Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 120 Another possibility

Chapter 120 Another possibility

Gao Fei and Ji Yu looked at each other and saw each other's answers in each other's eyes.

They ran forward quickly.

Lin Fan's quality was obviously very poor, so how could he become so powerful now?

"It's over." The voice came from the white mecha. Although the tone was slightly changed through the metal shell, if you listen carefully, it was indeed Lin Fan's voice.

Before Gao Fei had time to ask Li Chunhua anything, he saw that the originally evenly matched situation changed instantly.

The white mecha suddenly opened the iron-gray support light and kicked it out.

Fuguang turned his body over in the air, lowered his center of gravity, and knelt down on one knee to stop the castration.

"..." Gao Fei and Ji Yu were stunned, forgetting what they wanted to say, and just opened their mouths blankly.

Why did Fuguang suddenly lose? Team Song could lose with such smooth operation?

And lost to Lin Fan?

Ji Yu looked at the people around him and found that none of them were surprised at all. It seemed that it was normal to help Guang lose. Even Li Chunhua was cheerful, as if he was used to it.

What’s even more surprising is yet to come.

After the white mecha pulled Fuguang up, he suddenly disappeared. Instead, Lin Fan stood there.

Ji Yu rubbed his eyes, then rubbed them again.

It's Lin Fan.

His IQ was cut off for the first time. What's happening here?

Gao Fei couldn't react either. Why did he become a living person?

Li Chunhua turned around and saw the two petrified people, their smiling expressions indicating the pride in his heart. I didn't say anything at the beginning just for this moment.

Until Song Ren got off the light and changed his clothes, the two of them were still in a daze.

"Hey, wake up." Li Chunhua shouted.

The laboratory is not a good place to talk. The two people, full of questions, followed the other three people back to the dormitory.

On the way, Ji Yu had figured out some joints.

Why protect Lin Fan? Why is Lin Fan a key figure in the project team? Now there's an explanation.

Although why Lin Fan turned into a mecha is still unclear.

After watching Lin Fan return to his room, the others also returned to their dormitories.

Song Ren told the two of them in detail Lin Fan's identity, the specific circumstances of transforming into a mecha, and various precautions.

The incredible description caused an uproar in the hearts of the two people.

Although I have witnessed it with my own eyes, it is still difficult to fully accept the fact that it goes against common sense.

Isn't this a scientific institute? Why is there still a transformation?

Gao Fei looked weird.

Ji Yu's acceptance is relatively good, which may be related to the fact that he figured out some things on his own on the way.

"Anyway, that's it. If you have any questions, you can ask them." Song Ren crossed his hands and leaned on the back of the sofa.

Ji Yu thought for a while and said hesitantly, "I have doubts about one of your inferences."

"What?" Song Ren knew that Ji Yu had a high IQ and took the views he was about to put forward very seriously.

"Lin Fan has been in a weak state in the early stage. You all said that she was caused by various states of depression." Ji Yu calmly proposed.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Li Chunhua asked, leaning on the armrest of Song Ren's sofa.

"What if her weakness is not caused by depression?" Ji Yu asked.

"What do you mean?" Song Ren asked.

"Since the stars have been consuming Lin Fan's energy now, why didn't they do it before?" Ji Yu asked keenly, "Is there a possibility that Lin Fan's early weakness was due to the stars consuming her physical energy? It’s not because of depression.”

Others frowned in thought.

"But, what's the difference?" Li Chunhua thought for a while, but didn't understand.

Lin Fan's weak state has been relieved through exercise. Is there any point in discussing why he was weak in the first place?

"Of course there is a difference. Although the result is the same, the causes are completely different. We regard the stars as a system mounted on Lin Fan. If it is because we want to maintain her operation and absorb the energy of Lin Fan's body, It caused Lin Fan to be weak and even have a blank brain, which means that Lin Fan's various symptoms in his later period were not entirely caused by depression."

Ji Yu said firmly, "It's like the pain in her body is confirmed to be caused by the transformed stars. Then why can't the other symptoms be caused by the stars?"

Li Chunhua seemed to understand a little bit.

"That is to say, Lin Fan's depression may not be as serious as we expected. She was just in a state close to depression because too much energy was extracted, so..." Gao Fei understood the meaning.

