Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 341 Be yourself

"It's because of the stars!" After hearing this, Raven's reason returned.

He had a crush on Lin Fan, but it was just a budding crush. Because stars cannot appear easily, he almost forgot about Lin Fan's other state.

"If she were an ordinary girl, I would never stop you." Shen Bei said lightly, "Of course, if she were an ordinary girl, she might not be able to meet you."

It would be impossible for an ordinary Lin Fan to be as young and beautiful as he is now and still be able to fight.

Shen Bei had read her information. If it weren't for Xingchen's unexpected appearance, Lin Fan might still be guarding his old house, suffering in the slowly moldy years.

There is no Song Ren, no Jin Sichen, and no them.

Raven was silent.

"Do you know why the old man is so nice to Lin Fan?" Shen Bei asked again, but Lei Wen lowered his eyes and didn't answer.

"Because the moment the stars appeared, Lin Fan was destined to become an important weapon of G." Shen Bei couldn't bear to say this. He paused for a moment, as if to pour a basin of cold water on himself, and continued.

"She can't live a normal life, get married and have children like an ordinary girl. She is destined to devote her entire life to the G family." Shen Bei lowered his eyes, slowly shook his head and whispered, "Falling in love? No. If it exists, it is delaying her."

"The reason why the old man was so kind to her was out of debt, compensation, hope, and hope. It was all because of the stars, not Lin Fan himself." Shen Bei raised his eyes to look at Lei Wen.

"If you really go after Lin Fan, and successfully capture her heart, let her immerse in love... You know, once a woman falls in love, her rationality will more or less run away from home, and then it will affect her. Xingchen, can you shoulder this responsibility?"

Can't afford it.

Raven's newly warmed-up heart had turned cold.

"We are in this industry that seems to be prosperous, but in the event of an emergency, we still have to protect ourselves. If an accident occurs at work, can you guarantee that Lin Fan, as your girlfriend, will not have a stress reaction and cause Xingchen to have an emergency?"

Not guaranteed. Raven thought.

"Also, Lin Fan has a delicate mind. If you find something inappropriate or unpleasant after you get together... Ordinary couples can just have a little quarrel. What will happen to Lin Fan?"

Raven's mind shuddered as he saw the huge figure of Xingchen and slapped him away.

"I'm not saying what she will do to you." Shen Bei knew at a glance that he was thinking wrongly. "I mean, she will think too much, and her emotions will change, which will affect the stars. Even if she doesn't go violent, But a depressed state should not and cannot appear in Xingchen."

Raven knows this. Some people value relationships. After a breakup, even if they get together and part ways, they will be stuck in the previous relationship for a long time, making it difficult to get out.

According to Shen Bei, Lin Fan should also have such a personality.

"So how is it possible that no one likes her? It's just..." Shen Bei paused, pursed his lips and let out a long sigh of relief, "It's just to ensure that Xingchen's condition is stable, and no one dares to disturb her."

"She is now like a national treasure in a museum. Everyone loves, cherishes and cherishes her, but no one dares to actually hold it in their hands."

So this is ah……

Lin Fan leaned against the door, looking down at the handle of the suitcase in his hand, unable to express his feelings.

After a previous failed relationship, she originally had an avoidance mentality in this aspect. Later, because of her special situation, she really did not think about falling in love again.

But after hearing what Shen Bei said, she still felt...

I couldn't say anything, I just felt depressed and a little confused.

Lin Fan felt his mood drop and quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of unnecessary emotions from his mind.

Don't think about it, don't think about it!

The results won't change anyway, so why care about the reasons.

Isn't life bad now?

Having money, leisure, a healthy body, abilities that are different from ordinary people, a job with a high degree of freedom, caring and considerate colleagues, and a lot of handsome muscular guys to look at...

What else is there to choose from? Is there anything else you’re not satisfied with? Isn't it enough to be like this in this life?

Lin Fan asked three times in his mind, and then compared the life before meeting John Woo, he instantly felt that there was nothing to care about.

really! She shook her head mockingly.

After I recovered from my illness, I became more emotional and started to care about this and that.


