Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 129 Cui Yan’s treatment

Chapter 129 Cui Yan’s treatment

Office building, seventh floor, director's office.

Since Cui Yan stopped monitoring the order, Song Ren has not been here for a long time.

There was nothing unusual about Lin Fan, and about her daily situation, a dedicated person from 623 would write a written report on a regular basis and send it to her superiors.

During dinner, he heard from Jin Sichen that when Cui Yan was asked for approval, Song Ren was still thinking about coming over to report the situation. Because Lin Fan's recent situation has not been reported to the rest of the team in time, only Yu Guangli knows about it.

When he saw Lin Fan's extremely unstable state tonight, he made up his mind to come over and give a special explanation.

Lin's mother had a great influence on Lin Fan, and she was unreasonable and stalking.

As a daughter, Lin Fan had no way to unilaterally cut off such a connection.

If Song Ren hadn't heard the call, it would have been hard to imagine that there was such a person in the world.

Although Jin Sichen relieved Lin Fan's negative emotions in time.

But it's hard to say whether Lin Fan's mood will be affected by Lin Fan's next call and if Lin Fan still can't meet her request, and what changes will occur.

Everyone clearly knew that Lin Fan did not only represent herself. Behind her, the shadows of stars always stood.

Song Ren even saw irritability and anger on Lin Fan's face today. This has never happened before.

Even during the training, when Lin Fan was covered in bruises and beaten until he was helpless, she never had such an expression on her face.

After Song Ren went out, he asked Jin Sichen. The answer he received was that such emotions cannot continue, otherwise Xingchen's stable state may be repeatedly broken due to Lin Fan's emotions.

And stars that are unstable and even cannot be controlled will become an extremely dangerous thing.

This goes against everyone's expectations.

And the destructive power of the stars, whose standby time has reached 18 minutes...

I believe that Cui Yan can understand it from the weekly ability test report without him having to elaborate.

So this time, even if Cui Yan didn't summon him, he still chose to take the initiative to report the situation to him.

"Werewolf" Cui Yan is not only cruel to others, but also to himself.

He will never leave work until the day's work is completed.

Deputy Xie must have submitted the application as soon as possible, but Dr. Jin never received the notice of leave approval.

This shows that Cui Yan has not finished his work today and is still in the office.

Song Ren knocked on the door and heard a voice coming from the door.

He pressed the doorknob and walked in.

Cui Yan, who was doing his work, was surprised to see Song Ren, but it couldn't be seen from his cold face.

"What's the matter?" He started flipping through the documents that he hadn't had time to process, and sure enough he found Lin Fan's leave application.

Xie Bisheng signed the application for Lin Fan in the afternoon and handed it over to the general affairs department according to the normal procedure, who then handed it over to the director's office.

He didn't feel how urgent the matter was, so he didn't call Cui Yan specifically.

Anyway, with Cui Yan's work efficiency, even if the results are not received today, there will definitely be a reply tomorrow.

Song Ren explained Lin Fan's situation in detail, focusing on the new unstable factors that emerged at night.

After Cui Yan read through the application, he looked at Song Ren and listened to him.

That is to say, Song Ren, when faced with his cold gaze, could still calmly finish the matter without being affected. If it were another person, I might not even be able to speak completely.

"Jin Sichen said that Lin Fan is likely to develop bipolar disorder because of the bombardment of phone calls?" Cui Yan quickly summarized the key points after listening.

"Yes, Doctor Jin said that Lin Fan has shown such emotional tendencies at night, with obvious irritable factors. If he continues, his past efforts may be in vain. Xingchen's state will also become uncontrollable." Song Ren objectively paraphrased.

Cui Yan said nothing and began to type on the keyboard and search for relevant information on the computer. After reading it carefully, even Cui Yan felt troubled.

"Jin Sichen means to give Lin Fan a holiday and let her go back for the New Year?" Cui Yan picked up the leave application on the table and looked at it carefully.

"Yes, Dr. Jin said that the easiest way is to let Lin Fan go back. Naturally, her mother will not continue to harass her, and there will be no subsequent negative emotional growth and various other problems." Song Ren replied, "Say this It’s the simplest and most direct way to deal with it.”

Cui Yan nodded, it was indeed the easiest.

He had no intention of detaining Lin Fan for the rest of his life and not letting her go out, but he did not think of giving her a holiday to let her go back.

After all, due to the nature of their work, 800 people do not take rest according to the general trend during holidays. Especially scientific researchers, they would adjust their vacation time according to the internal progress of the project, so he didn't think of Lin Fan as a non-staff member.

Of course, there is also Jin Sichen.

Cui Yan has been paying attention to Lin Fan's progress and strength. In order to bring Lin Fan into his sphere of influence, he and Zhu Cunjun fought countless times, but unfortunately they were all one move away from each other.

For now, Lin Fan is a talent and Xingchen is a treasure. He was also very pleased with Fuguang's development progress, and the concept of the mecha team could continue to be developed.

Just now he saw that Fuguang had completed debugging and was preparing to seal the laboratory casting machine report, which had just been signed.

Something happened to Lin Fan here...

"And Dr. Jin also hopes that Lin Fan can get in touch with real society to see if she can really adapt to normal social situations." Song Ren thinks this reason is equally important.

"I understand, you should go back first." Cui Yan frowned and was silent for a while, then asked him to step back.

Song Ren didn't say much, and walked out of the office. When he looked back and closed the door, he saw Cui Yan in front of the desk, with a serious expression on his face, deep in thought...

Shortly after going to work the next day, Jin Sichen received a notice from Yu Guangli saying that the fake product had been approved. Even Jin Sichen gave special permission to take a vacation with Lin Fan.

When he happily went to the activity room to inform Lin Fan, he found that she already knew.

"What? You guys are also on vacation together?" Jin Sichen had a rare expression of surprise on his face.

"Yes, we have all been notified." Li Chunhua happily showed him his communicator.

As expected, there was a holiday notice in the notification column, to the effect that a special holiday was granted to Li Chunhua of Group 623. He was expected to maintain close contact with the team members during the holiday and cultivate team chemistry. Followed by the start date and end date.

The establishment of the mecha team is a foregone conclusion, and the tacit understanding between team members is equally important. This is one of the reasons why team members are arranged to eat and live together and advance and retreat together.

Compared with Lin, Song, and Li, who have been together for more than half a year and have established a tacit understanding, Gao Fei and Ji Yu, who have just joined for a month, are obviously not that familiar with everyone.

Now, if you want to increase your understanding and familiarity with each other more quickly, there is no better way than taking a trip.

Song Ren, Gao Fei, and Ji Yu all received the same notification. They opened the communicator that Lin Fan used as a watch and saw that it was indeed there too.

Jin Sichen paused and turned on his communicator, and sure enough he found that there was also a holiday notice. But unlike a few others, he only had the date and no additional requirements.

So the result of Cui Yan's thinking is to ask everyone to accompany Lin Fan on vacation and go home with her?

Jin Sichen felt that this operation was a bit mysterious.

But some vacation is better than nothing.

Now Lin Fan doesn't need to be afraid if Mother Lin calls again.

It's a holiday, let's go out and play. I also want to go out and play. Come on, vote!

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