Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 40 Li Chunhua

Chapter 40 Li Chunhua

Song Ren nodded to express his understanding.

Cui Yan explained some more things and asked him to go to Xie Bisheng tomorrow to see if he had any additional arrangements. The scientific research was under the control of Xie Bisheng, and the daily life was left to Song Ren. Song Ren will control the rest of the matter by himself and report to him if there are any abnormalities.

Song Ren agreed one by one, left the director's office and went straight to the villa area. People are arriving tomorrow, and their accommodation must be arranged first.

Although Sichuan District Aviation Flight Base and 800 are in the same area, they are still two different organizations. The two units occupy one side each. Although they are not separated by an iron fence, the administrative area and living area are relatively independent.

800 has its own office building, comprehensive living building, researcher dormitory area, etc., and the mecha reserve team also has its own separate dormitory building and training area. Because the place is large enough, these buildings are well separated and do not interfere with each other. Most of them are surrounded by green trees, and the natural environment is very good.

In addition to the basic living facilities for the above staff, there is also a guesthouse, which is also a separate 4-story building. There are not many rooms but fewer people come to visit, and it is idle most of the time.

In addition to the small guest house, 800 also built several independent cabins in locations with the best natural environment.

It is also surrounded by green trees, tinkling spring water, and the houses are large and small. They are built to the standards of high-end holiday houses and are used to provide accommodation for VIP-level visitors. It has only been used twice since it was built.

Because the indoor conditions and external environment are so good, everyone jokingly calls this land a villa area.

Song Ren came to the villa area to find a suitable house for Lin Fan.

According to common sense, foreign visitors can just stay in the guest house directly, and the conditions are not bad. But in Lin Fan's situation, considering that she might lose control and cause some damage, it would be more appropriate to arrange her in a sparsely populated area.

The water and electricity are the same. The difference is that the houses in the villa area are more upscale and quieter than the guest houses. The house has not been occupied for a long time, and it is a waste to leave it empty. It is better to let Lin Fan live in it, and let the people from the special office see how high the reception standards they have come up with.

Lin Fan's identity is currently kept secret and it is not suitable for him to come into contact with more people. The villa area is relatively remote and no one will come here. If Lin Fan really loses control and causes damage in the dormitory, it is much better to destroy a small house than a building.

Moreover, the villa area is densely wooded, making it easier to contain and fight.

Because of the above considerations, Cui Yan finally decided to arrange Lin Fan and Jin Sichen in the villa area. Song Ren followed orders and found a suitable house soon.

The three huts are very close together, two are side by side and one is opposite. There are small flower beds in the middle of the three houses and are surrounded by tall trees.

The house is not big, about fifty or sixty square meters, with a simple layout of one bedroom, one living room, and a kitchen and bathroom. It was probably originally prepared for the entourage of VIP guests.

Lin Fan lived in one room, Song Ren and his people lived in the room next to each other, and the one from the special office lived opposite. Being close yet maintaining a certain distance, you can reach them in just a few steps, so you can react in time to any situation.

Song Ren went to the logistics department to get the keys to the house, and walked around one by one to understand the specific layout of the house and have a good idea of ​​what needed to be added.

While Song Ren was busy working in the villa area, there was a knock on the door of the director's office.

"Come in." Cui Yan responded without raising his head.

After the sound of opening and closing the door, footsteps stopped in front of the table, and a loud voice rang out: "Report to the director, Li Chunhua of the mecha reserve team is here to report!"

Cui Yan finished processing the documents in his hand before looking up and saw the young man standing still in the saluting posture at the table. This was the helper he had found for Song Ren.

"Take a break."

Following Cui Yan's order, Li Chunhua quickly changed his posture, held his head high and his chest high, with a serious expression, waiting for review by his superiors.

Li Chunhua sounds a bit like a girl's name, but he is actually a 1 meter tall, dark-skinned young man.

He is 27 years old and was also transferred from the special forces. He is good at fighting, firearms, and has good driving skills. He is a top soldier in their area. He is very clever, but has a somewhat impulsive personality.

