Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 1006 Lost Soul

Chapter 1006 Lost Soul

Lu Xinyuan stared at Miao Ge without blinking, fearing that the vulture would eat him up with its mouth.

Even Antonio stood near Miu Miu in a protective posture.

He felt that before Miaoge untied the barrier, the Eagle would not do anything to him. After all, now that Miaoge was dead, they would be in trouble and would have to face the undead again.

But Jiu Ben was the result of growing up in the demon tribe, so it was unclear whether he really had no way to deal with these undead spirits. If the benefits of eating Miao Ge were greater than other benefits, it was not impossible for him to swallow Miao Ge in one gulp when they were not prepared, and then escape from this barrier, leaving them inside.

Just because they didn't do anything harmful to them before doesn't mean they won't do it in the future. Their relationship as a halfway housemate is not solid to begin with, and this pretty boy is worse than that old man!

Just as I thought of this, the sky suddenly lit up.

Everyone looked up and found that the black line had disappeared at some point, and all the silver lines were shining. With a "pop", the sky shattered.

At the same time, the silver wires all bounced up from the ground like stretched steel cables, bringing up countless dirt and bone fragments. The silver wires were lifted high, wrapped with the fragments of the barrier, and were collected by the rapidly rotating spindle. Suddenly, the huge sun appeared in the sky again.

The barrier was broken and they came out.

Antonio immediately stood beside Miaoge and stared at the eagle with a fierce look.

It wasn't that he had any feelings towards this kid, he just simply didn't like the eagle.

Jiu smiled sweetly at him, walked to Lin Fan, and shouted in an extremely pretentious manner: "Hey! Why hasn't Lin Jian woken up yet!"

Antonio's heart skipped a beat, and Fenze had already walked forward.

He took Lin Fan's pulse and his expression suddenly became serious.

Antonio saw Jiu's provocative smile that said "What do you want to choose?" and walked towards Lin Fan without hesitation.

As for Miao's none of his business whether he lives or dies, so I wish him good luck!

"What happened to Lin Jian?" Lu Xinyuan's heart was beating wildly.

In his impression, Yinze was always calm and composed. Even when the UFO lost control and fell freely in the sky, and even when he was passing through dense white bones, his expression did not change at all. But now, his face was very ugly, his brows were tightly knitted, and an unspeakable pressure spread from him.

Merlinil seemed to sense something. When he opened his eyes, he saw Antonio grabbing Fenze's collar and asked, "What happened to her?"

Merlinil instantly drew out his sword and pointed it at Yingze, and Lu Xinyuan also subconsciously drew his sword.

Brennan saw that the people in front of him suddenly split into two hostile groups. The demon slave didn't care about the safety of his master on the ground and was still smiling. He immediately felt that something was wrong. He threw the red-eyed feather over his shoulder and immediately protected Miaoge.

Miao Ge opened his eyes and saw that a fight was about to start. He was a little confused and asked, "What's going on?"

Brennan tried to drag him back, "I don't know, this is a little off, can you still walk?"

Miao Ge showed him the silver spindle that had turned black and looked like Tibetan silver, and said helplessly, "Not for now. I almost got myself into trouble. I need to wait for a while. What's wrong?"

At this time, Jiu glanced at Miao Ge and showed his charming smile again, as if he did it on purpose.

Brennan thought of what he had said before, and his heart was beating fast. He was not strong enough now, and he could not walk with Miao Ge. In a hurry, he could only put Chi Tongyu in front of Miao Ge and said anxiously: "Recover as soon as possible, and we will leave as soon as possible."

"What's wrong?" Miao Ge seemed to have not figured out the situation yet, and asked in confusion, "Are you not going to be with your sister and the others?"

"No, they seem to have problems, and they will do something bad to us... and you." Brennan said nervously.

"No." Miao Ge smiled, "They are all good people and will not harm us."

"But..." Brennan turned around and saw Mewger's innocent smile.

He smiled and said, "Believe me, they won't harm us. I can see the light in them..."

Brennan thought of the talents of the Star Silver Clan, and then looked ahead. The Eagle seemed to be provocative, but in fact he did nothing. His body slowly relaxed. Trust him. This kid has said whatever he wants countless times along the way.

