Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 12 Special events witnessed and heard

Chapter 12 Special events witnessed and heard

Lin Fan had guessed several times what the mysterious special agency looked like. I never thought he looked so upright and upright.

You could say it's covered up, as if anyone can come in. She had noticed just now that there was no guard in the yard, and the glass door of the old building could be pushed open easily. Even the front desk knew the identity of John Woo's special assistant.

You could say it's not covered up. This gleaming company sign clearly tells visitors that this is a trading company.

I don’t know who came up with the name, RiRihong. If I really want RiRihong to have something to do, it won’t be peaceful.

John Woo got the visitor card and led Lin Fan inside.

If you didn't have any preconceived ideas, this place would look like an ordinary company.

In front of Yigege's desk, the employees were so busy that nothing unusual could be seen at all. The one who answered the phone, the one who typed, the one who ran around flipping through information... Lin Fan really couldn't see any difference.

The reception room, tea room, conference room, financial room, manager's office... every office also shows that this is a normal trading company.

John Woo took Lin Fan to the stairs and went up to the second floor.

The second floor seems to be a reference room. Through the transparent glass, you can see that the shelves inside are filled with documents.

There is also a computer room next to it, which is full of computers. Many people are sitting in front of the computers and typing on the keyboard. Rows of unnamed electronic devices, flashing green lights, working hard.

There are also some rooms further inside, I don’t know what they are used for.

John Woo led Lin Fan through the two offices and walked to the elevator behind the computer room. The inner panel only displays three numeric keys, a door open and close button and a call button. John Woo closed the door and swiped his work ID card on the panel. With a beep, the control panel slowly popped open, displaying the electronic button area.

John Woo pressed 3, closed the panel, and the elevator began to descend. Lin Fan knew that this was the real special office.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator door, I smelled a scent. It turns out that this floor is the canteen.

Yellow-orange lights fill the entire space. One wall is a window for cooking, the other wall is a variety of snacks, and there are countless fruit and tea stalls in the middle. There are many tables and chairs scattered around, like a food street.

Looking around, there are countless delicacies, and just smelling the fragrance makes people salivate.

Of course, this does not include Lin Fan.

John Woo led Lin Fan forward: "It's past 5 o'clock now, and it's time to eat. I know you're not hungry, so just eat a little. The food in our special cafeteria is really good, you can try it."

John Woo took her around, but Lin Fan didn't want to eat anything. She said she was very tired. John Woo could only take the initiative to help her pick out a few dishes that he thought tasted good.

Lin Fan saw the dishes in the rice bowl, including braised prawns, braised plum meat, green vegetables in oil, braised tofu, ribs soup, and a fruit salad. It looked pretty good, but it was a pity that she couldn't taste it.

After the two had dinner, Wu Yusen took Lin Fan down to the 6th floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Lin Fan thought he was on the ground again. The permeable brick pavement underfoot, the trees on both sides rustling in the breeze, the traffic in the distance, and the tall buildings. The sun is setting in the sky and will set soon. The clouds... the clouds seem to be painted on them.

John Woo had already boarded a nearby tram and called Lin Fan to get on the bus: "You are too tired today. I will send you to rest first and then do the test tomorrow morning."

Lin Fan walked a few steps onto the tram and asked, "Are the clouds in the sky fake?"

"Haha, have you discovered it?" John Woo laughed: "It's fake, the sun is fake, and the wind is artificial. This floor is an artificial living area, but it's actually underground. Can't you tell?"

I really can't tell.

Maybe it's because the top is dug higher, so there's no sense of depression at all. If it weren't for Lin Fan's keen eyesight, he wouldn't have been able to spot Yun Duo's flaw.

The trees, parks, houses, shops, and even bus stops on the roadside are no different from real life. How much does it cost to do this?

"This is our staff living area. The dormitories for the staff of the Special Branch are here. There are parks, man-made lakes, and living and purchasing places. It is basically the same as above. The environment is good, right?" Wu Yusen introduced, "If you come back, This is also where I live in the dormitory.”

