Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 16 Lin Fan himself

Chapter 16 Lin Fan himself

Such medical records can be retrieved, and the confidentiality is not private, which is just to save face.

"Suffering from broken relationships does happen. After all, the person I've been dating for eight years is getting married, so it will definitely be sad to break up." Lin Fan recalled lightly. "At that time, the company was in trouble again. I was originally the department head, with a small position, but I also had some management rights. Suddenly, a relative of the boss's family was parachuted in and became the deputy director."

"My previous company was not large in scale, and I, as a small leader, had few people under me. Suddenly I was told that I wanted to add a deputy position, which was not necessary from a business perspective. I originally thought that the relative was just arranged to come in for free pay. What if It really doesn’t matter if she doesn’t do it, but I didn’t expect that she would work extra hard.”

"She doesn't do the work she is asked to do well, and she is very capable of making trouble. She always looks like she is doing good for the company and makes a mess of things. Just tell her to leave her alone, and she says that I ignored her and cried to my relative boss. Crying. Although the boss didn’t say anything about me, he didn’t say anything about her either.”

"She wants to take care of things, so she can't take care of everything. I can only follow up the business that is almost finished. She doesn't have to do anything, just watch. It's a mess."

"Everything she does well is her fault, and everything she does badly is my responsibility. In less than a month, several of her subordinates were tortured so much that they said they would leave if the deputy director didn't leave. I was also very hard pressed. , just go to the boss and want to have a good talk."

"It turns out that the boss felt that I was using my subordinates to threaten him with Qiao, so he reprimanded me instead. Ha! Did he think that I didn't know what kind of doctrine he was playing?" Lin Fan snorted coldly, "I was already angry, but I just wanted to I have been working here for so many years, and we get along fairly harmoniously, so I can tolerate it as long as I can. His training really pissed me off. I worked hard for him but got used to making mistakes. I said I quit on the spot."

"The boss didn't expect that I would quit my job suddenly, and he wanted to get me back, but I didn't want to serve him anymore. I was already in a bad mood when I was broken up, and I still suffered from the cowardly attitude at work. Whoever wanted to serve me would serve me. He didn't even ask for compensation, and the next day I won’t go. Several of my subordinates originally wanted to leave, but I persuaded them to do so. However, when they saw me going to talk, they resigned first, and they all submitted their resignation reports.”

"After I resigned, I didn't want to stay in Gaohe City any longer. I went back to my hometown directly. I wanted to calm down and rest for a while before going back to work. After all, I have been working hard outside for these years, which is quite tiring."

"After I came back, in order to quickly forget the bad emotions, I also signed up for fitness classes, learned piano, guzheng, and even took two foreign language classes. I went on trips from time to time. Thinking about it now, I probably lived the most leisurely life. It’s been a happy time.”

John Woo and Jin Sichen listened quietly.

The information in Lin Fan's file was not so detailed. After all, it only took three days to investigate and only got some written things. That is, which year you were there, what you did, and what rewards you received.

Like the paragraph she just mentioned, she only wrote about her position, how much her salary was, and that she resigned due to personal reasons. The details can be found through detailed investigation, but it takes time. None of the parties involved spoke in such detail.

"Do you think your depression has nothing to do with your breakup?" Hearing that Lin Fan was straightforward and frank, Jin Sichen didn't need to be too careful when communicating.

"It can't be said that it has nothing to do with it, but I feel that falling out of love is not the direct cause of my depression." Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "After all, there was almost a year between the time I fell out of love and got sick. During this period, I It’s going okay.”

"It sounds like you have your own judgment on the cause of the disease?" Jin Sichen found that Lin Fan was a very organized person and very easy to communicate.

"I think it was caused by family factors." During those days of random thoughts, she clarified many things.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

"I was already 32 years old when we broke up. It might be normal in big cities to be unmarried at this age, but it's rare in our place. So when I went back and told my family that I broke up, their expressions... I don’t know how to describe it.”

"Are you shocked?" Jin Sichen prompted.

"It seems more like anger than shock." Lin Fan thought about it carefully, "They were very angry that I delayed getting married for so long and broke up instead. After I told me the reason, they became even more angry, but more I was angry with the man, but he didn’t blame me much afterwards, but he didn’t feel any distress or pity.”

"If it's convenient, could you tell me the reason for your breakup?" I didn't see much description in the medical records, but listening to Lin Fan's words, it seemed to be quite involved.

"It's not inconvenient. After I graduated from college, I found a good job in Gaohe City, the same job I quit before. I have strong abilities, serious work, and a good personality. Within a few years, I was promoted to the position of junior director of the department. Although I was still I can’t afford to buy a house, but I have enough food and clothing, and my bank balance is growing steadily, so everything is fine.”

"Later I met a boy. I thought he was honest and had a good personality, so we fell in love. During the period, the relationship was stable and I met both parents. Just when I thought life was about to unfold happily, we finally broke up. .”

"There is no cheating plot. The main reason is that the two of us have very different views on things. We have not been able to get along well after being together for 8 years. On the contrary, in the later period, there were more conflicts and there were always quarrels. At the beginning, I was not willing to separate. After all, the eight years of hard work are not fake. Although I had some hesitation, I still mentioned marriage. But when I went to his house to discuss marriage, the gap in marriage concepts gave me another fatal blow. "

"His family is from a rural area, and their living conditions are average, so I never thought about getting a house in the first place. His income is not high, and I'm afraid that he won't be able to afford the bride price. My family doesn't agree, and they plan to use their own savings as a bride price for him. .”

