Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 305 Medal

Chapter 305 Medal

Not many people were interviewed and commended this time.

While Lin Fan was waiting outside the door, every time he saw someone coming in, Zhu Cunjun would explain to her thoughtfully.

Lin Fan looked at the ordinary but great people who came out with medals on their faces, their faces full of glory and pride, and he felt a lot in his heart.

How many people like them are making contributions in obscurity, leaving personal gains and losses behind.

It’s really respectable and admirable…

"Lin Fan, Lin Fan..." Zhu Cunjun patted her shoulder lightly, "It's our turn."

When Lin Fan came to his senses, he realized that the place where there were many people just now was empty. Gao Fei and Ji Yu were walking towards the door, and Zhu Cunjun was waiting for her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was distracted." Lin Fan quickly apologized, but he didn't expect that she would wander off at this time.

"It's okay, don't be nervous." Zhu Cunjun reassured with a smile.

It’s normal for young people to be nervous for the first time.

They were the last two people waiting to be interviewed.

When the two of them entered, five people from 800 were already standing, waiting for them.

Lin Fan stood still under the leadership of Zhu Cunjun. After a while, the big leader came out from another door.

Just like Lin Fan's impression, he still looked kind and spoke with a smile before he even got closer.

"I kept everyone waiting for a long time, and just now I suddenly received an emergency call."

"You're serious." Cui Yan said these words coldly.

Lin Fan didn't expect that he would still have this tone. It seemed that he was really serious.

"Come on, come on, introduce our warriors to me." The leader said with a smile.

Had it not been for the previous accident, they should have met that afternoon.

A sudden enemy attack disrupted this plan, and the wait has been until today.

Cui Yan took a step forward and walked to his side to introduce them one by one.

There were only five of them here this time.

I had actually seen the bionic armors of the four of them before when I was at the reviewing stand. Although it was just a glimpse, I had seen almost everything that needed to be seen.

In addition, the mecha was too bulky and difficult to transport, so I didn't bring it with me.

The leader shook hands with Song Ren one by one and personally pinned medals on their left chests.

"Thank you for your efforts to improve science and technology, and thank you for standing up bravely in times of crisis." He spoke kindly every time he met someone.

Song Ren and others all saluted with straight postures and replied sonorously. "Serve the people!"

Soon, Jiu walked towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and his heartbeat began to accelerate unconsciously, and he swallowed nervously. I didn't dare to look around with my eyes. I tried to straighten my body and stand up straight.

"Lin Fan." He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar young girl in front of him and sincerely thanked him, "Thank you for your contribution to science. Thank you also for not being afraid of danger, stepping forward and saving me and everyone else."

Anyone who has watched that live video knows that if Lin Fan hadn't blocked the green mecha's attack, not only him but everyone present would have been unable to escape the evil hands.

Lin Fan saved his life and everyone else's lives. This contribution is real.

Lin Fan looked at the person in front of him, his thoughts swirling in his heart.

He was not as tall as she had imagined. He was always smiling and as amiable as the neighbor's uncle, but the majesty about him was hard to ignore.

Lin Fan trembled when he heard the words of praise for himself, not knowing how to answer.

Do you want to learn from Song Ren and others?

No, no, she didn't have the position to respond like this.

what to do? what to do? What should I do?

Lin Fan felt that the CPU in his brain was about to burn, and finally blurted out "You're welcome!"

Li Chunhua almost laughed out loud when he heard this sentence, and he bit his lower lip with his teeth to hold back.

The leader knew at a glance that she was nervous. He smiled and patted her on the shoulder, comforting her, "Don't be nervous, I'm easy to talk to."

After saying that, he smiled, took a medal from the hand of the person next to him, and tried to put it on her head.

Lin Fan quickly lowered his head.

"Because people cannot know the existence of the stars prematurely, so the commendation for you can only be done in private. I feel wronged to you."

After putting the ribbon around her neck, he carefully adjusted the position of the big red ribbon while explaining gently.

Lin Fan obviously didn't feel wronged, but when he heard these words, for some reason, he couldn't help but his eyes started to feel sour again. He replied quickly and crisply. "Don't feel wronged!"

The leader looked at the girl wearing the red medal with satisfaction and greeted the 800 people. "Come on, let's take a photo together."

Lin Fan moved his head stiffly and saw 800 people approaching.

The staff nearby brought four chairs, and Lin Fan was pressed down on one of them.

The leader sat next to Lin Fan and Cui Yan sat next to him.

Zhu Cunjun was next to Lin Fan, and the other four people stood in the second row.

