Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 414 Reflection

Chapter 414 Reflection

After sleeping for three days and three nights, Lin Fan finally regained his energy.

But the whole person is still lazy and does not like to move. I don’t know if it’s the sequelae of severe overspending before.

Wearing flip-flops, she pattered into the cafeteria. She didn't go to get food. She found an empty table and sat down. She lay down on the table as if she had no bones and didn't want to move.

I don't know how long it took before Wang Fengfeng discovered her.

"Hey? Why are you alone? Where is Angkor?"

He looked everywhere but saw no one. Normally, Father Wu would not be too far away from Lin Fan.

"He has something to do at home. He will go back for a few days." Lin Fan turned his face away from the table with difficulty.

"Are you hungry? Wait, I'll get you something to eat." Wang Fengfeng was shocked when he saw Lin Fan like this.

In my impression, she didn't seem so wilted when she first came to the special agency.

He quickly went to get some high-calorie foods and stuffed them into Lin Fan's hands.

"Thank you." Lin Fan didn't want to move, but he didn't want to let down Wang Fengfeng's kindness, so he climbed up unsteadily and slowly stuffed it into his mouth.

"What...what's going on with you?" Wang Fengfeng's mind flashed "pregnant women are prone to burnout"... No, no, no, Lin Fan knew he would be beaten to death, "Have you gone to the medical department?"

"I've been there before. I said it was because I was too useless before and it backfired." Lin Fan slowly explained the last mission.

Compared to Ban Hai's joy, Wen Ji's face was very ugly.

Although he was serious before, he was still polite to Lin Fan. This time, Lin Fan looked dead and scolded her unceremoniously.

The human body and energy are limited. Excessive wear and tear will ultimately hurt you.

It's not a life-or-death situation, so why do you get so hurt?

Lin Fan also suffered a lot. Nod and admit your mistake, and promise not to do the same thing again.

I just wanted to do it well and finish it to the best of my ability, but I never thought that going too far would be too much. This kind of full-load work, still in the sea, will have such a big impact on myself.

In the future, we must control it and allocate time reasonably!

After making several guarantees, Wenji let her go.

But in this situation, there seems to be no good solution except raising it slowly.

Wen Ji directly called Zhu Cunjun and in a very serious tone forbade him from arranging any more tasks for her until Lin Fan fully recovered.

No matter Lin Fan or Xingchen, if their bodies collapsed, everything was over. You must exercise restraint and moderation!

After Zhu Cunjun was criticized by Wenji, he went to Lin Fan's office to see her.

Seeing her desperate look, he couldn't bear it, so he applied for an extra bonus for her when he went back.

"Oh, I understand." Wang Fengfeng sipped the apple-flavored drink in his hand, "It's almost like if we stayed up for a few late nights and rested for a few days, we still felt weak. You've amplified the effect."

"Well, it's kind of like after staying all night in the Internet cafe." Lin Fan felt a little better after eating, "I didn't know it was so powerful. The star can standby for 20 hours, so I will use 20 hours. who knows……"

"You are a human being! You need to rest as a human being!" Wang Fengfeng slapped his head and was speechless. "The machine has been running for a long time and you have to rest. Is it possible for you to turn the grid without getting hurt? Speaking of which, you are also a veteran, so you can't take a break from your busy schedule, right?"

"Can that be the same?" Lin Fan raised his eyes, "When it comes to making money, it won't make much difference to do it earlier or later. My task is related to the interests of the G family. If it is later, what if there is any loss? Do I dare to slack off? "

"You just put too much pressure on yourself." Wang Fengfeng knew that she was still in the novice stage and had no idea about anything, so she was very careful about everything and was afraid of being delayed. "It was the same when I first came in. I didn't know what to do. I was afraid that if I stopped, I would miss something important."

"What happened next?" Lin Fan asked with interest.

"Later, as time went by, I realized that the mission was not a matter of one person, but the result of everyone's cooperation." Wang Fengfeng picked up the plate of fried chicken next to him and took a bite, "You too, Xingchen is amazing, and indeed They are the main force, but those on the ship can also do searches, but at a slower speed."

"After you go, a J-ship will directly become your supply ship. I'm not saying that they will have any objections. I'm just saying that you have to learn to let go and don't tie all the tasks to yourself. Try to ask others to help you share the burden.”

Lin Fan seemed to understand.