"I didn't expect that their family would not say a word about this, but instead made all kinds of harsh demands on me. After I said that I couldn't do it, I received all kinds of accusations. And the person I wanted to entrust my life to completely ignored my helpless situation. I didn’t say a word of help and chose to stand with his family. I felt tired and chose to break up."

Although several years had passed, Lin Fan still didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he recalled the scene when the man heard her saying she wanted to break up and sadly asked her why she couldn't give in for him.

"You must have been very sad at that time, right?" Jin Sichen whispered slowly.

"It's definitely sad to be sad, but not breaking up is definitely a dead end. Relationships are always a two-way journey between two people. I'm working hard, and he's waiting for me to work hard. In the short term, I still have strength, but after a long time, I will get tired. No, I only persisted for 8 years." Lin Fan said mockingly.

John Woo listened silently. The information only said breakup, but I didn't expect this to be the case. Of course, a relationship where only one party works hard can't last long, and it doesn't matter if they break up.

"what's next?"

"Then I went home. In fact, I was still hurt after the breakup. After all, it was 8 years... and it was not sad to resign. When I first joined the company, there were only about 10 people. I relied on my own efforts to do a good job. Do business, improve the company's reputation, expand the customer base, and become a supervisor step by step. My business volume alone accounts for half of the company."

"In the following years, my customers were basically stable and there was no large-scale increase. My boss thought my salary was high, so he tried to find an excuse to cut my salary and demote me, but I blocked him. He didn't even think about it. He just used the money to buy a car. Buy a house, buy a bag for my little wife, and if I don’t expand the company, no matter how many clients I get for him, the company won’t be able to accept it.”

"He didn't want to fire me, and he didn't want to pay me such a high salary, so he looked for that relative to check and balance me, trying to find an excuse to cut my salary and demote me. Unexpectedly, I didn't agree with him, and the entire department followed me. Empty. I was very happy at the time, but I still felt very disappointed afterwards."

It's not that Lin Fan didn't know the truth behind the cunning rabbit's death, but it was completely different from meeting it himself.

"At that time, because I didn't want to affect my work, I kept my feelings of broken love in my heart and never got relief. In addition, the emotions after I quit my job were mixed together, and my whole body was not good. I didn't want to stay in Gaohe City all the time. I was so sad that I wanted to go back to my hometown to adjust. Don't they all say that home is a warm harbor, a place of eternal support? I didn't expect that it was not like this for me."

"After a week of quiet life at home, my family started urging me to get married. After all, after eight years of relationship, we broke up not long ago. I was asked to find someone to fall in love with again, and I couldn't do it."

Before Lin Fan could recover from her emotional pain, her family acted in such an anxious manner, which also caused serious harm to her.

No matter how she tried to explain to her parents that she needed more time, no one listened. Lin's mother even put on a posture of "if someone wants to fall in love with you, it's great, why should you choose?", which once made Lin Fan wonder if this was her biological mother.

Frequent dating harassment made it impossible for Lin Fan to adjust his mentality. No matter how I explain it to my parents, it won't work.

In the name of love, and with the fear of being laughed at by others, they kept driving Lin Fan away, seemingly not caring about their daughter's sadness at all. It seemed that as long as Lin Fan got married and no one else gossiped, they would be relieved and didn't care whether their daughter was really happy or not.

After 8 years of business operation, I thought that the next step would be to lose the happy future. This has already destroyed Lin Fan's heart with holes.

And because he didn't cooperate with his boss's little thoughts, he gave up the career he had worked hard for for many years, which was full of frustration.

Her family's incomprehension and emotionless urging stabbed her with sharp knives.

Lin Fan felt like he couldn't think properly anymore, his temples were throbbing and his ears were ringing. .

She felt trapped in a mire, as if there were dozens of hands pulling her down.

She sensed danger but couldn't avoid it.

On this day, Lin’s mother routinely urged her to get married.

Lin Fan said that if you are so anxious about getting married and don't have time to get to know each other well, you will get divorced even if you get married.

Lin's mother blurted out, "Even if you want a divorce, you must get married first!" After that, Lin Fan seemed to hear the sound of her shaky heart collapsing, and she knew it was over.

Lin Fan stopped talking. She didn't eat, didn't move, and stayed in bed all day.

At first, the family thought Lin Fan was vindictive and deliberately ignored her.

It wasn't until she hadn't eaten for two days and Lin's father felt something was wrong but couldn't wake Lin Fan up that the two of them panicked. He hurriedly carried Lin Fan to the hospital for first aid.

After a brief operation at the hospital, it was found that Lin Fan's physical signs were normal and his expression was dull, so it was recommended that he be transferred to a mental hospital.

In this way, Lin Fan was diagnosed as a high-risk patient with severe depression and no desire to live, and stayed in a mental hospital for three months.

Lin's mother no longer dared to whisper in Lin Fan's ears, and she didn't even dare to cry in front of her bed.

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