Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 182 Desert

Chapter 182 Desert

At that time, stars were flying in the sea, and everyone else was rushing in front of the screen to pay attention to her status.

Only Song Ren remained in the spotlight to prevent any unexpected situation from happening.

Because of this, he unexpectedly discovered that while waiting in the floating light, he could clearly feel the panic.

That kind of fear mixed with anxiety and violent heartbeat definitely didn't come from him.

Looking at the panicked stars on the screen, he realized that this emotion might come from Lin Fan's heart.

Until Xingchen emerges from the water and escapes danger... His emotions change, and Song Ren in the floating light almost always feels the same.

"What?! Can you empathize with the stars?"

Everyone was surprised by this new discovery.

The three of them, Li Chunhua, escaped from the mecha prematurely, so it was unclear whether Jin Gang, Yu Feng and Bing Lun would also be in the same situation.

In order to confirm this situation, after the meeting, Song Ren, Li Chunhua and Ji Yu all went on the machine for testing.

Gao Fei's Yufeng hadn't been assembled yet, so he could only stand aside and watch.

Finally, it was confirmed that when Xingchen was emotionally intense, the bionic armor could indeed feel her emotions.

Moreover, it was also discovered during the test that the bionic armor can hear Xingchen's voice without using communication equipment, just by consciously reciting it silently in her heart.

It seems that another unconventional communication channel has been established between Xingchen and the bionic armor.

But such a communication channel is only one-sided, communicated from the stars to the imitation mecha. On the other hand, the pilots in the bionic armor have no way to convey any emotions or information to the stars.

Everyone attributes the reason to the fact that the coating material of the bionic armor shell and the stars belong to the same 818.

Although most of the time, everyone uses a communicator to communicate, this function does not seem to be very useful.

However, even if the 818 materials are separated on different mechas, they still retain a certain degree of commonality, which is still surprising.

But there is no point in being surprised, the remaining 818 can only be reserved for the stars. We can only hope to find other similar materials.

The research team was busy developing weapons, and Lin Fan, who knew nothing about firearms, had weapons training also put on the agenda.

Confrontation training has always been included in daily physical training, but there are still many shortcomings.

In this adjustment, Song Ren added some equipment to the training, such as the use of common sticks, long knives and daggers.

Of course, gun training is also indispensable.

The mecha's weapon development plan has been notified to the entire team, which is to add guns to the mecha.

The gun is in the shape of a short-handled submachine gun and is fixed on the reserved buckle on the back of the bionic armor.

Xingchen has no way to hang a gun on his body. So the scientific researchers specially designed the gun to be split. Disassemble a gun into four parts and hang them on the mechas of four people. When you want to use it, take it off and assemble it quickly.

Although it is not as convenient as the bionic armor that can be taken directly from the back, it is better than nothing. And these parts can also be used as spare parts for the entire gun.

Now that you have a gun, you inevitably have to learn to shoot.

Lin Fan had good eyesight and accurate head and feet. What he needed to train was the basic knowledge of firearms, as well as the control of arm strength during actual operation.

The mecha gun fires lasers to cause damage. Although it is not ready yet, you can tell from the name that its power is huge, almost the same as a small laser cannon.

Several people can only use special simulated firearms during daily training.

Compared to Lin Fan, who knew nothing about it, the other four were quite familiar with shooting, as long as they got used to the operation of the new weapons.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, had to learn from scratch. Fortunately, the recoil of the laser gun is not strong, and after practicing for a period of time, it can be considered effective.

Not long after, after the bionic armor was debugged and integrated again, 623 started its third field training.

This time it was a high-temperature test. A group of people dragged the mecha to the desert.

The Tucker Desert is the largest desert in the country, spanning 1,000 kilometers from east to west and 400 kilometers from north to south. It is dry and rainless all year round and has frequent monsoons. It is the second largest mobile desert in the world.

