Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 372 One person’s road

Chapter 372 A person’s journey

John Woo went up to test again and found that he had not forgotten what happened before, but he had forgotten to find people and lost contact, and he took it for granted that everyone appeared in the underground space...

There is no way, there is no solution to this situation for the time being.

The three of them had no choice but to sit down in front of the fire, discussing what to do next, and waiting for everyone to get up and eat.

Through the inquiry just now, they confirmed that everyone in the village, including Ma Baobao and those outsiders, were all here.

The waiting time was not long. As soon as five o'clock passed, everyone stopped what they were doing and walked out with a smile as if they were following the alarm clock.

Lin Fan looked at each of them with the same smile and felt butterflies in his heart.

What's the big deal?

Isn't she afraid of something indescribable? Why are you starting to get scared when you look at living people?

John Woo followed the first wave of people up, and Lin Fan was caught in the middle. Sister Xu followed the last person.

When everyone walked out of the passage, the sun had already set and it was starting to get dark, but the road could still be seen clearly.

The road back to the village from the pond is not only a mountain climb. On the way back, they followed the villagers and walked silently on another path.

Make sure everyone gets into their homes.

Smoke rises, the aroma of food begins to rise, and the breath of life filled with laughter and laughter instantly fills the originally empty house...

Lin Fan and the other three stood at the intersection, relatively speechless.

"I don't know how you feel, but I feel that they are like programmed robots. Although they are alive, but... you know what I mean, right?" Lin Fan felt a little irritable.

This was worse than the red shadow I met on the subway that day.

The red shadow is at least clear about that, so what do these mean now?

She still prefers a more direct way to perform tasks, whether it's fighting or running, this kind of... is too brain-consuming.

The three of them returned to Ba Dao to rest for a while before it got dark, and ate something to replenish their strength. Then John Woo drove the car directly to the pond.

Sister Xu checked the tools in the box again and warned at the same time. "I can't tell what it is this time. You'd better be prepared. It doesn't look like regular monsters."

Lin Fan brought her pair of combinable two-handed swords, and Quan Yingdong specially made a sheath for her, which was hung crosswise on her waist.

John Woo opened the glove box and took out a gun.

He checked the condition of the gun and the magazine, stuffed it into the holster, and fixed it in front of his waist.

Then he took out two rows of magazines from the glove box, pinned one on the holster, and put the other on his chest.

"Why do you still need to separate it into two sides?" Lin Fan clearly saw that there were two positions for magazines on the holster.

"These are magic-breaking bullets, of course they have to be separated from the ordinary ones." John Woo smiled and patted his chest, then took out a few small packs of Snickers bars from the back row and gave them to Lin Fan, "Hey, put them in your pocket, this one has high calories. "

After confirming that the headset call was normal, the three of them checked the time on their watches and entered the passage again.

Sister Xu was the last one to enter and pasted an invisibility charm on the door frame outside with her backhand.

Looking from the outside, the dilapidated door leaf and the bulge behind it disappeared instantly, leaving the dry river bed empty.

"This way, it will be less likely for ordinary people to break in by mistake." Sister Xu explained while looking at Lin Fan's probing eyes. "Unless someone uses a flashlight and follows the footprints."

"Then why don't you just seal the door?" Lin Fan didn't quite understand why he had to leave a chance there.

"I don't care if the door is sealed. If you encounter special circumstances and want to run out, it will be difficult to get out." Sister Xu replied.

"Don't worry. According to what they said before, no one will come over at night, and the chance of entering by mistake is infinitely close to zero. Compared with others entering by mistake, the chances of your escape are obviously more important."

This time, there was no need to worry about others, the three of them moved very fast.

In the dark passage, only the sound of three people's fast footsteps could be heard, followed by three green fluorescent lights flashing past.

Fortunately, no ordinary people were there, otherwise I would have been scared to death when seeing this scene.

Soon, they returned to the clearing where they had gathered before.

The bonfire is still burning.

After people left, the traces of furnishings left behind were more like a specially built survival scene of primitive tribes.

"There are three forks in the back. I've searched for about a hundred or two hundred meters and didn't see any problems. I suggest everyone choose a direction. It's faster. What do you think?" Sister Xu looked at it. Lin Fan asked.

"I can." This was not the first time that Lin Fan had to work in the dark. Sister Xu said that there was nothing like that, and she said it was no problem.

Naturally, John Woo had no objections.

The three passages all looked the same, so there was nothing to choose from. Lin Fan directly chose the one in the middle, with Sister Xu and John Woo on the left and right.

The green fluorescence quickly disappeared at the end of the passage, leaving only the bonfire in the field still "cracking" burning.

After Lin Fan ran about a hundred meters, he slowed down.

The previous road was also because Sister Xu had explored it, and she dared to run only if there was no problem. The situation behind is unknown, so I don’t dare to run so fast.

She raised the cold light and went forward to investigate with all her energy.

The previous missions were either accompanied by John Woo or others, or they were in the invincible state of the stars. So strictly speaking, this time she was truly on her own.

Lin Fan could feel that he was slowly going down the passage, and the sound of his footsteps echoed in his ears, with a hollow echo.

"How's Lin Fan doing over there?" Sister Xu's voice came from the earphones, calming her panic.

"Everything is normal, nothing was found." Lin Fan touched his heart and felt no longer afraid.

"Everything is normal here too." John Woo's voice also came.

For a long stretch, nothing happened, nothing happened.

The fear in Lin Fan's heart gradually dissipated, and he strode forward.

Suddenly, the sound of heavy breathing came from the earphones, followed by some noise. Lin Fan stopped and heard Sister Xu ask, "Who?"

After a while, John Woo's voice came. "Me. There is a trap here. It's okay. It's coming up. Pay attention."

Is there a trap? !

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat as the flat stone road in front of him no longer seemed as safe as before.

She took a deep breath and explored forward more carefully. Suddenly she felt that her toes seemed to have kicked something, and there was a very slight feeling of blockage.

The loudspeaker then sounded, and two dark holes suddenly appeared on both sides of the wall.

Lin Fan immediately ducked down and rolled on the ground.

The sound of "swish" rubber bands popping is endless.

Lin Fan saw a dark shadow approaching from the corner of his eye. He bit the cold light in his mouth, pulled out the sword from his waist with one hand, and used a sword flower with his backhand to block himself airtight.

Hearing the constant "clang" sound, and accompanied by sparks shooting out, Lin Fan rolled back along with the impact. He jumped out of the danger zone.

When I turned around, I saw that the ground was densely covered with arrows. At first glance, there were at least a hundred of them, and some of the tail feathers were still shaking.

What a risk!

Lin Fan took out a breath and sincerely thanked his senior brother.

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