Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 453 Sir

Chapter 453 Chitose-sama

Lin Fan's hand on the black cat's neck froze and he didn't know whether to continue.

Chitose-sama? That legendary thousand-year-old monster?

She turned her neck stiffly, looked at the little black cat whose eyes were closed in comfort, and slowly opened her eyes.

Don't tell me, looking at it this way, it really smells like that.

"Ha...haha..." Lin Fan smiled awkwardly, slowly raised his hand, and stood up from the sofa.

Knowing that it was Chitose-sama, you still attacked it? She doesn't have the guts yet.

For a moment, she seemed to feel a hint of disappointment flashing through her yellow eyes, but before she had time to think about it, she hurriedly retreated to Quan Yingdong's side.

In his haste, he forgot the sword in his lap.

With a "clang" sound, the two swords were smashed to the ground again, causing Lin Fan to stumble.

Fortunately, before Quan Yingdong reached out to help, she stood firm on her own, and quickly grabbed the poor swords that fell twice in her hands with her hands and feet.

When I didn't know, I still thought it was cute and said a lot of silly things.

Now that I know that it is the famous Chitose-sama, I don’t know what to say...

How about an apology first?

"Yes..." Before Lin Fan could finish his words, he saw Master Chitose push up his front legs and sit up.

I don’t know if I had a preconceived impression. Originally, the little black cat looked so cute, but now it looks so majestic.

Cute... Go, go, go, you can't even touch it.

"Lin Fan." Lord Chitose's voice is not as cold as Mr. Qian's, nor is it as strong and powerful as his senior brother's. To be honest, it sounds a bit like a young man...

It may not be that he is a teenager, he feels a little bit indistinguishable between male and female.

When Lin Fan heard his name being called, he responded quickly. "yes!"

"I know you." Chitose-sama flicked his tail, raised one front paw, brought it to his mouth and licked it freely.

What should be the answer? Lin Fan's mind was spinning rapidly.

Thanks for attention? Or a few words of humility?

"You're good." Lord Chitose put down his paw gracefully and looked at Lin Fan.

"Thank you." This time Lin Fan finally knew how to answer, and he felt a little happy.

Chitose-sama jumped lightly, landed on the ground without a sound, and walked out from the feet of the two of them with cat steps.

Lin Fan didn't dare to take a breath, and he and Quan Yingdong beside him watched Master Chitose leave. It wasn't until they disappeared that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"How could you..."

"How could it..."

The two spoke at the same time, stopped together, and then looked at each other and smiled.

"You speak first……"

"You speak first……"

Quan Yingdong rubbed his face. "Forget it, let me say it."

He took the two-handed sword from Lin Fan's hand, took it out and looked at the lamp. "Why is it so damaged?"

Although the materials used to refine Lin Fan's weapons were not as good as those of the stars, they were also very strong. Coupled with their special weapon-refining techniques, it would have been impossible to make so many holes.

"I was dragged and beaten up by my senior brother at night." Lin Fan didn't feel embarrassed at all.

It was common knowledge that the elder brother's skills could crush her.

"Really?" Quan Yingdong glanced at Lin Fan and said strangely, "Elder brother hasn't been so harsh in the past."

This pair of swords has been used in sparring in the past, and this is not the first time. There have never been so many gaps.

"What happened? Did you offend Senior Brother?"

"It's not like I provoked it." Lin Fan scratched his head in embarrassment, "It was just that I got drunk for a while and my senior brother heard it..."

"Oh? What did you say?" Quan Yingdong put the sword into its scabbard and asked curiously.

Lin Fan had no choice but to say it again.

Quan Yingdong looked strange after hearing this.

He glanced at Lin Fan.

Ordinarily, what she said was not wrong. Except for Senior Brother, no one could draw a sword faster than Lin Fan.

But she also obviously underestimated her elder brother's self-esteem as a man.

To say that he had no intention at all... Quan Yingdong looked at the two swords in his hands that were full of gaps. He didn't believe it at all.

However, Lin Fan felt that this was the case, and he had no position to correct it.

"I've been very busy recently. If you don't worry, I can fix it for you in a week, okay?"

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry." Lin Fan nodded.

As long as she doesn't go on missions and doesn't meet her senior brother, she won't be able to use weapons.

"Okay!" After the business was done, Quan Yingdong wanted to put the sword aside first, but when he saw the mess in the office, he suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Uh... let's go directly to the refining room. The place is bigger over there." He took the lead and walked out of the office.

Lin Fan looked at the office, which was nearly thirty square meters and was piled with miscellaneous things, and raised his eyebrows without saying anything.

The refining room is actually an area with many rooms in it.

Quan Yingdong led people into his exclusive weapon refining room.

Lin Fan originally thought that this place would be as messy as his office, but unexpectedly it turned out to be tidy.

All materials are neatly arranged in categories on the shelves along the wall. When obsessive-compulsive disorder comes, I can’t find fault.

Is this Quan Yingdong’s refining room? Why is it so different from the office? Like the noise caused by two people?

Quan Yingdong had already put away his sword, sat at the table and brewed Gongfu tea.

"Isn't it as messy as the office?"

Although I think so in my heart, I can't say it with my mouth. Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's so neat here."

Quan Yingdong was busy boiling water and cleaning tea sets, and had no time to spare.

"Actually, I don't go to that office very often. I spend most of my time here." After setting the boiling water switch, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Fan. "If you want to find me in the future, you can come here."

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded in agreement.

"My office," Quan Yingdong took the initiative to explain, "because there are few people there, any materials or things my men find, they just put them in there."

"When I finished my work, I went over here and found that it was already a mess." Quan Yingdong laughed.

"Normally, my personality can't stand it. But I don't want to spend my energy on meaningless cleaning, so I go there less, and it's a vicious cycle."

"I see." Lin Fan just said. Quan Yingdong looked unkempt, but not slovenly. Why was the office in such a mess?

"We often cannot stop refining weapons in the middle, and it is common for us to not be able to rest for several days in a row." Quan Yingdong added, "So everyone always thinks that we are a bit... informal, hahaha. In fact, I still like to be clean."

Lin Fan looked at the furnishings in this room and believed his words without hesitation.

Her own office is not as tidy as Quan Yingdong's. Comparing the two, she is the sloppy one.

"By the way, what happened to that Chitose-sama?" Lin Fan finally spoke first.

"When I entered your office today, I didn't notice it at first, but later I thought it was your cat. Seeing that it wasn't afraid of people, I petted it..."

Lin Fan frowned with fear.

"Will it make Chitose-sama unhappy? Do you want to solemnly apologize?"

She had heard John Woo talk about Chitose-sama several times, but who would have thought that it was actually a cat?

He is also a little black cat who purrs comfortably when he is petted.

Lin Fan suddenly remembered what John Woo said about the theory that Bodhisattvas are actually aliens.

Today is indeed a waste of time...

Quan Yingdong is actually not sloppy, haha, you must have been deceived by me again. There shouldn't be any characters that haven't been written about, right?

Now there is a problem, one supporting character is missing. Originally, there should be another supporting character who is supposed to be on the spaceship together, but I can’t think of it now. If you still can’t figure it out by then, just forget about it. Imperfection is also a kind of beauty.

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