Song Ren felt that Ji Yu's statement made sense. None of them had thought of the possibility before. Everyone thinks that Xingchen's absorption of Lin Fan is after an upgrade, but if Xingchen is absorbing Lin Fan's energy from the beginning, it may indeed cause her to have low energy.

Considering how much energy the stars require, this is entirely possible.

Song Ren urgently contacted Jin Sichen and explained to him what happened.

Jin Sichen didn't say anything for a long time after listening, and felt that this inference was reasonable.

But now that Lin Fan's physical condition has improved and most of his emotional problems have been resolved, there seems to be no way to trace the cause.

He said that Lin Fan's mental recovery was faster than he expected. If the various states in the early stage were an illusion caused by the influence of the stars, then such a recovery speed would be reasonable.

Lin Fan's psychological problems were not as serious as expected, so it was naturally for the best. This means she can recover more quickly.

In this way, it is even more important to quickly advance her socialization process.

And this day will come soon.

On Monday morning, Li Chunhua drove a group of five people to the canteen.

The 800 cafeteria is on the first floor of a complex building and looks like a shopping mall.

It has been nearly half a year since he came to 800, and this is the first time Lin Fan has eaten in the cafeteria. It was also the first time for Gao Fei and Ji Yu to come to the 800 canteen and they couldn't help but look around.

"Come on, get a dinner plate here." Li Chunhua helped Lin Fan get a dinner plate, introduced everyone familiarly, and guided them from the front.

Lin Fan followed him, followed by Song Ren. Gao Fei and Ji Yu followed closely behind.

"What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you." Li Chunhua has a lively personality and has long wanted to go out to the canteen to eat with everyone. This time I finally got my wish, and I was very happy.

In the first few days when Lin Fan came here, he helped prepare meals, but Lin Fan was not picky and didn't know what she liked to eat. Later, Wu Yi took over the nutritional meals, and Li Chunhua just came to the fixed window to pick up meals every time.

Lin is not picky, he eats whatever is available. So even though he had been eating at the same table for half a year and knew the tastes and preferences of Song Ren and Jin Sichen, Li Chunhua didn't know Lin Fan's preferences at all.

When the group of them came in, they attracted a lot of attention. Especially the members of the reserve team looked directly at them.

Lin Fan didn't care about other people's eyes. As long as there is no close contact, it doesn't matter to her.

She was used to eating nutritious meals and suddenly didn't know what to choose. But seeing Li Chunhua smiling so enthusiastically in front, she didn't want to return his kindness.

Because all the bones in her body were aching, she let Li Chunhua help her carry the tray, put her hands in her pockets, raised her chin casually, ordered a few breakfasts, then lowered her head and said nothing.

Li Chunhua quickly helped Lin Fan make breakfast, took her to settle the bill, and found a seat to sit down.

Gao Fei and Ji Yu also successfully cooked under the leadership of Song Ren and sat together.

Just as he was about to start eating, he heard a sporadic discussion.

"The eldest lady is indeed the eldest lady, and she still needs help to prepare meals."

"Well, why do you still want to compete with others? Call me brother and I will help you fight."

"Screw you! I'm not as delicate as the eldest lady! Our hands are easy to use."


When Gao Fei heard these meaningful words, he couldn't help but wanted to get up and retaliate, but Ji Yu pressed his shoulder first.

"Confidentiality agreement." Ji Yu leaned over and whispered in Gao Fei's ear.

That's right, Lin Fan's identity cannot be exposed.

Gao Fei let out a frustrated sigh. Seeing Lin Fan eating breakfast unmoved, he picked up his chopsticks and started digging.

This possibility is also very important, proving that Lin Fan's condition is not that serious. So she's getting better soon.

Just after a reader commented, I realized that Lin Fan rarely complains inwardly recently, so I quickly went back and read the previous parts. After reading it, I found that although the internal complaints became less, she can speak now, so the logic is still OK.

But the description of the protagonist has indeed been weakened. Well, I am also reflecting on it. Reflect. I'm trying to adjust.

Readers, if you have any ideas to interact with me, the author will fall into a blind spot when writing alone. Votes are encouraged.

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