Li Chunhua got married to his childhood sweetheart in the second half of last year, before he came to 800 at that time.

After marriage, he took his wife to join the army. Under her encouragement, he actively applied for various military examinations, hoping to take his married life to a higher level.

When he passed the selection and assessment of the 800, he didn't know what kind of organization it was. He thought it was just an ordinary soldier changing places. He didn't understand until he actually entered the 800.

It is impossible for 800 to join the army, and Li Chunhua is somewhat reluctant to leave his newlywed wife. But 800's treatment and opportunities were indeed better than before. When he was hesitating, he saw Song Ren.

Song Ren was like a God of War in the Special Warfare Department. Many special operations soldiers regarded him as their idol. They all felt sorry to learn that Song Ren had left the Special Warfare Department due to injury.

Li Chunhua has also admired Song Ren for a long time. He didn't expect to meet him again in 800, and he was very excited. Song Rendu chose to stay here, so he naturally believed in King Bing's choice and stayed too.

Li Chunhua's wife knew that the salary in the new unit was high but she could not join the army, but she didn't care. She expressed her support and carried her luggage back to her hometown to live with her parents-in-law. She also made Li Chunhua feel at ease at home.

Because of such a good wife, Li Chunhua worked extra hard in training and ranked at the top of the mecha reserve team. When selecting test pilots for new mechas, he must be ranked first.

I went home to visit relatives a while ago and saw that the house was well taken care of by my wife. My parents were in good health and the family was harmonious. It couldn't be better. After I came back, I trained even harder.

And his admiration for Song Ren continued to increase with training. He never thought about Song Ren's orders, he always carried them out directly, to the point of obeying his words.

He has good abilities and is obedient enough, so it is perfect to be transferred to cooperate with Song Ren.

Li Chunhua was training with the team. When he first heard the call from the director, he thought he was going to be assigned to a test drive project, and he was very excited. When Cui Yan told him that he was being transferred to protect someone, he was greatly disappointed. I was disappointed, and I didn’t dare to raise objections.

Who among the 800 people doesn't know Cui Yan's unerring character? He is also the top person in charge, and he suppresses everyone at his level.

Li Chunhua's dissatisfaction subsided a lot when he learned that the maximum period was one year and that he was working with Song Ren.

Okay, just one year.

This time Cui Yan did not hand over Lin Fan's information. He simply said that he was a research subject and did not mention the transformation into a mecha.

Lin Fan's matter is still a high-level national secret. In 800, apart from him and Xie Bisheng, only Song Ren and the people in the 623 team know about it. If the people in 623 had not known it because they wanted to start research, Cui Yan would not have been able to tell them.

As for Li Chunhua, if it wasn't for the fact that Song Ren couldn't last 24 hours on his own and needed someone to work shifts, he wouldn't have asked him to cooperate with the work. In addition, he has a somewhat impulsive personality, so it would be safer not to let him know.

Although Li Chunhua was a little unhappy in his heart, he was not stupid enough to show it on his face and loudly expressed that he "guaranteed to complete the task."

His personnel transfer order stated that he was to protect Lin Fan, obey Song Ren's command, and cooperate with him in all work in Group 623.

The confidentiality agreement is for the research content of 623, and all information must be kept confidential.

After signing the documents, Li Chunhua hurried to find Song Ren. After searching for a few times, I couldn't find anyone, so I had to wait at the door of his dormitory.

After Song Ren finished decorating the villa, he saw Li Chunhua who had been waiting for a while outside the dormitory. He was very familiar with the people in the mecha reserve team. After a moment's thought, he knew that he was the person Cui Yan sent to assist.

"Team Song, Li Chunhua is reporting to you." Li Chunhua saluted quickly when he saw Song Ren.

"Come in." Song Ren opened the door and greeted him.

The reserve team members live in the same dormitory building. Li Chunhua and Song Ren are on different floors, with one bedroom and one living room with bathroom. There is no kitchen because everyone goes to the cafeteria to eat.

Life here is not as strict as in the army. No one checks bedtimes or checks discipline. Therefore, although everyone still demands themselves in the army style, over time, there will still be varying degrees of laxity.

