Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 100 Additional Practice

Chapter 100 Additional Training

Lin Fan walked listlessly on the runway accompanied by Song Ren.

She never imagined that she, already in her 30s, would have to undergo military training again.

Song Ren had just announced the sad news to her before setting off.

Although there is no need for obedience military posture and formation training, and the intensity given to her at the beginning will not be too high, it still cannot change its essence.

Military training, Lin Fan couldn't help but think of the scenes of being exposed to the sun in high school and college.

That memory has long faded over time, and now I suddenly think of it, the only impression I have is the word "hard work".

During this time, Li Chunhua kept talking to her about how clean and efficient Song Ren's training methods were.

The special operations team he personally trained before joining the 800 is still the number one squad in the ministry. Although Song Ren has left for more than two years, they still firmly hold the championship, leaving other special operations teams far behind.

According to the personal admission of the team members, Song Ren is really ruthless in training!

Going beyond the limit is no longer enough in front of him. If he insists on summing up, it is probably to break and then build, and to survive after death.

Li Chunhua showed yearning every time he mentioned this.

Although after arriving in the 800s, Song Ren was also responsible for the training of the reserve team, but due to the change in the nature of the work, more emphasis was placed on endurance and reaction training, and the intensity was greatly reduced.

Li Chunhua was unable to experience that kind of extreme training and has always felt very regretful.

Lin Fan could sense his positive attitude, but she was noncommittal about the idea of ​​seeking abuse.

Unexpectedly, today, Li Chunhua's dream came true.

Song Ren wanted to train Lin Fan, so he also trained Li Chunhua. Of course, the intensity of the two is definitely different.

Compared to Li Chunhua, who grinned from ear to ear, Lin Fan's psychological activities were quite complicated.

She believed that if she didn't have to worry about her special physical condition. Song Ren will definitely use any means to train her into a king.

If we go back 10 years, she might have the same aspirations as Li Chunhua.

But, she is already 35!

In a few years, children who meet on the street will call her "aunt". Practice at this time...

But can Lin Fan refuse? She can't.

Lin Fan curled his lips, suppressed many thoughts in his mind, and started running slowly again.

Song Ren knew that Lin Fan wanted to be strong at heart.

In just 4 months, he never once mentioned that Lin Fan had persisted in training by his own will to reach this point.

Jin Sichen was pleasantly surprised by the rapid recovery process. He once told him in private that Lin Fan's subjective will played a decisive role.

But for depressed patients, generating subjective will is a very difficult act in itself, let alone putting it into action firmly.

Lin Fan was tougher than he thought.

Do such people still need to temper their will? No need at all.

Military posture and queue training can improve trainees' awareness of obedience and enhance their sense of organizational discipline. To enable trainees to develop a high degree of unity and strict discipline.

But Lin Fan didn't need it.

She always knew what she was going to do and she always did it well.

Lin Fan's particularity also determines that she does not need to be unified with others.

As for discipline, 800 is not that strict to begin with, so naturally it can’t be said.

After these few months of getting along with him, Lin Fan's character has been inseparable from him.

She always works quietly, puts in a lot of hard work, and does what she can.

No matter what kind of requests he or others in 623 made, she always tried her best to cooperate without any hesitation.

During the intensive transformation some time ago, the scientific trio tested Xingchen's resistance to high temperatures, pressure, impact, and many other aspects, and obtained a lot of data for use in the research of wearable mechas.

Since the transformation cycle was changed to once a week, Xingchen's condition has become more stable.

Now, after the transformation, Lin Fan will never fall into a coma again, and he rarely even looks pale. From feeling weak at the beginning, I feel just a little weak now.

Everything looks great, except for the duration of the transformation...

"Boss, we're done." Li Chunhua caught up before entering the training room.

There are several training rooms for the reserve team. You need to submit an application for activation before use, and you can enter normally only after the application is approved.

Song Ren was not prepared to let Lin Fan share the training room with others, so he directly granted long-term use rights to a small training room.

A boxing ring was set up in the middle of the empty room. One side is covered with large soft cushions and a large floor-to-ceiling mirror. The other side was filled with training equipment, and all kinds of metal equipment made a cold and hard breath hit his face.

Lin Fan's basic endurance and flexibility have reached the standard, and now he needs to do strength training.

