Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 188 Contact

Chapter 188 Contact

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary box truck. Once inside, you realize that it's a completely different world. It's the layout of an RV.

The space is not large, but it has everything it needs, and there are plenty of places to rest.

There is a double bed at the rear of the car and an extra single bed above. The table and chairs in the middle had already been lowered to form a double bed.

There is also a bed above the driver's seat. It is definitely enough for five people to rest.

There was also a lot of convenient food in the car, mainly for Lin Fan.

Xingchen’s current standby time remains stable at just over 2 hours. However, after experiments, it was found that if you consume enough food, you can temporarily extend a certain period of time.

Therefore, Cui Yan, who understood the situation, specially prepared so much food and put it in the car so that Xingchen could last longer on this mission.

After Song Ren got in the car, he saw a note on the kitchen table next to him. Knowing that it was the contact Cui Yan mentioned, he dialed the phone directly.

"Hello." After a few rings, the phone was picked up. A sonorous and powerful male voice came from the receiver.

"Hello, this is the mecha team of the 800 Research Institute. I am the captain Song Ren." Song Ren turned the co-pilot backward and sat down.

"Hello, Captain Song." The voice on the other side was obviously relieved, "I am Cen Fangyuan, the commander-in-chief of the fire scene."

Because the wildfire persisted for a long time, the superiors sent a special confidential secretary to take over the scene. Cen Fangyuan, who was experienced in affairs, was sent here.

He arrived at the scene this morning. After understanding the specific situation, he realized that the fire was more serious than he thought.

The wildfires don't look that serious in the footage, but up close, they look terrible.

Before getting close to the fire point, a large amount of thick smoke and black fog could be seen in the city, lingering in the sky. The closer you get to the scene, the heavier the smoke becomes, and you can even feel the heat in the air.

The firefighters and rangers at the scene were exhausted after working hard for several days. Many people collapsed to the ground, while some still persisted in putting out the fire.

After a long period of high temperature and smoke, these people's bodies were all black and their original color could not be seen, and many of them even suffered from heatstroke.

More and more people are voluntarily participating in the rescue.

But because they have not received professional training, in order to ensure their life safety, it is impossible for them to enter the fire scene and participate in firefighting.

At the same time, because the mountain road was rugged and the car could not go up, a large amount of supplies were stranded at the foot of the mountain.

Enthusiastic citizens saw an opportunity to help. They carried the needed things up the mountain bit by bit, shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand.

Cen Fangyuan made a prompt decision and asked for help from the surrounding fire departments, and received a quick response. But due to the long distance, the rescue forces did not arrive so quickly...

Damn it, the wind is getting stronger and stronger.

The fire here had just been put out, but it started burning again next to it, and it felt endless.

But those who fought hard were already exhausted, and they were just beating mechanically...

Fortunately, in the afternoon, some fire fighters from other places arrived and began to provide support. They controlled the fire in time to prevent it from spreading to a large area.

At this time, the burning area has reached 60 square kilometers, and the fire is still spreading at a speed of meters per hour.

Although hundreds of firefighters were deployed, it was still a drop in the bucket in the face of such a large fire area.

The water tanks carried by the firefighting drones were of no use at all. In the evening, several helicopters and amphibious aircraft were mobilized to fetch water from the river and splash it back and forth, which had a certain effect.

But because the process takes a long time, the efficiency is not very high.

And as it gets dark, visibility becomes lower and aircraft cannot continue to operate at night...

When Cen Fangyuan received the order to put out the fire quickly, he truthfully reported the predicament to his superiors.

He said that with the current efficiency, there is no problem in putting out the fire, but the speed will certainly not be much faster.

But his superiors gave him a shot in the arm and said they would send high-tech mechas to help put out the fire. These mechas have the ability to resist fire and high temperatures, as well as mechanical assistance, which will greatly accelerate their mobility.

However, because such mechas are the product of secret research, they are not known to outsiders. If it weren't for this fire, they wouldn't have been dispatched.

Therefore, Cen Fangyuan must do a good job in connection: when the other party arrives, send people away and reduce the number of staff present. Case volume reduced witnesses.

As the country's latest and highest technological product, for now, the fewer people know about it, the better.

