Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 264 John Woo’s concerns

John Woo is having a pretty good year this year.

Perhaps because Lin Fan came back, he was in a particularly good mood and felt happy about everything he saw. Even the three aunts and six mothers-in-law urging me to get married are no longer as upsetting as before.

John Woo is already thirty-eight this year, so his family will naturally urge him to get married.

But the Wu parents are relatively open-minded. It can be seen from the way they were named that Kendai was a group of people who kept up with the trend and had an open mind.

Out of respect or trust for their son, although the two regretted that John Woo had never gotten married, they did not push it too much.

They watched too much and rushed to get married, and as a result, their lives were in a mess.

There are so many, it’s almost too many to mention.

In addition, John Woo has always acted rich and happy, always smiling. Father Wu and Mother Wu thought it was good to be so happy.

It's fate, it's meant to be and it can't be run away. It's better than forcing the melons to twist.

Compared with the unknown, happy life in fantasy, it is more important to live happily in the present.

As for the urging of relatives and neighbors at home, John Woo always responds with a smile on his face, and then turns his head and dismisses it as a fart.

What does your life have to do with them? It's really hard to worry about eating carrots.

But you want to say that John Woo is no longer in love and doesn’t want to start a family?

That's not the case.

It's not like the young John Woo has never been in love, and he also longed for his own little family for a while.

But due to various reasons, several relationships did not come to an end.

Later, during a mission, his team members died in the line of duty.

Although the special affairs department had dedicated personnel to handle the matter, he felt uncomfortable and went to attend the funeral of his colleague.

When he saw the other person's parents slumped in their chairs with heartache. The young widow stood aside and wept silently. The baby in her arms seemed to know that her father was leaving and howled loudly...

At that moment, he suddenly had the idea of ​​not having a family.

Although the remuneration and pensions in the special agency are good, no matter how good the financial compensation is, it cannot make up for the vacancy left.

Wife and children are destined to be in this world, using their weak and immature bodies to bear all kinds of accidents and shocks brought by life alone. And the barrier that protected them from wind and rain... disappeared forever.

If parents lose their children and there is nothing they can do about it, then can it be avoided that a wife loses her husband and a child loses his father?

If you didn't have it in the first place, wouldn't you feel the pain of losing it?

In the first two years after entering the special agency, he still didn't understand why many of his colleagues chose to be alone. Some even played in the world and lingered in love without getting married and having children.

He obviously has excellent moral character in all aspects, but he must leave such a moral flaw.

But everyone seems to be used to it.

It wasn't until he had similar thoughts that he finally understood.

As long as he doesn't get married, there will never be a scene of his wife and children crying at his funeral...

Although getting married and having children can be a continuation of life, the person John Woo will marry must be the true love of his heart.

He doesn't want or have the heart to let his lover endure the pain of separation, and he doesn't want his children to grow up without their father.

So... I can only feel sorry for my parents...

John Woo knew he was stuck in a morbid way of thinking. But this morbid thinking became more and more stable as the number of casualties among his colleagues he knew increased.

The casualty rate in the special facility is too high.

It is said that among the members of the same batch as Zhu Cunjun, he is the only one left with all limbs still in the special station.

Occasionally he would see the happy scenes of other people's families, and his heart would soften. Once a glimmer of hope emerged, the crying faces of the widows would immediately appear in his mind...

Therefore, John Woo could only be cruel and choose to let down his parents.

Fortunately, Wu's father and Wu's mother are open-minded and don't care about this matter as much as other families. They worry about it every day to the point that it affects their normal life.

According to their words, "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Just live your own life well and live it clearly. How can everything go as expected?"

When John Woo saw that his parents were not too anxious about this matter, he was relieved and strengthened his thoughts.

Moreover, on the other hand, he felt that women were quite incomprehensible.

He was a nice person before they started dating, but once they established a relationship, he immediately changed into a different person.

Not to mention the sudden drop in business quotient, he also became clingy and difficult to understand. He gets angry at every turn and doesn't explain clearly yet, insisting on letting him guess.

