Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 14 Exorcism Talisman

Chapter 14 Exorcism Talisman

While talking, another department arrived - the weapon refining group.

The Weapon Refining Group is affiliated to the Props Department, which mainly uses supernatural powers to refine props, such as talismans, elixirs, treasures, flying swords, etc., as well as the storage equipment mentioned just now. Mainly used by people with special abilities in the group.

There is also an equipment group under the props department, which is the scientific research equipment department that Mr. Qian just disliked. It mainly develops and produces some technological products, such as laser guns, wireless communicators, anesthesia watches worn by John Woo, camera glasses, etc.

However, the equipment team has recently started to engage in innovation and integration, thinking about combining the tools of the equipment refining team with high-tech products to create some new technology products.

The weapon-refining team was quite interested. They probably belonged to the R&D department, so they cooperated very well and successfully produced a product like the Talisman Gun. Although it was not very practical, it was a successful product anyway.

But Mr. Qian felt that it was neither fish nor fowl, and he was full of disgust for the equipment team.

In Lin Fan's situation, the science and technology department has nothing to do with her. She only needs to take him to the special abilities department.

After so many years of development, various departments have also summarized a set of ability identification procedures to quickly identify new people's abilities. As long as you go through it once, you will know clearly what kind of powers you have, and those who don't have them are naturally ordinary people.

The people who can be brought back to the special agency are all selected by the special agents after careful investigation, research, and screening. None of them have passed the final test as ordinary people. It's just that some of the abilities were too useless, so I had to let them go.

The Special Investigation Agency is very confident about this set of identification procedures, and so is John Woo.

The decoration styles of the Weapon Refining Group and the Immortal Cultivation Department are somewhat similar, both seem a bit antique, which may be related to the type of business they conduct. Compared to the Immortal Cultivation Department, there are many more computers on the table of the Artifact Refining Team. While walking through the middle, Lin Fan saw someone looking at talismans on the computer...

Is that a talisman? Although it wasn't yellow paper with red letters, the pattern of the ghostly talisman was similar to what she had seen in the movie.

"I thought the talismans were based on those tattered ancient books, but it turns out you can read them on a computer," Lin Fan sighed.

Wu Yusen listened and explained: "The computers here are only connected to the intranet, and they are all things in the database. The contents in the database are also left by the predecessors. After all, you also said that those books are in tatters, it is difficult to save."

"Are your computers only connected to the intranet?"

"Ordinary work areas are only connected to the internal network. You need to apply to connect to the external network. However, special services and some departments that require work can connect to the external network. The computers of some department leaders are also connected to the external network. The computers in the living area are also connected to the external network. Internet. However, both computers and phones are under 24-hour monitoring and monitoring, mainly to prevent leaks. As long as it does not involve leaks, it doesn't matter."

Lin Fan's first reaction was a little disgusted, but after thinking about it, he understood. She knew that some military organizations seemed to need to monitor phone calls and conduct closed management.

The special office is not under closed management, but many people feel that there is no difference between underground and above ground and are unwilling to go out. Like the Immortal Cultivation Club that Lin Fan went to just now, if it were leaked to the outside, it would cause an uproar in society. Not to mention that the Special Institution is far more than just a cultivation department.

"So when working in a special agency, the first rule is confidentiality." John Woo emphasized. "Everything is done under the premise of confidentiality. Only when the confidentiality regulations are observed, the things done are meaningful. Otherwise, no matter how great the credit is, they will be cleared and even held accountable. Newcomers must pay special attention to this. "

"Hey, Angkor, where are you training new people?" A man asked.

"No, we are still going through the process. Is the whole team leader here?" The leader of the weapon refining team is named Quan Yingdong, who is slightly younger than John Woo. I have just been promoted to team leader and have little friendship, so calling me team leader is the most appropriate thing.

"Yes. He just walked away. You go to his office first and wait. I will go find him and come back." The man said enthusiastically.