Cen Fangyuan didn't know how powerful these mechas were, but he believed in the orders from his superiors and quickly adjusted the personnel deployment. All local fire fighters were withdrawn, leaving only some foreign firefighters who had just gone up in the afternoon to continue working.

At the same time, specialized staff were dispatched to set up a fence at the foot of the mountain to intercept people transporting supplies upwards.

Because they cannot tell the reason directly, many people do not understand what is going on. Many people even posted videos saying that the authorities would give up fighting the fire. Online public opinion was extremely chaotic for a while.

Cen Fangyuan can't control so much, he needs to ensure that there are as few people at the scene as possible. As long as the fire is out, there is no need to worry about public opinion.

In the messy command tent, he received a call from Song Ren. For him, it was like hearing a fairy voice from the sky.

"Commander Cen, our convoy has set off. A total of five mechas will arrive at the scene in three hours." Song Ren clearly conveyed his message, "Our mechas are transported by box trucks, so they are far away from the fire." The nearest parking lot needs to be cleared at least 1.5 kilometers away.”

"Captain Song, don't worry, we are ready. Unrelated personnel will be isolated two kilometers away." Cen Fangyuan replied, "What else do you need?"

"The specific situation of the fire, the current fire-fighting plan, and how we can cooperate." Song Ren said, "If the communication is clear now, we can work immediately after getting off the car, which saves time."

The three-hour drive is neither long nor short. Song Ren asked the others to take a rest while he sat in the passenger seat to listen to the preliminary cooperation intentions.

Cen Fangyuan was also unambiguous and quickly synchronized the data in his hand to Song Ren. "Our current problem is that we don't have enough manpower. The length of the fire line is roughly estimated to be four kilometers. The water can't come up. Firefighters alone are really not enough. We need to dig the fire isolation belt faster, and we also need a lot of water. Extinguishing."

"I understand." Song Ren nodded, "My understanding is that after we pass, we need to quickly dig a fire isolation zone around the outer edge of the fire line and then use a lot of water to extinguish the fire, right?"

"Yes, but it is not easy." Cen Fangyuan said solemnly, "The forest fire zone needs to be dug forty to sixty meters wide to be useful. According to the current fire intensity, even if only the downwind area is cleared, it is not a small scale. Again In addition, the wind direction has been changing wildly in the past few days. The north wind blows today, and the south wind may blow tomorrow. In actual operations, it is simply too late.”

"Not to mention the water to put out the fire." Cen Fangyuan thought about the situation in the afternoon and shook his head. "In the afternoon we used a plane to load water from the river, but due to the load limit, we could only bring 12 tons of water in one round trip. In a few seconds Just splash it. Of course it is useful, but it is far from enough..."

"I understand. Don't worry first." Song Ren comforted him first, and then said, "We need some equipment, please help us prepare it."

"What is it, tell me." After hearing this, Cen Yuanfang quickly pulled out a piece of paper and prepared to record it.

"We definitely need engineer shovels. I'm not sure about the wear and tear by then. Please help us prepare at least 20 brand new engineer shovels, attach fixing ropes, and place them in a conspicuous location in the parking lot."

"Okay, that's no problem." Cen Yuanfang showed the note in his hand to the assistant next to him. The other person immediately nodded and went to prepare. "The engineer shovel will be there when you arrive. Is there anything else?"

"You need a large container to hold water, the bigger the better." Song Ren added.

"Container?" Cen Fangyuan was stunned. "The bigger the better? Do you want to use mechas to fetch water and put out fires? Isn't there a load limit?"

"No." Song Ren glanced at Lin Fan, who was resting on the single bed in the parking space with his eyes closed. "Don't worry about the load limit. Please find the largest water storage container. It doesn't matter if it leaks. It must be large enough to carry the load. We will Deal with the rest."

"Okay." Cen Fangyuan was a little unsure, but still chose to believe it, "I'm going to look for it and get back to you as soon as possible."

In an emergency, there was no time for small talk, so he hung up the phone and ordered his assistant to find something.

"Container? Water storage? Even bigger?" Several people around the table frowned. The aircraft's water storage tank is large enough, but it cannot be removed and used. And listening to what’s being said over there, it seems like that’s not enough.

"Leader, I have an idea." An operator raised his hand weakly.

"Say!" Cen Fangyuan frowned.

"Can the container... be done?"

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