The man looked at the round ball and didn't quite understand where it came from.

Suddenly, a slight "knock" sound penetrated the noisy crowd and reached the man's ears.

Immediately afterwards, the smooth sphere suddenly cracked open and quickly unfolded to both sides like a folding fan.

Before the onlookers could react, the ball on the roof of the smoking car suddenly turned into a long, long beetle more than two meters tall.

The original spherical surface covered its back, and multiple pairs of tentacles protruded from its row upon row of bodies.

The head was raised high, the pointed mouthparts were opened wide, and unknown liquid was drawn inside.

The two pairs of compound eyes reflected many images, including lights, cars, and dull people.

It pounced forward, its mouthparts pierced the chest of an onlooker in front of it, and then flaunted the person in the air and threw it away, letting out an unpleasant howl.

The poor man had already returned to his hometown before he could react.

Only then did people react, rolling and crawling away, screaming endlessly.


When the advance boat just started dropping round objects, there was a burst of exclamation in the control room, thinking they were dropping bombs.

At present, many cars are driving on the highway, and there is even a blockage on the elevated highway.

No matter where this Z bomb lands, it will definitely have a huge impact!

"Who asked them to drive?!" the military commander slapped the table and roared at the people next to him. "What do you do for food?!"

Next to him was the person in charge of the evacuation drill in Sijiucheng.

He was full of grievances, and he was sprayed with saliva, and he was also very angry.

But when he saw the first ball falling on the roof of the car, the off-road vehicle with steel supports was immediately crushed into a discus like it was made of paper shells. Naturally, the people inside had no hope of survival. No matter how much fire was put out, .

"We were not allowed to drive, but were asked to walk." He explained weakly, "It's because we didn't do our job well."

Fortunately, there was no explosion after the ball hit the ground, and it did not affect the surrounding areas, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

The commander-in-chief also knows that there are many surprises in special circumstances. The only people to blame are those who are smart and disobedient.

But now that this is the case, what else can we say?

As more and more balls fell, many cars were damaged.

"Shout on the radio and ask everyone in the car to get off and walk on foot." the commander ordered. "The military headquarters will send people nearby to guide them to evacuate, quickly!"

"These smart fools! When you are hiking, you are surrounded by trees and buildings. When you drive on the road, you are surrounded by empty spaces and illuminated by street lights. It is equivalent to setting up a target for those things! Once something happens, the road is blocked and no one can escape. !”

In the monitoring room, everyone was silent.

The pig teammates are not scary, but the pig teammates are afraid of being disobedient.

The advance boat dropped iron balls while moving forward.

The general control couldn't figure out what they wanted to do, so they could only send troops to pursue them along the way.

Private cars were slowly evacuated from the road under the guidance of military personnel.

The road cannot be blocked, their armor is all behind.

It wasn't until the first ball mutated into a giant watermelon bug that it poked people everywhere that the atmosphere in the control room became tense again.

"Where are the armed forces? Fire strike! Protect the people and evacuate!" the commander shouted.

The military's armed forces had already been standing by and came forward with guns in hand.

The bullets were fired as if they were free, making a "dang" sound when they hit the watermelon insect, and a few sparks emitted.

"Ineffective strike! Change bullets!" The captain noticed something was wrong and immediately commanded.

Quickly changing to armor-piercing ammunition, this time the attack was finally effective.

It can be penetrated when the stomach is punched. Although it is just a hole, black liquid can also flow out.

But the shell on the back, which is the outer layer of the initial ball, cannot be penetrated.

This requires a frontal attack. And it must be sieved to eliminate leakage everywhere.

But once turned to the front, the long mouthparts of the watermelon bug are very dangerous...

In addition, there is also the task of protecting people from evacuating...

The people's physiques are not very good, they are slow, they have to take care of their families, and their hands and feet tend to become weak.

The people in the military department had to take care of both sides, but in the end they couldn't take care of both sides. Soon, the casualties of the soldiers increased.

"It's my fault!" The chief looked at the dragging people and shouted bitterly, but there was nothing he could do.

Why do people like to make their own decisions and not listen to arrangements?

Are they getting too full?

The advance boat dropped hundreds of balls along the way.

When they thought they were all watermelon bugs, some balls actually opened in mid-air, and inside were bugs with wings.

The bug looks like a mantis and has two pairs of huge serrated scything hands.

They can fly through the air, wield four scythes, and harvest life more nimbly than watermelon bugs.

At this time, the tanks also arrived, hitting the sky with "bang bang bang".

Some mantises were hit, and some just escaped. The shells landed on nearby buildings, leaving huge craters.

But at this time, we don’t have to worry about so much. Protecting people’s lives to the greatest extent is the first priority.

Where there is life, there is hope.

But because there were many cars blocked on the road, armored vehicles, tanks, and even rocket vehicles were blocked behind them and could not advance for a while.

The president gritted his teeth, fearing that he would curse even more unpleasant words again.

"Where are the stars? How long until they arrive?" He asked after taking a deep breath.

"There are still ten minutes left to reach the battle circle!" The following replied after looking at the GPS positioning.

"Make sure the personnel are cleared and let the armor press over!" the commander ordered with his hands on his hips, "How many people have not yet evacuated? Why is it so slow?!"

"Only the team on the elevated highway is left." A subordinate reported, "This elevated highway is relatively long, and it takes a while to go up and down. Moreover, there are many cars on the elevated highway, and it takes time to clear the road."

The elevated structure was not low to the ground, and it was impossible for those people to slide down with a rope like well-trained soldiers.

Seeing hundreds of people running around in panic under the protection of soldiers, the commander finally said nothing and looked away.

Which is more important, the lives of soldiers or the masses?

He doesn't want to distinguish between high and low.

After all, the meaning of their existence is to protect the country and protect the lives and property of the people.

But because these self-righteous fools caused well-trained soldiers to be injured or even killed, the commander-in-chief felt unwilling to do so.

But no matter how unwilling they were, they couldn't let go and leave the person there.

It may be that everyone in other places has evacuated, leaving many people alone on the elevated road.

The mantises and watermelon bugs all moved higher, and even the advance boat flew back.

A dense crowd of praying mantises gathered and swung the scythe like a fan.

The soldiers had to hit those above and those below, and from time to time they had to pull a person who was paralyzed by fear and unable to walk.

This was a battle of unequal strength. Many soldiers were injured or even fell down forever.

But no one thought about quitting.

The armored vehicle was blocked below and could not move up, and the fighter planes were too close to attack, so they could not fire for fear of hitting their own people. There were only about twenty of them, and they were all running out of bullets.

The soldiers used their bodies to protect those behind them, fighting and retreating.

Just when they thought they were about to hand over their lives here, a different sound broke through the air.

"Dong" "Dong" "Dong"...

A black shadow blocked the light above the head, and then several black shadows fell down, and the bridge deck under their feet continued to vibrate.

Everyone thought watermelon bugs were falling from the sky again.

Taking a closer look, the standing shadow was a human figure, three meters tall, much larger than the insects.

The tall body, cold and hard lines, and smooth shell reflect the light of metal.

They turned their backs to everyone and stood in front of the bugs.

The middle-aged man's son had woken up long ago and was now held tightly in his arms.

He followed his parents to escape obediently. It was extremely quiet along the way, but now he suddenly became energetic. He pointed his little hand and shouted loudly.


Come on, come on, right?

It's a pity that casualties have already occurred. There is no way, the strength gap is like this.

I don’t like writing this part, woo woo.

Regarding bugs, I saw a watermelon bug crawling on the ground yesterday...hahaha, that's it.

Speaking of which, where did this bug escape from?

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