How could he guess it?

She was dumped shortly after because he didn't understand her.

John Woo is baffled.

He doesn't understand that she can talk, but she can expect people to understand everything without talking. He is not a roundworm in his stomach.

Later, he had two more girlfriends, both of whom were similar. In addition, he didn't have much time to spend with them, so they ended up breaking up.

John Woo was confused and impatient to serve.

With this time, I can give his Ba Dao a complete car maintenance.

Therefore, even if a girl takes the initiative to express her friendship later, John Woo will never develop the relationship further and will only maintain a normal relationship.

Women... are so difficult to understand.

Anyway, to sum up the various reasons mentioned above, John Woo is now happily single.

On the morning of the third day of junior high school, this happy bachelor received a call from Xue Ping.

"Hey, congratulations, you're so busy at the beginning of the new year, you're going to make a fortune this year!" John Woo had known that Xue Ping was still staying in Sichuan Province, so he didn't go back to the special office at all.

"Same hair, same hair, hahaha..." This was not the first time that Xue Ping worked overtime during the New Year, and he chatted with John Woo as a matter of course, "I heard that you asked Lin Fan to leave? You finally got what you wanted, right?"

"TOEFL, TOEFL, hahahaha..." John Woo couldn't help laughing for a while before he said, "Did something happen to you over there?"

They rarely make special phone calls to their colleagues to wish them happy New Year.

If you call, it means something is definitely going on. If there is no news, it means you are safe.

However, Xue Ping's voice was relaxed, so it probably wasn't an emergency. John Woo thought.

"What can I encounter here?"

"Oh, I heard it, it will take a lot of time." John Woo smiled, "I thought you were asking me for help."

"That's not true," Xue Ping leaned back on his chair and slumped lazily, "there is news, I think I should let you know."

"What?" John Woo asked as he walked to the corner of the balcony and looked at his parents who were busy in the kitchen.

"Didn't Lin Fan catch something down there before? It was green..." Xue Ping said.

"Is there something wrong with that thing?" John Woo frowned slightly. After returning, I didn't find anything unusual about Lin Fan.

"You can't say there's a problem, right?" Xue Ping scratched his head with one hand. It was so itchy that he hadn't showered in a few days. "That thing itself has no toxic or side effects. Otherwise, I would have informed you earlier."

The waterproof bag was brought up from below by Xue Ping himself, and he immediately sent the stuff to the special office after coming up.

While Lin Fan and the others were still flying in the sky, the things had already arrived at the equipment department of the special agency.

A series of basic tests showed no problem, but nothing was found, so I put it in the showroom and planned to wait until next year.

"Then what are you going to say now?" Knowing that there was no danger, John Woo's brows relaxed.

"It's Quan Yingdong. He called me and said that his ancestor had been here and recognized this thing. I think I should tell you." Xue Ping also suddenly received a call from someone else, thinking about Lin Fan If you have been in contact, you should say something.

But he didn't have Lin Fan's contact information, so he could only call John Woo.

"Lord Chitose?" John Woo's eyes narrowed slightly. He hadn't seen him for a while, but he suddenly came back at this time.

"Yes, that's the one." Xue Ping replied, "Quan Yingdong said that Mr. Chitose passed by the showroom after he came back and found Yan Jing. I'm not in charge, so he told me."

"What is that?" John Woo didn't remember this name.

"Have you ever heard of the elixir?"

Oh ho, John Woo comes on. Does anyone still remember Xue Ping who was still working hard in the cave during the Chinese New Year?

Yesterday, the ranking became 414 again. There have obviously been more recommendations and comments in the past two days, so why did the ranking drop even more? I guess this month’s bonus is gone. Well, it should be about the same as making a utility bill this month. Ha ha.

But I still need to vote, what if I reverse the situation, haha.

By the way, where did you see my book?

I couldn’t even find my book except for the time when it was in a conspicuous location. Where did you find it?

Vote, interact, don't be polite. More.

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