Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 111 New Partner

Chapter 111 New Partner

Ji Yu may have studied more, his face looked more elegant, his hair was longer than Gao Fei's, and there were some bangs on his forehead.

Are there no restrictions on hairstyles for pilots?

Song Ren thought about it in his mind, but he really didn't know.

There are no restrictions on hairstyles in the reserve team, but for the convenience of training, most of the team members still have short or long hair. Both men's hair is noticeably longer.

"Ji Yu, what about you?" Song Ren asked again.

"I want more challenges." Ji Yu's voice was lower than Gao Fei's, and his speaking speed was not fast, giving him a sense of calmness and calmness.

Okay, since everyone is here, there must be no audit issues, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Song Ren nodded and asked again: "Have you gone to the director's office? Have all the procedures been completed?"

The two of them nodded together, and Gao Fei said: "I just came from the director's office. The procedures for transferring to the 623 project team have been completed. I also received new uniforms, but Director Cui asked us to report to you first, so there is no news for the time being." Change."

Wearing the clothes of the flight base and walking in 800 was still very abrupt. When they came to the playground just now, the reserve team members were staring at them. It's like they're spies.

"Did you sign the confidentiality agreement?" Song Ren asked again. More than anything else, keeping Lin Fan's identity secret was the most important thing.

"Signed." Ji Yu replied, paused and added: "We are required to keep all test-related content within the 623 project team confidential, and there is also an agreement and protection order to keep the identity of a person named 'Lin Fan' confidential. .”

Song Ren nodded and looked at his watch. It was already dinner time. Lin Fan had been away for a while. Although Li Chunhua was with him, Song Ren was not at ease with his temperament.

He didn't say much and asked the two of them to follow him.

It gets dark early in winter, and when they went out, it was already completely dark outside.

Not wanting to waste time, Song Ren took the two of them to the reserve team office and borrowed a small tram to drive back to the villa area.

In the car, Gao Fei asked tentatively: "Captain Song, can I ask a question?"

Song Ren drove intently and said without looking back, "You tell me."

"That Lin Fan..." Gao Fei has been wondering since he signed the agreement, who is this person? "Is he an important person?"

After asking, I was afraid of touching any secrets, so I quickly explained: "If it's inconvenient, you don't have to tell me!"

What kind of person is important enough to be on par with the entire 623 project? Ji Yu was also curious, but he habitually remained silent.

"Yes, he is a very important person." Song Ren replied, turning the car smoothly into the villa area. "curious?"

Gao Fei scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm just curious. I've never seen a confidentiality agreement signed to a person alone. And you have to protect him."

Not only to keep it secret, but also to protect it. Lin Fan must be a very important figure in research and development, right?

The image of a bald old man appeared in Goofy's mind.

"Don't be curious, you can see him later." Song Ren stopped the car and led the two people to the dormitory.

There were no lights on in his and Li Chunhua's rooms, and Jin Sichen's room was also dark. Only Lin Fan's room was dimly lit.

Song Ren hesitated for a moment, then led people directly to Lin Fan's dormitory, knocked on the door twice, and the door was quickly opened.

"Boss..." Li Chunhua held back his words after seeing the two people standing behind Song Ren.

"Come in." Song Ren led the two of them through the door.

Li Chunhua could only watch, and after all three people came in, he closed the door blankly.

Jin Sichen was wary of the two strangers who suddenly appeared here, but still had a professional fake smile on his face.

Gao Fei and Ji Yu saw Li Chunhua opening the door first, and seeing that he was wearing a reserve uniform, they dismissed the possibility that he was Lin Fan.

After entering the room, they saw Jin Sichen sitting on a chair with white hair and fancy clothes, looking at them with a gentle smile. Wearing big sunglasses in the house late at night gives me an unfathomable feeling.

Could this be Lin Fan? The two concealed elbows.

"This is Dr. Jin Sichen, a top international psychologist." Song Ren introduced both parties.

Jin Sichen nodded to the two men and listened to Song Ren's continued introduction: "These two are mecha pilots who have just been transferred to 623. Gao Fei and Ji Yu will protect Lin Fan together in the future."

Jin Sichen smiled and nodded. He knew that new drivers would be added, he just didn't expect it to be so soon.

Isn't this the one at the door?

Seeing the two of them turn their attention to Li Chunhua, Song Ren promptly introduced: "Li Chunhua, a member of the reserve team. Just like you."

is not……

Gao Fei and Ji Yu knew they were looking for the wrong target. Disappointed, they couldn't help but look towards the door of the room.

Before Li Chunhua had any reaction to the addition of two new friends, he saw clearly the flight base uniforms they were wearing, pointed at Song Ren and asked, "This..."

"Well, I dug him from next door." Song Ren said perfunctorily. He hadn't heard any movement from Lin Fan for so long, so he asked, "Where is Lin Fan?"

"Here." Lin Fan was washing clothes in the toilet just now and didn't care when he heard Song Ren's voice.

When she heard that there were strangers, she resisted for a while and did a lot of mental construction before she walked out. He stood still at the door of the bedroom.

Seeing that she was doing well, Jin Sichen made no additional intervention and continued to sit on the chair as a spectator.

"This is Lin Fan." After Song Ren introduced the two of them, he introduced to Lin Fan: "Gao Fei, Ji Yu. Cui Suo is going to form a mecha team, and they are new members. The flying base next door was the pilot. .”

"Hello." Lin Fan greeted the two of them with a fake smile like Jin Sichen's.

Gao Fei and Ji Yu were a little confused after knowing that Lin Fan was such a young woman. This was completely inconsistent with their inner thoughts. But the body still responded politely to the greeting.

"Li Chunhua, you take them back to settle down first, and then come back with dinner. Bring the two of them with you," Song Ren said.

"Okay." Li Chunhua responded quickly, preparing to take the two of them out.

"Lin Fan, can we add two people to dinner?" Jin Sichen suddenly said.

"..." Lin Fan was still a little nervous.

She saw Jin Sichen's smiling eyes full of encouragement, Song Ren's firm eyes also full of encouragement, and even Li Chunhua cheered her on at the door, and she agreed with gritted teeth.

"Yo ho!" Li Chunhua shouted happily, opened the door quickly, and led the two people who didn't know what was going on out.

In the dormitory next door, the two single beds have been replaced by two bunk beds. Fortunately, the room is big enough and doesn't look cramped. It just changed from the feeling of a vacation cabin to a dormitory.

Several people were used to sleeping on bunk beds, so they had no choice about this one.

"The conditions of your dormitory are very good, and they are even equipped with computers." Gao Fei put down his luggage and looked around and saw the monitor in the corner.

"Ah, ah, not bad." Li Chunhua couldn't help but feel guilty when he thought about the previous role of this monitor.

"Can it be used?" Young people have long been accustomed to the online world and are naturally close to computers. Whether you are playing games or surfing the Internet, it is excellent.

"Yes." Li Chunhua took the initiative to open the computer and show it to Gao Fei.

When no one was paying attention, I secretly glanced at the camera hidden in the ceiling, which had not been turned on for a long time, and sighed to myself: Fortunately, the surveillance has stopped.

If he was still under surveillance, how would Li Chunhua explain this matter at this time, hahaha. Give votes and encourage.

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