Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 362 Trouble

Chapter 362 Trouble

The mecha battle thing can only stay in my mind, and I will talk about it later when I have the opportunity.

The most important thing now is to find out the ex-boyfriend and ask for an answer.

Lin Fan originally thought this was not difficult. It's about going to the company to get a new phone. Get through on the phone and just ask.

Unexpectedly, there were twists and turns again.

When she and John Woo went to her ex-boyfriend's company pretending to be Min J with fake IDs, the personnel received them warmly, but they still felt strange.

"Didn't this Ma Baobao say it had nothing to do with his ex-girlfriend? Why are you checking on him again?"

Ma Baobao is the name of her ex-boyfriend.

When Lin Fan saw it, it was difficult to associate it with an adult male.

Such a compound name is still very cute when a child is a child, and it is not obtrusive when used on a woman.

But if it is used on a boy, once he grows up and turns into a handsome, muscular man, or a bald guy with a big belly... most of the names will be a little weird.

When she first heard Wang Fengfeng's name, she actually felt a little bit like it, but maybe it was because she was familiar with it later, so it was okay.

When I saw the name of this baby horse, this feeling came to my face...

But how can I put it, they all have a love for their children.

"Oh, it's like this. When our colleagues sorted out the files and looked through the case closing materials, they found that Ma Baobao written in the file had been contacted unsuccessfully, so he tried calling again and found that no one answered. Out of worry, I came to your company again to find out whether Baby Ma got a new mobile phone?"

Lin Fan smiled and spoke almost flawlessly.

John Woo was a little surprised at first, but considering that she was a person who became a supervisor based on her ability back then, and had encountered many difficult customers, it was normal for her to be so quick-witted.

"That's right." Personnel's vigilant look relaxed, and she still thought it wouldn't work, so she drove the baby away.

"Yes, we are just concerned about Baby Ma's safety. As long as we can contact him and confirm that he is safe, we will be relieved. It's just that I'm troubling you again." Lin Fan's smile looked like he really cared about the masses. Female citizen J.

"No trouble, no trouble." Who doesn't want to hear polite words? Personnel smiled and opened Ma Baobao's folder. "This phone number seems to have not been changed. Now, take a look."

Lin Fan took the file and found the cell phone column. It was indeed the same as the information they had on hand, and frowned slightly. "Are you sure he hasn't changed his cell phone?"

"I should be sure, at least he didn't notify me." Ren Shi didn't believe in evil, so he took out his mobile phone to dial, and sure enough he heard an electronic tone that could not be connected.

"I heard that Ma Baobao is on a business trip. Have you not contacted the company about the work progress in the past few months? Is it possible that you have contacted other colleagues?" John Woo said.

"Probably so." After being reminded by the personnel officer, he nodded and replied, "Please wait a moment. I'll go to his department and ask."

After the personnel left, Lin Fan raised his eyebrows proudly at John Woo's approving eyes, feeling happy.

The two of them didn't dare to communicate much in the reception room. The surveillance lights above their heads were on. If something was recorded again, don't cause trouble for Wang Fengfeng.

After about ten minutes, the personnel came back with a heavy look on his face.

"I'm sorry, you two have been waiting for a long time." She said politely first, then sat down and said directly, "I just went to ask around, and Baby Ma hasn't contacted anyone in the past few months."

If you don’t ask, you don’t think so. But once you ask, you really feel like something is wrong.

"He hasn't contacted the company for several months?" Lin Fan and John Woo looked at each other, "Then how do you confirm his work progress? Are wages paid normally?"

From a humanistic perspective, the boss's salary payment always depends on the progress of the work.

Work and get paid.

If one party has a problem, the other party will not remain calm. How could it be that there had been no sound for three months and no one was found missing?

"I asked too." The person in charge felt a little guilty. "His superior said that he was responsible for maintaining the pipe network in the mountain area. The pipe network there was laid many years ago and has long since aged and fallen into disrepair. Yes, there were a lot of repair calls and complaints before."

"It happened that Ma Baobao was very worried about the breakup at that time. He said he wanted to avoid his ex-girlfriend. The boss also had strong opinions on the impact of the frequent entanglement during that period. Seeing that he was annoyed, he simply asked him to take someone to fix it. This The project cycle is not short, it is expected to be about four months, but it has not yet arrived.”

"So how is the maintenance progress now?" As far as Lin Fan knew, whether the pipe network lines were connected or not could be seen in the background.

"Because there have been no complaint calls recently, their leaders thought the maintenance was going smoothly, but when I checked today, it was even worse." The personnel shook his head, "The signal in that area was not very good at first, but it was still there, but now it seems like there is no The whole piece is gone.”

"Not a whole piece? Didn't you notice?" Lin Fan felt that things were not as simple as she first thought.

"Hi! To tell you the truth, our company spends most of its time focusing its manpower and energy on the prosperous areas of the city. In more remote villages and mountainous areas, because the network itself is weak, only when there are repair reports and complaints. Pay attention to it, you won’t take the initiative to look at it on weekdays.”

The personnel department felt that there was something wrong, and was afraid that Lin Fan and the others would be held accountable, so he quickly added, "But we have discovered the problem now, and we are going to send more manpower as soon as possible. We will go over there to check it out."

"Wait!" John Woo stopped, "Don't send people there yet! We need to determine what happened over there first."

"Ah? Oh, okay." Seeing the serious faces of the two police officers who were originally very friendly, the personnel also felt that something was wrong and quickly called the leader just now to inform them.

"You just said that Ma Baobao brought someone with you, also from your company?" Lin Fan asked.

"There are two people in our company with him. I don't know if there are more. They should have gone to the local area to recruit some helpers." HR replied.

"Have those people contacted the company? Where is their information?" Wu Yusen asked.

"I...I'll ask right away." Renshi stood up and rushed out the door.

"It seems something is really wrong." Lin Fan exhaled, "What do you think will happen?"

"It's hard to say, are you spreading rumors? Kidnapping strong laborers? It shouldn't be a simple abduction. They are all young men and do not fit the characteristics of the group." Wu Yusen took a sip of water, "Let's initially determine the basic situation first, and then we will look back at how to deal with this." To whom will the case be transferred?”

If there are no special circumstances, the problem must be confirmed before transferring it to the relevant unit.

Otherwise, it would be handed over without beginning or end, without confirming whether there are any problems, and other units would have to send people over to investigate again, which would be a waste of manpower.

Originally, the Special Branch was a police station on another level, but the targets were different, and the way the work was carried out was not much different.

Even the people from the Special Branch work more meticulously due to special circumstances, and they can be said to be relentless in tracking suspects.

Therefore, there are very few cases in the special office that are pending, and most of them are closed and the efficiency is just right.

The personnel came back quickly, followed by a strange man who seemed to be a leader.

The two of them looked calm on the surface, but after closing the door, their expressions could not hide their panic.

"Those two can't get through either." As soon as the personnel entered the door, he handed over the folder in his hand.

Lin Fan and John Woo each took a copy and called according to the mobile phone number in the information. I only heard the cold female voice on the phone repeating:

"The number you dialed is not in the service area..."

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