Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 480 Differences after Upgrading

Although no serious consequences occurred, the robbery and possession of a gun itself was already a major and vicious incident.

In the distance, the crowd of onlookers lingered for a long time, and it was indeed not the place to talk.

Lin Fan saw Wu Yusen nodded slightly and nodded in agreement.

Zhao He, however, had not yet completely recovered from the shock just now, with a look of excitement on his face.

Now that he knew he was going to take a ride in a police car, the child became even more excited.

After all, who hasn’t dreamed of riding in a police car, going sightseeing at the police station, and then escaping without a leaf touching their bodies?

Several people were very skilled, but they were not suspects, so the commander specially assigned them to the SWAT vehicle.

The back compartment of the SWAT car has long strips of seats for people on the left and right sides. Arrange for three people to get in first, and then the other SWAT police will follow.

Because the three people had an abnormal attitude towards firearms, the special police officers with guns were still on alert and sat facing each other without saying a word.

Although there was no direct sight, the whole car was filled with pressure.

Most people will be scared to death even if they sit inside and do nothing.

Zhao He didn't care about this.

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and coupled with his excitement, he looked around after getting in the car. Even though it was dark and empty and there was nothing to see in the car, he felt happy.

"Angkor." After a while, Zhao He finally calmed down and asked, "Why were you kidnapped before?"

With John Woo's skills, he could easily defeat the opponent, so why would he deliberately be robbed by the opponent?

The SWAT officers remained motionless, their ears perked up.

John Woo replied with a smile, "It increases life experience."

"Life experience?" Zhao He didn't quite understand, "You mean the experience of being hijacked?"

Lin Fan was speechless.

What could be added to this experience?

Sure enough, a man will remain a child until he dies.

When Wu Yusen saw Lin Fan curling his lips, he tsked, "People's hearts are not as old as they used to be. I have a knife on my neck. Don't worry about either of you."

"Just you?" Lin Fan rolled his eyes, "It's the robbers who need to worry more, right?"

Zhao He laughed beside him.

He knew that John Woo was very skilled, so he was not worried at all.

When Lin Fan rushed out before, he was still thinking about why John Woo wasn't there yet, but when he saw that Lin Fan was even more powerful, he was completely relieved.

The special police officers thought about the performance of the two men just now and silently assumed the role of their opponents.

The man's movements were neat, and he had been in the military, but he was still more than capable of defeating him.

On the contrary, the woman's movements were so fast that even her reaction speed as a special police officer was still a bit behind...

He secretly glanced at the thin arms. They had smooth lines and slender muscles. Could they be so powerful?

The SWAT captain felt a little anxious and wanted to practice with them.

But then I thought about the doubts about the identity of several people, so I could only keep my eyes on my nose and my nose on my heart without saying a word, trying to use the silent atmosphere to create greater psychological pressure.

After Zhao He passed the excitement period, he felt the atmosphere in the car and started to feel uneasy. However, he was soon attracted by Wu Yusen and Lin Fan's mutual complaints, and he unconsciously forgot about his psychological discomfort.

Just talking and laughing all the way, we soon arrived at the police station.

Entering the interview room, John Woo and Lin Fan showed their IDs, and soon the problem was solved.

Seeing John Woo skillfully chatting with the other party, Lin Fan suddenly remembered that when they first met, John Woo was smiling like this and chatting well with each other in the interview room of the police station.

It's just that she was the one who called the police and the two were on opposite sides, but now she is on the same side with him.

Lin Fan smiled.

The already vague memories were both far and near. When she first called the police, she thought John Woo was mentally ill, but she never expected that today...

It was already dark when we came out of the police station.

Zhao He was afraid that his family would not see him when they came back, so he hurried home anxiously. However, he received news halfway that his parents were left at the company to work overtime, and he was asked to prepare dinner by himself. He was no longer anxious anymore.

The three of them went back to the shopping mall near his home to eat.

There were still people coming and going on the first floor, and it was impossible to tell what happened in the afternoon.

We found a private room, ate first and then talked, finally talking about card upgrades.

"So what's the difference between the upgraded cards? Will the characters inside become stronger after being released?" Lin Fan looked at the latest card.

There was a full-length portrait of a two-dimensional loli girl on it. She didn't recognize it, but it looked pretty.

So boys this age like cute loli girls, right?

"That's not possible." Zhao He became more energetic when he talked about the card. "At least among the smaller ones I tried, there was no obvious difference in ability."

There is simply no way to release large monsters such as Bumpman and Hydra for normal testing.

But he knew Zhao He's card well, and if he said it didn't exist, it probably meant it didn't exist.

"After the card was upgraded, first of all, my ability became stronger." Zhao He said with a smile. "It takes less time to make a card with the same power."

"This is a good thing." Lin Fan said with a smile, stroking his hands. "The stronger the ability, the less energy is needed to make cards?"

"No, actually it's relative." Zhao He scratched the tip of his nose. "I think the energy required to make the cards has not changed. It's just that I have become stronger, so the demand seems to be smaller and the time is shorter."

"Moreover, because my ability has become stronger, my control over the cards has also become stronger. In the past, I could only use one card at a time, but now I can use up to three at the same time."

"I thought you just need to finish the card and throw it out, and then you can use it directly." Lin Fan said.

"No way. You still have to control it." Zhao He said with a smile, "But compared to making cards, control is not that much effort. The main thing is that I use my mind to control their behavior, but I still need to use some. .”

Making cards consumes a lot of energy, but the energy required to control them is almost negligible.

But even if it can be ignored, it must be there after all.

Previously, due to capacity restrictions, cards could only be used individually.

For example, if you use Bumpman, you can only use Bumpman. If you want to use Hydra, Bumpman must disappear.

It's different now. Three card characters can appear at the same time, and he can control them accurately at the same time.

Zhao He felt that he could simply dominate the world.

"And because the ability has become stronger, if you want to release the returned card on the spot, it will be easier and longer than before."

As mentioned before, if Aotuman wants to summon again after 3 minutes, he must use Zhao He's physical ability to charge it on the spot. This kind of charging is equivalent to writing a card on a small scale.

In the past, he could only support it once, and the person would die. But now that he has more energy, the number of times has naturally increased.

However, the specific number of times it can be charged depends on the energy of the card character.

"There is one more thing, very important." When Zhao He said this, his eyes lit up. "I can create cards for avatars."

I had wanted to take a police car and go to the police station.

But I didn’t have a chance to ride in the police car. I picked up a mobile phone two years ago and sent it to the police station. I thought I could go in and have a look, hehe.

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