Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 460 3 Exploring the Crypt

Chapter 460 Three Explorations into the Crypt

Atlantis, the lost ancient country, is said to have been an ancient continent with a high level of civilization.

When Lin Fan was a child, he had watched several cartoons with Atlantis as the background. It can be said that he was familiar with them, much more familiar than the pyramids.

"But isn't that a legend?" she asked.

Compared to the wonders of the world mentioned before, the civilization of Atlantis is more like a dreamland, with no trace of real existence at all.

"The legend can't be groundless." Xue Ping, who was obviously a supporter of Atlantis culture, came over with a smile.

"Just like Nuwa and Chou, aren't they also said to be legendary figures? What do you think now?"

Lin Fan thought about it, and it seemed to make sense. "So where is Atlantis?"

"I heard that there are traces of ruins found in a strait to the west of the Atlantic Ocean. Just because of the sea area, we have been unable to confirm the authenticity." Xue Ping shrugged regretfully.

If the exploration ship hadn't made a lot of noise and that area was a key surveillance area, Xue Ping would have taken people there long ago.

There is no need to just stare at the pictures and articles posted by those Japanese.

"Okay, let's take a look one by one." Lin Fan said cheerfully. "If there's nothing here, let's go to the place you mentioned. I'll sneak down and take a look when no one is around. Then we'll know if there's anything there?"

How fast the stars are. If you go on quietly and make a quick tour, the matter can be settled without alerting anyone.

Xue Ping smiled and clasped his fists, "Then I'll leave it to Minister Lin."

If you really want to do this task, you still need to go through some procedures, which may not be achieved quickly.

But Xue Ping accepted Lin Fan's intention.

No matter how much I say, there is nothing much to say. I can’t see anything in the picture, so I just went to the ground.

I thought I would ride a balance car, but I didn’t expect that this time I actually built a rail car.

The appearance of the carriage is not beautiful, it is just a platform with fences around it and folding stools inside. It's not very comfortable to sit on, but it's better than standing all the time.

Xue Ping took the two of them into the car and explained after starting it. "There are a lot of electronic equipment needed later, so it's more convenient to use a rail car."

Although this car looks like a coal mine car, when it drives, it is very fast and feels like a supercar.

The previous fault, where people had to climb down, was also enlarged and a slope track was installed.

A few people passed smoothly without getting out of the car. Lin Fan looked at the rapidly retreating rock walls on both sides and felt that he had somehow passed through.

Soon after arriving outside the stone gate, the track stopped abruptly.

Xue Ping led the two of them through the frighteningly dark passage.

Lin Fan didn't think much of it when he was in his star state, but now that he stepped inside, he felt that it was indeed different.

A whole piece of opaque black seems to be wrapped around the body because there is no sense of distance.

It was so heavy that her heart sank unconsciously, and her steps seemed to have become heavier.

"Just go a little further." Xue Ping, who often walked and was more experienced, turned around and said to the two of them. "This section is a bit uncomfortable, but it is all psychological and has no real impact on the body. We have already tested it."

Otherwise, this place would have been sealed long ago, how could they be allowed in?

"Can it have such a big impact just in the psychological realm?" Lin Fan asked with a frown.

"Yes, psychology is also a major subject. How about Jin Sichen being so popular?"

"That's not the case." Lin Fan spoke up for Jin Sichen, "Jin Sichen is still capable."

Back in 800, it was Jin Sichen who quietly brought her out of the quagmire...

ah! Yes, shouldn’t she know best about the impact of psychology on people?

Lin Fan secretly cursed himself for being stupid.

So when it comes to upgrading the stars, can’t you really make yourself smarter?

Not long after walking, we finally left the dark area and entered a rocky area.

Although it is also a black rock mass, under the light, the heights are staggered and the distance is clear. It is much more comfortable than the dark mass behind it, like a black hole.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and under the leadership of Xue Ping, they got on the rail car again.

"Why was there no car there just now?" Lin Fan asked, "If there were a car, wouldn't it be possible to pass faster?"

"It can't be installed." Xue Ping shook his head and said, "We can't penetrate the area covered by that material, and the track can't be fixed. Moreover, it has some kind of micro magnetic field, and the instrument will be scrapped as soon as it is started."

After burning out N motors, they finally came to the conclusion that live instruments could not be started in this area.

So lights, tracks, nothing.

A group of people suppressed their emotions and dragged things inside with small trucks before continuing the project.

Fortunately, the ground is flat, otherwise we would really have to carry it shoulder to shoulder.

John Woo patted Xue Ping on the shoulder. He knew the situation better than Lin Fan.

Xue Ping stayed there for nearly half a year. It seemed that there was no progress, but in fact he had tried his best.

They all suffer from the inequality of technology...

After the car advanced for a while, it reached a cliff.

Lin Fan thought they were going to come down and change transportation, but that was not the case.

The car slid out and hung in the air.

Just when Lin Fan opened his eyes wide and thought he was about to fall, he only heard a few "clicks", which was the sound of a mechanical lock.

Then the car slowly went down the rock wall.

Lin Fan looked around and found a vertical track on the rock wall.

Obviously, the car has become an elevator car at this time, and its functions are quite complete.

"This access road is ready, so we took advantage of the situation and built the lifting rail." Xue Ping looked at Lin Fan's fresh look and explained, "How about the multi-functional rail car? Isn't it good?"

Lin Fan nodded fiercely.

It turned out that there were these technological products that were not particularly high-tech, which really opened her eyes.

About a hundred or ten meters down, the space suddenly opened up.

The first thing that caught the eyes of the three people was a large dark unknown object in the distance.

Going further down, I saw various equipment, busy people and high-power searchlights nearby.

But no matter how bright the light is, even if it is shined on the black area, it will have no effect.

When there are more people, there are more voices.

But everyone was just whispering, and it didn't sound noisy. Until their rail car hit the bottom and made a loud "clang", attracting everyone's attention.

"Ah, Minister Lin is here!" Everyone who had seen Lin Fan last time greeted him with a smile.

Lin Fan actually didn't know anyone, so he could only smile and nod in greeting.

Xue Ping accompanied the two of them into the dark area.

Sure enough, once you step in, it's as if gravity has doubled, making it difficult to lift your feet. The closer you get, the harder it is to walk.

Is this a setting to stop people from approaching? Lin Fan thought to himself and walked under the wall.

Looking up, I saw a tall and towering black wall, at least five or six stories high.

Because the material absorbs light, the top of the wall is pitch black, making it impossible to see what is there.

The wall is not very smooth, a bit like melted stalactites.

Lin Fan took two steps back, looked at the invisible high walls on the left and right sides, and suddenly thought of a TV series he had watched before.

"Winter is coming..."

Have you seen that TV series? The tall city wall separates ghosts and humans? I dare not mention it more for fear of infringement.

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