If she hadn't had sharp ears and could have inevitably heard the conversation in the living room, wouldn't there have been nothing wrong?

Such broken ears!

Lin Fan slapped his ears angrily, deliberately made some noise, opened the door and walked out.

"I'm fine, are you leaving now?" She smiled as if she didn't hear anything.

"Yes, are you sure you have everything ready?" Shen Bei got up from the sofa and picked up the snack bag.

"Okay, there's nothing left outside originally." Lin Fan nodded.

"Okay, let's go." Putting the bag on his body, Shen Bei took the lead and went to open the door.

Lin Fan followed, followed by Lei Wen.

"Come out!" The man in black who had been guarding outside all night saw the door open and hurriedly hid behind the bunker.

Ovi, who had stayed up all night, saw on the surveillance camera that after the three people walked out of the room, they all looked in the direction of the man in black for a few seconds before leaving, and gave the order with a helpless face. "Retreat, they know your hiding place."

The purpose of arranging people to hide in the dark was to catch him by surprise. Now that everyone has discovered you, there is no point in hiding.

Moreover, these three people were holding suitcases and seemed to be leaving. Once they meet up with the others, there will be no way to arrest them alone.

And causing an accident on the way to the airport...without even thinking about it, it would be a slap in Ove's own face.

It seems that Lin Fan... is afraid that he won't be able to stay.

That's it.

Even if the person is captured, he may not be able to get any information.

What that arrogant guy Host wanted to do and where he was going didn't even inform his immediate superior, the Security Minister of Country P. Naturally, he couldn't leave a single word to Lin Fan.

Even if he succeeded in bringing the person back, the most he could do was ask what good deeds Poseidon had done in Country H to make the secretive Lin Fan so frightened.

The past has little impact on the present.

Ove shook his head.

Lin Fan should be an important figure, otherwise the H party would not strengthen their protection when they noticed their intentions.

Everyone knows that if she disappears, it will definitely cause an uproar in the mission, and people in country H will know that it was them immediately.

Judging from the current relationship between the two Gs, it is really not a wise move to break the balance for an uncertain answer.

He was also so angry that there was no news about Host.

Thinking about it now, it was really unwise. Fortunately, the implementation was not successful.

Although Hoster is not a good guy, Poseidon's strength is there, and even Apollo can't defeat him easily.

So in terms of personal safety, Ovi is not that worried. I only care about the lack of news from him.

Since the opportunity doesn't come your way, let's put it down for now.

Next, we have to arrange a farewell trip to the airport, and we can’t afford the delay.

As for Lin Fan... wait until he sends the mission away and frees up his hands, and then we can slowly make long-term plans...

When Lin Fan and the other three arrived upstairs, the old couple had already gotten up. Receiving a morning check-up from the doctor.

"Hey, Xiao Lin is here?" The old man saw Lin Fan coming and greeted him with a smile.

Lin Fan responded with a smile, his attitude much calmer than before.

Ever since she heard Shen Bei's words, Lin Fan had felt something more and less in her heart. She couldn't tell clearly.

She still respects the old man, but she doesn't seem to respect him as much as before.

And for contribution…

She had already thought about it.

Her contribution was initially out of necessity, in order to survive and to cure the disease.

At that time, John Woo and the others didn't let her go. It was like she was being dragged to 800. It was impossible not to go.

After her illness gradually improved, she seemed to have enough energy to start taking care of her own unexpected matters.

After seeing the high technology of 800, she hoped that she could also contribute.

She wants the country to be strong and technologically advanced. Therefore, she willingly accepted research and wanted to contribute her best to the country.

But now, Lin Fan looked at the old man and his wife who were smiling kindly. She wanted to protect them sincerely.

So no matter what the purpose of others is, she doesn't need to think too much. Just be yourself and keep your heart!

Lin Fan raised his eyes, looked out the window at the sun rising from the top of the tall building, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Sublimated, oh oh

A few days ago, an author asked me what is the driving core of this article.

I thought for a moment,

The first part is to save life, the second part is to defend the G family, and the third part is to defend the planet. Go up step by step.

I'm so awesome, I unconsciously followed the logic.

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