Song Ren and Ji Yu stood in the middle, while Li Chunhua and Gao Fei stood on both sides.

Lin Fan felt that his face was so stiff that he could only show his teeth at the camera. He must have been very stupid.

After taking the photo, the leader asked to see the stars. Lin Fan started to take off his coat without saying anything. This was what she came for.

Everyone else stepped aside to clear the space in the middle.

The height of this reception hall is relatively high, more than three meters to nearly four meters, which is enough for the stars to perform.

In addition to two secretaries, there were four bodyguards present.

Bodyguard captain Shen Bei blocked the leader with one hand and half-covered him with his body to prevent accidents, but he was gently pushed away.

"I believe Lin Fan." He said.

Lin Fan just handed the clothes and badge to Zhu Cunjun when he heard these words and felt warm in his heart. Come to the center of the open space and stand facing everyone.

Lin Fan, who was wearing a tight-fitting combat uniform, had a slender and powerful figure. Even the bodyguards of the National Taiwan Theater could not hide their admiration.

There are also female bodyguards in the bodyguard team, and they are also in good shape, but compared with Lin Fan, they always feel like they are a bit lacking.

Lin Fan calmed down and said, "Let's begin." The next second, the stars suddenly appeared.

Even those who were mentally prepared were shocked.

He took a few steps forward and was stopped by Shen Bei again.

Although he knew that Lin Fan was one of his own, such a huge mecha was too threatening.

"It's okay." He smiled and pushed Shen Bei away again.

Walk up to the stars and look up and down carefully.

Shen Bei followed him vigilantly with four bodyguards, and even two secretaries followed behind him to look at him.

The leader asked some questions with great interest.

Lin Fan answered everyone who could answer, and Zhu Cunjun and Cui Yan helped answer those who couldn't.

Finally, she took out the weapon and gently held it in her hand, letting him take a closer look.

The process of transforming from Xingchen to Lin Fan also amazed a few people who had never seen him before. After confirming that Lin Fan was not feeling any discomfort, the leader nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Cunjun handed over the coat and medal to Lin Fan in time, and everything went smoothly.

The leader was very happy when he left and called Zhu Cunjun away.

Lin Fan watched her boss disappear behind the door and paused for a moment while buttoning the buttons.

What should she do now? Wait here? Or go back first?

The secretary came over and told them they could leave first. Cui Yan told the other party that he had something to meet and left with him.

The five people quietly exited the reception hall.

As soon as he went out, Li Chunhua rushed over to Lin Fan, put his arm around Lin Fan's shoulders and said without warning, "Come on, come on, let me see what kind of medal you have and why it is different from us."

They all had medals pinned to their chests. Only Lin Fan had a ribbon hanging around his neck. He had wanted to see it for a long time.

Under the bright red ribbon, there is a big red circle in the middle of the golden badge, with a golden flag inside. There are several layers of white, gold, and red patterns underneath, which are layered on top of each other and look very beautiful.

"What kind of chapter is this?" Li Chunhua was dumbfounded.

On their chests is a golden hexagonal badge with a six-pointed star and geometric lines inside.

Lin Fan's chapter is much more upscale than theirs at first glance.

Ji Yu took a closer look and raised his brows in surprise.

"How's it going?" Gao Fei knew at a glance that he must have recognized him.

"Probably a medal of valor."

The plot of Re Hu Hu Hu has just been released, I hope you all enjoy it.

Someone suggested that I open the interstellar map directly. Let me explain to you why not directly.

I originally wanted to use this volume to reveal the hidden technological power of various countries during the play, upgrade the entire technology to a few levels, and then talk about space.

Because the background structure of this article is the present. So it’s still not enough to get to StarCraft. To be brought out in the plot below. So this section is necessary.

Otherwise, if aliens suddenly come, there will be no way to fight them. The spaceship hasn't landed either, right? You can't let stars go directly into space, right? There was no place to rest, and she was exhausted.

And Lin Fan can't go to the interstellar alone. The accompanying people must also be prepared, right?

That’s the reason above. There will be an interstellar one, just wait until I throw out all these necessary factors.

Because the new outline will definitely not be as big as before, so you shouldn’t have to wait too long.

As for the new plot in the middle, there's nothing you can do about it. A lot of things have been taken out, and time is tight, so it can't be as complete as previously thought.

But you still have to write, otherwise there will be something missing.

Well, I guess it won’t be long before we get to the third part, “The Stars and the Sea.” If you feel that the proportion is inconsistent, please bear with me.

Things happened suddenly and I was in a hurry. If there are any mistakes in the article during this period, please help me correct it. Thank you guys, I love you

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