Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 268 John Woo is here

Chapter 268 John Woo is here

When Wu Yusen saw Lin Fan calling suddenly, he knew that something must have happened.

But then the call was disconnected, and when I dialed again, the phone was turned off. His already anxious mood was even more fueled.

A phone call came back to the special office, and someone cleared the traffic control department, gave him the green light to go, and stepped on the accelerator to rush forward.

Lin Fan couldn't understand Wu Yusen's mood. She was trying her best to deal with others.

A few minutes ago, the police car arrived with a "wow, wah, wah, wah," and a few policemen got out and took the bad woman away.

Before the woman was put into the car, she reluctantly glared at Lin Fan.

If it weren't for this girl, why would she be here? !

Lin Fan saw it and shouted: "Wait a minute."

No one knew what she was going to do. They watched helplessly as she ran to the car, climbed into the back seat on her hands and knees, stood on the seat and slapped the suspect.

Although Lin Fan's strength has become smaller, it is still stronger than that of an ordinary child. She slapped the woman's face to the side with all her strength, and she fell back because she couldn't stand firmly.

Fortunately, even if he was caught by the police outside, he would definitely fall down again.

"Thank you." She raised her head politely and thanked the police above her.

"Good guy, you..." The policeman wanted to say that at such a young age, she knew how to retaliate against others. But it’s wrong to think about it.

This little baby was bullied, and his little face is still swollen. What happened if he was slapped?

Considering that woman's crime, which destroyed countless families, a slap in the face would be considered a light thing.

Besides, how strong can a three-year-old be? The woman also tilted her head away, acting so excited and wanting to act...

Humph, they have seen too many suspects like this.

After thinking this, my heart suddenly became clear, and I smiled and said rudely to Lin Fan.

After saying that, he sat in the car and yelled "Be honest!" to the woman. He turned around and closed the car door, smiled at Lin Fan who was standing on the roadside, and left with the car.

In another police car, a young lady in uniform wanted to take Lin Fan away, but she refused.

She ran back to pick up her duffel bag and sat back on the bus captain's board. "If I leave, he won't be able to find me."

The child was holding a duffel bag that was almost as tall as her, and insisted on waiting for someone with a babyish voice, which made several people look cute.

But she can't just let her wait like this.

The person the children are waiting for has just said that it will be here soon, but no one knows how long it will take.

Qian Min donated all his power banks, but Lin Fan's mobile phone just couldn't be charged and couldn't be turned on.

I don’t know if it’s because of the cold weather, or because the phone’s lifespan has expired, or because it was damaged in the fight just now.

Lin Fan couldn't give out John Woo's mobile phone number.

The child has just been frightened, and it is not suitable to be forcibly taken to a strange place. In addition, the contact person just said that it is almost there.

After considering the actual situation, everyone decided to let Qian Dui, who was on vacation, spend some time with his daughter and his future son-in-law, who were in the police academy. When the people arrive, let them go to the police station to take notes.

The vacated police car drove directly to handle other police situations.

Everyone was satisfied with this arrangement, only Lin Fan felt sorry.

It's so cold, it's so embarrassing to have someone wait with you.

Especially when I later found out that the young couple had to catch a few more movies and went out as soon as they finished lunch, I felt even more sorry.

But to be honest, with the company of these people, Lin Fan finally felt at ease.

The human trafficker incident just now still scared her.

If Miss Qian Min didn't show up, John Woo would definitely be able to find her, but she would probably suffer a lot...

As soon as he relaxed, Lin Fan felt sleepy.

There were some thrilling things today, and my little body was holding on hard.

But after all this fuss, I was exhausted, and being held in Miss Qian Min's arms, she was soft, warm and very comfortable. There is also a reassuring policeman standing by.

Lin Fan gradually closed his eyes...

Half an hour later.

When John Woo drove all the way to the location, he didn't see Lin Fan at all on the platform, only a young man sitting there.

His heart suddenly lifted, he jumped out of the car and searched everywhere.

"Excuse me, are you John Woo?" When Xiao Huang saw such a big car speeding over, he was still studying what kind of good car it was.

When it stopped in front of the platform and the people on it were looking around for someone, Xiao Huang knew that the person he was waiting for had probably arrived.

"I am, you are..." John Woo immediately stared at the other person.

Xiao Huang was startled by his burning gaze at first, but thinking about it, it was normal for him to be anxious after losing his child.

"Your child has been waiting here for you to come, but she fell asleep and we were afraid that she would catch a cold. There happened to be a store open behind us, so we took her in to warm her up first. I am here specially to wait for you."

"Thank you, thank you." John Woo quickly thanked him. Follow Xiao Huang into a shop behind the platform.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a young girl sitting with a ball of down jacket in her arms. The pink furry bunny hat hanging on the back of the down jacket was exactly what they bought together with Lin Fan a few days ago.

When Qian Min saw a strange man brought in by Xiao Huang and looked straight into her arms, she knew it was the person the child was waiting for.

"Kid, kid, the person you've been waiting for is here. Wake up and see if it's him?" She gently woke up the sleeping child.

Lin Fan opened his eyes in a daze, and before he knew where he was, he saw John Woo's face approaching.

He was not wearing glasses today, nor was he smiling. He had a nervous expression on his face that Lin Fan had never seen before.

As soon as Lin Fan saw him, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved. His lower lip pouted and his nose began to feel sore.

Yesterday she could punch three young men with one punch, but when she woke up she turned into a child who couldn't do anything.

First, he was afraid that his family would find out. Then he was alone in the cold wind for several hours at the station, freezing to death. He also had the bad luck of encountering a human trafficker. In the end, he couldn't even beat a broken woman, but was beaten instead...

All the fear and grievances in my heart surged up at this moment, and my eyes began to blur...

No no no no! She shouted in her heart that she was already 37 years old. You can't cry in front of so many people!

John Woo knew that Lin Fan had become smaller, but he never thought that he was only two or three years old.

Because Lin Fan had no idea about the size of children. She had no idea how old she was now, so she couldn't tell John Woo.

When John Woo saw Xiao Lin Fan sticking his head out from a pile of clothes, he almost didn't dare to recognize her.

If the rabbit-shaped hat on her back wasn't so familiar, he really wouldn't believe it. The cute baby in front of me is Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's personality has always been a bit indifferent. Although he got better after getting to know him better, he is also the kind of person who can talk without saying too much. Even the jokes he tells are cold jokes.

Now he suddenly became so cute and pouted, ready to cry. John Woo's heart almost melted. As soon as you stretch out your hands, you will pick the person up.

You can't sit on other people's laps all the time.

How about saying that cubs are the cutest?

Especially those who are just two or three years old, can talk, walk, and smile at you.

Her eyes are round and her mouth is pink and tender. Any expression she makes will make people smile knowingly.

John Woo suddenly understood why a father would be particularly fond of his daughter.

How could anyone not feel pain for such a lovely daughter?

Lin Fan kept reminding herself that she was already in her thirties, but when she saw John Woo opening his hands to pick her up, tears rolled down his face. He opened his arms and rushed towards him, clinging tightly to his shoulders.

When John Woo held the person in his arms and saw the red marks on her face, his smiling face suddenly sank.

"what happened?!"

That little kid is so cute. When I see that kind of video, I giggle, haha, like a strange old aunt.

The furry rabbit clothes had already played a role in keeping warm and marking him, and he bowed and left the stage.

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