800 doesn't care about this, as long as the training meets the standards.

In terms of training, special forces like Li Chunhua are very capable, while those selected from other units are relatively poor in all aspects.

In view of the uneven level of everyone, Song Ren and the chief instructor discussed a plan to separate teams according to different physical qualities, train at different intensities, and then merge again when the intensity is consistent. The results are very good.

Everyone was convinced of Song Ren.

Although he has a high military rank and is very strict in training, Song Ren has a good personality and everyone does not feel restrained in front of him.

Li Chunhua happily walked in, sat on the sofa, and leaned back relaxedly.

Song Ren took a bottle of water and handed it to him. Seeing that he was not upright, he didn't mean to accuse him: "Did Cui Suo ask you to come?"

Li Chunhua had been thirsty for a long time. If he hadn't been afraid that he wouldn't be able to wait for Song Ren, he would have gone back to his room to find some water. He unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a sip before saying, "Yes, the director asked me to work with you and go to that group to protect a woman."

"Group 623." Song Ren pointed out to him how he could not remember the place where he was about to work.

"Ah, yes, it's Group 623!" Song Chunhua thought unhappily and complained to Song Ren, "Aren't we mecha soldiers? Why are we going to the research group to protect a woman now? I thought I was being called on board today. ! I was so happy for nothing. I didn’t dare to refuse the order given by the director... Well, fortunately, I was with Captain Song, so I still had some comfort in my heart. What happened to that woman? The director didn’t even talk to me. Say, Captain Song, do you know?"

As soon as Song Ren heard this, he knew that Cui Yan had concealed Lin Fan's transformation. Naturally, he would not tell Song Chunhua about it. He only said: "He is a very special researcher, and the superior unit attaches great importance to it. The director said that other units People are also assigned to protect her 24 hours a day, so when we get here, we must pay attention to it, otherwise it will be difficult to explain."

Li Chunhua nodded and agreed: "That's right. Since other people's units can send people for protection, it must be necessary. It's not good if we don't send people for protection. Of these people in the team, after all, I am the only one who has the best protection." It’s appropriate.”

Leaving aside Song Ren, Li Chunhua's force value is the highest in the reserve team. Of course there are others who are suitable. Li Chunhua said this just because he felt that he and Song Ren were more compatible.

"What unit sent this person?"

"Special Office."

"What kind of unit is the Special Office?" Li Chunhua had never heard of it.

"The director said it is a unit that studies gods and monsters. It probably studies non-natural science." Song Ren guessed that when it comes to transformation, it should belong to non-natural science, but the transformed mecha is a product of science.

Li Chunhua thought for a while, but didn't understand what kind of unit it was, so he simply didn't care so much, and then asked: "Captain Song, what should we do next?"

"You go back and pack two pieces of luggage tonight. Starting tomorrow, we will live in the villa area, right next to the protected person."

"Villa area?" Li Chunhua was surprised, "Is it such a good place to live?"

"It's decided by the director. We don't need to ask any more questions." Because Li Chunhua didn't know many things, Song Ren simply didn't explain. "I'll report to Deputy Xie tomorrow morning and hear what he has planned."

"Are Deputy Director Xie and Director involved in this matter at the same time?" The division of labor within the 800 Office is clear. The deputy director is in charge of all matters related to scientific research, and the director is in charge of all aspects other than scientific research. There are very few things that the director and deputy director are involved in at the same time.

"Yes, the director and deputy director attach great importance to this person. They set up a 623 research team for her and recruited us to protect her safety. The director also told me clearly that he wanted her to stay in 800. Did you sign a confidentiality agreement? Even her existence is confidential. Do you think it is important or not?" Of course Song Ren knew the importance, but Li Chunhua didn't know. He could only give examples from other aspects to attract his attention.

"It's true." Li Chunhua figured it out and assured with a smile: "Captain Song, don't worry, I will definitely protect her well."

Last night I found a new friend commenting, I was very happy. Thank you for your comments and recommendation votes. I will try my best to write better.

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