Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 402 Thunderbolt Lin Fan

The next day, Zhu Cunjun was in front of the computer, arranging the list of personnel to go to Nv Chou to perform tasks, when the power suddenly went out...

Although there were emergency lights in the room, it was not completely dark. After a few seconds, the power supply returned to normal, but Zhu Cunjun still called the logistics department.

The main building of the special office is entirely underground, so I won’t go into details about its area.

Even if you put aside high-tech power-consuming equipment, just maintaining the daily air circulation system cannot cut off the power. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the power is, it will be useless, and you will still have to suffocate to death in the end.

Therefore, at the beginning of construction, an entire floor was specially set aside as the equipment floor to house these generators, water circulation devices, air circulation filtration systems, etc.

In addition to the normal generating units, there are also backup generating units. Once a power outage like this occurs, the backup unit will automatically activate after three seconds.

Because it is deep underground, the superiors have never been stingy in their investment in the special office. All the infrastructure used in the office is installed with the ceiling in it.

To put it inappropriately, if the state station has a power outage, the special offices will not have a power outage.

This has led to the fact that in all the years since Zhu Cunjun took over, the Special Office has never had a power outage.

Everything is fine, why is there a power outage?

The logistics department is also confused. They have people maintaining various equipment on the equipment floor every day. The electrical unit was just inspected two days ago and there is no problem...

But the power was out, so saying that would be a shirking of responsibility.

When the person in charge answered the phone, he was leading people to the equipment floor, categorically promising to find out and solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Zhu Cunjun knew this and couldn't rush it, so he had to focus on personnel arrangements first.

After he had arranged everyone, the call from the logistics office came.

"Director, we are really wronged this time." The logistics director complained on the phone. "Everyone we met along the way thought we didn't do a good job. Oh, we are taking the blame for others this time..."

"Oh?" Zhu Cunjun knew it was not a big problem as soon as he heard his tone.

Just as the matter at hand came to an end, I simply lit a cigarette, leaned back in the chair comfortably, and prepared to listen to what he said slowly.

"I'm not your sweetheart yet, Minister Lin..."

As soon as the minister started speaking, Zhu Cunjun sat upright in his chair. "Huh? What's the matter with her?"

"What are you talking about," the logistics director also laughed angrily, "Didn't she have a physical examination today? She said she was charged with electricity, but during the test, the electricity was too strong and burned my bus along the machine lines..."

Who would have thought of this?

If you add up the special offices up and down, it can be regarded as a sizable town. The amount of electricity required to maintain it is no small sum.

Minister Lin was able to get him into bed with just one click...

"Huh? What about Lin Fan? Are you okay?" Zhu Cunjun remembered that Lin Fan was going to test electricity today, but he didn't expect that the movement would be so loud.

"It's okay. It's okay. Nothing's wrong. I heard that we haven't tried our best yet..." The logistics director rubbed his face.

Although there are many talented people in the Special Affairs Office, it is really rare to see someone like Minister Lin.

Comparing one person to another makes people angry to death!

"Then when she took the test, was she in her own state or in the mecha state?" Zhu Cunjun asked.

"How do I know this? Director, I will report to you the damage to the circuit. It has been repaired. The power will be cut off in half an hour and the spare unit will be replaced. Please pay attention to notify me when the time comes." The head of the Logistics Department said After getting down to business, he ended the conversation neatly.

Zhu Cunjun quickly dialed Wenji's number again.

The reason why I didn't look for Ban Hai was because the old man was not easy to find. As for Wen Ji, the phone call will be accurate.

Zhu Cunjun breathed a sigh of relief when he learned from the Academic Affairs Office that there was no obvious abnormality in Lin Fan's body and that other biochemical results had not been released yet, but there were no obvious symptoms of being charged.

It is not uncommon for people to have electrified bodies.

About forty years ago, there was a boy whose body was electrically charged, and it was reported in the news.

Later, a children's drama was filmed based on him, and he became almost a household name.

But little is known about what happened behind it.

That child's hair was in a state of frizz every day, and anyone who touched him would be electrocuted.

Although wearing clothes and gloves can isolate him, it is actually very inconvenient for his life.

Moreover, the electric current carried by his body is not very strong, so it is not of much practical use. On the contrary, it often damages electrical appliances inadvertently.

That's all. The most lamentable thing is that this state has had a huge impact on his health.

If you think about it, you will know that it is not a good thing for the body cells to be in a charged state for a long time, even if it is a microcurrent.

Therefore, this man died of organ failure before he was thirty...

Zhu Cunjun couldn't help but sigh when he thought of that man's ending.

After him, no one with self-electrification appeared in the special agency for a long time.

Now that this situation is happening to Lin Fan, Zhu Cunjun naturally does not want to see it.

Even though electrification can indeed increase Xingchen's combat power, compared to the pain Lin Fan will feel, Zhu Cunjun would rather she not be electrified.

Xingchen and Lin Fan are two entities, but they are independent from each other.

It might be okay if the stars are electrified, but if Lin Fan is electrified... let's forget it.

Therefore, Zhu Cunjun was relieved to know that Lin Fan was not charged.

"Don't be too happy too soon." Wen Ji seemed to be unhappy with the leader's happiness and said coldly, "Although she is not electrified, she can plug in the electric door with her bare hands!"

? !!

Zhu Cunjun said, "What the hell?"

"That's what it means literally." Wenji said while looking at the record on the computer that he had just typed out with his own hands regarding Lin Fan's charge.

"You can't feel the current through machine measurement or when people touch her skin directly. We also made an incision on her so that there is no electricity below the skin, in the muscle layer, or even in the bones."

Zhu Cunjun didn't ask the stupid question about how to detect the bones. He ignored the slight discomfort in his heart and crossed his legs, "But she inserted her hand into the electric door and was fine?"

Domestic electric switches have 220V AC power. Most people accidentally touch it. If they are still alive, the feeling will be unforgettable.

"Yes, increasing the voltage from small to large makes no difference to her at all." Wen Ji said, "Ban Hai has already tried 10kv, and the wire is like holding a hemp rope in her hand. "

What is the concept of 10kv? Usually the wires on the cement poles on the road have this voltage.

Basically, if a person is beaten once, that's pretty much it.

Lin Fan was playing it off, which made Ban Hai almost think that the instrument was broken...

Wen Ji saw Ban Hai's old eyes shining with alarming light. He was originally unkempt, with a ragged beard, lean and irritable, like a Frankenstein.

This time, it looks more like...

"Wait a minute..." Wen Ji raised his eyes and saw the latest data popping up on his computer, "Ban Hai tested Lin Fan's upper limit of electricity resistance again. It's..."

After he saw the numbers, he wondered if he had made a mistake. After a pause, he leaned in front of the computer to confirm.

Zhu Cunjun's appetite was whetted, "How much is it? You tell me!"

Wen Ji looked at it again and again, making sure that the number was correct, and then replied to him blankly.

"50 volts."

5 Pikachu

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