Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 499 The Heavenly Court is about to disintegrate

What is space jump?

To put it simply, when energy distorts space, two locations that were originally far apart overlap at one point.

The space created in the middle is defined as a multi-dimensional space. It is said that it can connect countless plane passages, and there will be no time effect when passing through the multi-dimensional space.

This special space structure is called a wormhole, also called a space hole, by researchers on Lanxing.

The concept of wormholes has been proposed a long time ago, but it has never been proven and remains only a hypothesis.

The process of traveling through a wormhole to teleport through space is also called space jumping.

Space jumps can speed up the process of space travel, but they usually only appear in fictional works such as movies, television or novels, as a reserved item in the science fiction category.

Now, Gro shows up, and the female clown confirms the real existence of space jump with her own words.

The fantasy suddenly came into reality, causing a large group of old people with eyebrows and beards to stay awake and read all kinds of information all night long.

After a lot of hesitation and confusion, in the end, I finally worked backwards from the conclusion to come up with a very possible idea——

When a space jump occurs, due to the huge energy field, there is a high probability that the nearby magnetic field and gravity will change.

Lin Fan didn't know how such speculation came about. After all, those experts couldn't prove it clearly.

But it’s enough if she can vividly understand the concepts of space jump and wormhole.

Once this hypothesis was proposed, even though it was not confirmed, it was immediately submitted to the space agency.

With doubts about whether it was true or not, it was released to various spacecraft monitoring teams.

Among them is the Tianting, which is still orbiting in the sky.

You know, in the low-Earth orbit of Lanxing, there are not even one thousand but eight or nine hundred various detectors and telescopes launched in recent years.

In this case, of course, take advantage of all available advantages.

If we don't use technology as a clairvoyant now, then when will we be able to do so?

The people on the ground still don't know anything, but the people who are staring at the sky are already in a mess.

Before Lin Fan could reach Zhu Cunjun's office, he called.

"Xiao Lin, urgent mission!" Zhu Cunjun seemed to be running, "Now the personnel and equipment of the Tianting space station need to be evacuated urgently, you have to go up and help."

The Tianting space station is the most advanced working spacecraft group and is responsible for many space missions. But this time, she served as an observation outpost and issued a timely warning.

The magnetic field changes are getting stronger and stronger, and many small spacecraft have a tendency to deviate from their orbits.

No one knows how long it will take for the wormhole to open. It may be a long time, or it may be very fast.

After the wormhole is opened, the surrounding space is bound to be affected.

Let’s not talk about whether the Tianting will be pulled over by the changing gravity.

Once Gro emerges from the wormhole, these spacecraft floating in orbit will inevitably become the first contacts.

As for the space station, because it is a combined spacecraft, its huge size is more likely to attract attention, turning it into a veritable target and suffering a devastating blow.

Let’s not talk about money. There are still three living astronauts on board the Tianting.

I won’t go into details about how much manpower, material and resources it takes to train a qualified astronaut.

Their life on the Tianting is not as comfortable as people on the ground think. On the contrary, it is very hard, working hard for the development of aerospace.

Once Gro attacks them, although no one knows what it will be, it is obvious that in the space station, the astronauts who need to hold the handles to control their bodies even to stand upright have no power to fight back.

The space agency was reluctant to part with its own people and the equipment it had worked so hard to send up. The emergency report was sent directly to the Taiwan Affairs Office.

The old man made a stroke of his pen. agree! Bring it back immediately!

This person naturally refers to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan turned around and prepared to go back and change into battle uniform, "When are you going up? Where are you going from?"

Although it was not the first time she had gone up there, she was treating this situation more seriously than the first time.

After all, Gro was still watching with eagerness, and the nervousness of approaching the city came out unconsciously.

"It'll be a little later. Let's leave from here." Zhu Cunjun probably found a place to stop. There was no longer the sound of running on the phone. "There are still some tasks to be completed in Heaven. We must try to bring back everything we can." , it’s just that you have to work harder and make more trips.”

"It's not hard work." Lin Fan slowed down his steps and frowned, "Aren't all the Tianting ships withdrawn?"

With Xingchen's ability, it is not a problem to carry the space capsule down several times. The routes are all ready. Lin Fan only needs to control the speed of the manned trip.

"We can't take them all down. There are some civilian equipment inside, and taking them down will affect the normal order of life." Zhu Cunjun explained in a deep voice.

The communication system, as well as the Sky Eye system, are inseparable from daily life and cannot be withdrawn at the drop of a hat.

Lan Xing couldn't be in chaos before the aliens arrived.

"There are still some space experiments. If they are withdrawn now, they will be in vain." Zhu Cunjun added, "After the personnel and equipment are evacuated, the remaining space stations will be disintegrated and scattered into small cabins, which will not be so noticeable, and the possibility of being hit will be Not that big anymore.”

"To disintegrate?" Lin Fan was stunned.

The space station that was so easy to build is going to disintegrate like this? It's a bit of a pity.

But think about how to preserve the aviation cabin to the greatest extent.

It was broken into pieces and hidden among many aircraft. In Gro's opinion, it was like a swarm of bees. It was impossible for it to kill them one by one, right?

With luck, these aviation cabins may even survive until the end and continue to provide technological support to the ground.

"What about the International Space Station?" Lin Fan couldn't help but think about himself and others, thinking of another huge thing hanging in the sky.

"I don't know about this. I think country P will take corresponding measures. They are just bad, not that stupid."

Zhu Cunjun scratched his chin and thought, no matter what, the astronauts have to evacuate, right?

It's just that the astronauts on the International Space Station belong to many countries, so evacuating them will probably involve a lot of wrangling.

In addition, they do not have the cheating artifact of stars, so the delay is conceivable.

But there's nothing that can be done about it. Country H can't ignore its past grievances and blow up the stars to help others.

At most, I just pray silently in my heart, hoping that they are safe...

The magnetic field changes are still increasing.

Finishing work on the space station also continues.

Because the capsules will be dismantled later, in addition to transferring the items that need to be taken away to the evacuated capsules, the astronauts also need to perform a final inspection of each capsule that will be stranded.

They work continuously without stopping, regardless of the accumulation of physical fatigue.

Anyway, when Xingchen comes to take them back, they no longer have to worry about the journey. The only thing is to deal with the matters in the sky quickly.

Stars can reach the sky from anywhere, so the space agency spared her the trouble of traveling back and forth and allowed her to set off right where she was.

All emergency passages are special, and the exit is on the top of an undeveloped mountain in Gaohe.

At around 11 o'clock at night, the Tianting operation was completed.

Lin Fan was ready to go, and under the leadership of Wu Yusen, he came to the emergency passage.

John Woo personally helped her adjust the headphones and eyepieces, said "be careful", and watched her leave with stern eyes.

I think that with the current technology, if there are more spaceships or something in the sky, whether they can be defeated or not, at least they will be discovered. It’s not like I sent so many telescopes just for fun.

So I think, like in the movie, where the spaceship is overhead and no one knows about it, unless they deliberately hide it, there is no way there will be no trace at all.

But such a high-level civilization cannot care about low-end civilization, so it is impossible to hide its whereabouts.

Well, I still hope not to come. Let's grow slowly.

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