Although she has lost dozens of pounds, her body muscle mass is low and her strength is very weak.

Everyone suspected that her weakness after every transformation was related to her muscle mass, so muscle training was naturally on the agenda.

"Come on, don't stop, do a set of stretching first." Song Ren reminded Lin Fan.

Although she ran in and out and her speed was not very fast, stretching after exercise was still essential.

Lin Fan had been doing aerobics for several months, and he was already familiar with the stretching exercises. He did it by himself without Song Ren's prompting.

Song Ren and Li Chunhua, who had just finished running, also accompanied him.

She thought that after stretching, she would start lifting weights.

Who knew that Song Ren pointed to a sit-up board and asked her to lie down and do sit-ups. He took a stopwatch himself and stood aside to prepare the time.

Sit-ups? She often did it when she was in school, and she passed the test easily every time.

Lin Fan didn't take it seriously and lay down. As a result, I struggled for a long time and couldn't get up...

She held it up for a long time, like a flapping dead fish, her face turned red, but she still couldn't get up.

In the end, Song Ren couldn't stand it anymore and gave her a hand to help her sit up straight.

After sitting up, Lin Fan stopped moving. I don’t know if he was tired or was shocked.

I was really tired. At that moment, I felt even more tired than the previous run.

And it’s embarrassing!

Sit-ups were a compulsory test for middle school students, and she couldn't do any of them, not to mention failing.

"People who haven't exercised for a long time suddenly do these movements like this." Song Ren squatted in front of her to comfort her, "Sit-ups require the use of abdominal muscles. You have low muscle mass, so it is normal for you to be unable to do them."

Lin Fan seemed to be comforted and felt a little better.

"Come on, let's try the arm muscles again." Song Ren continued.

Lin Fan got into a plank position, then slowly bent his upper arms and lowered his body.

As soon as I bent it a little, I felt my arms begin to shake, as if they couldn't support my body. She gritted her teeth and continued to control her body downwards.

Li Chunhua on the side looked at her arms shaking like sieves, with a look of dismay on his face. The next second, she was seen hitting the soft cushion heavily and lying motionless.

Lin Fan didn't want to move. She thought her recent exercise had been quite effective, but as a result, she couldn't do any push-ups or sit-ups.

Actions that children can easily complete are so difficult for her.

Is she already so useless?

I couldn't help but feel depressed again.

"You don't have muscles in your arms, so it's expected that you can't do it." Song Ren knew that Lin Fan didn't have any muscles in his body when he was massaging, but he still needed to actually test it in this way.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Fan forced himself not to think too much, eager to divert his attention, and turned around and asked.

"Well, I need to stand up and test my legs." Song Ren didn't rush her.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Lin Fan stood up after lying down for a while.

Song Ren guided her to the wall and leaned her back against the wall. "With your legs shoulder-width apart, step your legs forward and squat down."

Song Ren didn't stop until Lin Fan's knees and hips were bent at 90 degrees.

This movement looks easy against the wall.

But Lin Fan felt that soon after squatting down, his legs began to feel sore, and then he started shaking unconsciously.

"How long are you going to hold on?" She looked up at Song Ren, who was holding his watch.

"Persevere until you can't hold on anymore." Song Ren replied, "This is a test of your muscle strength. The longer you hold on, the stronger your muscle strength is."

Lin Fan took a deep breath and looked forward. He pressed his hands tightly against the wall behind him and gritted his teeth.

It wasn't until she felt the pain in her joints getting worse that she asked Song Ren for help: "I can't help anymore, my legs hurt."

"Can you get up?" Song Ren saw that Lin Fan's whole body was stiff, so he probably couldn't get up. He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her up.

After Lin Fan stood up straight and quickly rubbed his legs with his hands, he finally came back to life.

"How was it?" Although he knew the result was not optimistic, Lin Fan still asked.

Song Ren didn't answer directly, just smiled at her.

However, Li Chunhua comforted him from the side: "Don't worry. When the boss hands you over, the clay figurine can turn you into a king."

Not only was Lin Fan not comforted after hearing this, but he felt a chill in his back.

The good days...are gone forever, right?

On the first day of the attack, train her. Lin Fan's hard days are coming. Chapter 100, finally entering the next stage. If you want a ticket, a recommended ticket or a monthly ticket, come on.

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