Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 370 Ma Baobao’s Narration

Chapter 370 Ma Baobao’s Narration

Hear singing in this environment?

The hair on the fellow's body stood up immediately.

Don't talk about him, Lin Fan also felt a little scared.

But when she saw Sister Xu taking out the compass, looking at it for a while, and shaking her head at her and John Woo, she knew it was nothing like that.

Since it wasn't that, she wasn't so frightened.

From here, Lin Fan took the lead and followed the sound with a few others.

Not long after, other people also heard singing voices, including men and women, old and young, quite mixed.

Lin Fan couldn't tell the direction, so he just followed the sound, twisting and turning, when his eyes suddenly brightened up, and after another turn, a group of people came into view.

They were sitting and standing, in groups of three or five, gathering and dispersing naturally.

Some old people are holding their children doing crafts, some are chatting, young people are carrying things and building shelves, and there are children dancing and singing around the fire...

Everything looked contented, warm and happy.

If you ignore the current environment...

"Dad! Mom!" The fellow immediately recognized the familiar figure in the crowd and rushed over.

Lin Fan quickly exchanged glances with Sister Xu and John Woo, and followed them.

"Son? Why are you back?" When the old lady saw her son rushing over, her already smiling face smiled even wider.

"Mom, why are you here?" The fellow held his mother's warm palms and saw that the old couple were fine from head to toe, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Where's the child?"

"Hey, we're playing there." The old man pursed his lips toward the fire.

When the fellow turned around, he saw his son sitting on the ground, playing with who knows what. He quickly walked over and held him in his arms.

"What are you..." The fellow looked at everything harmonious and strange in front of him, and didn't know where to start for a while.

Lin Fan looked at the scene in front of him and had a strange feeling, so he whispered to John Woo. "If you don't look at their clothes and change into animal skins, does this scene look like..."

It's like a scene from a primitive tribe, so real.

Except for the parents of the fellow villagers, everyone else seemed not to notice them when they arrived. They still maintained their previous expressions and did what they were doing.

John Woo had already seen Ma Baobao who was fixing the wooden frame with ropes. He made sure that the others were safe and walked over.

He had already walked up to him, but Ma Baobao was still focused on what he was doing and didn't react at all.

Helpless, John Woo could only call him. "Baby Ma?"

Ma Baobao raised his head and looked at the strangers in front of him with confusion in his eyes, "You are..."

"We are from the police station. Your company reported that you have lost contact. Let's come over and investigate." John Woo used his previous excuse again.

"Losing contact?" Ma Baobao was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled, "No, no, how could I lose contact? I'm fine here, and my work is going smoothly. I don't know how good it is, so don't worry."

After saying that, he started tying the wood in his hands again.

Lin Fan frowned slightly, thought for a moment and asked, "Isn't your work expected to be completed in four months? How far along are you now? Can you complete it on time?"

"Yes," Ma Baobao continued working in his hands, raised his head and smiled, "It's almost completed. The new line has basically been set up and is being connected these days. Finally, it will be debugged and tested. It will take another half a month. Not quite."

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the seriousness with which he was busy with his work, she almost thought that the job he was talking about was to tie the wooden frame.

But then again, why was he, a pipe repairman from outside the city, going underground with a group of old men and women to tie up wooden frames?

Lin Fan couldn't explain it, but he always felt a strong sense of weirdness.

"You had an ex-girlfriend who broke up with you before, do you remember?" Sister Xu decided to complete the task first.

When Ma Baobao heard this, he finally stopped what he was doing, stood up, and showed a helpless expression. "What happened to her? Did she harass the neighbors? Or did she call the police?"

As if thinking about it suddenly, his eyes widened, "She couldn't have called the police to find me. You lied to me that the company is looking for me, right? I said, why would someone from our company suddenly come to find me? It was clear that the leader was eager to find me before. I'll stay away."

Lin Fan and John Woo looked at each other.

There are no problems with memory or logic.

"No, your ex-girlfriend has passed away." Sister Xu replied coldly.

Ma Baobao didn't expect this answer. He was stunned for a moment, then showed an angry look, "What are you talking about? You can't say this nonsense!"

"Really, your ex-girlfriend has been dead for more than three months." John Woo took out a screenshot of the news on his phone.