"You must have insisted on not telling me when you couldn't bear it, right? You didn't even tell me Angkor Ken." Wang Fengfeng said with an expected expression, "Those people on the ship don't know what's going on with you. If they knew about you, In this state, I have definitely stopped you a long time ago. You have to learn to rely on others. No matter how powerful the stars are, you are still a human being after all."

It was impossible for John Woo not to notice Lin Fan's situation.

The reason why he didn't say anything or stop him, according to Wang Fengfeng's guess, was because he wanted Lin Fan to suffer and learn a lesson.

After all, what others say a thousand times is not as profound as experiencing it once for yourself.

Over-protection is not a good thing for Lin Fan. On the contrary, this kind of lesson will make her grow up faster.

Lin Fan heard what Wang Fengfeng said and felt it made sense.

She thought about Wen Ji's words that she could not take on any more tasks until she fully recovered.

What if there is a more urgent task at this time and she has to do it? Wouldn't it delay things even more?

Lin Fan has always wanted to use all his strength when doing tasks because of the unique attributes of the stars.

Looking at it now, it seems that this is not possible, and it is quite careless about the end.

And if you highlight your abilities too much, will it also affect others...

Lin Fan ate silently, thinking and reflecting.

Wang Fengfeng didn't know what she was thinking, and she didn't say anything harsh.

Seeing that she looked worried, he also told a lot of gossip to make her happy. He went with her to get food again, chatting and laughing, which made Lin Fan's frustration no longer so severe.

The days when John Woo is away seem to be extremely long.

Within two days, Lin Fan had fully recovered. She felt a little uncomfortable staying in the special facility, so on a whim, she ran out to go shopping alone.

After coming out of the Ririhong elevator, he said hello to the lady at the front desk, and Lin Fan walked out alone with his head held high.

But this state did not last long, and she soon discovered that RiRihong was too far away and could not find a car on the road...

After walking and walking, I finally saw a taxi. I quickly waved to stop, and then asked the driver to take her to the nearest subway station.

The driver's expression... made him want to refuse. But if you refuse to take a ride, you will be complained, and you can only look down the empty sign in annoyance.

Lin Fan didn't care that much.

The Gaohe subway extends in all directions, making it convenient and fast. Except for the large number of people, sometimes there are no seats available, and it's a bit crowded. Overall, it's more convenient than a taxi.

She didn't have a specific destination, so she changed trains as she pleased, and was finally attracted by the smell of food in the subway and entered an old shopping mall.

Lin Fan hadn't moved alone for a long time, and it felt pretty good.

I was shopping and eating, and I was having fun when I heard a commotion in front of me.

The instinct to join in the fun took over. She ran with the crowd and saw a bunch of people blocking the stairs.

She thought something was wrong, but when she pulled away from the crowd, she saw an old man fell at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes were closed, and blood was already spilling from the back of his head.

But the people around him formed a circle, muttering and taking pictures with their phones, but no one came forward.

Lin Fan watched the bright red blood flowing more and more, frowned, squeezed in, and squatted next to the old man, trying to save people.

"Hey~ Girl, you have to think clearly! We don't have a mine at home, and our boss can't afford it!" Someone said.

Lin Fan knew that this man meant well, but she couldn't do it even if she was asked to watch.

What's more, although her family has no mines, they still have a lot of money. Not afraid of blackmail.

"It's okay, aren't you recording the screen for me? We still have to believe that there are many good people in the world." She smiled and asked for help, "Whoever has scarves, handkerchiefs, bandages, etc., I will give them to them Press the wound first to stop the bleeding?"

I looked around and no one offered it.

Lin Fan was just thinking about what to do when a white triangle scarf with a new crease was handed to him.

She took it and wanted to bandage the old man, but because she had not received any training in this area, she didn't know how to start.

Finally, the triangle scarf was taken away again, and someone squatted next to the old man and wrapped it up for him neatly.

When the blood stopped flowing out, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the person who gave him a helping hand.

"It's you?!" She was shocked.

The person helping to bandage her was the young red-haired man who had asked her for directions at the Chenghuang Temple.

He was obviously very surprised to see Lin Fan and said to her with a smile.

"What a coincidence. I didn't have a chance to introduce you last time, so let's get to know him formally this time. My name is Antonio Madden."

I asked you to guess before, but no one paid any attention to me. well. Now that he has self-destructed, does anyone remember who he is?

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