John Woo thanked him and led Lin Fan to the team leader's office.

The office door was open and no one was inside. Compared to the empty office of Sister Xu of Business Team 4, the office of all team leaders can be considered crowded and messy.

Office desks, bookshelves, coffee tables, sofas, everything as far as the eye can see is filled with things. There are books, papers, scrolls, cloth, stones, iron blocks... There are also several shovels and hoes standing in the corner of the room...

How can the word "chaos" be used like this?

The two of them didn't know what to do at the door of the office, so they simply stood outside and waited.

"It turns out that this is not the case here. Maybe the whole team leader just took over the weapon refining team and was a little busy and didn't have time to sort it out." Probably because he was afraid of leaving a bad impression on Lin Fan, Wu Yusen specifically explained.

At this moment, a bearded man hurriedly ran from a distance. When he saw John Woo and the two standing at the door, he began to apologize from afar: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Perhaps it was because of his unfamiliar relationship with John Woo, or perhaps because of his personality, Quan Yingdong was particularly polite.

He rushed into the office, pushed the things piled on the sofa and coffee table to the side, and made two seats available for people. He hurriedly greeted the two of them to come in, and shouted outside to ask for tea.

John Woo didn't expect Quan Yingdong to act like this. Just when he was thinking about finding another excuse to explain to Lin Fan, he saw her go in first and sit on the sofa. It was right. Lin Fan had been standing even after going to two departments. He must be very tired by now.

He sighed and walked in and sat down, not wanting to worry so much.

Soon tea was served, and Quan Yingdong also cleared the things on his desk to the ground next to him. Smoothing down his messy hair, he sat on the office chair and said, "I'm sorry, I've been a little busy lately and haven't had time to clean up. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

John Woo was polite to him and got down to business: "I just went to Sister Xu's place and she didn't take the talisman. Is it up to you to do it?"

While chatting in the car before, John Woo suspected that there was another person in Lin Fan's body, but he did not dare to reveal it to Lin Fan. I'm afraid that if the person inside has a sense of the outside world and knows that he will do something uncontrollable after being exposed.

In this situation of one person and two souls, there are generally only two possibilities. One is supernatural. To put it simply, it can be regarded as "ghost possessed". It doesn’t have to be ghosts, spirits, or monsters.

In short, there was another spirit body in Lin Fan, controlling her body when she was unconscious.

The other is psychological. Lin Fan has a dual personality, and she doesn't know that she has another personality. Considering that Lin Fan suffers from mental illness and has not recovered for many years, and his life is painful, this possibility is also very high.

So early this morning, Wu Yusen took Lin Fan to Business Department 4 to show Sister Xu. He didn't dare to tell Lin Fan that this department was also called the Supernatural Department.

Sister Xu has yin and yang eyes.

If Lin Fan was possessed by a spiritual body, she would be able to see through it at a glance.

Later, in order to confirm whether Lin Fan had supernatural abilities and whether he could sense or see ghosts, Sister Xu summoned many spirits to circle around Lin Fan.

When Lin Fan said that he felt a little cold, Sister Xu thought that Lin Fan had special sensitivity to the spirit body, so she ordered the spirit body to strengthen the interference. Generally, people who are sensitive to this aspect can vaguely see or hear something. But Lin Fan didn't, she only felt cold.

Sister Xu finally judged that Lin Fan had a sensitive constitution and had a weak sense of the existence of spiritual bodies, but had no relevant abilities.

According to the procedure, Sister Xu should have given Lin Fan a spirit exorcism talisman to take a picture of, to ensure that there were indeed no other spirits on Lin Fan, but there was no such thing, and she just let them go. Wu Yusen guessed that there might be some reason and put it in the weapon refining group to make talismans, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Later I went to the Immortal Cultivation Department. Ordinarily, it is impossible for any demons and ghosts to escape Qian Lao's piercing eyes, and the possibility that there are other spirits in the body is basically eliminated. However, nothing was guaranteed and there was a contingency, and the process still had to be completed, so I asked.