During the day in the Tucker Desert, the highest temperature on the sand surface can reach 70 to 80 degrees Celsius. Such high temperatures often make the ground air erratic, and mirages are common.

The desert climate has a large temperature difference between day and night, usually reaching forty or fifty degrees.

Therefore, at night, when the temperature is more than 20 degrees, people feel more comfortable in the warm sand.

When Lin Fan and the others came, it was spring.

During this season, rising temperatures affect the surface sand and cause strong monsoons, resulting in huge sandstorms.

Strong hurricanes will stir up desert sand and fill the air with sand and dust. Such dust can reach up to three to four kilometers.

The Tucker Desert has monsoons all year round, so it is plagued by sand and dust all year round.

The shell of the bionic armor is coated with a layer of 818 material, which can withstand temperatures close to one thousand degrees Celsius.

So in terms of temperature alone, the difficulty of traveling in the desert is not high.

But as I said before, all data must be field tested to be valid. There is no way to observe the driver's true state in the laboratory.

Just like last time in the sea, Yufeng had poor pressure resistance, and the sea monster and star encountered later were in a state that was difficult to cope with, all of which could not be measured in the laboratory.

In this desert test, there were no problems with the bionic armor.

Only Lin Fan could not transform into a star for a long time, so it was very hard for him to resist with his thin body.

I couldn't walk at all during the day, so I had to hide in the tent and wait for the sun to go down. But even if we set up a tent in the desert, the constant heat wave is still uncomfortable.

Lin Fan couldn't move or sleep.

On the contrary, there are four bionic armors. Because there is sufficient light, heat and energy, I feel more comfortable than in the jungle before.

The only time Lin Fan walked around was in the morning when the sun just came out and the temperature was not that high, and in the evening.

Because it's dark at night, the desert environment is too dangerous, so you can't move around at will.

The total activity time in a day is only three or four hours.

But despite this, Lin Fan still felt low on energy. Even if I keep moisturizing, my lips are still chapped.

Xingchen's state naturally does not feel these pains.

But because the standby time is only more than an hour, she will feel even more uncomfortable after the transformation due to excessive physical exertion.

Therefore, in order to temper his fragile body and avoid aggravating his own pain, Lin Fan simply did not transform.

In this way, it is naturally very difficult to walk.

But fortunately, she knew that the team was nearby, and she didn't have that kind of despair in her heart, so it was just a simple hard work, which was okay.

Five days passed and everyone experienced a hurricane dust storm.

The violent wind carried sand and gravel and almost swept away Lin Fan's tent.

If Song Ren and the others hadn't parked their mechas around the tent to form a certain barrier, the tent would have disappeared long ago.

Despite this, when the sandstorm ended, several people came out of the tent carrying calf-high sand.

Not long after, they experienced another rainfall.

Rainfall in the desert comes and goes quickly. Before they could react, they disappeared without a trace.

The water on the sand did not stay for a few minutes before evaporating again.

I wonder if it was because of the rain. As the temperature increased, they saw another mirage.

In the vast desert, city high-rise buildings and beaches appeared in mid-air.

Lin Fan endured the high temperature, stuck his head out of the tent, and watched the spectacular scenery with everyone...

After several days of practice, the haggard Lin Fan seemed to be able to adapt to such hot weather and live in a more comfortable state.

Just when she thought she might be able to survive in the desert like this, she accidentally fell into quicksand.

It was obviously the same sand as the surrounding areas, but once you stepped in, you couldn't pull it out. After struggling hard twice, his calves were buried in the sand.

Li Chunhua was the first to rush up and pull her up, but Ji Yu held her back.

"She can come out on her own. It will be troublesome if you go down." Song Ren also said beside him.

Lin Fan only struggled a few times before his knees were buried in the quicksand. Because of the existence of the stars, she was not afraid in her heart.

She even thought about whether to sink it all in and see what was underneath.

However, the quicksand quickly rose up and covered her hips, rendering her entire lower body unable to move.

At this time, Lin Fan felt something was wrong.

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