The fiefdom increases by 1 soldier in 1 second, and the empress kneels down and begs not to rebel

Chapter 565: What is destined to happen will happen, what is not destined to happen will not happen

Xiao Yiming was silent for a long time before he said, "Your Highness should think in the long term."

Prince Qing held his chin and looked at him.

Xiao Yiming had a blank expression on his face, and the two of them looked at each other in silence.

After more than ten breaths.

"That's not what you think." Prince Qing put down his hands and hugged his arms. Xiao Yiming opened his mouth but didn't know how to answer.

"Before the world is at peace, I will divide Qin Haotian's military power. In this way, I think there won't be anything out of control."

"However, if he attacks in advance, it will be very troublesome." Prince Qing rubbed his eyes. "Just thinking about dealing with such a person is really a headache."

"What do you think?"

Xiao Yiming looked at the setting sun and whispered, "I hope that day won't really come."

"If the day comes when we meet in battle, will you still be the same? Stand on my side?" Prince Qing returned his gaze to the goose feather float.

"Sure." Xiao Yiming's eyes dropped and also looked at the float.

And at this time——

The float sank dreamily into the dark bottom of the water.


Prince Qing grinned and picked up the fishing rod and lifted it up.


The fishing line was pulled straight, and a few drops of water fell on the line, but the fish did not come out of the water with the taut fishing line.

"Great! Big fish!" Prince Qing exclaimed in surprise and quickly stood up to hold the fishing rod.

Xiao Yiming also quickly moved his chair back to give Prince Qing more space to bring the fish ashore.

"After waiting for a whole day, I finally caught this big fish! This fish is not small! Xiao Yiming, go get the scoop net!" The fishing rod was bent badly, and Prince Qing looked excited. He shouted while reeling in the fish.

Xiao Yiming hurriedly picked up the scoop net and waited by the side.

"Wait a minute! This fish is very strong. If I don't let go of its strength, either the line or the rod will break, and I will never be able to pull it up."

Prince Qing's face was excited but also a little nervous, and his face had turned red.

Xiao Yiming looked up and saw that the lotus leaves on the water were shaking with the struggle. The fish had already stirred up waves on the water.

Although the water was deep and the fish was still under the water, Xiao Yiming could vaguely see the shape of the fish.

He exclaimed: "Your Highness, this fish is indeed quite big."

"It looks like a black carp!"

Prince Qing laughed: "Really? I haven't caught any fish today, but I have to keep an eye on this guy!"

"But it's really powerful!" Prince Qing slightly bent his legs, but his body was leaning forward, and his feet moved forward little by little, as if he was about to fall into the water.

Xiao Yiming hurried forward: "Your Highness, I'm here to help you."

"No need!" Prince Qing shouted, his eyes shining as he stared at the water. Several lotus flowers there had fallen down and the fishing line had even shredded many of the lotus leaves, but this was all because of the big fish that was still struggling underwater.

"You don't understand the fun of fishing. It's all about slowly wearing out the fish's strength. When it runs out of strength, it will naturally float to the surface and you can then pull it to the shore."

"I must catch this big fish today!" Prince Qing's face flushed, his eyes full of excitement.

Xiao Yiming waited nervously, but the situation became worse and worse. Prince Qing had already reached the shore. He bent his knees and leaned back, and the fishing rod had bent into an arc that was almost a semicircle.

This was really bad, it seemed like the fishing rod would break at any moment.

He looked towards the water surface again, but this time he could no longer see the fish. It was obvious that it not only did not float up, but instead dived deeper into the water.

Just as I was worrying about it, it came true. The next moment, I heard a "click".

Before he turned around, Xiao Yiming heard King Qing yell, "It's over!"

The fishing rod broke with a sound, leaving only the bamboo skin attached. Prince Qing leaned back and fell to the ground with a "bang", and his hands loosened at this moment.

In a moment, the fishing rod was dragged into the water. Without even waiting to get up, Prince Qing reached out to grab it, but the fishing rod had already been dragged into the water.

"Fuck it!!!" Prince Qing was furious and slapped his thigh and yelled.

But as soon as the curse fell, Prince Qing was stunned, and it was Xiao Yiming who jumped into the water.

Xiao Yiming jumped into the water and grabbed the broken pole, shouting happily, "I caught it! Your Highness! It can't run away!"

Prince Qing then patted his butt and slowly stood up, laughing and saying, "Boy, you haven't been brought up yet."

"You can't beat it in the water. That's its territory."

Xiao Yiming swam with one hand and tried hard to pull up the fishing rod with the other hand. With this effort, the fishing rod was lifted up. Xiao Yiming smiled and said:

"We will definitely catch him! Don't worry, Your Highness!"

Prince Qing just smiled and said, "Okay, then it depends on your ability."

"If I could really lift it up, I would not let go of the fish and would roast it and eat it!"

Xiao Yiming held on to the broken rod tightly and began to swim towards the shore. The fish stopped struggling, as if it had no strength left. After a few moments, Xiao Yiming swam to the shore.

He immediately said, "Your Highness, why don't you carry it ashore?" He saw that Prince Qing was itching to catch some fish. He had been fishing all day and had finally caught this big fish. If he didn't carry it up himself, he would probably regret it.

As he expected, Prince Qing came over with a smile on his face: "Okay! Then I will fight it again."

After saying that, he reached out to take the broken rod. Xiao Yiming watched him lift the rod and reel in the fish with a smile on his face. But unexpectedly, the water surface was wavy again and the fish started struggling underwater again.

Prince Qing's face changed, he tightly grasped the fishing rod, and just shouted:

"I'll tell you!"

"This fish is getting bigger and smarter! It can't be that it has no strength. It is hiding its strength to attack!"

Suddenly, he shouted with joy:

“This is definitely a rare big fish!”

"If we catch this, we can't eat it yet. We have to take it home and raise it!"

It was already evening, and the setting sun had dyed the sky crimson. This charming scene is rarely seen on ordinary days. The water was surging, and the lotus leaves and flowers were swaying in the wind, and they were broken and fallen because of the big fish.

A dilapidated and withered place.

Prince Qing was holding the broken pole while Xiao Yiming stood quietly beside him, not even bothering to wring out his wet clothes. He just waited nervously.

Prince Qing was panting, but his eyes were getting hotter. He had never seen such a powerful fish in all his years of fishing. He had never seen what the fish looked like, so he asked again:

"Are you sure it's a black carp?"

"It doesn't feel like it."

After King Qing asked this, Xiao Yiming could not be sure. He had only taken a quick glance before and could not see clearly, but it seemed to be a black carp vaguely.

"Well... maybe."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fishing line suddenly loosened, something shot out from under the water, and Prince Qing fell backwards to the ground again.

A burst of curses followed: "What a powerful beast!"

"This made it run away!"

But the fish broke free from the hook. King Qing was anxious and angry, and threw the broken pole aside. Xiao Yiming was about to jump in again, but King Qing shouted:

"Don't go down. If you run away, you run away."

"What a pity, alas." Prince Qing sighed, and Xiao Yiming was helpless. He just said, "Your Highness, I will bring people here tonight to cast a net and catch them."

Prince Qing stood up from the ground and waved his hand, saying, "No need."

"Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it."

He sighed and looked at the waves that had not yet stopped in the middle of the mess of lotus leaves.

Although he didn't catch the fish, he saw something on the hook the moment it came out of the water, so he shifted his gaze back to the shore.

At this time, Xiao Yiming also walked forward and picked up the line.

The line was pulled up, and the object hanging on the hook appeared in their eyes.

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