Unexpectedly, Miao Ge's next sentence almost made him jump up.

"The sister's soul is gone..."

"She's lost her soul."

Yun Ze watched Lin Fan from beginning to end in confusion, not understanding where the soul of this person who was fine just now had gone.

"What do you mean her soul is gone?" Andingsao yelled. "Is it her spirit? Her spirit was damaged before, but it was repaired last time I went back!"

At this time, he also forgot that the eagle was still there, and the only thing in his mind was that Lin Fan's soul from Tiandu Star was swallowed.

But there has never been such a thing here!

When he brought the person over just now, Lin Fan was still awake. There was no one else in the middle...

Great idea!

Antonio looked at Miaoge with red eyes. He threw Yunze to the ground and ran towards Yunze with big strides.

"Hey!" Lu Xinyuan's hand holding the sword has dropped. What is going on now?

Merlinil, however, passed Lin Fan and hugged Antonio: "Calm down."

"Calm down!" Antonio raised his hand and elbowed someone behind him.

Merlinil didn't dodge and groaned, but still held him tightly with his hand, "Listen to what Fenze says first."

"I don't know either." Yin Ze seemed to take it easy, "Anyway, before that guy broke the barrier just now, Lin Jian's soul was still there."

Antonio is now a beast without reason, going crazy when he catches someone. Hearing what Fenze said, his head was buzzing and he wanted to rush forward again. Merlinil held him tightly.

"Oh my," the eagle's face suddenly appeared in front of Antonio, "What's going on? Why is it so fierce? I'm so scared!"

Antonio's mind suddenly cleared up. He thought of the role of the eagle and asked in a deep voice, "What did you do?!"

"It's unfair!" The eagle pouted and twisted its lips, pinching its orchid fingers and pointing at Antonio, "I didn't do anything. I am the master's demon slave..."

"Come on!" Antonio slapped his hand away and pulled down Merlinil's arm. "You and I both know the truth, so stop talking about other things. Indeed, you have more motives to attack us than that kid! What did you do? Whatever it is, it's for me! Don't you feel anything about how she treats you? You've been a demon for so long that you've forgotten yourself..."

"It's not me!" Eagle finally showed his true colors. He said to Antonio with a serious face, "I didn't do anything, and he didn't do anything either."

He raised his chin and gestured to Yunze who had already stood up. Yunze was also looking at him.

"You mean him?" Antonio turned and looked at Miaoge coldly.

"Me?" Miao Ge was bewildered. "I didn't do anything!"

"None of you did anything!" Antonio shouted, holding his head, "Where did Lin Fan's soul go? It can't be that she ran away on her own, right?"

"You're right." Jiu shrugged, showing his unruly and relaxed look again.

"Speak clearly!" Antonio grabbed his collar, his fist raised, "I have wanted to beat you for a long time. Believe me, you don't want to know the consequences of angering me!"

Jiu looked steadily into Antonio's eyes and put away his playful smile: "When Lin Jian's body was purified by Miao Ge, her soul was temporarily squeezed out."

Miao Ge was stunned. How could he really be involved? But how could his purification technique squeeze out the soul of a person? Ah! Could it be...

"What about her soul?" Lu Xinyuan asked anxiously.

"Originally, her soul returned after the purification, so there was no problem with Yinze's investigation at that time." Jiu sighed helplessly, "However, when the barrier was broken, the energy fluctuations thrown out by the purification threads when they rebounded were too large, and pulled out her soul that had not yet been completely attached to her body."

"So where is she now?!" Antonio yelled. "Just say it all in one breath!"

"You know that the soul is also a kind of energy, right? If I'm not mistaken, her soul should be considered as part of the barrier's energy and sent back to its creator." Yun Ze said quickly, with his hands on his chest.

He was also surprised when he saw her soul flying out and tangled in the fragments of the barrier, but it happened too quickly and he had no time to stop it.

"Beside the Creator?" Antonio didn't react at first.

Merlinil understood.

"It's the Queen of the Dead!"

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