When he knew there was no signal here, he made preparations in advance.

Ma Baobao read the news carefully and frowned so much that he could kill a mosquito.

John Woo took the phone back from his hand and asked the mission question. "Can you tell us why you didn't answer her call? This is about the cause of her death. Please answer truthfully."

Ma Baobao was stunned, his eyes a little dull. "Is it because I didn't answer the phone that she died?"

Shaking his head slowly, he murmured, "I didn't expect it, I didn't want it, I didn't know..."

"Baby horse!"

As soon as Sister Xu's voice came out, Ma Baobao suddenly woke up, with an expression of guilt, sadness, helplessness and regret. The whole person doesn't look very good.

"Her personality is quite paranoid." Ma Baobao sighed, looking at the burning bonfire and the singing and dancing children, "I once wanted to adapt, but it was really difficult to get along, so I just thought about forgetting it and breaking up. It’s better than getting married in the future and becoming a resentful couple, making everyone unhappy, getting divorced, and suffering for the children.”

Lin Fan listened quietly and felt that Ma Baobao was not the scumbag she imagined.

If it were her, she might make such a decision.

"But I said that she was paranoid to begin with..." Ma Baobao lowered his head as he said this, with tears in his eyes, as if he was nostalgic, "So this breakup didn't go smoothly."

"I broke the truth with her and talked about it. It was good for both of us, but she couldn't accept it. She said she would change, but her behavior became more and more paranoid. I couldn't bear it at all." Ma Baobao said While shaking his head.

Lin Fan disagreed with this part.

Breaking up is definitely good for Ma Baobao, but his ex-girlfriend obviously feels bad and is unwilling to let go.

But there is no need to say this.

"So, after everything I needed to say was explained clearly and I couldn't communicate with her properly, I moved directly out of my original residence." Ma Baobao sighed. "As a result, she couldn't find me, so she went to the company to guard me and treated me badly. It caused a lot of trouble at work. Our leader almost fired me."

"At that time, this expatriate job happened to be available, so I volunteered for it." He smiled helplessly, "But she found out that after I left, she stopped going to the company and called me every day to talk. It’s still the same old thing. I felt really annoyed, so I just blacklisted her.”

...This cause and effect is simple.

"So on the day of her accident, the text messages and phone calls she sent were all because you put her on the blacklist and didn't know the situation, so you didn't receive them at all? It's not that you saw her threatening messages and ignored her on purpose? "Lin Fan couldn't express what he felt in his heart. He could only sigh that fate has a way of playing tricks on people.

Ma Baobao was suddenly startled when he heard the date. "That day? No! I blocked her for about a week and then released her from the blacklist, but I didn't hear from her again. I thought she had figured it out..."

Ma Baobao was afraid that they wouldn't believe it, so he took out his mobile phone and showed it to them.

The ex-girlfriend’s phone number was not on the blacklist, but her last phone call record was a week before the accident.

He sighed deeply, feeling deeply guilty about his ex-girlfriend.

Lin Fan quickly searched in his mind for the date of Ma Baobao's business trip. In the next week, three days would be the day when her ex-girlfriend's accident happened. Calculated by days, she was no longer on the blacklist when the accident happened.

Baby Ma doesn't look like he's lying. Moreover, if he is on the blacklist, his responsibility is smaller than if he is not on the blacklist, and there is no need to lie.

In other words, when the signal was normal, he blocked his ex-girlfriend's number, causing him to not receive calls.

When her number was released later, the signal could not be connected and she still couldn't receive it.

Although if there was no signal problem at that time, Ma Baobao might still block people because of phone harassment, but at least when the accident happened to his ex-girlfriend, it was not because of his subjective will not to answer, but because of the signal failure.

Lin Fan felt better. "Then you never knew that the signal here can't be connected to the outside?"

"Can't connect?" Ma Baobao was stunned, "How is it possible? We are here to repair the network, how can we not connect? Isn't the signal bad?"

He showed them his cell phone with some displeasure.

Lin Fan and the other three came over to take a look. They didn't know where this dear friend was looking. The signal position on his mobile phone was a big red cross. Couldn't he see it?

Seeing Ma Baobao take back his phone with a calm expression, Lin Fan peeked at John Woo and Sister Xu.

How to proceed next?

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