That being said, John Woo did not take Lin Fan to a densely populated area. Instead, we stopped at a coastal hut.

"You will stay here tonight." John Woo opened the door with his visitor card. "You can see the sea view from here. Of course it is also man-made. I think you will like it."

Lin Fan walked in. This is a typical vacation cabin. The most eye-catching thing is a comfortable large bed. The floor-to-ceiling windows can see the entire sea view, and the breeze blows slowly, which is very comfortable. There is a semi-partitioned bathroom at the entrance, where you can shower and take a bath. Lin Fan had never been to the beach, but the scenery really made her feel relaxed and happy.

"Thank you." Lin Fan thanked him sincerely.

John Woo also heard what Lin Fan said on the way, so he deliberately moved her to such a place. She was originally staying in an ordinary hotel room.

When he heard her say thank you, he was not polite and warned her: "I will call you at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. You can use the things in the room as you like, but there is one thing. After I leave, you can't leave this door. After all, You haven't officially become a special person yet, so you can't move around at will."

"I understand." Lin Fan agreed. She was tired enough after sitting in the car for so long today. She could fall asleep when she lay down and would not run around.

John Woo inserted the visitor card at the door, turned on the power, closed the door and left.

Lin Fan locked the door, washed up quickly, fell on the big bed, and fell asleep to the sound of the waves.

John Woo rushed to the fifth floor and knocked on the door of the director's office.

"Come in." The director got the news when John Woo arrived at the front desk. He knew that he would come to report to him, so he simply didn't leave.

"Director, Lin Fan has been brought back." Wu Yusen reported, "She has been arranged to rest, and the inspection will begin tomorrow morning."

"After contacting her, do you still feel it's her?" the director asked.

"Yes, I still stick to my original idea. And according to Lin Fan's description, it is very likely that there is another existence in her body."

"Huh?" The director raised his eyes.

"It's just my guess at the moment. I'll report back to you after the inspection is completed tomorrow."

"I know. Is there anything else?"

"Also, Lin Fan said that she did not remember what happened when she fainted that day, and she often suffered from amnesia. In view of her special situation and severe mental illness. I would like Jin Sichen to help her with psychological guidance. Do you think that is okay?"

"I understand. I will notify him to be on standby tomorrow." The director nodded.

"It should be tomorrow afternoon. I will do some routine projects in the morning, as well as detect supernatural powers."

"Okay, I'll inform him. Is there anything else? Go out if you have nothing to do."

Wu Yusen, who was kicked out by the director, cannot get off work yet. He has to coordinate the specific matters of tomorrow's inspection and notify relevant departments and personnel. By the time everything was coordinated, it was already late at night. He quickly took a rest in an empty house near Lin Fan's residence. After a while, the alarm clock rang.

At 6 o'clock sharp, John Woo knocked on Lin Fan's door on time, but Lin Fan had already packed up and was waiting for him. Because I had to draw blood, I couldn't eat. John Woo took Lin Fan to the 4th floor first.

The office area on the fourth floor is very large, larger than the office area of ​​Ririhong Trading Company, and you can't see the end at a glance.

John Woo took Lin Fan to Medical Team 3 and drew 8 tubes of blood, which almost knocked Lin Fan out.

Seeing Lin Fan's face turned pale, Wu Yusen quickly took Lin Fan to the third floor for dinner. I ordered several breakfast items for her that had the function of replenishing blood and replenishing qi. After eating, although her face was still a little bad, she finally walked without swaying.

Then I went back to the 4th floor and did a series of examinations, which were similar to the physical examinations in the hospital, except that the examination items were more detailed.

Lin Fan didn't know the specifics, so he just cooperated. She kept secretly observing during the process and found no chance of death. You can't mold the switch, right? That's a little too deliberate. I had to give up first and wait for the opportunity.