The talisman is something that the talisman master senses the rules of heaven and earth, extracts energy, and draws it according to the lines to contain the energy, so it contains the power of rules. Finally, the fingertips gather force to shoot and detonate, so the process of using the talisman is also called talisman shooting.

There are many types of talismans. You don't necessarily have to be able to make talismans if you have special powers. Because of the limitations of your abilities, there are also limitations on the talismans that you can make.

For example, a person with supernatural powers like Sister Xu can only take pictures of supernatural talismans, but she cannot take pictures of rain-praying talismans.

Of course, a big boss like Mr. Qian has no taboos.

It is said that a long time ago, as long as you had special powers, you could cast amulets, and there were no separate categories.

It may be that many superpower inheritances have been lost for a long time, and some talismans have also been lost. Many of the current talismans have been repaired and adjusted, so there are many deviations.

As a maker of talismans, the Talisman Master can make any talisman he can, but the effect of using it is slightly worse than that of a person with powers of the same level.

"Yes, I'll take the talisman." Quan Yingdong replied, "Sister Xu did a lot of work last night. She didn't stop all night. She was so tired that she just used up the exorcism talisman. She called me in the morning and asked me to Give her a pat, it won’t make any difference anyway.”

John Woo nodded in agreement.

After listening to this, Lin Fan finally understood the reason for Sister Xu's depression.

Quan Yingdong dug through several pockets and finally found a ball of yellow paper, which was crumpled. He seemed a little embarrassed, so he quietly flattened it on the table and wiped it hard. However, it is not much better. Maybe after a long time, the paper is still not shaped and soft, but fortunately it is not broken.

Quan Yingdong carefully held the talisman and walked towards Lin Fan. When he was almost there, he turned around and closed the office door before returning.

"Can you still stand this talisman?" John Woo doesn't know how to use talismans, but he knows that the talisman must stand up before he can take a photo. This talisman is crumpled like toilet paper, even when it is flattened, it is trembling. It doesn't feel at all. Can't stand up.

"I can stand up, I can stand up." Quan Yingdong promised hurriedly.

Lin Fan took the opportunity to take a look at the talisman. She couldn't understand what was drawn. She only felt that the place in the middle looked a bit like the character "硡".

"Do you want to take it and take a look?" Quan Yingdong asked seeing her looking at it seriously.

May I? Lin Fan was surprised.

"Okay, just take it in your hand and look at it carefully." Quan Yingdong handed it over with a smile.

The original process in the weapon refining group is to sense the rules. Usually, the refined tools are used to induce new people. If you can understand some of the rules, you have the talent to refine the weapons. It is also possible to use symbols.

First, he would take the talisman to feel it, and after completing the process of the weapon refining group, he would pat it again and help Sister Xu complete the process, killing two birds with one stone.

Wu Yusen knew that Lin Fan had no spiritual roots and would definitely not be able to sense anything, but it didn't hurt to take a look, so he didn't stop him.

Lin Fan gently took the talisman, looked at it carefully, and saw nothing wrong with it, then returned it to Quan Yingdong.

Quan Yingdong didn't say anything when he saw that Lin Fan didn't have the talent to refine weapons. He smiled and asked, "Are you ready?"

what to prepare? Lin Fan was stunned.

Quan Yingdong raised the talisman in his hand, and his smiling eyes instantly became extremely serious. His index finger and middle finger were pressed together in front of his eyes, and the flying talisman stuck to his middle finger with a swish. The talisman paper that was crumpled just now was as straight as new.

He turned his wrist lightly, pushed the talisman forward, and shouted "Go!". The talisman struck Lin Fan with a "swish" with the momentum of thousands of troops.

Lin Fan was shocked. He couldn't dodge, but the talisman had already been placed on his chest, and it burned with a bang. Before Lin Fan could reach out to take it, it was burned out in the blink of an eye, without even a trace of ashes.

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