Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 349 349 That door is extremely strong

Chapter 349 349 That door is extremely hard

The scooter was very fast, much faster than what Lin Fan had seen on TV before.

The wind blew past her ears, and she seemed to feel like she was walking on a flying sword, somewhat like a special agency.

There are searchlights at regular intervals in the passage, illuminating the surrounding area clearly.

There seems to be no difference between channels and channels.

After turning a few corners, Lin Fan could no longer tell the difference between east, west and north. I don't know how Xue Ping can remember the correct route in such a complicated passage.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xue Ping stopped, got off the balance car, and turned back to wait for them.

"Are we there?" Lin Fan asked uncertainly, looking at the clearly blocked passage ahead.

"No, there is a fault here." Xue Ping bent down to pick up his balance car and walked to the wall. "We have made a simple step ladder here. Be careful."

As he said that, he took the lead and carried his body down to set an example for the two of them.

Lin Fan walked closer and saw that the space for people to stay was really small, only about thirty or forty centimeters.

Go down the stairs, about forty or fifty centimeters, to a sinking passage.

From above, it looks a bit like a malfunctioning elevator car. No wonder you only see a wall from a distance.

The two of them followed suit and picked up the balance car and got off.

"Why is this still broken?" Lin Fan looked at the new passage. It seemed to be no different from the previous one.

"We speculate that it is a fault formed by the movement of the earth's crust." Xue Ping stood up on the balance car again, "There are still a few places ahead. You should pay attention when I stop and don't hit them."

The hole that Lin Fan entered was mainly made of limestone, so it didn't matter if it was knocked down.

Now, as they go deeper into the ground, they have entered the sedimentary layer, and the hardness of the rock has increased a lot.

At the speed of the balance car, even a strong man like Xue Ping would not be able to handle a sudden bump, let alone someone as fragile as Lin Fan.

Lin Fan felt that the further down he went, the hotter it seemed. The sweat on my body started to leak out little by little.

She asked John Woo if he felt it, and got a tip.

"The further you go down, the closer you get to the mantle layer, and the temperature will indeed increase. Your feeling is correct." John Woo pushed up his glasses and replied.

Lin Fan vaguely remembered that the geography knowledge he had learned before said that the closer to the center of the earth, the hotter it would be... He pulled down the zipper of his down jacket and asked John Woo again. "Why doesn't the special facility seem to feel hot?"

In order to fake the sky of the natural environment, the height of many floors is very high.

Like the living area where Lin Fan first went, there was both sea and sky.

There was also the prison floor where he had fought with Lezheng Yuanqing before. If you don't say it, no one will think that it is underground.

Lin Fan didn't know how many floors there were in the Special Affairs Office. She had only been to those few floors.

But remembering that the number of prison cells is 99, I guess the number of floors will not be much less.

"The underground structure of the special office must be discussed from two aspects." Xue Ping interjected from the front. "Generally speaking, the area with a surface depth of ten kilometers to twenty kilometers is relatively livable because the temperature is suitable. The construction area of ​​the Special Office is just within this livable range."

"Moreover, many big names were involved in the construction of the special office, such as barriers, illusions, and various high-tech methods that are difficult to explain." John Woo continued, "This is what created what you see now."

Lin Fan nodded, indicating that he understood. Then he asked, "So no one can live if it's more than 20 kilometers away?"

"Well, it's not absolute. Generally speaking, the temperature will be higher and the comfort will be worse in areas below twenty kilometers. It is not uninhabitable, but it cannot exceed thirty kilometers above the surface at most."

"Because the temperature at thirty kilometers is too high?" Lin Fan asked.

"High temperature is one of the reasons. Because it is too close to the mantle, thirty kilometers is equivalent to a dividing line, and the temperature will suddenly rise to several thousand degrees..." Before Wu Yusen could finish, he was interrupted by Lin Fan's exclamation.

"How many thousand degrees?" Lin Fan gasped.

"What are you afraid of?" Xue Ping laughed angrily at her sudden movement, "I heard that the stars can easily withstand temperatures of several thousand degrees. It's nothing to you."

Lin Fan was stunned, "Yeah, I forgot."

"You are so surprised that you really need to practice more and ask Master Wu to take you on more missions so that you can get rid of the hat of a rookie minister as soon as possible." Xue Ping said with a smile.

"New Minister" was what they mentioned when they were teasing Lin Fan in private. She is said to be strong and have a high status, but has zero experience compared to a newcomer.

"I don't have to worry about it anymore." John Woo replied coolly.

Xue Pinghun didn't care and continued what he had just said.

"The reason why it is difficult for life to survive beyond thirty kilometers above the surface is not only because of the high temperature, but also the lack of oxygen and light. So in summary, if you want to survive more comfortably underground, then the area within twenty kilometers It’s the most suitable.”

Lin Fan understood.

It feels like another piece of useless knowledge has been added.

It got hotter and hotter as it went down. When Lin Fan couldn't bear it and took off his down jacket, John Woo's T-shirt was already soaked with sweat.

Fortunately, not long after, they finally arrived in front of Shimen who stopped everyone.

It's said to be a door, but it's actually a huge rock wall.

The largest doors Lin Fan had ever seen were those in the laboratory in the 800 underground fortress.

Because some large equipment needs to pass through, it must be built very huge.

But this side of the stone gate is actually bigger than that.

It is about ten meters wide and about twenty meters high.

Lin Fan looked suspiciously at the suddenly enlarged passage area in front of the door. The passage the three of them had just walked through also became narrower.

What is the purpose of such a big door standing here?

The staff who had been waiting in front of the door saw them coming and stood up happily.

After Xue Ping asked for a moment, he signaled to Lin Fan that he could start.

Lin Fan saw all of them retreating to the back of the passage. Just in case, they all put on gas masks, handed the clothes in their hands to John Woo, and walked forward alone.

After a few steps, the stars suddenly appeared.

It caused a burst of exclamation from the staff who had never seen it before.

After Lin Fan transformed, the door was still very big in her eyes.

She first tried to poke it lightly with her hand, and felt that the hardness under her hand was indeed unusual.

After thinking about it, I turned around and asked John Woo, "Could this be a similar product to 818?"

John Woo was shocked, "Do you think so?"

"I can't tell, maybe not." Xingchen's huge head shook, "I can scratch 818, but not this one."

As he said that, everyone saw Xingchen's hand firmly grasping the door. After exerting force with his fingers, only some stone powder fell down, forming a shallow dent.

"Is this door harder than 818?" Although Wu Yusen said it as a question, he didn't expect an answer.

The staff were buzzing and talking.

Everyone knew the general situation of Xingchen, and they all speculated in their hearts whether Lin Fan had fused some extraterrestrial elements, that is, that 818.

Therefore, in terms of hardness, ability, and all aspects, it far exceeds the level of this planet, so it can overwhelmingly overwhelm everything.

And she now says that this door is harder than 818, which is suspected of having extraterrestrial elements.

Does this mean that this door also has alien elements?

The staff members were excited and excited, and they all looked expectantly at Xingchen who was trying other ways to break through the door.

What is behind the door?

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