After a series of physical examinations were completed, it was about 9 o'clock. Wu Yusen knew that Lin Fan would be tired, so he asked her to rest for an hour in his office. At 10:, I woke her up again and continued testing.

John Woo took people to Business Department 4 and greeted people all the way. When he arrived at the door of the minister's office, he knocked on the door.

"Come in." A high-pitched voice came from the door.

John Woo opened the door and greeted with a smile, "Sister Xu, I have to trouble you again."


John Woo turned around and closed the door, and only then did Lin Fan see the people inside.

She is a woman in her forties. His hair was a little messy, his figure was slender, he was yawning as if he had been playing mahjong all night, and he was sitting behind the desk with a little energy, with one foot on the chair and looking lazily at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't know what she was looking at, so he could only let her look at him. John Woo stood by the door, paying attention to Lin Fan's movements.

Sister Xu stared at Lin Fan for a long time before asking, "How do you feel?"

Lin Fan felt it carefully and said, "It seems a little cold."

Sister Xu raised her eyebrows, pressed her elbows on the desk, muttered something, and then asked, "What now?"

Lin Fan felt that there was no difference, so he told the truth.

Sister Xu seemed to be relieved, but also frustrated. She leaned back on the chair, retracted her other foot on the chair, moved her mouth a few times, and asked, "What can you see?"

Lin Fan looked at the empty office. There was nothing except the chair where Sister Xu was sitting and the desk in front of her.

If Lin Fan could see it, she would find that in addition to the three of them, there were many spirits in the office, constantly blowing and making faces around her, and some even made piercing howls and laughter. Some of them suddenly stuck in front of Lin Fan's eyes, showing a bloody look. Anyone who saw them would definitely be frightened.

It's a pity that Lin Fan can't see doesn't seem to be a pity.

Seeing Lin Fan like this, Sister Xu knew what was going on and said impatiently: "Okay, everyone, let's go out."

The spirits in the room dispersed in a rush. John Woo said goodbye to Sister Xu with a smile, and took Lin Fan out regardless of whether Sister Xu said anything to her.

Lin Fan felt confused. What kind of test was this?

Even if she doesn't think about it, it won't do her any good to be entangled. Lin Fan quickly adjusted his mentality and followed Wu Yusen into the Business Department 2.

The decoration style of Business Department 2 is obviously more retro. The table is a long table and the chairs are high-back armchairs. The door of the minister's office is decorated like a cave.

"Mr. Qian." John Woo didn't knock on the door this time, but shouted softly at the door.

There was a burst of light, and the dark door shook, turning into a white light curtain.

Lin Fan had never seen anything like this before and couldn't help but take a second look. Seeing that John Woo walked directly into the light screen and disappeared, she hesitated and walked inside.

There seemed to be no special feeling as her body passed through the light curtain, but as she entered, her eyes lit up. The surroundings turned into cave rock walls, and even the soles of the feet were made of rocks, even though they were just floor tiles.

After Lin Fan learned that the Special Investigation Institute was a unit that researched special functions, he had a rough idea in his mind. What she saw in the past two days made her feel special, but not that strange. But at this moment, the thin imagination in her head was torn to pieces like paper.

Is this magic? She hesitated whether to go back and take another look, but couldn't help but look back at the light screen.

"Ms. Lin?" John Woo called her from the front.

Lin Fan had no choice but to follow him first and said to John Woo, "Just call him by his name."

Ms. Lin came to Ms. Lin, which sounded a bit fake and polite.

There are no lights in the cave, but the scales on the stone walls are shining, like walking in an undersea tunnel. Not long after walking, the front suddenly became clear.

John Woo stepped aside, and Lin Fan saw the person sitting cross-legged in the middle.

The man's hair and eyebrows were snow-white, and his long hair was scattered behind his back, and his loose robe was scattered on the meditation platform. He closed his eyes and was silent, like a beautiful sculpture.

As if he felt someone watching him, his eyes slowly opened.

At that moment, Lin Fan seemed to see the stars in the sky.

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