Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 32 The call before leaving

Chapter 32 The call before leaving

Lin's mother has been worried about Lin Fan's new job since the last time she called. She always wants to call to ask for follow-up information. At first, Lin's father stopped him and said that he wanted to give Lin Fan some time. She thought it was right and she couldn't be in such a hurry and wait a few days before talking.

After waiting for three days, she wanted to ask again on the fourth day. An old sister of hers was having a wedding at home and asked her to go to the countryside to play. She went and played lively for a few days, completely forgetting about Lin Fan. At the back of the head.

When I got home and finally felt free, I thought of Lin Fan again and couldn't wait any longer to make the call.

Father Lin tried to stop him but failed.

He told Mother Lin that since there had been no news from Lin Fan, there must be nothing more to follow, so he should not disturb the child.

But looking at Lin Ma's appearance of not giving up until she asked clearly, I thought it had been ten days and it would be nice to ask, so I didn't stop her and just sat and listened.

"I didn't hear that." Lin Fan said calmly.

"You kid, I always can't hear you when I call you. I don't know whether I really can't hear you or I'm pretending." Lin's mother complained.

"Why are you talking about this? It's important!" Father Lin knew that Lin Fan didn't like hearing this, so he quickly stopped Mother Lin.

"What are you talking about when I call you?" Mother Lin turned her gun and yelled at Father Lin.

Lin Fan took the phone as far away as she could and could still hear Mother Lin's high-pitched shouting. There were even faint signs of spreading on the empty seaside. She quickly went back indoors, closed the doors and windows, and threw the phone on the bed.

I knew this was the result.

After a while, the noisy sound on the phone stopped. Lin Fan then picked up the phone again.

"Xiaofan, where have you been?" Lin's mother's voice was still high-pitched, but she was no longer so excited.

"Go to the bathroom." Lin Fan fell beside the bed and put the phone hands-free aside.

"What happened to what your Aunt Mao said last time? Did she talk to you again later?" Mother Lin finally asked the question that had been lingering in her heart for a long time.

"Yes." Lin Fan answered simply.

"What's the result? What's the result of the discussion?" Lin's mother was anxious. This child couldn't speak well and always jumped out word by word.


"Signed? Signed for what?" Mother Lin didn't understand.


"Signed the contract? Signed the contract!" Mother Lin was extremely excited and shouted at Father Lin, "I said what I said, I said what I said. You are not a liar, right? If I hadn't told Xiaofan not to Give it a chance... Can you see? Xiaofan has signed the contract."

Father Lin was upset by Mother Lin's yelling. He didn't ask Qing Guang what to say, "Hurry up and ask what contract you signed?"

"Oh, yes." Mother Lin calmed down instantly, held the phone with a smile, and asked gently: "Xiaofan, what kind of contract did you sign? Is it really one million a year?"

"Signed employment contract."

"You kid, can you tell me more? Mom asked you how much it cost? Why did you say half and half?" Lin's mother was unhappy again and complained.

"Don't keep talking about your child." Father Lin came out to stop him again, "Put your phone on speakerphone. I'll talk to Xiaofan."

For one million's sake, Mother Lin didn't argue with him. She also knew that it was easier for the old man to communicate with his children, so she glared at Father Lin meaningfully, pressed the hands-free button on her phone and put it on the table. She made the call at the dinner table, before dinner was finished.

"Xiao Fan, I'm dad." Dad Lin's voice was as soft as ever, as if he was afraid of scaring the children.

"Dad." Lin Fan's anxiety calmed down a bit when he saw a different person speaking on the other end of the phone.

"Was that company confirmed before?" Lin's mother patted Father Lin's leg and shouted "One million", asking him to ask quickly. Father Lin waved his hand to indicate that he understood, rescued his leg from Mother Lin's clutches, and asked, "Did you really sign a contract worth one million?"

"The company is pretty reliable. The annual salary..." Lin Fan hesitated and lied, "Not one million."

It's not that Lin Fan wants to hide something, it's Lin's mother's character that makes her have to be cautious.

What kind of person is Mother Lin?

In fact, it's not bad, he just likes to compare and is very flamboyant.

I mentioned before that when Lin Fan was a child, Lin's father made a lot of money outside.

In an era when housing was allocated by units and everyone's living conditions were basically the same, Lin's mother always liked to wear a mink coat and a gold necklace as thick as her little finger, walking around and showing off. Later, almost half of the people in the community knew Lin Fan. The family is very rich.

Everyone in Mrs. Lin’s work knew that Mrs. Lin had married a good husband. Even in the east part of the city where their community is located, many people know her mother's name.

Fortunately, at that time, the crime rate in small cities was very low, and there were no major troubles.

On the other hand, many relatives came from the countryside to borrow money, and they politely gave Lin's mother face. When they left, they not only took away the money, but also a large bag of Lin Fan's clothes.

Although they were just children's clothes, you must know that at that time, Lin Fan's clothes were bought by Lin's father from Sijiu City and Gaohe City. They were fashionable, beautiful, and expensive.

That’s all. Children grow up quickly anyway and will soon outgrow their clothes. Lin Fan had a lot of clothes, and she kept them there, and she didn't care too much if relatives took them away. What she couldn't bear was that the man even took away her favorite story tapes and tricycle.

Xiao Linfan didn't understand at all why when someone said with a smile that his children also wanted to hear stories on tapes, his mother immediately gave away all the tapes.

When it was said that her child also wanted to ride a tricycle, her mother did not hesitate to pick her up while she was sitting on the tricycle and let her take it away.

If his child wants it, can his father buy it? This was obviously bought by Lin's father for little Lin Fan.

Everyone was smiling and enjoying themselves. Only Xiao Linfan was sad and cried and wanted to come back, but no one cared about her wishes.

A few years passed like this.

One day, the door downstairs of Lin Fan's house was broken open by a thief, and the house was turned into a mess. Fortunately, the actual damage was not much. This was the first time Lin Fan saw the police handling a case.

Onlookers all said that the thief had broken open the wrong door and was supposed to be stealing from Lin Fan's house.

Lin Fan was still in elementary school and didn't think much after hearing this. But Lin’s mother restrained herself from that day on.

I no longer wear the gold necklace as thick as my little finger, and replace it with a thin chain with a heart-shaped pendant. The pendant is hidden in the collar and only the thin gold chain is visible outside, which is not worth much.

I stopped wearing the big gold ring and replaced it with a small flower-shaped ring, the kind that is common among ordinary people.

I no longer wear mink coats, but instead wear cashmere coats, silk shirts and the like. Those who understand know how expensive it is, but those who don’t understand don’t understand the value.

Maybe it was this low profile, or maybe it was the subsequent severe crackdown. In short, there have never been any theft incidents in the community behind, and the security of the town is very good.

On the surface, she couldn't show off, but in private, Lin Fan often listened to her mother's nagging.

Whoever bought a new color TV was not as good as hers, and whose house installed a telephone was not as expensive as hers.

I don’t know if she was holding it back, but these financial comparisons could not satisfy Lin’s mother, and Lin Fan was also included in the comparison. On the contrary, she became the one who couldn't compare with others.

Lin Fan is not as beautiful as the boy next door; Lin Fan did not do as well in the exam as his classmates downstairs; Lin Fan did not receive praise from the teacher at the Children's Palace for playing the piano; Lin Fan's cousin was the team captain in elementary school and was loved by the teacher, so Lin Fan could only be a class member Group leader; Lin Fan’s cousin is a boy, and his grandparents all prefer his uncle’s family. Because Lin Fan is a girl, Lin’s mother always gets angry...

Lin Fan still doesn't know whether Lin's mother's competitive personality was inspired by being dazzled by the large amount of money made by Lin's father, or whether it was something she was born with. But she knows that once such a character is formed, it cannot be easily changed.

When he was in high school, Lin's father's business failed and he lost a lot of money.

The family can't be said to be impoverished. Anyway, the quality of life has dropped three levels in a row, and even Lin Fan's milk supply has stopped. Mother Lin never bought new clothes or jewelry.

Under such circumstances, Lin’s mother actually managed to hide it from everyone who knew her. No one knew that the Lin family was almost bankrupt. Everyone kept calling Lin’s mother “the boss’s wife”. It felt that their family had always been rich, but they were becoming more and more low-key. .

This disguise skill is also remarkable.

Maybe Lin's mother was too focused on pretending and arguing with Lin's father, and didn't care about Lin Fan.

It was also at that time that Lin Fan's mentality changed drastically. Even when it came to applying for the college entrance examination, no one in the family cared about it, leaving an 18-year-old child to find his own way. Sure enough, something went wrong. Fortunately, Lin Fan was able to turn the tide with his own hard work during college.

As for Lin Fan, while he was in college, he started a business in Gaoshi, an hour's drive from home. It cannot be said that they are making a comeback. After all, funds have been mobilized and the Lin family has returned to a well-off level. I even bought another house in Gaoshi.

Of course it was Mrs. Lin who bought it. She said that instead of renting a house and giving money to others, it would be better to buy one for herself. Anyway, she didn’t have no money.

Father Lin was angry at first. For such a big deal as buying a house, Lin's mother paid the deposit without discussing it with him.

After the previous business failure, Father Lin was not as liberal with money as before, so his subsequent business was somewhat constrained and could not return to the level of the past.

Lin's father was almost 50 at that time. He was still thinking that Lin Fan would get married soon after graduation and would have to leave some money for Lin Fan's dowry. If the man's conditions were not good, he would have to buy a house.

He was thinking about buying a house, but not in Gaoshi, but in his hometown, or in Gaohe City, where Lin Fan planned to live permanently in the future. Lin Fan would almost never go to the high market.

But I bought it even if I didn’t buy it. The deposit I paid is not that easy to get back, and the house is actually not bad. After arguing with Lin's mother for a week, Lin's father finally gave in. His only request was that Lin Fan's name be written on the house book.

So despite the fact that Lin Fan is now poor and relying on her parents for financial support, she actually has a house to her name. It's just that his parents have always lived in that house, and Lin Fan has never been there a few times.

Lin's mother, who was financially well-off, began to recruit friends in Gao City again. She was very happy when everyone called her "the boss's wife" one after another. Spend money lavishly.

It would be okay if Mother Lin still buys gold and silver jewelry, but I wonder if it is because she is getting older and doesn't like to dress up anymore. What I bought were some health-enhancing black tea, famous calligraphy and paintings...

Lin Fan also saw a large pastel vase half a person's height in a house in Gaoshi. There are two thick volumes of calligraphy and painting, various meticulous paintings and long calligraphy. When you open it, you can see that there is a galloping horse picture...

Lin Fan was speechless. Their family had never been a cultured family. They would hang some Chinese calligraphy and paintings on the walls to add a literary atmosphere. These two thick rolls of dozens of papers are obviously fake. Lin's mother was unhappy and took out the certificate, saying that Lin Fan had no vision.

The so-called health-preserving black tea is said to be able to prevent and cure high blood pressure. Even Lin’s father found it very effective and lowered his blood pressure without taking medicine. There were several boxes piled up at home. Mother Lin said it was an internal price, and you would lose money if you didn’t buy it.

Lin Fan really couldn't stand it. He seldom went to Gaoshi City in the past, but now he didn't want to go. He just couldn't see it.

It wasn't until one day when Lin's mother called Lin Fan to ask for a loan that Lin Fan knew something had happened again.

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